Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Golden Knight of the Realm
Got my second exdeath this morning, pretty pumped I can bench arc finally. Just need to make some more gold so I can powerlevel refia on up


Trakanon Raider
25K Lapis and 60 tickets on the Noctis banner.

4x Chizuru
2x Mercedes
4x Zidane
Enough Charlottes to fuse for her TMR

And, finally,


Feels good man.
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Trakanon Raider
Nicely done! My christmas tickets were meh. Some charlottes, mustadio and shadow. I've been doing lapis refill TM farming past two days, and have earned around 43% for my team. Plan is to finish a full 5x TM's before the 2nd part of the raid releases next friday, which should fully kit out my friend unit in BIS tm gear. At the current rate, it's going to cost around 5500 lapis to bring 5 TM's from 0 to finished in ~5 days. 5 TM's is probably more value for me than another pull full of sabins and such, so it's worth it. Still planning to do 1 or 2 11 pulls on the final Noctis day if the bundle daily tickets don't give him to me.

Still only have the one copy of dualwield (genji glove). Sure would like to see a zidane or two.


Golden Knight of the Realm
When you guys TM farm are you doing it manually or botting? Was going to start doing that but wasn't sure if it is ok or not.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I pulled a xiao yesterday or the day before (so many tickets lately its turning into a blur) so at some point I soon need to work xiao and snowx2 into a TM batch to pimp out firion. As my current TM batch finishes (Celes, Karl, Zidane, and Hayate) I'm rotating in til I end up with Agrias, Chizuru x2, Miyuki x2, so my batch after that will most likely be Noctis, Snow x2, Xiao, and Leo. Could sit Celes since Elza is no longer my friend unit, but she's past 50% anyway.


Molten Core Raider
Did two 10+1s today. First one... troll rainbow hayate. Don't know what possessed me to even want to pull again but did and finally noctis. :0


<WoW Guild Officer>
Looking for advice. I'm not here to brag. I've pulled 3 Lightning (so far my only base 5 unit pulls) and I don't know if I should make all 3 my core team. I don't have the equipment to deck all 3 out.

My current team is:
Lenna 5* (I still need mats to awaken Refia to 6*)
Chizuru 5* (same as Refia for awakening)
CoD 6*
Lightning 6* x2

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you.
Work on Refia first, she's really the best healer at the moment (and for a while, I think). Also, start working TMRs to minorly deck out all 3 if you can.

When you guys TM farm are you doing it manually or botting? Was going to start doing that but wasn't sure if it is ok or not.
There's manual, there's macro'ing, and there's botting. I macro with Memu, and it's supposed to be "ok" by Gumi so I'm fine using it.
Difference between botting and macro'ing is that macro'ing is just repeating the same click-spots for results, not actually making any decisions. It's a fine line for sure, but Gumi is supposedly ok with macros.
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Trakanon Raider
You have to be a special kind of masochist to manually grind out TM. Usually a player either macros it, or they use moogles to get a few of the best TM's over time (obviously a lot slower, but less headache involved too).


Trakanon Raider
So outside of Gigantaurs, what's the best way to get experience? I assume an exploration with a whale friend unit but which one?

I used up all my cactaurs before pulling Noctis and I want to get him to 6 star level 100 asap.



Molten Core Raider
I run mystic forest with a whale noctis friend or whale elza. They have to be able to kill the ochu, which requires AOE skills I'd you aren't paying attention (elza) or big burst survival if you are (noctis)


Mr. Poopybutthole
If your friend is whaley enough to solo the boss, Mystic Woods has the best energy-xp ratio. Lots of shit like poison and mana drain though, so it's not a very good option for autobattling with a macro unless the whale you're bringing is Elza. Remember to kill the Ochu before killing the Microchus though. If the Ochu is alive when the last Microchu dies he goes berserk and does quite a bit more damage, which could potentially kill your companion and spoil the entire run.

Maranda Coast is retardo easy, just need to check the script every 5 minutes or so to cure poison. Dwarves Forge is just a teensy bit harder than Maranda Coast but still very easy. If you're macroing Forge, you'll want to make sure that nobody has fire weapons equipped (which a lot of companions do atm) and that everyone in your party can kill a grenade in a single autoattack, because if you take a grenade below 50% without killing it, it explodes.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
The #1 ranked guy on the event has already spent close to 50k lapis on energy refills. The prize for first place is 8 tickets, 3 moogles, and 10k lapis.



Mr. Poopybutthole
So if you're willing to record a fairly simple macro, you can use Santa Roselia to macro level LBs any time that you don't have the energy/lapis to spare for TM farming.

