Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
Power Creep > Bahamut

Caius still really hurts but it's a straightforward fight.

Cagnazzo is still a pain in the ass. The trick is to wait and see what he does before acting. Grand Cross or Runic buffs really help a ton. I used Exdeath the first time but Celes is better today for me.


Trakanon Raider
I either wasn't around yet, or was too low level when all of these fights were originally released, but I agree, power creep has made them all trivial today.

Bahamut I completely ignored the creepers and just blew him up in a few rounds. Missed the medals for creepers, but mastered it anyway since they aren't needed if you don't lose any others.

Cagnazzo I used a RW runic to prevent his stops and just nuked him out with a shout team. I brought a lot of lightning attacks, but he kept going into his water phase so often I eventually just ignored it and healed through the damage (not a problem with all of todays stacking breaks).

Caius was also super easy with Vaan's BSB to neuter his magic, and Cecil in the backrow with a bow + gaia's cross to taunt, which shut down his physical hits.

Overall it was an easy event. They probably should have re-tuned them, but whatever, it's nice to get some free loot every now and then.


Trakanon Raider
Just curious, but for you veterans, did these re-match dungeons give the rewards for beating them a second time, or were they still marked as completed from the first time you cleared them?


Golden Squire
Final pull on FF3 banner andddddd.... 3rd Ingus Shield. $@#% Knew RNG would screw me after the great burst pull. Anyway.... no more pulls till FF14 barring some crazy lucky draw pulls that they may introduce.

Aso tried to CM the new dungeons. Cag was being a real turd (landing 3 sleeps and some slows with Affliction Break...) so ended up swapping to a generic team running Celes with Ashe's BSSB RW. Biaus was a tough sucker to CM but Serah's and Vanille's BSSB pulled through.


Molten Core Raider
I went for one more pull since I have been bringing Luneth as a RW for some of the recent fights for the wind dps/stun and wouldnt mind having one. I didnt get it, but I did get some OK gloves. What is the best ability to hone up to make him a killing machine? Full charge for phys and a chainga for mag? Any decent 4* magic abilities? I dont really need to use him as support.


Golden Squire
i feel he's better as a Mage just because chaingas are generally stronger now since melee cap is low (and you won't be equipping any damage boosting RM with his burst), but FC with power chain command deals very respectable damage too.

Also 4* black spells are mostly phased out with the advent of 5* unless you want to hit weakness on 2 characters.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If I didn't pull OK relic and can't really farm 4* motes, Onion Knight is basically a turd, right? I got all his motes and have been farming the exp dungeon just because I like exp, but seems like a lot of hype for him. I guess it's just if you happen to pull gloves and fully dive him?


Trakanon Raider
I'm currently using my OK as Support but he can fit in anywhere. The Support is a default role since I haven't pulled for other Support relics since getting Ramza's SSB with Shout. Now I'm wishing I had a good Support BSB like the Faris or Fran bows because a lot of his potential is being wasted as a Support. But, with that said, he's a direct upgrade from Ramza so that's why I'm using him there. As soon as I get a good Support BSB I'll move him out to a damage role.

If you've been playing for awhile the general rule is that a character with a relic SB is better than a character without one. The only time I ever use characters without unique SBs is for Cid's Missions. So if you didn't get a relic for Onion Knight you want to make sure you have the 12 special motes for him to dive him but you don't have to invest in him right now. His Gauntlets are VERY popular and they return on a bunch of banners despite our next III event being 5 months out. It's likely they'll be on the Celebration banners at Christmas time. They'll definitely be on our 2nd year anniversary banners in March and Japan got a special Othros banner which featured them too alongside their 2nd Anniversary banners (basically Japan voted which relics they wanted the most and they released a banner with the ones). In other words there are lots of opportunities to pick them up between now and the next III banner so you want to make sure you can fully upgrade OK if you pull them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Thanks, good to know his relics will be back. Stupidly I pulled on Kain's banner because his BSSB looks awesome and I love him. Got 2x Porom staff instead. I was trying to save 50 for a pull on this banner, but the lucky came along and killed that idea. Got Palom dagger. Why do these munchkins haunt me? Might be able to save up 50 before OK banner ends! Have more than enough motes (16) just from farming exp.


<Bronze Donator>
That Palom dagger is deceptively useful, as one of the only high-MAG daggers in the game, and almost everyone (maybe literally everyone?) can equip daggers.

