Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<WoW Guild Officer>
I pulled the Bartz ssb sword and finally got my own wall (but it's quina)... so I feel like I'm starting to get a party together sort of, but it's based around Bartz/Quina/Cloud/Lenna/Aerith.

I'm running this setup:
Cloud - Retaliate r5/Temp Flurry r4
Quina - Full Break r1/Double Cut r5
Bartz - Temp Flurry R4/Armor Break r3
Lenna - Shellga r1/Curaga r5
Aerith - Protectga r1/Cura r4

I don't have many other 5* equipments, I've listed them here (there's a few that aren't on the website):FFRK Profile page


Golden Squire
Didn't people figure out to use Fire Resist gear for that?

Makes me tempted to pull but that dungeon is open every month like the Abyss ones, so I think it's better to pull on things to help with clearing Ultimates.
You're probably right about FR, but needing the full FF VIII Team would really limits what SSBs are available, especially when you read about Ifrit getting 3 turns to your 1 without haste. Reddit does tend to overhype stuff but if you want Wall + Hastega for FFVIII I think this is the only option.

I'm with you on that, personally I still need a wall and strong Physical SSB.


Golden Squire
Ao I assume you're talking about Quina's Needlefork SB? That isn't actually wall as it doesn't stack with other protective buffs, it really just casts protectga and shellga on your party. The only 2 walls available are SG and SS2.

Grats on Bartz SSB though, one of the strongest physical SSB available. If you're going for Retaliate Team, some thoughts:

1. Make sure someone has Boost. The damage gain is substantial. Alternatively you can use Gilgamesh who has a native boost as his default SB (Though you would need to build his SB meter), can also use tauntilate and has a larger weapon pool than cloud.
2. You'd still probably want Magic Break / Breakdown. Power Break isn't as required if you put everyone at the back row with just cloud in front.
3. Problem with Bartz hitting the retaliator is that he won't get any SB bar. Much better to run Life Siphon on him to maximize that crazy SSB.
4. 2 WHMs feel a little overkill. Also Quina's SB will already cast shellga / protectga, so you can replace one of them with another unit depending on what battle you are.

You've got great relics for mages but probably need more hones - hope you can do the last difficulty of the orb festival to flesh those abilities out.


Trakanon Raider
I pulled the Bartz ssb sword and finally got my own wall (but it's quina)... so I feel like I'm starting to get a party together sort of, but it's based around Bartz/Quina/Cloud/Lenna/Aerith.

I'm running this setup:
Cloud - Retaliate r5/Temp Flurry r4
Quina - Full Break r1/Double Cut r5
Bartz - Temp Flurry R4/Armor Break r3
Lenna - Shellga r1/Curaga r5
Aerith - Protectga r1/Cura r4

I don't have many other 5* equipments, I've listed them here (there's a few that aren't on the website):FFRK Profile page
First, Quina's SB isn't wall. It's just shell and protect - it won't stack with the spells you're bringing with Lenna and Aerith.

Second, you only want one white mage. Lenna has high mind, but little versatility. I like Yuna, who was just re-released in the current event, but they're all 99% equivalent. Cura is garbage, anyway. Renewing Cure is a solid 3* alternative ability

If you're going to bring Quina as your support, you don't need to bring shellga/protectga. You can go the summon route (next phase of Orbfest, so here's a chance to hone up Maduin quickly!), or Diaga route (orbs conflicts with Curaja, but 4 uses to begin is great).

For Bartz, you'll want to start honing up Lifesiphon as you can. Lifesiphon + SSB spam is the best DPS in the game. His SSB also casts protect, which is redundant, but nice!

As you play, Cloud will become disposable - retaliate strategy hurts you more than it helps as you gain power, and Bartz can do the spellblade thing better than he can.


<WoW Guild Officer>
thanks guys, I'll try the last banner then. I'm able to blow through the last difficulties in orb fest, it's how I got fullbreak done. My mage meta is coming up though, so maybe it's just spells for that in a bit.


