

Trakanon Raider
Yeah it's just like the games where almost every major faction is a different shade of evil.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
They're purposefully making out all the factions as flawed.
The scenes have fundamentally different framing. Watch vault tec and other corps sitting around talking about the need for nuclear war v her monologue about how she embraced Lucy's mom.

If this is their attempt to misdirect and eventually go "see she was bad too!" its pretty dumb. Anyone with half a brain sees shes evil.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean look at Fallout 4 factions

Institute: Your actual son runs the place. Gets you almost killed but then is like "water under the bridge, I want you to join the family business". Has a lofty goal of restoring the wasteland, but eh who cares if some people die.

BoS: BoS Hitler wants to kill all mutants and ghouls and synths. He's cool with humans, so long as they submit to BoS rule and stay out of their way

Railroad: Super idealists that are sniffing their own farts so much they don't realize they're actually harming what they are trying to help (memory wipe synths they "rescue" and basically make Synths extinct at the end if you side with them)

Then there are the Minutemen, but they're boring as fuck and Preston sucks so who cares lol


Avatar of War Slayer
Just another example of how awful writing in modern media is. Shes very clearly just as bad/evil as Hank/Vault Tec yet everything about her in ep8 portrays her as a good person. The way she talks, the way her scenes are shot etc. Compare them to the scenes showing vault tec setting everything into motion.

Its just so garbage. Its all clearly written by people who have lived in a bubble and never genuinely experienced anything in their lives. Like watching a tv show about cars from someone whose never set in a car, their only knowledge of cars comes from youtube.
Vault 4 literally deifies her in an effigy. and yeah, shes never given any pushback on her commie shit, or when giving BoS shit on power right before she dies. And she gets that tendor death moment. the show 100% thinks she's a hero. its like the Ghoul, where no one ever gets one over on him, never has a clever one up to put him in his place. he always has the cool one liner to say.

we aren't saying shes not flawed, we are saying the show isn't treating her like shes flawed. it seems to think shes right.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well she is right about giving the BoS shit about the power - if they're Mojave/Fallout 4 style BoS, they're going to keep it for themselves and use it to project their own power


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Everyone seems to forget that if this takes place shortly after FNV (seems very likely) and they are going with the fall of NCR ending from FNV, the NCR had a restored working power grid in the area around Shady Sands (shown in the end credits of FO2 and mentioned in FNV). So the more likely scenario was they just plugged their fusion reactor into the existing grid (or what was left of it after Hank nuked both NCR and BoS armies in Shady Sands prior to the series start) likely just as a proof of concept or rally cry to get the NCR back together. Seems pretty clear to me that Commie woman was central to NCR and that the raiders were likely survivors of the collapse of the NCR.

But this would be completely lost on anyone who had never played the games. I am hoping they are running with the House Always Wins ending of FNV, because it would make the most sense and have the most interesting story options. NCR suffers economic collapse after getting buttfucked by New Vegas securitrons, Legion is in full retreat (possible internal power struggles if Caeser is dead at this point), Burning Man is in play, and BoS is a total shitshow because they had sent so much of their central leadership to the Commonwealth after the NCR beat them down. Lots of potential ways they could go in that scenario.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I think all the season 1 tropes made it painfully clear they are going for the new republic of gender fluidity as the main good girl faction.

The tranny is going to get busted for stabbing herself in the foot. Probably get told on by the young astronaut fellow.

She/him will have to flee for its life from the maga brotherhood only to find a home and become the leader of the new and even more diverse california republic.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I think all the season 1 tropes made it painfully clear they are going for the new republic of gender fluidity as the main good girl faction.

The tranny is going to get busted for stabbing herself in the foot. Probably get told on by the young astronaut fellow.

She/him will have to flee for its life from the maga brotherhood only to find a home and become the leader of the new and even more diverse california republic.

If this is another BB refugee larp account he's obviously going for the "stereotypical everything is woke 'foh TV forum bro' LARP


<Gold Donor>
Never played a Fallout game, but really enjoyed the show. Maybe that is out of ignorance from how they changed the source material, but again I really enjoyed it. Also, Ella Purnell is very easy on the eyes.
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> Than U
Was just at the smoke shop and they were playing episode 1 of this. One guy said he tried to watch The Last of Us but couldn't get into it since he didnt play the game, then said he hasn't played Fallout either. Other is like game was good but depends on which type of Fallout guy you are.

I laughed so hard.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Was just at the smoke shop and they were playing episode 1 of this. One guy said he tried to watch The Last of Us but couldn't get into it since he didnt play the game, then said he hasn't played Fallout either. Other is like game was good but depends on which type of Fallout guy you are.

