Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
Someone a few pages back asked about a setup using camoflauge on a cover tank (like Cecil). Well, I tested it out. I put two copies of camoflauge on Cecil (they stack for 100% immunity to anything single target) then I just guarded the whole team a bunch of rounds to see what happens.

Cecil was never targeted (obviously) but he still jumped in front of an attack most of the time when other members got targeted. The problem with that setup though is that cover can only proc on one member per turn (though it covers ALL attacks against them that turn). By using camoflauge on the cover tank, you remove the chance that they may soak some hits from multiple enemies or multiple boss attacks against different members.

What you could do is put 2 copies of camo on your entire team except 1 member (not the tank). Then every attack will go against that single member, and when cover procs 75% of the time, your tank would mitigate every single attack of the round. Problem then would be that 25% of the time cover doesn't proc, and then your non-tank is soaking 100% of the damage of that round, which may be bad.

On the other hand, it's a wonderful strategy for double tank setups. For example, for those of us who pull Snow on the FF13 banner, he's a draw fire tank. Since he has draw fire (+50% target chance) it reduces the camoflauge requirement to only 1 copy per member to make all attacks go on Snow 100% of the time. He's bulky enough to take the hits since he's a tank, and 75% of the time Cecil would take the hits instead and add his stacking +50% damage reduction from cover.

Of course, the catch is you need a lot of copies of camoflauge, and after like 3 months of doing 50+ FP summons per day, I only have 4 copies. Down the road though, once we've had more time to build up copies of camoflauge, it's an interesting thought for some setups maybe. For now, I just keep 2 copies of camoflauge on my healer and/or raise caster which makes them nice and safe anyway.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haha, I'm a genius!


Or we're a genius. Genius by committee! The important thing is that genius was involved.
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Heh finally got pro down using a lenna friend. Was super easy with Shant, Cecil, Chiz, Fina, CoD. Can finally work on maxxing Terra, Celes, Golbez, Kain and Rydia now. Hopefully.pull a decent unit with dailies now that I'm done with the event


Trakanon Raider
My first S-4 fight is double wyrms... I'll come back once I get my Cecil upgraded.

They're way overhyped. It's two mobs, and they don't resist breaks, so fullbreak them on turns 1 and 2. Turn 3 is when they use their needle breath, and with fullbreaks + bar-aeroga (this is important), it should be survivable without much issue (if you have a unit on Golem, guard them if it's not CoD due to wind weakness). You can even guard the entire team on round 3 just to be extra safe, and/or include focus or shellga.

If your dps is high enough though, one wyrm will be dead before turn 3 anyway, and a single needle breath from the remaining wyrm is nothing special.


Molten Core Raider
This game hates me. I daily pull every day and spend about 5 tickets on decent banners. I missed Agrias despite about 7 gold crystals (all trash) and still havent gotten a Cecil. I hope I dont get to thursday and have to start spending more tickets. I spent 5 this morning and got 2 Edgars, Rydia, Russell, and Krile.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Alt pulled Pcecil two days in a row, main pulled Clyne and Russell. ><

So here's the crystal results of 20 pro awakening runs. Short version is I averaged 1.15 Sacreds per run, so INT would have to average 0.575 or higher to be better than pro for sacreds.

Run 1) Sacred x4
Run 2) Sacred x2
Run 3) Sacred x1 Holy x2
Run 4) Holy x4
Run 5) Sacred x1 Holy x1
Run 6) Holy x4
Run 7) Sacred x2
Run 8) Sacred x2 Holy x1
Run 9) Sacred x1 Holy x3
Run 10) Sacred x1 Holy x2
Run 11) Sacred x1 Holy x3
Run 12) Sacred x1 Holy x2
Run 13) Sacred x3 Holy x1
Run 14) Zilch
Run 15) Sacred x1 Holy x3
Run 16) Sacred x1 Holy x3
Run 17) Sacred x1
Run 18) Sacred x1 Holy x1
Run 19) Holy x2
Run 20) Zilch

Today I've been running Wolfsfang Peak with Lenna and my level 40 three star Cecil. I'm nearly to his level 3 limit break. I think I'm just going to Awaken him after getting level 3. It's just too damn tedious.

The macro link Vorph posted has an exploration macro. It just clicks back and forth in a short diagonal line lower left to upper right, so you have to periodically check back to either move to the second xp zone or complete the exploration, and its less efficient than manually controlling it with entrust chains, but it's also a lot less tedious.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm not entirely sold on Cecil's limit break being all that important anyway. I mean sure, it's amazing for what it does, but how often do you actually use limits on real boss fights? I don't know the details of how limit gauges work, but on trial bosses, I can go the entire trial before anyone fills up their LB gauge. On trash mobs in explorations, sure, it fills up fast as hell, but does a limit break really matter against trash packs?

On boss fights, I can expect to maybe get off 1 limit during the whole encounter. Is it really worth spending weeks or more grinding his LB just so you can have ~20% more str for 3 turns over cheer? I don't think it's worth it myself, which is why I went ahead and maxed out my Cecil right away. I'd rather use that slot in grind groups to work on another TM.