Trakanon Raider
Spent more Mythril on Banner 2 than I was planning to. I did five 11x pulls, two 3x pulls and the 100 gem pull. I ended up with 9 character relics (shockingly enough no generics or shared). 14.5% 5 star rate. Final tally was:

3 Mog's Lance
2 Eiko's Flutes (SSB)
2 Lulu's Hairpins
1 Locke ranged thing
1 Hope ranged SSB

I really wanted Save the Queen and my very last pull had 4 sparkly orbs so I thought that was going to do it. Unfortunately no dice. But I knew I wasn't going to get another pull like that and it was best to quit while ahead. Doing the math I'll have enough to do 8 more 11x pulls by the end of Tactics for sure. I think it will actually be 9 more 11x pulls because we're getting 6 Mythril for sure right now (3 for the Fortune thing and 3 from the quiz). Depending on the results of the last quiz that could increase by another 3 or 6 Mythril. If we get the full 6 I will have just enough for that 9th pull just as Tactics is ending.

Now before anyone says anything I've already got the full Trinity (kind of a misnomer now since I have Wall, Group Heal, Haste, 35% Boostga and now Lulu's group Focus). After grabbing Sephiroth's Yoshiyuki in Banner 1 and some other solid Physical SBs earlier I've got everything I need. So I'm in a position where I can pull for characters I like in addition to strong relics. Beatrix is a favorite of mine so I went deep trying to get Save the Queen. I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't get it but I'm not upset at all because I got a couple of really good things from my pulls (though I don't need any more Lances that's for sure). So after Tactics I'll go in full savings mode and save for the Kuja event in late May and try again for a Beatrix Relic then.


Trakanon Raider
Sweet. We hit the target for 4 quiz rewards. That means I will, barely, have enough for one last 11x pull on Tactics. So 9 pulls total between Banner 4 and Tactics. I'll do 3 pulls on Banner 4. It's a great banner but there's no character I'd be gunning for specifically so I'm less likely to go overboard. I normally only go overboard when it's a character I really like involved. So no danger there. That will leave 6 full pulls on Tactics. I'd love Platinum Sword and the Shield but as I said above I don't need anything. I can just RW Shout.


<WoW Guild Officer>
How are you generating enough mithril for this?! Am I missing out on something?


Trakanon Raider
The difference is made up from iTunes gift cards that I received for Christmas and my birthday last month. I have no idea why people give me the cards because I don't normally buy things off of iTunes but my friends and family see me with my iPad and assume I need them I guess. I'm not a big fan of spending money on this game but I figure if I've got the cards I might as well get the best "value" (a term I use loosely in this instance) from the Celebration banners and Tactics.

Even without that though I went into the Celebration with right around 500 Mythril (10 pulls right there). We're also going to get another 70 Mythril from various sources from now until the end of Tactics. That includes 10 from the quiz thing we did and another 3 from the fortune egg thing. They also posted on Facebook that due to the "overwhelming success" (i.e. people reloading the eggs over and over and over again) that they're looking into giving us something extra which I'm hoping means more Mythril.

After Tactics I'm back on lockdown again. People seem pretty excited for the XII banner with the Hand of the Emperor clone on the shield but XII doesn't interest me in the slightest. Whatever I accumulate in the meantime is going towards the FF IX Banners towards the end of May. It's my next chance at a Beatrix Relic and she has one on both Banners (Gauntlets on Banner 1 which should be at a slightly higher chance being a regular SB and her SSB on Banner 2). She's a favorite character of mine and her SSB is top tier. 8 damage attacks plus Magic Blink to your group (causes the next magic attack against your character to miss). BSB Celebration doesn't interest me as much so I don't feel the need to save solely for it. The jump from SSB to BSB isn't as large as the jump from SB to SSB so I don't feel the need to go all out chasing one there. I'm extremely happy with my Relic situation right now having finally gotten a few SSBs. I don't really have any gaps that I need to fill except self imposed ones (Beatrix relic). I'll probably still do a couple of pulls on Banner 4 but I think I'm talking myself out of going deep on Tactics. I'd rather save those gift cards for something else. Thinking about it I probably should just use one up on the Hearthstone expansion since I know I'll preorder it at some point anyway. So yeah Banner 4 looks really good and I'll try a pull or two at Tactics but I don't plan to go very deep now.


