Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Molten Core Raider
She is still deciding after playing; i'm abit torn because i know it will cost me some money if she decides to do it :) But would be nice to have her playing...if she says she is all in i still think i'll pull Tidus for her until we get X 2 so she can focus all recources on them. Will have to make budget team from the rest but some moogles will be good as well. Unless someone has secret sauce info that a really good support unit that would be a better investiment is coming really soon?

Those fucking gia-cyst crystals are fucking horrible for drops, is there any where else to get other then Mog event (just started grinding that but thats going to be a long long grind). I have Rama at +1 on song but need 4 more of them and 1 more Pure. Then i can start focusing on Tidus enhancements i guess.

Sinzar when you suggested the magic tank, am i supposed to be running her in conjunction to a 100% evade provoker or?


Golden Squire
Unless someone has secret sauce info that a really good support unit that would be a better investment is coming really soon?

Those fucking gian-cyst crystals are fucking horrible for drops, is there any where else to get other then Mog event (just started grinding that but thats going to be a long long grind). I have Rama at +1 on song but need 4 more of them and 1 more Pure. Then i can start focusing on Tidus enhancements i guess.

Sinzar when you suggested the magic tank, am i supposed to be running her in conjunction to a 100% evade provoker or?
Yes, CG Nichol will be coming in the next month or two. He is one of the best support buffers in the game. CG Lid is coming soon as well and she is going to be the best breaker in the game. We should have a FF XIV raid very soon.

Giancrysts can drop from the Chamber of Gems with a VERY low drop rate. I think you might average 1 per 300+ NRG. There are also 12h A Rank Expeditions that drop a random Giancryst. Purecrysts can only be obtained from Mog King currency or Story Events. The next Story Event will be CG Jake in a couple of weeks. I don't remember if you can get them from Raid rank rewards.

The general idea is you want a magic cover tank and a provoker tank. The AOE physical cover will override the magic AOE cover so be careful not to have both active on the same round.


Buzzfeed Editor
She is still deciding after playing; i'm abit torn because i know it will cost me some money if she decides to do it :) But would be nice to have her playing...if she says she is all in i still think i'll pull Tidus for her until we get X 2 so she can focus all recources on them. Will have to make budget team from the rest but some moogles will be good as well. Unless someone has secret sauce info that a really good support unit that would be a better investiment is coming really soon?

Those fucking gia-cyst crystals are fucking horrible for drops, is there any where else to get other then Mog event (just started grinding that but thats going to be a long long grind). I have Rama at +1 on song but need 4 more of them and 1 more Pure. Then i can start focusing on Tidus enhancements i guess.

Sinzar when you suggested the magic tank, am i supposed to be running her in conjunction to a 100% evade provoker or?

Xon will increase the drop rate of Giancrysts in Chamber/Stories, so will great Raven's cape--2 xons and a great ravens make it so the final boss in story modes drops a giancryst usually every time. But that's 90 nrg a run. The chamber drop sucks regardless. As others have said, stories and King mog are the place to build, really, it just takes time. Not sure if you were around during the Lara Croft event, but she has the same quality as Xon and she can chain (Which Xon can't do, but he's got a couple moves that make him decent.)

One thing is that exploration event currently the Macalania woods? Make sure you guys do it for the Razamataz sword and the fist weapon. Xon has an AE mug that can proc that sword, it makes clearing stories a lot easier, and the fist is great for Rikku, which helped me in a lot of difficult content while I was building my team.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks for the info.

Just to clarify when you say story mode bosses at 90 eng, not 100% sure which you are referencing? Like the new area open since I quit or special events ? Is it repeatable by the sounds of your comment? I’d like to grind some Gia else where and safe my moog grinding for the pyres.

As far as tanks so typically 2 tanks 2 chainers and healer in general cases?

If that’s the case I guess I should t be wasting time getting Rams enhancement and just focus on my two tidus


Buzzfeed Editor
Thanks for the info.

