Fell Seal: Arbiters Mark


Molten Core Raider
This might sound like the dumbest fucking shit ever, but after playing FFT and it being my favorite game of all time with Tactics Ogre being a strong contender of greatness as well, I can't get into the sprites in this game. It's like if I'm playing this genre, they have to be pixel midgets in the style of FFT or my brain hates it. Lmao, it's weird. I've tried so many goddamn 'tactical RPG' ripoffs of FFT that I could find though, and most of them are complete shit.

The sprites turn me off, too. It's like they're generic and flat or something. But it's still good gameplay.

I’ve pretty much felt the same about the genre as you just described. Disgaea was a tactics series that I got into but it’s a completely different animal than FFT/OT and I don’t really compare them
to each other.

In contrast, I love the Disgaea sprites but the gameplay feels too shallow and repetitive.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
The sprites turn me off, too. It's like they're generic and flat or something. But it's still good gameplay.

In contrast, I love the Disgaea sprites but the gameplay feels too shallow and repetitive.

My biggest gripe with Disgaea is the mages are so ridiculously OP compared to everything else so if you use anything else you’re gimped as fuck so it ends up just so repetitive and you’re just relying on a mage army to move forward. It’s fun for 30-40 hours then I’m burnt out on just map blasting the best weakness to win.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I want to find whichever dev thought there should be a separate achievement for mastering Bzaro and kick him in the fucking nuts.

I would guess it is gonna take 15-20 hours of non-stop ap grinding just for that one achievement. So I'll probably settle for 42/43.
  • 1Worf
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Molten Core Raider
I pre-purchased a long time ago but saw they were doing the expansion so never started. Looks like a lot of content, the time i played in beta was pretty fun, rather had a few more abilities per class but such as life.

Most of us old gamers have our rose colored glasses on when we think back of the older games but FFT was not one of them. Still my favorite game of all time (FF3 US, Ogre Tactics, Tactics Ogre, and Disgaea series all up there). Believe it was early highschool and i had been reading about it in some magizine and found a number to call to order finally after searching forever (wasnt out in US yet, thought i found a secret way to get it early). Ended up costing $120 and then it wouldn't fucking work passed the main screen because it was a JP version hahah. I was so fucking depressed.....
  • 1Worf
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Bump since this was recently in the Humble sub.

fucking lol @ level 5 of the Ancient Path (semi-hidden dungeon you can unlock once the final boss fight is available). I've been sticking exclusively to story characters just because custom characters are so OP in comparison, and the first four levels of the Ancient Path have been fairly easy so I've been going with sub-optimal builds in non-mastered classes for the AP gains. Then level 5 happened.

Level 5 has lava, and features a PC-esque optimized demon knight/assassin with hover boots as one of the enemies. So I'm continuing my casual advance that has worked for the previous maps, then all of the sudden the dkass runs out over lava, uses the assassin swap places ability to instakill reiner, then uses demon knight's cleave bonus action to run up and crit kyrie from behind, instakilling her too. Might have to take this fight seriously.

Why are you saying custom characters are more OP than story characters? I haven’t played in months but I thought everyone except the bug guy could do every class plus their own unique one?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I want to find whichever dev thought there should be a separate achievement for mastering Bzaro and kick him in the fucking nuts.

I would guess it is gonna take 15-20 hours of non-stop ap grinding just for that one achievement. So I'll probably settle for 42/43.
Yeah I feel your pain. It is the one seriously bullshit trophy in the game. I spent maybe 7=8 hours AP grinding with him to get it done. But it was the only thing between me and platinum and the OCD was too strong.

For those tooting the story of FFT (and it remains probably my all time favorite game), there are a couple tactics games made by the same developers that are worth looking at for a similar calibre story. The first and well known one is Tactics Ogre, which could be credibly said to maybe be a better game. The second is a prequel to Tactics Order that centers on a side antagonist from the original and his origin called Knights of Lodis, which was a GBA game, but is available all over on emulators. Both games had amazing stories to go with solid game play.

I hope the expansion stuff ups the game a bit, in terms of story in this game. The gameplay and challenge are there, for sure, if you want to tackle the side fights.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why are you saying custom characters are more OP than story characters? I haven’t played in months but I thought everyone except the bug guy could do every class plus their own unique one?

There are 6 badge (require a semi-rare consumable to unlock) classes that are only available to custom characters which are much stronger than the story character classes. Anadine is mostly on par with custom characters since Demon Knight gets one of the op badge class abilities (Cleave).


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
There are 6 badge (require a semi-rare consumable to unlock) classes that are only available to custom characters which are much stronger than the story character classes. Anadine is mostly on par with custom characters since Demon Knight gets one of the op badge class abilities (Cleave).

