Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Blackwing Lair Raider
Beat my first ultimate+ and got my first non-onion MC3. I actually felt pretty much like I had to pull on this FFVI banner because I had three FFVI uniques to my name - two of Mog's shitty relics, and Kefka's relic. So 100 mythril gone and all I got was Shadow's BSSB (hey, i'll take an FFVI bssb, love the character too) and a shitty Leo sword, so fml.

Anyway, beat it with
65 Kefka - Thundaja, Chain Thunder
76 Arc with Curaja and protectga , with that badass insta medica
80 Vaan. didn't know what the fuck to do with him, but I needed his bssb for medals so i just gave him lifesiphon and wrath which gave him a bssb every other turn with lionheart rm
74 Yshtola for more cures, shellga, and wall
99 Onion knight with no abilities unlocked because i couldn't beat the fucking mote dungeons (prolly can now). so he just had thundaga x 2 and gave me haste, whereupon he got ashe rw

Found the fight considerably easier than the clusterfuck with the mechs that I had to battle just before, but as you can see it wasn't the most potent party. Haven't been playing this all that long, and I've been fucked continually when it comes to VI synergy and quickly ran out of steam when I ran out of Ashe rw summons, after which I had to just survive for a few rounds and almost didn't.

Aaaand of course I found I have no chance with the last encounter, but I'm still celebrating my first MCIII, so it's all good.
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Trakanon Raider
Nice work!

I'd think that with some practice, your team should (in theory) be able to beat U++ Kefka since you have Vaan's BSB. With Fullbreak, Vaan's BSB, and Magic Breakdown (or Addle command from Vaan's burst mode), that's -60% magic debuff (after boss resistance), which is almost at the cap (which is -70%). Add in Wall and Shellga, and his nukes should be doing minimal damage.

If your problem though was dps, that's another story. Despite being a "mage", U++ Kefka is tanky as hell, and unless you have a bunch of holy damage to exploit his weakness, I can easily see a team running out of hones before killing him. It's also possible I'm underestimating how much of a difference having the whole team being level 90+ makes, so your mileage may vary.

Either way, the U+ has the big prize, so it's good you beat the important fight. Well done!
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Nice man! Any pull with a bsb I count as a win, they are all just so good especially if you're new/don't have lots of hones.

Multi target fights always seem like the hardest, I think because it takes a while to get them debuffed and your team buffed. They'll never be super debuffed like a single target is.

Personally I consider getting the MC3 as winning the event. The last battle is a bonus and the rewards are nice but I'm not too sad if I have to leave them on the table. Once I could get a MC3 I haven't missed any yet, so I wish you similar luck.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Nice work!

I'd think that with some practice, your team should (in theory) be able to beat U++ Kefka since you have Vaan's BSB.

Well, that's an unexpected comment! That team was basically what the magitek encounter forced out of me (although I used Shadow instead of Vaan there, and Cait Sith moogle rw instead of Ashe), but it's a symptom a) of my not having enough eggs to level who I want to and b) just getting somebody with nice synergy high enough to do something. Shadow and Celes have really nice movesets, yet for some reason I blew my resources on leveling lockebefore knowing whether I could use him, and did so at the expense of Celes, who would have made the magitek encounter a hell of a lot easier. Anyway, that squad is basically a hurl aoe thunder and water with a lot of added defense kind of squad (and with Vaan added later for the sole purpose of spamming his retardedly good BSSB), so it's definitely pleasant to hear it might work for u++, though I fear I'm running out of time on it.

I personally think I'm boned until the next mote dungeon, though, because that damn Onion Knight - even stuck at 3 star abilities - is probably my best character, what with his BSSB and compounded by the fact that he has hella high stats for both phys and casting, so I can just switch his weapons as needed and he'll do more single target damage with his BSSB abilities - usually the magic one is better - than any of my other characters except maybe Beatrix.

Eventually I hope to be able to do the Cid missions, but for now it's all I can do to just get my most potent characters to max level. I really fucked myself, I think, by using all those eggs on the FFVI characters, but I wanted a memory crystal =/


<Bronze Donator>
You didn't fuck yourself too bad IMO, still lots of time. And I'm jelly of that Shadow BSB.
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Trakanon Raider
Am I missing something on the U+ fight for FF7? Been trying the CM, and every time I bring him under 40% life, he does scorcher 4 times in a row within about 7 seconds. It's completely impossible to survive without multiple medicas.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't have any problems. Everything he does is physical so go with Full Break, Power Breakdown and Protectga. I used Wall as my RW by mistake (was planning Shout on a physical team but hit the wrong one by muscle memory).

I don't have a native group heal but a shared one was more than enough for me with all that mitigation. I do have a lot of damage SBs though so I burst him down towards the end but I didn't think he was too bad. Go full mitigation and see if that works.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe it's a threshold thing. I was trying with a BSB RW on Vincent, and was doing 60,000 damage per turn with 1 character. My only guess is I pushed him through multiple thresholds at once and he went rape mode. After him doing the same thing about 8 reloads in a row, I gave up and crushed him with a normal team (using all the stacking mitigations).

Maybe I'll go back and try again with a lower dps team, which sounds stupid if that was the problem.