Molten Core Raider
I now have 4 Edgars. I am going to try and 1 shot Golbez with a lightning chain as soon as my coral swords finish.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm not entirely sold on Cecil's limit break being all that important anyway. I mean sure, it's amazing for what it does, but how often do you actually use limits on real boss fights? I don't know the details of how limit gauges work, but on trial bosses, I can go the entire trial before anyone fills up their LB gauge. On trash mobs in explorations, sure, it fills up fast as hell, but does a limit break really matter against trash packs?

On boss fights, I can expect to maybe get off 1 limit during the whole encounter. Is it really worth spending weeks or more grinding his LB just so you can have ~20% more str for 3 turns over cheer? I don't think it's worth it myself, which is why I went ahead and maxed out my Cecil right away. I'd rather use that slot in grind groups to work on another TM.
This is my exact thinking on it. I just don't give a fuck about the limits because they aren't actually that useful. Eventually I'm sure we'll get some limit-filling potions/consumables (and same for espers, probably), but right now idgaf.


Mr. Poopybutthole
6* Cecil gets high tide doesn't he? Also seems like it could be extremely good if they ever introduce boss fights that are more about endurance rather than bursting them down in a couple turns. Also, it's not like Cecil has a bad TM or anything.


Trakanon Raider
Cecil does get high tide, which will help some. Just to make sure I was remembering correctly I went and re-watched the video I made of the latest trial (Brachiosaur) to see how the limit gauges looked. Over the course of the full battle (like 6-7 turns) no one filled their LB at all, with one member being around ~80% full by the last turn, and the rest were all lower.

In that same group, Cecil with high tide would have filled his LB gauge around 4-6 turns into the battle, and then he could have gave his awesome buff for the last turn or two. By default, his LB at level 1 is already 50% stats, which is great. My only argument is, does the benefit of 20% more of a stat buff justify the extreme effort required to obtain?

If you have two copies of Cecil, then for sure keep the second one at 3* while you grind out excalibur. It was said that by the time excalibur is finished, his LB should be around rank 7 or so? In my opinion that's plenty. Raising it from 7 to rank 20-25 would take forever, and in my opinion, is not at all worth it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well you can't raise it past 10 at 3*, the LB cap is 10/15/20/25. So it doesnt take that long to finish maxing the LB once you've gotten excalibur. Granted that would only be 60% instead of 50% at 6*, but since Cecil has high tide, a good TM, and a LB that isn't just damage, it seems worth it in the long run.


apparently if you swap devices during an exploration, it resets your progress. whoops.
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Molten Core Raider
Completely reasonable to chase a 3* unit since it should be easy to pull right? I mean it only took dailies and 23 of my stashed tickets, totatally worth it right? Guys? ..... :(


<WoW Guild Officer>
Completely reasonable to chase a 3* unit since it should be easy to pull right? I mean it only took dailies and 23 of my stashed tickets, totatally worth it right? Guys? ..... :(
Hahaha no. :|

Halloween units announced... I'm sort of wanting ALL of them.
Lid is 3* and goes to 5* so I'm sure I'll get a ton of her
Fina is 4* and goes to 6* so probably one of her
Rain and Laswell are 5* base and go to 6* so I'll miss them entirely.

I'll just start with a preemptive "Fuck this game".


Trakanon Raider
I'm waiting to see their skills first. Supposedly Rain's a 6* tank... with doublehand (no shield), and his defense after passives is like 105? Seems meh, but maybe there's skills or passives that make it work, have to wait until tomorrow's patch to find out.

I'm wondering how challenging this halloween event is going to be. They bumped the FF4 event up like a month in the timeline, and that makes me think there's going to be some very tank required content coming soon.

At least that eschuton shield or whatever will put in some work. I have to assume they made some or all of the undead bosses immune to instant death through raise cheese.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Last 3 welfare pulls on this banner have been Clyne, Russell, and 4* Penelo.

I'm getting rather agitated.


Trakanon Raider
My last 3 daily pulls in a row have been edge, edge, maria. I feel your pain.

I want a dark cecil, for his TM, to use on garland 6*, which is a unit I don't have. Makes sense, right?


Trakanon Raider
I'd really like a Halloween Fina but chasing a 4 star base is not for the faint of heart. I've only pulled two so far: Garnet and Chizuru. My 6 star team looks pretty good but it's lacking a healer and there doesn't seem to be many options.


Trakanon Raider
Refia is the first end-game viable healer we get should be getting in the not too distant future (not counting new fina who may or may not be top tier). Refia is 4* base, and goes to 6*, so not too hard to pull. She has all of the top heals and cures, innate status immunity, arise (res with 100% heal), a superior version of cheer, and down the road when enhancements are added to the game she gets mana regen per turn, as well as a heal over time, and huge mana discount on her arise.

Basically, she's amazing, and if you give her dual cast, she can be your best healer for a very long time.