I laughed so hard.

me too bro, me too



Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I enjoyed it just as a campy story in the fallout universe. Those of you trying to dig deep in this shallow as plot hole riddle shitfest of a story aren't doing yourselves any favors, you are just going to make yourself hate it. This is fast and furious level popcorn flick entertainment with a heaping side dish of woke bullshit, that's all it will ever aspire to be. Honestly if anything it just makes me want to see Fallout 5 release but hopefully not as dumbed down as Fallout 4 was. The fallout series itself always had morally ambiguous retards doing morally ambiguous things the rest were just flat out vile and evil shit.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Never played a Fallout game, but really enjoyed the show. Maybe that is out of ignorance from how they changed the source material, but again I really enjoyed it. Also, Ella Purnell is very easy on the eyes.
The "they changed the lore" edge lords are all retarded. I am a bonofied expert on the fallout lore (and was even friends with one of the leads on FNV) so believe me when I say I was scrutinizing shit for them changing the core lore. Everything they did in the show does not conflict with the core lore. The BotS airship coming back after NCR collapses was hinted at in FO4. Northern LA having a working power grid was in the ending of FO2 and mentioned in FNV. Pre War ghouls lasing longer before going feral was hinted at in several games. Vault Tec being potentially responsible for starting the war (remember they were heavily in bed with the Enclave) is definitely something that was teased in the games.

That said, there are two things they added to the lore I could see people bitch about breaking cannon, when really it was just something added to the world by the show writers that either had not been mentioned or considered before. First is the idea that Ghouls could stave off going feral by taking certain drugs, which really all the sapient ghouls in the games except Harrold were mega chem addicts so its not exactly a big stretch. Second (and much more picky) is the idea that Gulpers existed out west (they had previously only been seen in the Far Harbor area on an island in the NE in FO4). Third, the whole cold fusion from commie woman being a thing which honestly is minor in the scheme of things when you look at other mad scientist shit in the universe to say nothing of Big MT. Finally the idea of VT having nukes to nuke Shady Sands with, which is easily plausable since the bomb in the middle of Megaton had a fucking Vault Tech logo on it in FO3 and (next to Enclave) the remnants of Vault Tec have the most resources of anyone still operating from pre-War times.

But as I said, if you are not into the video games and only watched the show or (in the edge lord's cases) you only have superficial knowledge of the in game universe (especially if all you played were the FPS entries) you are very unlikely to know these things. And the show did not have the time to explain them to the viewers without that pre-existing knowledge for the most part. I am mostly ok with that as I am sick to death of origin stories, but it did hurt their story telling for the finale mostly because NCR Commie Immortal Science Lady had little to know explanation of context in the show.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I enjoyed it just as a campy story in the fallout universe. Those of you trying to dig deep in this shallow as plot hole riddle shitfest of a story aren't doing yourselves any favors, you are just going to make yourself hate it. This is fast and furious level popcorn flick entertainment with a heaping side dish of woke bullshit, that's all it will ever aspire to be. Honestly if anything it just makes me want to see Fallout 5 release but hopefully not as dumbed down as Fallout 4 was. The fallout series itself always had morally ambiguous retards doing morally ambiguous things the rest were just flat out vile and evil shit.
Sorry on that front, but too much fake and gay especially with Microsoft in the room now with this shit. Their hatred of Obsidian for making the best entry in the post FPS franchise is irrational and costing them fans, but they are intent on destroying their own IP rather than admitting they fucked up and got shown up by the original creators. FO5 will end up making 76 look like BG3.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Sorry on that front, but too much fake and gay especially with Microsoft in the room now with this shit. Their hatred of Obsidian for making the best entry in the post FPS franchise is irrational and costing them fans, but they are intent on destroying their own IP rather than admitting they fucked up and got shown up by the original creators. FO5 will end up making 76 look like BG3.

Probably, but this is the bane of any of these gaming companies over time. They get shitter and shittier due to woke fagness. I still haven’t played 76 but FO4 was the least favorite entry. Not from a gameplay perspective that was fine but from just a general dumbed down dialogue perspective.

As these games grown in popularity and budget just like any medium, TV, movies, whatever they dial down the grim realities to make it more palatable for people who never were fans of the series on the first place.

See Blizzard with trans Diablo, removing references of rape from a literal hellscape filled with the lord of terror. Or even something as mundane as a roll two joints reference in WoW.

I think the reason New Vegas was so beloved and got so much as for as expansion love because they were allowed to really go all in as a smaller side studio without a table of suit retard faggots ruining it. And again Balethesda has been butthurt ever since because they made a better game than they ever could.

That shit aside though the Moldaver commie queerness in the show is was just jarringly bad which is why Ep 8 was probably panned over all. They tried to cram to much lore verbally in a video format which was retarded and made worse because the goddamn character motivations turned out to be aids especially because she cares about Lucy’s mom but it fine letting Lucy get raped and killed but wanted her to follow. Pants on head retardation. Whatever though like I said the plot is shallow and I am watching it more to see how they bring the world of fallout. Story can blow asshole as long as I get to see some Super Mutants and Deathclaws.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Sorry on that front, but too much fake and gay especially with Microsoft in the room now with this shit. Their hatred of Obsidian for making the best entry in the post FPS franchise is irrational and costing them fans, but they are intent on destroying their own IP rather than admitting they fucked up and got shown up by the original creators. FO5 will end up making 76 look like BG3.

Fo5 is going to be an ai random generated content mess, I betcha.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I saw an interview with Ella/Lucy and they kept asking about Arcane. No clue she voiced Jinx

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Second (and much more picky) is the idea that Gulpers existed out west (they had previously only been seen in the Far Harbor area on an island in the NE in FO4)
The gulpers in the show looked to be an Axotol or something, Far Harbor and FO76 had regular salamanders.

In FO76 the Westtek computers dive into some of the lore of the mutated animals. Gulpers were a proto-FEV experiment
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