Ah yeah I remember those. Forgot they were custom class restricted.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Got this game and enjoying it a lot. But, off topic question for this group of gamers: Can anyone remember a tactics game that was basically a divergent WW2 time line with tanks/artillery, etc in a FFT style? I remember it on Playstation....maybe? Or maybe it wasn't WW2 at all, but steam punk tanks and people in turn-based strat? Shit, being older and not remembering stinks.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Valyrie Chronicles? Yeah 1 and 4 are good, rest are dogshit. Both are available on PS4. The path to plat VK4 is even more bullshit than this game though. Those games were fun, but the fights got frustrating with the tactics math cheat AI crap at times. Plus each game had its broken combo of faceroll, too. First one was sniper beatdown. For VK4 its Mortar cluster with spotter.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Got this game and enjoying it a lot. But, off topic question for this group of gamers: Can anyone remember a tactics game that was basically a divergent WW2 time line with tanks/artillery, etc in a FFT style? I remember it on Playstation....maybe? Or maybe it wasn't WW2 at all, but steam punk tanks and people in turn-based strat? Shit, being older and not remembering stinks.

Advance Wars? Ring of Red?

Valkyria Chronicles is a turn/real time hybrid.


Between this and Batttlechasers: nightwar you can really throw yourself back into a 90's trip. I believe both were offered via humble in the past.



Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Between this and Batttlechasers: nightwar you can really throw yourself back into a 90's trip. I believe both were offered via humble in the past.

It’s really fun at first then mid game it gets stupidly grindy and boring. Shame because it was pretty cool in the beginning and the graphics are nice.
  • 1Solidarity
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Molten Core Raider
The "true" spirtual successor to FFT is a kick starter called Unsung Story (?) that has been handed off a couple times now i think and in development for quiet some time. They are FINALLY releasing first full stream of gameplay across the first part of the game on June 1st. They have had alot of design changes but its finally starting to look like a really solid game.

One of two games i've ever kick started so of course it had to be one that got delayed years haha.
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<Bronze Donator>
Got this game and enjoying it a lot. But, off topic question for this group of gamers: Can anyone remember a tactics game that was basically a divergent WW2 time line with tanks/artillery, etc in a FFT style? I remember it on Playstation....maybe? Or maybe it wasn't WW2 at all, but steam punk tanks and people in turn-based strat? Shit, being older and not remembering stinks.
Front Mission 3?

Square-Enix tactics with mechs

Most of the series never came out in America but that one and FM4 on PS2 did in our generation

Maybe wrong and off topic but actually derail worthy if we are talking about FFT replacements that people may not have played


Trakanon Raider
Arcadian Atlas

Has anyone heard of this? This is one of the only games that comes close to being in the style of FFT (aside from simply being turn based tactical) that I think has some potential. There isn't much in the way of full gameplay or testing footage, but from what has been shown it looks like a solid contender for checking a lot of boxes that I think most (if not all in some form) TRPGs since FFT have.

Sorry for derailing, but this seems like the most approriate place of discussion for it.

Now for some thoughts on the game that this thread is actually for, haha. I bought it a night or two ago for $30 because I wanted to support the studio regardless if I ended up sinking into it or not. I think they really, really nailed the gameplay and minor details that make this obvious that it's a true spiritual successor/influence of Tactics. The way combat flows, the menu and unit formation, the world map, visiting towns, and even the way dialogue and cut scenes play out are in many ways almost identical to FFT. I think the gameplay is extremely solid and overall this has struck me as an extremely polished and well thought out game from the bottom up in that regard. A lot of times, especially when people make games as an ode to another legendary game, they deliver on some nostalgic points or in any number of ways, but tend to end up a little messy and shallow or with numerous other failings because I think it's hard to create a game you don't have a full vision for from scratch. I like the fact that everything is streamlined and optimized for a modern console and a modern player mentaity. Navigating the game and world is intuitive and sensible, menus are smooth, and if you've played Tactics you pretty much know exactly what's going on from the beginning. They did a good job of updating the feeling of it without holding onto old designs that are silly to keep simply because that's how they were in the genre's peak. I think the spells and classes are cool as well, and I like the idea of being able to customize my unit completely such as changing their name and outfits, etc. I do wish there were a bit different options when it comes to customization, but that's not a big deal.

I feel like such a crotchety old man, though. I really don't think I can get into it despite all the good things I had to say about it above. I just cannot stand the art direction and character design. The writing obviously isn't mind blowing top tier shit either, but I can totally look past that as it seems passable enough where I'm at and haven't gotten far enough along to really judge more. I don't care for the giant text boxes and playful looking font and bright colors of everything, it throws me out of trying to take it seriously. The animations and spell effects combined with the sound effects seem extremely, extremely underwhelming to me. This is by far my biggest issue with the game besides the art, I mean like damn is that shit boring (so far). Just casting a simple spell like Fire or seeing some badass shit from a Holy Knight that takes control of your screen and has this dope ass short cinematic effect for a sword skill in Tactics was something I didn't realize how much I appreciate. Most everything I've done in this game so far feels...empty, for lack of a better word. No real satisfying feeling from hitting someone, or casting spells, or even killing someone. That death scream that's notorious in FFT was honestly a really powerful sound byte! It's a really weird combination of things for me, because while I think the game is good and the gameplay is well designed, I don't really enjoy it and I'm not sure why because I want nothing more than a game like this. One other thing I noticed while I was playing (the first battle, actually) is that you also can't rotate the map in this game? Atleast not on console apparently. An enemy ran into an alleyway that was obstructed by the rest of the building and I had no way of rotating my camera angle to see where he was or what was going on at all. It took me like five minutes to figure out I could actually move back there and that he didn't disappear in a buggy glitch or a cinematic 'escape'. With everything else they designed so well, that seems like a massive oversight, dude! I can't imagine playing through a TRPG in its entirety and never being able to swing the camera around and see shit.

