Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Looks like we'll be getting enough ingredients for a single premium box each day until the event ends too. Works out to an extra 10k cakes if you bought the recipe.


Trakanon Raider
Make sure you spend all of your cakes before Wednesday of next week. Any you didn't spend become worthless since King Mog won't buy them any longer. The next event will use a new currency.

So this afternoon I finished the Ultima TM of Terra, my first pull ever on this game. I have to say I'm not all that impressed. For sure, it does excellent damage (around 52,000 AoE damage per cast on random trash mobs when used by Kefka), but at 60 mana, my Kefka can only cast it three times before he's nearly out of mana. Did Japan ever get some kind of celestriad accessory to reduce mana costs of skills? Otherwise I doubt I even bother equipping it over another mag+10% unless there's some future trial where you have to do super burst damage in three rounds or less.

If osmose actually stole more than like 20 mana per use (while taking 10 to even cast), maybe it would be more viable.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Japan has Tirith for that.

Course, they also have completely broken stuff like Setzer + some Edgars.

Edit: Had an almost-repeat of yesterday. Worthless shit from the 250 (Bedile) and then I noticed I had one ticket left so I pulled and got CoD. At this point I don't think it's even worth pulling the 250 on the 2% chance that I might get WoL. Once I finish leveling these new units my main team will be Chizuru, CoD, Firion, Leo (or Kefka), and Lenna and that should be fine even without Full Break. I assume Rain will be the first 6* we get in GL, and he's far superior to either WoL or Vaan at 5*.

My big dilemma now is that I have 72000 cakes and I've not yet bought the last 6 tickets (27k), the shield (25k, for Firion), or the trust moogle (30k, for Zidane). One of them isn't happening, but I can't decide which one. I'm leaning towards skipping the last 3 tickets that cost 18k and that way I can still get the shield and moogle. The shield is really only good if you have Exdeath though, so I don't know.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Is there a post anywhere with peoples friend ID or do I just post mine now that I've started playing?


Trakanon Raider
Terra uses the shield too, so does Krile (she has a 5* coming and has dual cast innately). Also anyone who uses hybrid attacks (Bartz and his 500% damage wind strike at 6* is a hybrid attack). The shield is a global exclusive, and is still better than anything available even in Japan if the magic stat is relevant to the unit. Go for the shield absolutely, the rest is all non-unique.

And yeah, just post your ID twilight and people should add you. Make sure you have empty slots on your friend list, or you won't even see new requests.


Trakanon Raider

Friend request sent. Also, take my Kefka to the boss fight of Earth Shrine and use Hyperdrive. It should deal something like 800k damage, and give you all 3 ranks of the do a lot of damage in 1 hit achievement, which rewards 500 lapis. Use that on the current 1/2 off summon banner today and tommorow for a decent chance at valuable units.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Friend request sent. Also, take my Kefka to the boss fight of Earth Shrine and use Hyperdrive. It should deal something like 800k damage, and give you all 3 ranks of the do a lot of damage in 1 hit achievement, which rewards 500 lapis. Use that on the current 1/2 off summon banner today and tommorow for a decent chance at valuable units.

rofl, thanks. was actually worth 1k lapis since it also got me the third rank for total damage done.


Trakanon Raider
The new event for the 72 atk sword is out. This event seems nice so far. Each exploration gives around 12-16 ore, so you can easily farm enough materials for multiple blades without much grind. Be aware though, the pro dungeon is for endgame characters, so bring your A team. You have to fight a gauntlet of three bosses in a row at the end, and they're rough. Some random tips:

Bring a tent, and maybe some ethers.
Having a unit with an escape skill helps since the special materials are from gathering points and the trash mobs are very resilient, so it's usually better to just run from trash.
First boss is aquatic, last two are humanoid, so killer passives from materia or innates are great if you have access.
Last boss does blind and paralyze, so plan accordingly.
Earth resistance (gaia gear, golem esper, barstonra) helps on second boss, his AoE quake hurts.
Bring a whale friend, it helps... a lot.

