Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
Beat the Espers but screwed up my rotation and had a death so I need to do it again. Got the other challenges out of the way so the next one should go much faster. Just waiting on Vinen's Orlandeau to refresh since nobody else has theirs geared properly.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Beat the Espers but screwed up my rotation and had a death so I need to do it again. Got the other challenges out of the way so the next one should go much faster. Just waiting on Vinen's Orlandeau to refresh since nobody else has theirs geared properly.

Really? Vinen's scrub ass Orlandu is the only person who took damage when I did Dark Espers just now.


Vyemm Raider
Really? you take damage from Dark Espers? ;)

i can't pick where to spend my time. i really haven't done much in regards to egg farming, too tedious. i think i have maybe 150 rainbow eggs? hopefully I don't thoroughly regret that later. i've been doing the advanced dark espers for unit exp. a decent orlandeau can 1 shot each esper after a dispel and debuff.

that and farming tmrs. seems my orlandeau not having brave suit makes him trash tier


Mr. Poopybutthole
Mine was geared for my comp :shrug: He took nothing.

Was mostly joking, yours took a little bit of damage but the 4 people I brought (Cecil, Ling, Minfillia, Refia) didn't even drop below 80ish% for possessed thresholds and the rest of the time didn't drop below 95. I did all three achievements and could have done no items too, seems like getting the FF14 raid first completely trivialized Dark Espers.


God is dead
Was mostly joking, yours took a little bit of damage but the 4 people I brought (Cecil, Ling, Minfillia, Refia) didn't even drop below 80ish% for possessed thresholds and the rest of the time didn't drop below 95. I did all three achievements and could have done no items too, seems like getting the FF14 raid first completely trivialized Dark Espers.

heh. I took Cecil and Marie.
Was funny watching taking < 1K damage a round.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's a real shame they changed no item use to 5 man, I think it would have been fun to give it a try with Xon.


Trakanon Raider
It's probably because when JP got the esper trial, they had Tilith and Tidus to refill team mana for countering osmose. Global only has Ling for viable mana regen (not counting TM's), and she's not even possible to summon anymore. Would have been a lot of rage from players trying to do the no item mission if their healer got osmosed on round 2 and their only option was 10 mp a round from a friends Noctis cover.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's probably because when JP got the esper trial, they had Tilith and Tidus to refill team mana for countering osmose. Global only has Ling for viable mana regen (not counting TM's), and she's not even possible to summon anymore. Would have been a lot of rage from players trying to do the no item mission if their healer got osmosed on round 2 and their only option was 10 mp a round from a friends Noctis cover.

Yeah but it's Gumi. More likely they changed it just so they could be like 'see GL is different from JP durrr'. The people who work at Gumi seriously don't know a goddamn thing about the game.


Trakanon Raider
Looks like our next event is FF6 with Trance Terra etc. Kefka and Terra give mog synergy bonuses, and I have tons of those, so looks like I can save tickets/lapis again, which is nice. New story content as well, which means Titan esper is next week.

Still no WoL 6* though, sigh.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Looks like our next event is FF6 with Trance Terra etc. Kefka and Terra give mog synergy bonuses, and I have tons of those, so looks like I can save tickets/lapis again, which is nice. New story content as well, which means Titan esper is next week.

Still no WoL 6* though, sigh.

Apparently the event is mega aids too.

You'll want at least one Setzer for FD, and he's no slouch in arena either.


Especially with that free DW dagger.
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Vyemm Raider
Well that new Ariana challenge took forever. Everyone is geared with Excaliburs so most people on my friends list were useless, ended up taking a 600 Atk Olive to do it lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well that new Ariana challenge took forever. Everyone is geared with Excaliburs so most people on my friends list were useless, ended up taking a 600 Atk Olive to do it lol.

My friend code is 791,675,201. I always leave my Noctis equipped with StQ.


Trakanon Raider
Well that new Ariana challenge took forever. Everyone is geared with Excaliburs so most people on my friends list were useless, ended up taking a 600 Atk Olive to do it lol.

Don't forget Orlandeau debuffs holy resist by 50%, so an Orlandeau with Excalibur will do the same or more damage than a Noctis with Deathbringer vs that boss (since after debuff she has 0% to both holy and dark).

We really need that patch to let us separate arena teams from our normal parties, would make keeping my friend unit always geared properly for the pve stuff a lot easier.


Trakanon Raider
I'm finally back to TMR farming. Took a few weeks off due to burn out. I've got Ramza up to 60% mostly from Moogles. His Brave Suit is BIS for Noctis but I think he'll be just shy of 1k attack.


Golden Squire
Okay. Finally finished Dark Espers ELT on my 4th attempt. Lessons learned... don't try to do trial bosses with the kids awake. Also Yshtola (barwatera) allowed me to DC Cecil (barfira) which made a huge difference. I was able to buff all resistances on 1st turn and dispel both bosses. I ended up killing Ifrit first. Provoke makes the Osmose no problem. I will leave my Orlandeau setup with fire/confusion resist. Back to full time TMR farming!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
MFW people in the GL discord are talking about macroing Orlandu because he's so hard to chain with.


Mr. Poopybutthole
IDK I didn't catch specific names I skimmed and left again, GL discord is fucking unbearable with assbrains like Celias and pfn0 around.