Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Golden Squire
So many rainbows lately. Grats everyone! I'm not having any luck with dailies either and I want to save my tickets for the next event. I will pull dailies a few more times and see if I can get a Xon at least. I can probably finish his TM now with moogles.


Trakanon Raider
Not enough friends put up Xon so I decided I really needed my own. 3 more tickets and I landed one, so I'm pretty happy. All in all, I didn't do too bad on this banner. Freyvia, Xon, and 3 Aiden for ~14 tickets and 4 dailies.

I put up Xon as my friend for use. Equipped him so that he should be able to one shot nearly everything during explorations with Waylay so he can be used to powerlevel units while farming.


Trakanon Raider
I'm down to 2k Lapis and out of tickets. I think I'm cutting my losses on this banner. I only pulled Aiden but I can't complain about the off banner Ramza.

I figure that the Tidus and Rikku banner is still a solid month away (at least since their is a solo Tidus banner first) but I want to make sure I have resources to pull for Rikku when she does land.


Trakanon Raider
I'm mostly tapped on tickets myself. I have only 4 remaining, but still around 17k lapis left. I'm buying the daily ticket package for 300 lapis as a way to stock back up.

Sure wish I could have back those 70'ish tickets I tossed into a black hole chasing Orlandeau.


Molten Core Raider
First banner I didn't spend a penny on but got Xon & Ice bitch; been busy as fuck RL so just been really TM farming. Finally starting to make some ground, finished 2nd brave suit, 2nd sparky, another bracer and have Marie's robe 60% done as well as another shine at 90%. Queen's TM is at 40%, and working on moonblade at 35% as well.

Next decision is do I 3 more shines that I have or do I do the 2 DKC TM's so between them and moonblade I have a good dark ele setup incase DKC gets enhancements 1st. Not spending time on ice bitch TM at the moment since I only have one L&A and I already have 2 strong mage gear sets.

On vacation next week so probably won't be doing much so hopefully they don't tie enhancement mat's to the easter shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So the announcements for the next batch of enhancements should be tomorrow, but what's really surprising is the 6* upgrade announcements. Miyuki, which isn't a big surprise, and Yuri which is a major wtf. Yuri is a ~3 month old unit that came out with Ayaka, why the fuck would she be getting a 6* upgrade over the dozens of far older units?


Trakanon Raider
getting a 6* upgrade over the dozens of far older units?

I frequently wonder why they basically ignore so many of the popular FF heroes to instead focus on the random no names they create.

So does anyone know if Fryevia can build a chain decently with Gilgamesh's tri-attack? I'm thinking maybe Gilgamesh with an ice weapon + Fryevia can be my chain builders? I know they're not a double Orlandeau comp or anything, but hey, you use what you have. I can't really test myself yet since I'm trying to conserve cactuars by leveling Fryevia in explorations, and she doesn't learn the chain move until lvl 100.

Another random thought: With how much they're throwing auto-refresh items at us (CLuna TM, Aiden TM, Ling's skill, soon Ramza's song, etc) are they trying to smooth out the power jump from Tilith's eventual upgrade? The big perk to Tilith is her team mana regen, but if mana regen is far more common on global compared to JP, and if we don't need her mana regen skills, does that bump Refia (especially with enhancements) into the top healer slot even after Tilith's upgrade?


Mr. Poopybutthole
6* Tilith may unquestionably be the best healer in the game until Ayaka comes out, but it's Orlandu and enhanced Ramza that create the big jumps in power, not Tilith. And it's also not Tilith's 99 that makes her so good, it's the strength of her entire kit as a whole. She has super camo, curesunaja, aoe break immunity, aoe arise, aoe full heal, dispelga, aoe resist all (except dark), on top of her curaja+ with mp regen.

You'll be using her full heal every turn on stuff that's really healing intensive anyway because prism heal (the mp regen) doesn't affect herself.


Golden Squire
Thanks for putting up Xon's everyone. It definitely makes a difference and is much appreciated for the time saving for each exploration; especially when Way Lay 1 shots everything too.

A quick note on *6 Lasswell: you have to gear him up pretty heavily to hit the 999 cap with each hit of his ice/wind double attack. I only got mine to 450 ATK with my modest gear set/materias and Diabolos and he's only hitting for 300-500 with each hit. It's still better than the unit he replaced. His base ATK stat is pretty low for a *6 so that hurts him a bit.


Vyemm Raider
i was offline most of the weekend, so playing catchup on this event.

you can only make 1 Cold Snap and 1 Second Knife, right?
the other 3 items aren't that impressive. i guess a couple each can't hurt.

am i missing why this event has everyone so hyped?


Trakanon Raider
Event is popular because it's easy to farm, gives out some nice stuff (free dual wield is amazing for F2P players without TM's), and the TM's from the event units are basically entirely free. After a few days of grinding the event, you should be able to just automatically finish some of the TM's from moogles gained from the event summon. It also gives a ton of cactuars and gil turtles for bonus gil / leveling. Would have been nice if they threw us a few summon tickets this event, but I guess can't have everything!

Also next week we're supposed to be getting enhancements buyable with this easy to farm event currency, but the details are still unknown.

T Tiphares try giving Lasswell the man-eater materia as well (assuming you bought it from star quartz)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lasswell's enhancements for heir to the blade are dirt cheap and are good for another 20% atk as well, reasonable chance that Lasswell will be included in the first batch of GL enchanctementents


Golden Squire
I tried man-eatet on Lasswell and saw a bump in dmg but no where near cap yet. Daily got me Kain so i threw 1 more ticket at the banner and pulled Xon! Too bad i already burned most of my cactuars. Will get him maxed out asap. Got his TM right away. Anyone tested it out?


Vyemm Raider
his useful skill is like lvl 8, so you can put him up as companion pretty much right away


God is dead
Ready for Arena.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah it's really annoying how few people are putting Xon up. I don't need your goddamn Orlandu/Olive to clear story quests, but Xon would make maxing my eggs a helluva lot faster.



<WoW Guild Officer>
Man, are people investing that much in the game for lapis or getting mystery summon tickets? I blew a large amount on Orlandeu but I was never at more than 50 at any given time....


God is dead
Man, are people investing that much in the game for lapis or getting mystery summon tickets? I blew a large amount on Orlandeu but I was never at more than 50 at any given time....

If you were on the reddit ffbe channel I'm marked as a Deep Sea Monster... I've prob spent 2-3 grand now :shrug:

Need to buy more lapis. Its a rounding error in my daily stocks.