Just to clarify when you say story mode bosses at 90 eng, not 100% sure which you are referencing? Like the new area open since I quit or special events ? Is it repeatable by the sounds of your comment? I’d like to grind some Gia else where and safe my moog grinding for the pyres.

As far as tanks so typically 2 tanks 2 chainers and healer in general cases?

If that’s the case I guess I should t be wasting time getting Rams enhancement and just focus on my two tidus

They are special events, but repeatable. The "final area" of these events is 4 or 5 missions, and they cost 90 nrg to do, and drop crysts, the final boss has a decently high chance of dropping one of 4 cryst types (There are 2 90 nrg areas, one drops power, support, tech and I forget what other, the other drops healing and all the rest.) Typically I farm that when it comes around since you don't have to spend lapis to unlock, and each run will get you some of every cryst type (Though chamber is better for smaller crysts). I'm sure they were probably around when you were playing, I just worded it poorly. But I typically farm hard in them because they are, I think, the best source of crystals if you can do them while carrying 2 xons and a cape.

However, story events usually only come once a month or so, they typically alternate story/raid/mog, at least since I've been playing.

As for the group set up. I think the standard now is 1 tank of the correct type. An AE magic heavy fight, bring a magic cover tank, an AE physical heavy fight, bring a physical cover tank. A single target heavy damage fight, bring a provoke tank (Or honestly cover tanks with golem+Moogle plushie work really well). Warrior of Light and Mystae work more than fine, but Basch/Willhelm are considered the top tier (However, the difference is small, all the tanks are really good, WoL is amazing, as is Myst).

So 1 tank, 1 support, 1 healer, and 2 chainers from what I understand. That can be augmented though, like the current esper trials a lot of people are using 2 tanks, a provoke and a magic cover. And in some cases, supports can heal enough that you want 1 tank, 1 support, 2 chainers and one finisher for extra damage. And I saw you had Olivia...Olivia is a great finisher. The Wiki changed their ratings and all "finisher" units got downgraded because they are being judged by their solo DPS and utility compared to chainers full chaining, and the reasoning by the Wiki admin was that very difficult content is better done with a support instead of a finisher (Because very few of them have DPS constraints?) and thus finishers had to compete for slots that would otherwise go to chainers. But don't let that fool you, Olivia does ridiculous damage still if you can fit her in as a finisher, it's just that often times finishers get dropped from what I understand. But, then again, a lot of different strategies outside the "norm" work.
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Trakanon Raider
I recently finished clearing every single trial and 10 man released to date on the JP server, and I don't think I used 3 slots on the team for DPS for any of them. You just can't afford the party slots on the hard fights for half your team to be dps. You either bring 2 chainers and they chain together for your damage, or you bring 1 "finisher" to solo dps while the rest of the team supports.

Exception being the last round of 10 man fights where you bring a boss past his last threshold, then swap in a 5 dps team and burst him down for the killing blow.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lowering the rating on cappers might be the first thing that the fucktards who generate the unit ratings for the GL wiki have ever gotten right. Like Sinzar hinted at, you never have room for 2 chainers + a capper in 10 mans except when you need to start dps stacking for certain phases. You never have room for a third damage dealer on six man trials because that 6th spot goes to either a second tank or a second support.


Buzzfeed Editor
I recently finished clearing every single trial and 10 man released to date on the JP server, and I don't think I used 3 slots on the team for DPS for any of them. You just can't afford the party slots on the hard fights for half your team to be dps. You either bring 2 chainers and they chain together for your damage, or you bring 1 "finisher" to solo dps while the rest of the team supports.

Exception being the last round of 10 man fights where you bring a boss past his last threshold, then swap in a 5 dps team and burst him down for the killing blow.

Yeah, so far this has been my experience as well, though I still need to do 10 mans. PG Laswell does a shit ton of damage, and can even break and imperil, but there hasn't been many times where I'd use him over a bard or genuine support. There just isn't pressure to DPS quickly, in fact its often the opposite because you want to control phase changes..And an extra support can make each turn a ton more stable.