Santa Roselia uses entrust every turn on subject. Subject simply has auto attack on, a fire element weapon equipped, and a LB that does not add a second source of damage. (You will be doing this on the 1* Ifrit boss fight)

Santa Roselia will run out of mana, so you have two ways to keep her going. 1 is to use the Refia/Bartz mana battery. Turn 1 lifegiver Roselia, turn 2 lifegiver Refia. Other option is to use Rosa's bless or Noctis' cover. If you use one of those abilities, you need to make sure that the unit in question has enough spirit to gain back as much mana as they use and that the macro is set up to make sure they gain the full three turns of mp regen before recasting bless/cover. Rosa should be fine with normal gear, but with Noctis I had to actually swap in a spear and throwing weapon to make sure he had enough spirit. You can also equip noctis with a shield if you don't have DW. If you use the Bartz mana battery trick, be sure Bartz has a fire weapon equipped since he has counter.

I assume that Santa Roselia's counter healing will fire often enough to make 1* Ifrit's damage irrelevant, but you can also use fire shield + ifrit to make someone immune to fire and/or equip angel rings.

Mana battery macro example:

Turn 1: Roselia entrusts Garland, Bartz life gives Roselia, Refia arises Bartz, hit auto button
Turn 2: Roselia entrusts Garland, Bartz life gives Refia, Refia arises Bartz, hit auto button

macro repeats

Rosa/Noctis macro example

Turn 1: Roselia entrusts Garland, Rosa/Noctis uses group mp regen, hit auto button
Turn 2: Roselia entrusts Garland, Rosa/Noctis defends, hit auto button
Turn 3: Roselia entrusts Garland, Rosa/Noctis defends, hit auto button

macro repeats

Obviously this is inefficient as hell but it's a complex workaround to get out of grinding CoD's TM. With CoD's TM there are no steps, you just take the person whose LB you're working on and then make sure they have a non-fire ability equipped that they can end the fight with.


Trakanon Raider
Finally got my Noctis from todays ticket bundle. All told on this banner I did 7 days of dailies, and around 35+ tickets. End results were 4 Mercedes, 1 Chizuru, 1 Noctis, 15 Charlotte, 1 Warrior of Light, and a few other misc TM fodder.

Still only have that one Chizuru, so may still do an 11 pull on the banner. Going to see what kind of announcements come in about the next banner first though. WTB a Zidane banner (with an actual rateup).


Trakanon Raider
You got out of this banner a lot easier than I did. Right now I'm at 350 Lapis and 4 tickets. I, literally, went all in on the Noctis banner and luckily it worked. With that said I came out of the banner with some great TMs and Noctis. My resources are completely tapped out but since I pulled Noctis I don't have buyers remorse. 60 Tickets and 25K Lapis down that hole...

But during the pulls I came up with 4 Zidanes! I was ecstatic with the first and was shocked when he kept popping out. His TMR is only at 26%. I'll get the Christmas Moogle in the next day or so and the month end Moogle but I see some serious TMR farming in my near future. I may actually have to drop a bit of cash to get some Lapis for refreshes. My current TMR team is Zidane #1 for DW, Locke for Rising Sun, Cecil for Excalibur, Miyuki for the Katana, and Bartz for Doublehand. Bartz is over 50% so I'm just finishing it out. I pulled a Garland when pulling so I figure it won't go to waste. And it will tide CoD over until I get to the next Zidane.

Batch #2 will be Chizuru for Blade Mastery, Miyuki #2 for another Katana, Zidane #2 for another DW, Maxwell for Power of Creation and Hayate for a Black Cowl. I know a lot of those would really help my Noctis out but I don't want to start a new batch of TMRs until I finish the first batch. Everyone in Batch #1 is in the 30 to 40% range without any refreshes. So I figure I can finish off the first batch which will give Noctis a massive upgrade with DW, the Katana and Excalibur and CoD will get DoubleHand and a Rising Sun.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm trying NOT to put the Christmas tickets into the Noctis banner. With 7 (!) Chizuru, Mercedes, and countless Charlottes, continuing to dump into it seems futile.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm trying NOT to put the Christmas tickets into the Noctis banner. With 7 (!) Chizuru, Mercedes, and countless Charlottes, continuing to dump into it seems futile.

Yes you are absolutely wasting your tickets chasing Noctis at this point seeing as how unlikely it is you'll ever need more than one Mercedes. Either chase Santa Roselia or save your tickets for a future banner.

JP is getting FF15 event on the first, but I doubt it will be simultaneous which means GL will be getting the FF15 event almost a year after the game releases.


Vyemm Raider
No Noc for me yet. 1 10+1 and around 30 tickets plus dailies. I do have a few Chiz and Miyks for the katana and bonus to hand out eventually. 1st pair is only 50%.

Not too upset actually, and may do another 10+1, as I don't have any Zidane's yet. So pulling one would mean pulling my gengi glove off him to give to noc. i guess i rather not see a leet melee dps w/o another dual wield upgrade to pair w/.

dunno why I waited so long, but finally ditched my Delita for Exdeath for my arena team. Cecil, Refia, Luneth, Gilgamesh, and Exdeath. I didn't need the shield break and his dps is almost non-existent.

my 3rd Excal is almost done, and Moonblade. makes killing a cecil in the area almost impossible. often if it's the enemy cecil left, i'll just hit auto and look away.