I recorded my first clear of the end bosses, which you can watch to maybe help prepare your team so you don't blow 16 energy. Keep in mind it was my first run, so my team wasn't optimized for these fights, especially that last boss with his annoying status effects.

Final bosses video

I had planned to make a single sword, but since it's only like 5 runs per sword, I think I'll craft at least two. Once you farm enough of the special ore from the pro dungeon, don't forget you can go back to the previous dungeon and farm wood/ore, since it drops like water during this event.


Trakanon Raider
This is definitely our first, legitimate, hard event.

I'm really glad I pulled Locke before Chizuru because his Escape skill is amazing. If I had pulled them in opposite order Locke wouldn't be a 5 star level 80 yet. So my strategy is to attack all trash mobs with everyone but Locke and then run. I kill the first two bosses and use a tent (have to keep remembering to equip a new one between runs) and then kill the last boss.

It's nice that Cavern Ore isn't nearly as rare as people were afraid of though. It's the bottleneck to the final sword but it's gated behind a hard dungeon and not time like I was afraid of. I'm definitely going to grind 2 of the swords. Maybe a 3rd but I think that might be a bit overkill.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No Kefka? He has Escape too, and Hyperdrive and his LB are really useful against the bosses. Especially if you're using a tent in between gigas and ogre. My current team for it is: Chizuru, Firion, Firion, Kefka, Lenna. One of the Firions really should be Leo, but he's not L80 yet.

Just did a clear with a 527 ATK Fencer friend. Talk about trivializing content... the amount of defense gigas and ogre have didn't even matter at all.


Its usually better to save Kefka's mana for Hyperdrive. At 35mp a cast you only get 6 at 210. With mine and a friend I can get the first boss in 4 turns and the second in 5 turns. So my target mp is 210+ which means I open up with LB+HD, HD+HD, HD+HD, HD+LB, leaving me at 105mp. Fight trash to refill LBs, down 2 turbo ethers between the 2 so they get 70mp back and are at 175, and kill the second guy. Trash, Tent, 3rd boss.


I'm finding Kefka to be a bit better on hard bosses currently because most are immune to damn near everything which is usually the reason to bring Exdeath. Also hyperdrive is beastly. Exdeath will eventually get meteor and duel cast at 6*.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally got Leo to 80 and it's a lot easier now. He can Provoke the amoeba to make sure he eats the Osmose instead of Lenna or Kefka, and 2 ethers gives him plenty of MP for the gigas fight.

Another thing I did was move my espers around. Chizuru having Ifrit is a waste because she has Light Shell, which is superior to Raging Fist. I gave Raging Fist to Firion so that I could have two units with attacks that ignore 25% DEF. Technically three since I always take a friend unit with Ifrit equipped too. It would be even better if I had been able to level up my CoD, because Man-Eater + Raging Fist does huge damage.

Fencer and CoD are definitely my top two choices for friend unit here. A whale Vaan is probably third I guess, Full Break and Focus are both useful.

And Kefka is definitely a lot better than Exdeath at 5*. Kefka has nearly 50 MAG advantage with them both in top gear, and Exdeath has nothing at all comparable to Hyperdrive. Kefka's LB is better too, since 2 of the 3 bosses are immune to all of Exdeath's debuffs except blind.


Trakanon Raider
I just hit 160 ores exactly. I had a bunch of energy potions saved in my mail. With an Enhancer and Murasame I think two Shining Splendors is plenty.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I'm only making two because there's times when I bring a second Firion instead of Lenna. Like for autoattacking my way through explores.


Trakanon Raider
I've farmed 130, and should finish the rest for a second blade this evening. This event is awesome. It's a nice challenge, which is something we've been needing for a long time, and it manages to not feel like a grind. The rewards are great too. All in all, I have to say, well done. The latest banner has been excellent as well, with high droprates on the featured units.

Hopefully they can keep this momentum going in future events. I'll be glad I stuck with the game if that's the case.