Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Molten Core Raider
Been farming Gil since it turned this morning and just got enough to finally upgrade to a 5++ item. All I am going to say is do NOT waste your gil to do this if you have other lvl 5 items not leveled up or even level 4 im' sure. Stat gain is very minimal lvl 6 to 7 and it costs an insane amount. SAD PANDA, I mean seriously to get lucky enough to get 3 of the same relics then to spend probably 800k total to get 1-30 for a few extra points in attack...fuckers.

Oh well, got some orbs done today that I desperately needed, going to farm gil the rest of the day then go after my elites with my upgraded gear.


Molten Core Raider
Oh also, one other tip to NEW players who might not understand the stam thing.

Once you complete/master areas you get usually 2+ stam crystals, for every 5 you gain a permeneant point of staminma. Also the low level areas actually will give you +5 stam points and +1. You want to use this to your advantage. An example below

You have 3/5 stam crystals with 30 stam remaining. Go into the next area you plan on going to and count how much stam it needs to finish it, lets say its 20 and has +2 stam total in rewards (you can see that before starting actual battle). Well since those 2 stam will put you 5/5 it will give you max stam once you gain that 5/5 and adding a new permament point. So that means you have 10 stam essentially you would waste if you go straight into doing this area because you will have 10 left over that gets maxxed to 31 on the 5/5. Instead go do 2 lvl 2 dailies or farm a previous area for a few rounds and then leave.

This maximizes your stam and can help get the most out of your time. Warning, the +5 stam ends later on from compleitions and goes to +1 +1 for elites etc so try and start doing this as early as possible. Enjoy!


Molten Core Raider
Yeah it's 20k to combine 3* and the gain wasn't all that great either. But it's something to do when everything else gets maxxed later I suppose.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I tried to get mastery on the hard gil dungeon and just barely missed it. But that was doing the stop app trick about 3-4 times per battle. Not sure what kind of team you need for that, but when you get hit for 1k per, it's a real bitch to get through it without getting huge deductions for damage taken. I think I got about 40k gil not including the bonus at the end (12k) for first time completion.

I think I may just finish Shinra (last 2 zones) and then farm gil with whatever is remaining.


Potato del Grande
WTF #1 Rydia, whipping trash the fuck to death then literally nuking bosses into dust. I think that at lv28 she could solo the entire event.

WTF #2 Last boss AoEing the shit out of everything. Do you just do nothing like in real FF6?


WTF #1 Rydia, whipping trash the fuck to death then literally nuking bosses into dust. I think that at lv28 she could solo the entire event.

WTF #2 Last boss AoEing the shit out of everything. Do you just do nothing like in real FF6?
Basically the fight isn't in league with the rest of the event, he's very vulnerable to fire and you literally have to burn him down before his aoe destroys you.

Luckily he doesn't have many HP, so basically get fira and fire sword to win, maybe a well placed white mage ultimate or severely out gear/level the right.

People have soloed the whole event with rydia having whip + cowl and fire spells.


On an unrelated note, my team is approaching level 30 and finished all the main story parts, did first elite dungeon in vii. Still working on getting to Rufus, think I'm at floor 50, just before or at the first flying boss, hoping I can get seph before the event closes.


Potato del Grande
Is there any point to ever using warrior/blk mage/wht mage at all when you have all named dudes? Havent really needed to heal at all yet and only died at Baigan due to the arms exploding for like 1k damage. Have cure on Rydia just in case though.


Molten Core Raider
They are "Core" classes so they get synergy in the Core world zones. Otherwise not really useful unless you want a bard or ranger. Or really need that extra nuker/healer for elites.


Molten Core Raider
I'm still abit torn on WHM vs Tyro for healer; later on some of the elites get into a war of attrition and you run out of heal speals and/or have too many people taking damage to keep up. I managed a victory in the north mountain (? elite with the chick and her rock husband that comes out. Was all out of heals, down to my last guy up with probably 5% hp and no skills left and I killed him. To be fair I had thought I was going into the North Mine fight with Ymir elite so I had abit of a different setup and didn't have silence which would have helped a lot (I'd bring 2 healers tbh after doing it). I got Ymir, Siren, and those 2 dumb fucks dead now. Going to farm up ability hones for a while and get Cecil PAL caught up, with the shield I think I have hopes he has some uses on the really hard fights later on.

Also man these fuckers are starting to get some hp, 40k+ and they mitigate damage well (no 9999 somersaults sorry friends). The best damage I've seen is Seph's masuame soul attack (talking on hard elite bosses) that hit for 4000ish on both which was awesome, I have it to lvl 20 but never got a 2nd to upgrade. Next big fight I am preparing for is the Guard & 2 lobo's, sounds like 80k total health so I figured I'd get my honing caught up since its so behind before I go in and try to fuck with that. I'll probably go WHM as well since I need a support to for sleep/slow and I never got tidus leveled so Tyro will have to be the man.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah the elites are no joke. I've only taken down 3 and in no rush to do any more until I'm 30 or have a few more honed 2* skills.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Damn, Turbo, you're flying through this content. Granted I rerolled, but I just finished Shinra and haven't touched the new event or elites.


Doesn't take much. I'm on the last Cecil stage myself with 3 elites down and I've barely played the last two days. New event is a joke. I Mastered everything via autobattle except for the 2nd to last stage boss which I did manually. Which was bullshit because he silenced Rydia and blinded Cloud. Still walked all over it even with all the aoe without healing.


Visited a wiki page today and some attention whore had 5* weapons and armor for every character... Can't imagine how boring it must be to dump hundreds if not thousands of dollars into this game to faceroll everything and still be stamina locked.


The greatest weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Was down to just Cecil and Cloud but pulled off the big W to get Sephiroth.


Its amazing, I'm not sure if it's affected by magic or not but thundara does 1200 DMG to a single neutral monster while dragon does 1700 to all for a comparison.

So it is quite good considering getting it doesn't use any orbs for the better summons, if you can make it there's nothing to set you back by doing so. It's only drawback for me is it only has 1 use before honing BUT it's made it so I can do the hard dungeons for today's daily by 1 shotting any round I choose so I'm able to farm the 3* orbs.

If you can get lucky and get the ability potions in a dungeon for every round, which is unlikely but if it did happen you can 1 shot everything up to a boss and it doesn't have a drawback to any monster since it's non elemental and can be used for any encounter.


Molten Core Raider
Dragon is non elemental. Not worth getting until you can hone it :/. Does 1500dmg roughly but is only castable once.

Edit. Just saw the post above mine. Nm.