Trakanon Raider
So being a horrible person I burned $60 in itunes gift cards for a few more rolls on the first SSB banner and the X-2 banner.

I picked up a Red Scorpion from SSB1 and Wakka's SSB from the X-2 banner.

Now my group is looking like:

Sephiroth w/ Yoshiyoki double cut & lifesiphon (high scorer RM)
Lightning w/Peacemaker tempo flurry & lifesiphon (ace striker RM)
Wakka w/Over the Top tempo flurry & full break (zeal RM)
Aerith - Keepsake Ribbon for Planet Protector - Curaga & Shell (mako might RM)
Y'shtola - Thyrus for Wall - Curaga & Protect (dr mogs teachings RM)

I added bunch of Red Scorpion Quintis users to my friends list and cropped out all the dead weight.

It is so much fun to get up to one of the higher difficulty bosses and just unload on them with boosted SSB's.


Trakanon Raider
The jump from SSB to BSB isn't as large as the jump from SB to SSB so I don't feel the need to go all out chasing one there.

Lifesiphon+SSB spam is more damage than Lifesiphon+BSSB spam or BSSB abilities. We can now hone 5* abilities also, and that's just as much damage (but obviously less burst).

Burst mode is for lack of hones or utility. This makes BSSB's excellent for new players, but veterans won't gain much. BSSB's also have lower damage on their soulbreaks (6x on BSSB vs 8x on SSB; note SB's are 5.1x) to compensate. It's an illusion of power creep more than anything.

Been blasting content on my JP account, tons of fun. Grinding out story mode sucks, but I've got 146 stamina so it's not as essential, mostly trying to get it high for the upcoming orbfest. Got Full Break R1, slaying Ultimates, and medica banner got me Relm's upgraded Hymn of the Faith so I have everything I need except one more B/SSB user and Wall. Platinum Sword is so strong it's stupid - I'm beating ultimates without any RS gear, with bare-bones hones, and far fewer S/L than my built-out global account. Probably won't be pulling for a wall, and the current BBSSSSB banners has me saving my mythril (sadface). Still need to run the Minwu bonus battles on global - think I might try a new team composition based on my new relics this week for fun.

The Ancient_sl

Man, this fucking game. I spent about 240 stam refining my strat for Gigases and when I finally beat the damn things I didn't lose a single medal. Feast or Famine man.


Trakanon Raider
I am going to just post my last three rolls here and walk away slowly...



<WoW Guild Officer>
Is it worthwhile to try and blitz through some of the dungeon updates for more stamina (while Orbfest is going on)? I'm at 96, which feels a bit limiting in regards to spamming through dungeons. I guess it only matters with how often I need to "burn" stamina and how much I start with after sleeping... but it feels shitty to be so low.


<Bronze Donator>
96 isn't horribly low. i'd say its your call -- if you're bored farming orbfest then go have some fun in dungeons. if you're worried about efficiency, then make sure to go for the dungeons available to you that have the best Stamina Cost per Shard Earned investment. and try to play it out so that your refresh for getting that 5th shard lands while you're low on stamina.

but yeah dude main thing is have fun.

The Ancient_sl

At 96 stamina, your maximum only matters when you allow it to fill up. Only you know how much you let go to waste by not playing every 5 hours. You definitely won't have enough full refreshes by the end of orbfest to make stamina you farm now "worth it" in that regard.

As pharmakos said though, do what you enjoy most.