Molten Core Raider
Thank you much ~

So OTK's fairly phased out by the sounds of it, /wave triple orlandu double Olive team :(

Well working on TMR's for Tidus X 2, Lotus Mage Fina (i have jack shit for good mage hats + immunity is nice), Loren (if i'm reading right that is DW + 15% attack right, pretty hot no?), and Gladiolus (best shield i have is Force and Aegis).

Any of those not advisable? I have pretty much all the top tier weapons up to when i quit (right after dragon chick that gave Crimson Spear i think). Looks like Rikku's is a good one for support to use? Should i prioritize that over any of the above?


Molten Core Raider
Would appreciate adding me to friends list if anyone has a spot;

My ID: 488,881,056 (Nukez) Usually have evansion nox up for gf or Lotus Fina
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Buzzfeed Editor
Would appreciate adding me to friends list if anyone has a spot; (or at least my gf since she has no high level friends)

GF's ID: 195,228,914
My ID: 488,881,056 (Nukez) Usually have evansion nox up for gf or Lotus Fina

GF's friends list is full, sent you one.


Molten Core Raider
Was reading Reddit and saw the comment on using pedals to get a 4 star guranteed ticket instead of paying for a moogle since the ticket gave you a 5% from Tidus banner anyway and was cheaper. Bought a 2000 moogle pt 4 star ticket and got a 3rd Tidus and rainbow 10% moogle on the pull. If i read it right, raising people to 7 star doesn't require normal mats but instead needs a duplicate now right?

Also on chaining, assuming no pos/neg natural resits; is it better to have your chainers with matching weapons of just 1 type or 2? Ex: I have 2 Tidus's and with his imperil applied and each with their TM, is it better for their 2nd weapons to A) be additional matching elements (death bringer as example) or B) just strongly attack weapon non-elemental . Assuming making second weapon water element doesn't do anything since its applied to both attacks anyway?


Trakanon Raider
If the target is neutral to everything, and you are not using anything with an imperil, you want dual element. If you are using an imperil, you want to stick to the imperiled element. Later on (starting with Sephiroth, then Raegen, etc) chainers get dual-imperil in their chaining skill, so you want to run both of those elements. assuming neither is resisted.

Double element chains build and max twice as fast vs single element.


Trakanon Raider
SO olrandu & DV with soem how both light & dark weapons woudl work well, correct?
Yep! That's a very strong combo, both of them dual wielding one holy and one dark weapon, and they together imperil both elements.

For example Excalibur + Moonblade, or Deathbringer + Lightbringer, etc.

Assuming the boss doesn't resist one of the elements..... Dark is a very common resistance, but when it works, it's strong!


Silver Knight of the Realm
theres a 4* with a dark element great sword as well right?
becasue so far i only have 1 excalibur, been tryign to tmr grind more of em


Trakanon Raider
^^ What he said. Glauca's Greatsword is actually stronger than Deathbringer, assuming you aren't fighting humans.

From memory, here are some of the better holy/dark weapons:

Excalibur (Cecil TM)
Excalibur II (Steiner TM)
Lightbringer (limited, no longer available)
Holy Lance (Fat Chocobo)
There's also a holy katana and sword "soon" from the Madam's Mansion, I think they have 85'ish ATK

Deathbringer (Dark Cecil TM)
Glauca's Greatsword (Glauca TM)
Moonblade (Delita TM)
Demon Axe (Vault reward, low'ish ATK though)


Molten Core Raider
So if i missed all the TMR's in the last 5-6 months, all this talk of TDH i see w/ FD is pointless for me and I should be planning strats around my already strong DW chainers? Assuming getting banners again for them will be far out etc?


Trakanon Raider
There's no scheduled banners that Cloud or Elfreeda come back on, so you have to off-banner them or hope they come back on a special banner at some point. In JP there's a permanent rotating 3 day banner that cycles through every rainbow in the game (two at a time, so dual rainbow banner), so if GL ever gets that you can chase them when they show up. I don't think JP got the rotating banner until after 7* hit though.