Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
I scraped together the Mythril for two more pulls. I got two more 3 star items... I know we can't expect 5 stars every time but I'm over 30 pulls without one now. I feel like I was punched in the gut and I'm seriously considering uninstalling. I knew it was too much to hope to get a whip for Quistis but it's not fun seeing 3 star after 3 star.


Potato del Grande
You are not going to get specific items, best you can do is save and bias your luck that way. It's almost impossible with a 10% probability that you won't get 5* to fill every slot eventually, nor have enough 3* and 4* items to combine up into 5*... hang in there.

The Ancient_sl

Dammit I've got to stop putting off boss rushes. Looks like they just fixed Vit0 and I don't see how I could possibly Master Seymour without it.


Potato del Grande
A few days late posting this but for the year anniversary in Japan they are opening door 14.

Dammit I've got to stop putting off boss rushes. Looks like they just fixed Vit0 and I don't see how I could possibly Master Seymour without it.
I need a new strategy for this game now :/

Anima is going to be rough without VIT0, take Magic Breakdown and Sentinel Grimoire.


<Bronze Donator>
Dammit I've got to stop putting off boss rushes. Looks like they just fixed Vit0 and I don't see how I could possibly Master Seymour without it.
is VIT99 still in? i still haven't been able to get enough Greater Earth Orbs to make Protectaga...


Potato del Grande
It was the same bug, so no VIT99 either.

They have buffed melee damage however, so Retaliate meta is viable.


<Bronze Donator>
i'm glad i never went full cheese and used VIT0 or VIT99 =p i'm ready for this.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yep. If you were never a dirty cheater you don't know what you're missing and it comes with buffs! (I'm a dirty cheater).


Golden Knight of the Realm
On a related note, share them Luneth Tyrfing roaming warrior codes!


<Bronze Donator>
Sentinel Grimore is still more efficient than every other limit break.
if i'm burning through stuff i know i can tank easily, i use Lunatic High instead of Sentinel's Grimoire. but yeah, SG is incredibly useful. my friend list is almost entirely SGs.


Golden Knight of the Realm
that Tyrfing soulbreak isn't that useful, is it?
They upped the attack soft cap so boost and Tyrfing SB significantly increase damage again. It's close to Vit0 levels of damage with the downside being a couple extra abilities taken up. Significantly higher damage than mage groups still as multi-attacks are just too good. It won't be usable on everything but for most bosses I find magic and power breakdowns to be plenty of defense. There's still plenty of uses for Lunatic High and Sentinel's Grimoire's but I'm looking for some Tyrfings just to add to the arsenal. They're hard to find. Never seem to come up on the 3 non-friend pulls you get offered each dungeon.


If you want an account with the following let me know and we can see how this one time code works:

5* Weapons x9 (nothing super insane)
5* Armor x8 (one is actually 6 star)

Cloud - 58
Wakka - 55
Tidus - 55
Sephiroth - 50
Tyro - 50
Kain - 50
Terra - 50
Cecil (light) - 50
Aerith - 50
Rydia - 50
Tifa - 42

All the rest are 10-20 and I am not missing many.

Stamina is unlocked to 82 so far and there is like 4 mythril available right now.

Just PM me if you want it and when I see it I will edit this post.


<Bronze Donator>
not sure how it works if you tied your credit card to your account, but you might want to check and make sure that whoever you give the account to won't be able to make purchases on your dime.


Trakanon Raider
I finally broke my 30+ pulls without a 5 star by pulling a Balamb Garden Uniform... Not the 5 star I was looking for... I've read that in the Japanese version they address 5 stars by increasing the odds of pulling one from a banner from 10% to 12.5%. In addition to this they also have 5 star "protection" where each time you do a pull without receiving a 5 star it adds a stacking percentage to the next pull until you finally get a 5 Star. It's supposed to be around 10% per stack. So a strategy is people do 3 to 5 single pulls to build up their modifier and then do an 11 pull since the modifier is on the entire pull and not just a single item. So you don't want to do an 11 pull with zero stacks because if you don't get a 5 star that only gives your next pull a single stack (10% bonus). Who knows when that will come down for us Global players though? That's a rhetorical question.

Now that we're in between events I've gone back and worked on some more elites. I grabbed Black Mage's Record Materia 2, mastered a couple Elites I failed on earlier and finished a couple new ones off. I'm at 114 Stamina and 2 shards towards 115. The Elites that I have left are all VERY difficult ones. 3 or 4 of them have bosses that can't be hit by melee so I'm in no hurry to do those. Sounds like we'll get the bonus battles for the VIII event tonight and probably the next dungeon update next week. Dungeon Events are going to be much more common (twice a month going forward) but also a lot smaller. But with the huge amount of stamina they suck up to complete that should be fine.

The Ancient_sl

I'm still really enjoying this game, I think it's honestly one of the best F2P games of it's type just because there is challenging strategic game play at the high end instead of just tapping something every once in awhile or some simplistic rock-paper-scissors elements game. I busted my ass trying to master Seymour after the Vit0 nerf and I just couldn't do it, because it was fucking impossible without Vit0 or a stacked as hell team, but I enjoyed the hell out of the effort.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else's enjoyment of the game plummet once they can no longer auto-battle through trash waves? I can't bring myself to log in and finish the 80+ difficulty elites. Been playing since day 1 though so I guess some burn-out is to be expected. Doesn't help that I have dumped probably 700+ mythril into pulls and only gotten 2 SB weapons and just a few average armors.