Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
I'd like a Lenna. I have Maria but she's stuck at 4 stars and Fina. Lenna looks like a solid upgrade. But I'm going to hold off on pulling until we get an idea between a major rate increase and the huge rate increase on the upcoming banner.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think they saw the bitching and upped the drop rates on demon hearts... I'm at 1 per run on INT now...


Lord Nagafen Raider
That last dragon on INT S-5 was actually a decent challenge shame it wasn't for any actual gear.


Vyemm Raider
Finally got the hero ring recipe. Just need to finish up this event so I can get back to my regularly scheduled progression. I haven't even picked up ramuh yet. 53 hearts down...

Farplane souls are what's holding me up more than anything, that and the craft time for 27 more void thingies.


Molten Core Raider
5* CoD lead

Just went through the thread and added everyone.

Thought the new units would be out since I had to load something upon log in. Used a ticket and got a gold to rainbow crystal with Kefka! Had to pull again with that luck. Wasn't until I hit the button that I saw it was still the last group. Got a 3 Artemios or whatever. Happy about the Kefka, but I need some better physical units bad.


<WoW Guild Officer>
5* CoD lead

Just went through the thread and added everyone.

Thought the new units would be out since I had to load something upon log in. Used a ticket and got a gold to rainbow crystal with Kefka! Had to pull again with that luck. Wasn't until I hit the button that I saw it was still the last group. Got a 3 Artemios or whatever. Happy about the Kefka, but I need some better physical units bad.
Yeah, banner for the new units is TOMORROW, even though they were added last night.


Trakanon Raider
I have enough hearts to make a rod, and busy farming for a second rod. Except I have no where near enough farplane souls. That's going to be just as long of a farm to get the 500 souls or whatever it takes. Sigh, I hope all events aren't this tedious.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The worst part is that I've been selling Farplane Souls whenever they get past one stack of 99 for weeks now. Probably sold at least a hundred of them at this point.


Trakanon Raider
I've got 48 hearts but I'm probably stopping after one Rod. The game is just so grindy. I enjoy it but I don't mind wasting stamina when there aren't events going on.

I was complaining about Record Keeper's pace slowing down but they release content all the time in comparison. Every 8 days is a new event plus a lot of extra, smaller, events tossed in. It also helps that I am current on the story mode with 8.5 hours of stamina. I can burn through that on non-event days in about 5 minutes and ignore the game for awhile. Still though comparisons aren't entirely fair since FFRK is over a year old so they've had time to work out the kinks. I'm sure BE will get there too but it's obvious they are going through similar growing pains.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah, I'm only making one rod. I'm having to grind through INT for the hearts and it's brutal.


Trakanon Raider
Forgot to add my friend code: 358,496,896

Leader is my 5*Exdeath who is level 47 now.

Hoping to pull a Leena and Warrior of light, I hear they are pretty damn good.


Trakanon Raider
There's supposed to be a special rateup event coming for FF9 units, including Zidane. Zidane's trust mastery (dual wield) is by far the best available, now and forever. If you don't already have 2-4 Zidane's, you should save a few tickets to get multiples. Long term, you want every attacker on your team to be dual wielding, even mages (for twice the magic from rods).


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So Pokemans have been boring me lately so I installed this. Is there anything in particular I need to be doing when just starting out, or just grind the main quest until my energy is gone?

Should I convert all my gems in to rare tickets, or save them?


Trakanon Raider
Main quest until you hit a wall, then levelup in the experience vortex for a while. Be sure to use the wiki especially when reaching a new town. There's a ton of hidden treasure, espers, and quests that you may not find on your own. Tommorow is a good rateup event for summoning which gives a strong mage, healer, and tank/support unit. It's worth doing a few summons until you have at a minimum a team of 5 units that can evolve to 5* rarity (you get 3 from the storyline, so you only technically need 2 more from rare summons).

The best deal for summons right now is to save until 5000 lapis, then buy the 11 pack (saves 500 lapis overall). There's speculation on reddit that the format is changing to a daily discount summon for 300 lapis, and the 11 pack is going away, but it's pure speculation at this point, so take that with a grain of salt.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
How does evolving to 5 star work? Multiple copies of the same guy ala puzzle and dragons, or just pure leveling? And how can I tell if they can become 5-star, or just gotta wiki?


Trakanon Raider
Forgot to add my friend code: 358,496,896

Leader is my 5*Exdeath who is level 47 now.

Its leveling, they have a cap level for how many stars they are then you just need the mats to evolve them. 3 stars is level 40, 4 stars is level 60 and 5 stars is level 80

Idk if there is a way in game to check their max stars, I had to use the wiki for that personally.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, wiki for how high specific units can go. If you do a bunch of summons and want more info on which are worth using, you can consult the ratings chart here. It's usually better to try to build around a single damage type (physical or magical) since that makes it easier to support with aoe buffs like cheer or focus, but mixed teams are fine too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's speculation on reddit that the format is changing to a daily discount summon for 300 lapis, and the 11 pack is going away, but it's pure speculation at this point, so take that with a grain of salt.
JP version had the 11 ticket bundle go away, but it was replaced by 5k lapis for 11 summons. Being forced to use all 11 immediately is still shitty though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Is it worth farming hard for the rod? ie how soon will a better version appear based on the JP timeline ?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's a 35 MAG rod from the Illusion of Bahamut event, a 60 MAG rod from the Giant of Babil event, a 72 MAG rod from the Lien Chan Battle (no idea if that translation is correct) event, and a couple TM rods (90/109 MAG) from units we don't have yet. No way to tell how soon, if ever, we'll get those events. GL isn't following the same release timeline at all.

I'd say it's worth farming at least 1 rod, but then again I have 4 Kefkas and a Tellah so it's unlikely I'll ever regret it.

Speaking of Tellah... this troll game never ceases to infuriate me. Pulled a few times this morning, got 2 Lennas (who is basically Fina++ so that's cool) and then my last pull was a gold crystal. Warrior of Light?! No, it's a fucking 4* Tellah, of course.