Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Mr. Poopybutthole
FF13 can't be next, it's a currency farm, and it probably won't be in two weeks because I'm betting Gumi will do a Thanksgiving event which will also be a currency farm, which means that FF13 couldn't be the week after that either. So if I'm wrong about a Thanksgiving event, FF13 could be in two weeks, otherwise we won't be getting it until December.


BF is a 2 week event, which means 3 weeks before the next currency farm, so if there is a thanksgiving event it won't have currency. Soonest we could get FF13 is the first week of december
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Trakanon Raider
You could be right. Gumi's all over the map with content releases.

There's a trophy for 10, 50, and 100 win streak in arena (500 lapis for final rank). I've yet to actually lose an arena battle, but after like 25'ish wins, my app crashed mid-battle, and after logging back in, it counted that as a loss, resetting my streak to 0. Makes me sad...


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was up to 37 before I had a legitimate (complete bullshit) loss where the enemy team wiped out everyone except refia and CoD on turn 1 (I was being greedy and not running Cecil at the time). I actually started to recover but then 2 consecutive hex strikes failed and I just said fuck it.

Just had a new streak die in its infancy after Refia died round 1, which is a first.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bleah... did a 10+1 after seeing how good Elza is, but didn't get her of course. I did pick up Tilith, Seria, and 2 Karls though (not all from one 10+1, one Karl from daily and Seria from a ticket I had left), plus a bonus Bartz though. Seria and Karl are total shit but at least their TMs are strong.

The event sucks marginally less when you only spend NRG on it when a friend Elza pops up in the list. Plus I'm carrying my Tilith as an Imperil bot so that CoD can use Call of the Void instead of Barrage. +175% karma speeds things up a bit at least, though I still have not seen a single fucking metal god round. As long as the friend Elza has Ravaging Blow, Call of the Void can practically one-shot Vargas and Lightning/Agrias mop up the last little bit.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm not too sure how to spend some of my arena pots. ATK pots go to Cloud, SPR and MP pots go to Refia. MAG pots I'm just hoarding because I'm not sure which mage to focus on yet.

I'd like to give HP and DEF pots to Cecil, but I have the one maxed out Cecil, and then the 3* Cecil working on TM/LB. I think I may just say fuck it to the second Cecil, because I don't want to spend the time/items to level 2nd Cecil from 3* to max 6* when I have like 30 other units to level still. In the 3'ish weeks I've used my maxed Cecil's LB maybe once on a real fight.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've been giving MAG to my maxed Exdeath since the 6* is soon(ish). His upgrades are Trance Terra and Majin Fina, both far away and they are 5* bases that I probably won't get anyway.


Trakanon Raider
So far I've bought enough Cactaurs to get CoD and Refia to level 100 (both had a big head start though), 7 Summon Tickets and all of the cheap materials (except the Crystals which I don't need just yet since I'm sitting on 30). I'm going to get the last three tickets and then I'll evaluate from there. I might try and grab the Moogle and some of the weapons. The 15% MAG is out. The cost is just dumb.

Grinding this event sucks compared to Halloween but having a +75% unit of my own and grabbing any Friend Unit that gives a bonus too helps a lot. Especially when Metal gods show up. I've had about 8 single gods and two groups of 3.


Potato del Grande
Need more pals!

Have a 430 atk Lightning in my friend slot. Got Refia to 6*87 but leaving her there for now while I finish getting BCL to 5*80. Then have to work on CoD I suppose! That's my only other 6* unit right now anyways.



<WoW Guild Officer>
I just can't stomach this event. Not having a 6* DPS is killing me. If i had some TMs done, I might try and level my new CoD to 6*, but without decent weapons (missed Pestle) I'm not really feeling the love.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm doing just fine with a CoD using a mithril mace (sold the kangaroo without thinking about CoD). In fact I'm carrying a naked tilith and karl just for the karma bonus and getting all the work done with Refia, Cecil, CoD, and whatever friend unit I bring.

Have only gotten a single metal faggot though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I haven't gotten a single metal faggot yet.

However, I realized I've been doing this shit all wrong... Since I have 4 BF units, I should be bringing them with Lightning or CoD (or hell, even Cecil with Barrage could probably clear it easily and pick up a bit of xp) to carry along with a friend BF unit. That's 475-500% karma drops, making the non-existent metal gods worth 4750-5000 each (on the hardest one I'd only be getting 2750 karma each). Normal runs with no luck work out to about 400 karma for 8 NRG, vs. the 545 I get for doing the 13 NRG version. So 50 K/NRG vs. 42 K/NRG.


Trakanon Raider
So, for arena... something I've figured out for the harder teams: have a mage cast osmose on enemy Cecil and Refia before you bother attacking. It shuts off their healing since a mage will 100% mana drain them with a single osmose.

Most teams it's not a big deal, because I can outdps the heals anyway, but some teams at higher ranks must gear their full team in defense equipment, because a few battles have gone to round 7-9 due to shitty turtle strategies where all the AI does is chaincast buffs and heals with Cecil blocking everything, even though they deal like 0 damage in return. It's really shitty, because you lose if it reaches round 10. Osmosing the healers is the only way to break the wall.

It's going to really suck once we get healers with auto-mp refill for arena.


Trakanon Raider
Dailies and a few tickets has given me:

Edgar, Fran, Edgar, Edgar, Shadow, Maria

My luck is holding steady!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I beat the #76 ranked arena team twice last night courtesy of some osmosing. Osmosing Refia so that hex strike sticks on Cecil is $$$. I even osmose enemy lightnings so I don't get randomly blitz gibbed.

If I really wanted to be a dick, I could swap my arena party to 4x Refia 1x Cecil when I'm not attacking but that would be so much work just to troll people.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I got another Tilith this morning, so I really should stop pulling. I can't help myself though, since Elza would be perfect for my team setup. She'd replace Agrias so that I'd end up with Lightning, CoD, Elza, Cecil, Refia.

Arena streak is up to 57 now, and I just know that Nox is going to fuck me before I get to 100. It crashes when I leave it running for any length of time, and if I close out Nox entirely it loses all the app data (not just FFBE, but all the Google apps, FB Lite, etc. too) and makes me redownload the whole thing every time. I really want MEmu back...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I tried everything the first 2-3 days 1.2 was out before giving up and installing Nox. FFBE just crashes instantly every time I start it in MEmu.

Sinzar Sinzar did you ever have any luck with MEmu or are you still on Nox too?


Trakanon Raider
Still on Nox, same issues with Memu. I tried re-installing FFBE multiple times on Memu, playing with a bunch of configuration settings, turning on developer mode and tweaking stuff there, etc, but nothing worked. Memu crashes instantly when I click on FFBE. Few people on Reddit have same problem, but most people seem to be ignoring it since Nox works (for most people I guess!).

Nox is working for me, so not sure why it's crashing for you? I did update Nox to the latest version (3.7.5) which just came out like 2 days ago, so maybe that's why?

So for this event I REALLY wanted a fucking BF unit so I at least got some bonus currency past the friend unit. I used every single summon ticket I had (including the ones from this event). My pulls were complete troll, including multiple golds from off-banner trash. The very final ticket I had was Tilith, so I guess not a total loss. Grand total was 14 tickets and 3 daily pulls on this event and Tilith was the only thing at all useful. I do still have ~8000 lapis + a ton of missions to collect lapis from, so I'm not broke at least. Back to savings mode.

Latest pulls:
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