Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there any reason to keep doing the raid if you have all the rewards? I started doing missions for lapis since I got everything, I don't see a point in continuing.


Trakanon Raider
Nope. Just for the daily and then you can do the lowest version. I was hoping they would add some stretch goals but no such luck.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My Noctis can solo ELT Dread Frost with his gear setup. Takes a while because of how low his damage is, but as long as you're careful there's basically no chance ELT Dread can kill you. So if you're a newish account and can't beat ELT Dread with a pure damage whale, you can use my Noctis to slowly grind him down to get your Winter Ward.

Priority list. Yes, there are two #1 priorities, because if you fail either one you die.

1) Point Warp when you see Focusing Power. Smash will kill you.

1) Dispel when you see Enhance. An enhanced Snowstorm will kill you. Unenhanced Snowstorm hits me for about 1kish when I'm debuffed by menace.

2) Keep your hps up with point warp. I had a very close call the first time I tested this out on ELT when I got hit with multiple death claws a turn for three turns while damage warp and parry repeatedly failed to proc. It's better to take a couple extra turns killing him than try to speed it up and risk failure. My general rule is if I'm below 3500, I point warp. You don't need to intentionally let yourself drop below half to activate demonic life, I guarantee it will happen all on its own on elite.

3) Only use warp break for damage. Link doesn't stack with demonic life and point warp eats up 2 turns anyway. Point warp is a full mana restore so don't worry about running out.

That's pretty much it, it's an easy fight as long as you're patient.

MAKE SURE YOU CHECK MY GEAR BEFORE YOU START THE FIGHT. I use Noctis in arena, so make sure I'm not in pvp gear when you try to take me along. Don't blame me if you waste energy because you didn't check first and Noctis gets absolutely wrecked. For reference, in arena gear I have Ifrit as my esper and 683 atk. In my event gear, I have Shiva as my esper and 415 atk.

Player ID is 791 675 201. Make sure you put FoH or something in your player note so I can prioritize you over randoms.

Gear setup:

Vernard, Ice Shield, Black Cowl, Black Belt Gi, Black Choker, Jeweled Ring, Demonic Life, Power of Creation, Seal of Destruction, Dispel.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
So I've been rolling a fresh account on and off all day. I guess the only time to pull for units is during a banner event cause these 11 pulls on the new start really discourages me lol. Am i correct in this assumption? I should just be hording tickets and Lapis waiting for new banners and hope during the banner pulls I also get some good TM units?


Trakanon Raider
If you're willing to re-roll, then you want to aim for the absolute best, depending on your level of patience. I'd say the overall single best unit in the game to start with would be Gilgamesh. He's a strong unit, he's top tier after his enhancements, and he brings dual wield TM. If you happen to do a re-roll that has Noctis + Zidane, that's overall probably a better combo though, since you still get dualwield, but also have Noctis, who is more useful than Gilgamesh overall. Luneth or Lightning are also both super strong starter units, since they have dualwield naturally, but they're both weaker long term if you have the dualwield TM on a better unit. Edit: Luneth is also amazing post-enhancements, so he's a keeper too.

Right now, the only banner is the shitty Christmas banner, and none of those units are very good (compared to other options). If you want to start the account now, I'd save up the tickets/lapis for the next super banner.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Sell you a starter account with Gigglemash and Zidane, plus Garland, Terra, and Charlotte for future 6*s, with ~4500 lapis for 40$.

FYI, Charlotte's 6* is a loooong way off, Terra's isn't very good and is a ways off, Garland is ~3 months out and is the second best 3*6 in the game after Firion.


Potato del Grande
That's better than the Christmas sale. I still don't have either one so no dual wield. Lightning is a great all around character with dual wield built in, just easier to play the game with the versatility.

But having a dual wield TM changes a lot of things. 2 is even better.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sell you a starter account with Gigglemash and Zidane, plus Garland, Terra, and Charlotte for future 6*s, with ~4500 lapis for 40$.