Maybe niche uses, but uses nonetheless, in particular in the hands of Ninjas (since Ninja ability damage is based on MAG but there is almost 0 high-MAG Ninja gear out there).


Trakanon Raider
Been busy, so I only just now got around to doing the new multiplayer raids. Feels like they stepped up the difficulty a lot with this latest batch. I had to go through about 10 different groups before getting master for the 160. About half of the groups couldn't kill it at all because it was just a random mix of a bunch of melee dps with minimal healing support, so the aoe's kept wiping out the parties. The other groups that could kill it never brought sleep, so I kept missing mastery.

Finally I decided to fix both problems, so brought Ramza with phantasm for the sleep medal, and Arc with esuna + blink medica to help with heals / petrify. Of course, next group I get into is 4 healers, my support Ramza, a full support Tyro, and only 2 dps (Tidus with OSB and Terra with her SSB).

With 6/8 of the party being heals/support, no one died of course, and we actually managed to win it with mastery surprisingly enough. We slept the dragon, then focused down the eye. Then we started on the dragon, but as you can imagine, with only 2 dps and no offensive BSB's, everyone ran out of offensive hones when the dragon was around 50% life. The last 50% was literally everyone using the attack command, with the occasional Tidus OSB when he built enough SB from auto-attacks. Both other healers had a BSB, so they had infinite healing, which is what made it possible.

It worked, and mastery was obtained, but it wasn't exactly how I expected to master that fight.

I'm going to be focusing on level capping most of my BSB users now after that ordeal. Ashe bsb should be good for most multiplayer dps roles, especially with the free self-heal on her dps command.


Trakanon Raider
Multiplayer will get better over time but right now there is a lot of derp going on. The Dragon fight is a perfect example. Just reading the medal conditions it's pretty obvious the best way to go about the fight is to put the dragon to sleep and focus the eye down. But idiots will constantly split the damage and wake the dragon over and over.

Japan went through similar growing pains but now that we are getting real rewards for completing it the groups get better.


<Bronze Donator>
My typical multiplayer team for that fight was Ramza w/ Shout, Phantasm, and Full Break, and Eiko w/ BSB, Curaise, and Esuna. Curaise was super handy, but only with a team that paid attention and recast mitigation after it landed. Which actually happened surprisingly often. Tho I did have my fair share of fights where it was my two and 6 DPS. And that sucks.


Trakanon Raider
I've been trying for physical synergy for VIII for ages. Pulled 2x BSBs for Rinoa (dated but not bad), both of Laguna's guns and the shared heal bracer. Was really hoping for the OSB or Zell's gloves (either would have been fine) but I'm good on this banner.

On another note I really hate how MC3s are handled. Even on Japan it never really got any better. We will get one extra one during our December Orbfest and there might be another random one somewhere but U+ is still the way you get most of them. I've been using them on characters who have a BSB or OSB primarily. I "wasted" one on Ramza since I got Onion Knight's gauntlets and I used another on Lenna since she has a Curaga SSB. I just used my last one on Beatrix tonight and now I need to wait for the U+ to unlock Rinoa's.
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Trakanon Raider
MC3's seem to be more for the main team that goes to the U++ instead of trying to level cap everyone in the roster. I've used a few, but most of mine are still in reserve since it takes forever to level them from 80-99 anyway. 5-7 or so MC3's should be all you need to max out your ultimate team, and over time, there will be more for a few swap ins.

What I'd really like to know is why we still can't buy MC2's from the shop. They were removed from the gyshal shop like 2 months ago, because supposedly they were being added in unlimited supply for less greens, but instead they've been gone completely and unable to obtain except 1 per event. I still have like 20+ units I can't break past level 65.
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Trakanon Raider
So far I've MC3 broken:
Cloud - OSB
Tidus - OSB
Cecil - BSB
Beatrix - BSB
Terra - BSB
Ramza - Shout
Lenna - SSB group Curaga

Onion Knight too of course.

Rinoa will get the next MC3.

My relics are great. Right now the only thing I really need is a healer BSB. The XIV banner is bonkers good and Y'Shtola's tiara is flat out broken. I've got a month to save up for it and only one Lucky Draw on the horizon. I might skip the next banner fest entirely unless one really stands out.