TLDR; Overall seems like a fantastic game with thoroughly well implemented design choices, but not really enjoyable so far because I'm a ridiculously picky, over expectant, rabid piece of shit FFT fanboy who can't get past dumb minor shit in any other game in the genre. I'm getting fucking old and stubborn, guys.
Not FFT/10
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Arcadian Atlas

Has anyone heard of this? This is one of the only games that comes close to being in the style of FFT (aside from simply being turn based tactical) that I think has some potential. There isn't much in the way of full gameplay or testing footage, but from what has been shown it looks like a solid contender for checking a lot of boxes that I think most (if not all in some form) TRPGs since FFT have.

Sorry for derailing, but this seems like the most approriate place of discussion for it.

Now for some thoughts on the game that this thread is actually for, haha. I bought it a night or two ago for $30 because I wanted to support the studio regardless if I ended up sinking into it or not. I think they really, really nailed the gameplay and minor details that make this obvious that it's a true spiritual successor/influence of Tactics. The way combat flows, the menu and unit formation, the world map, visiting towns, and even the way dialogue and cut scenes play out are in many ways almost identical to FFT. I think the gameplay is extremely solid and overall this has struck me as an extremely polished and well thought out game from the bottom up in that regard. A lot of times, especially when people make games as an ode to another legendary game, they deliver on some nostalgic points or in any number of ways, but tend to end up a little messy and shallow or with numerous other failings because I think it's hard to create a game you don't have a full vision for from scratch. I like the fact that everything is streamlined and optimized for a modern console and a modern player mentaity. Navigating the game and world is intuitive and sensible, menus are smooth, and if you've played Tactics you pretty much know exactly what's going on from the beginning. They did a good job of updating the feeling of it without holding onto old designs that are silly to keep simply because that's how they were in the genre's peak. I think the spells and classes are cool as well, and I like the idea of being able to customize my unit completely such as changing their name and outfits, etc. I do wish there were a bit different options when it comes to customization, but that's not a big deal.

I feel like such a crotchety old man, though. I really don't think I can get into it despite all the good things I had to say about it above. I just cannot stand the art direction and character design. The writing obviously isn't mind blowing top tier shit either, but I can totally look past that as it seems passable enough where I'm at and haven't gotten far enough along to really judge more. I don't care for the giant text boxes and playful looking font and bright colors of everything, it throws me out of trying to take it seriously. The animations and spell effects combined with the sound effects seem extremely, extremely underwhelming to me. This is by far my biggest issue with the game besides the art, I mean like damn is that shit boring (so far). Just casting a simple spell like Fire or seeing some badass shit from a Holy Knight that takes control of your screen and has this dope ass short cinematic effect for a sword skill in Tactics was something I didn't realize how much I appreciate. Most everything I've done in this game so far feels...empty, for lack of a better word. No real satisfying feeling from hitting someone, or casting spells, or even killing someone. That death scream that's notorious in FFT was honestly a really powerful sound byte! It's a really weird combination of things for me, because while I think the game is good and the gameplay is well designed, I don't really enjoy it and I'm not sure why because I want nothing more than a game like this. One other thing I noticed while I was playing (the first battle, actually) is that you also can't rotate the map in this game? Atleast not on console apparently. An enemy ran into an alleyway that was obstructed by the rest of the building and I had no way of rotating my camera angle to see where he was or what was going on at all. It took me like five minutes to figure out I could actually move back there and that he didn't disappear in a buggy glitch or a cinematic 'escape'. With everything else they designed so well, that seems like a massive oversight, dude! I can't imagine playing through a TRPG in its entirety and never being able to swing the camera around and see shit.

TLDR; Overall seems like a fantastic game with thoroughly well implemented design choices, but not really enjoyable so far because I'm a ridiculously picky, over expectant, rabid piece of shit FFT fanboy who can't get past dumb minor shit in any other game in the genre. I'm getting fucking old and stubborn, guys.
Not FFT/10

Just wait until FFT Remake. It’s exactly what you’ve been waiting for but better. The graphics are all jacked up to 11, and they’re making the combat action oriented so it’s an RTS. Also the cutscenes are so amazing, even the cutscenes have cutscenes. All those iconic songs you’re jonseing for? Gone, but replaced with one’s that are kind of like them but better.

I’d suggest turning down your monitor brightness, and listening to your own music if those are your only two gripes. I’d prefer those two things be different/better but damn this scratched the FFT itch for me, like no other.