FYI, Charlotte's 6* is a loooong way off, Terra's isn't very good and is a ways off, Garland is ~3 months out and is the second best 3*6 in the game after Firion.

Nono I'm good with my main account, I was just dicking around after doing my daily stuff. It was just doing 11 pull after 11 pull and getting really crummy draws was eye opening. I'm down to farming TMs to get my next power increase, and that is a rather lackluster process as well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For gods sake someone paypal/amazon me 5 or 10 bucks so I can buy more friend slots. The friend UI is sooooo bad.


Vyemm Raider
self induced :)

I took y'alls advice w/ arena and saved up 5 orbs to use right at start of this season. was lucky and ranked up the following morning. now i'm hovering between 150 and 900. my dog woke me up around 3am last night, so didn't waste any orbs. I'm not seeing higher than 1.20 modifier though. dunno if i can keep up w/ not wasting any orbs the whole month but we'll see.

dual meteor, luneth hit-all, gilg divider, usually kills everyone unless they have a cecil. if i go second, my refia and cecil can keep me in the game. kinna tempted to bring a 2nd exdeath instead of one of my healers, but don't really need more damage most of the time.


Potato del Grande
You won't see 1.5s till a little later in the week. Just keep attacking the highest people you can. Must be more people trying to get into the top 3k because I've used a ton of orbs from rank ups and shit and still am not as high as last week.

I'll easily hit top 2k though after spending half the month dicking around in the 5-15k range.


Mr. Poopybutthole
santaslut, gilgamesh, and zidane #3 this morning. too bad the first two were on reroll accounts, but ramza/gilgamesh should fetch a decent price. No complaints about DW #3 for the main account though, aside from only having had 15% worth of moogles banked. First world problems.


1 zidane on my main account, 2 gilgameshes, 2 santasluts, and 1 zidane on my rerolls. What a fucking ridiculous morning.


Decided last night I was going to give playing on JP a try. Going with my second reroll this morning, my starting lineup is Noctis, Eileen, DK Cecil, Firion, Crowe. With a Zidane for DW.

That's right, I rolled 3 Zidanes and 5 5* bases this morning.
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Potato del Grande
Ok, who wants to start the intervention group? This is a safe place Brony, we're here for you. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
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Trakanon Raider
I've got Zidane #1 up to 50%. Once we get our monthly Arena awards that will go up another 10%. I got $3 free on GooglePlay because of "reasons" I guess so using that for some Memu refreshes. I'd really like to knock out my first batch of TMs in the next week or so.

I wonder what type of event we'll get this week. We had the Maze two weeks ago and the raid this week. I'd say we're due for a King Mog event which means lots of grinding and less time for TMR farming.


Trakanon Raider
New years gift of 5 tickets is nice, but when compared to the JPN version, we got kind of shafted. I'm really shocked there was no special bundle, or even a special banner to pull on. We're due for Rain's 6* upgrade, so that's probably coming soon. Dark Fina's coming soon too, and even though she's a great mage, mages are still kind of meh compared to physical teams (usually).

I'm probably not going to do any pulls until the FF2 banner with Firion's upgrade. I don't have a Firion yet, so getting one or two of him would be nice (if he's on the banner, which he should be). If I was going to go for a mage unit, Emperor would be the one I want (5* base mage from FF2). Maybe I'll do some daily pulls on Orlandeu banner, at least until I got a copy of Lawrence, since his TM reward is the 2nd BIS light armor for Noctis (Ramza's TM being the best, but don't have him). Too bad he can't cross-dress and wear Minerva Bustier, lol (wonder if Cloud will be able to once he's released...)

I really want to get the Gilgamesh trial! It's the first bleeding edge ultra hard content of the game supposedly, and it also gives the BIS katana for free which is non-elemental (currently using Chirijaeden, but the fire element can be a handicap sometimes). Sadly, Gilgamesh trial won't be here until February according to the wiki.

I need some better TM's to work on in the downtime. Right now I'm working on black cowl, ring of lucii, dualcast #2, minerva bustier, and champion belt.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Welfare pull. Derp. Tired.