Edit: And the Bahamut U++ was very easy. I really need to figure out the problem with my CM kill, it's going to bug me until I do. Probably going to wait until the AI thread is posted so I can see why I was triggering multiple scorchers in a row, which isn't supposed to be possible (it's supposed to have a 3 turn cooldown).

Edit2: Yep, AI for the U+ was posted. He does a forced scorcher when you push him under 70%, and 2 forced scorchers in a row when you push him under 50%. Since I was nuking him for 70k+ per round, I was causing a chain reaction of scorchers, which blew me the fuck up. Guess I have to re-work the team to a bad dps version, sigh.
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Trakanon Raider
So after getting the info from the AI thread and toning down the DPS on my CM team, I mastered it. The kill was messy because that bastard likes to chain stunlock my healer (and I even used double healers...) but it was still a mastery kill even with two deaths (2 damage taken medals lost, 1 for deaths).

This event was weird. The first boss took me two tries to master, because first time I killed him way too quick and didn't even realize my Edward was perma stopped the whole encounter and never got a chance to break him for medals. I had brought Ashe with her lightning BSB, Onion with Ashe BSB as RW, and Vincent with Ashe BSB as RW. So yeah, spider died in a few rounds, but Edward with his like 80 mind never came out of the spiderweb stop. I kicked off Onion for a second healer to lower dps and swapped the RW to OK BSB, which took care of mastery for the spider.

Then the second boss took me multiple tries, then an entire team re-work. Fun fact: Vincent with full magic synergy gear, Devotion RM, Memento Mori, using Maria's BSB as a RW, with the stacking mag boost on command 2 brings him to the hard cap on magic stat, which makes Maria's command 1 deal 9999x6 damage even without a weakness. Though like I mentioned, bringing that level of pain just gets you killed because you eat all his life % triggered scorches in a row, which is unsurvivable. Once again, I kicked off a dps for a second healer, and swapped RW to OK BSB, and that worked for the CM too.

Final U++ boss was a cakewalk one shot. Not even much to say really, he felt extremely out of place and should have been the first boss of the event. The spider with his pain in the ass stop + massive ultima nuke thing was a lot more threatening. Makes perfect sense, right?

My kills:
Spider Ultimate
Cid Mission Clone Ultimate+
Bahamut Ultimate++


Blackwing Lair Raider
NIce! Haven't tried the third encounter, but neither of the first two stressed me anywhere near as much as that magitek shit from the last event. Took me several tries for the first one but the second one I actually nailed on first attempt.

Vaan with BSB, Arc SSB, Cloud OSB, Yshtola Wall, OK BSB. Ended up correct in my surmise that if I, say, built up as many SB charges on Cloud as practicable, then buffed with OK and debuffed with Vaan, then use Zell's RW bsb as Cloud and then finally unleash his OSB, I'd be in good shape. Easy 100k.

Kinda lucky I even had cloud available. Got his OSB without trying on a lucky draw and didn't plan to use it, but then I decided to level Cloud for his RM3 anyway, so he was ready for this.


Golden Squire
Whelp can't say no to half off lucky draw for buff relics.... pulled dupes for yshtola SS2 and echo SSB... I guess it's some synergy for niche realms.

Also not sure what was up with the U fight! had much trouble running it with a synergy team due to his stop running down the timers of my buffs and his shotgun thing one shooting squishy aeris. Did win in the end but was fun trying 180 stamina worth of trial and errors.


Trakanon Raider
Grabbed Lulu's Focus. Awesome.

I haven't run a real mage party in ages, so it will be fun to craft around. Likely would build:
Lulu (focus)
Vincent (ATK/MAG buff SB)
Terra (BSB and En-Fire SSB) or Maria (BSB)
Tyro (wall)
Support (Faris DEF/RES break SB?)
RW: Sheepsong etc.

I don't see that competing with my physical team, and I'd need to hone at least one of the chain -gas up, but it's a solid team that should be able to complete all content.

Any of you running mages? I've used all my MC3's on melee, because Shout, Vaan BSB, Eiko Crit BSB, and Tidus OSB with water++ don't even need a 4th party member, but I'd love to hear how mage teams are doing it these days. I was running mages with Golbez's axe and when the 4* -jas were the strongest consistent damage in the game, and I'd suspect things have changed since then.


<Bronze Donator>
pulled Celes' BSB on the Lucky draw :)

yam, i usually do a physical team, but am capable of pulling together a mage team anywhere. i usually just run physical because there are no MAG-based breaks. both work pretty well tho, especially mag vs. physical bosses without ranged attacks.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I know they put in guaranteed relics, but when you go 1/11 and get Penelo's rare SB (holy damage and shell) it doesn't feel like it.

For whatever reason I have all the mage buff relics - Krile's, Edwards, AND Kefka's mag/haste buffs, plus Celes and OK bsbs. Have never had a mage team work out well at all. Really lacking damage SBs and BSBs for mages and hones on chain spells. Physical teams can get by with lower star abilities it seems like, they don't NEED well honed 5*s like mages do.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not pulling on this Lucky Banner. I looked over it and I have 16 relics already and there are only about 16 that I'd actually like (and most of those are for CM purposes only). So that means that 75% of the banner is either a dupe or something I don't really want.

It's just not a good banner for veteran players. Way too many junk SBs. If it had been SSB and up than I'd have pulled most likely but not with all the junk in there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Heh, I sure as hell wish I didn't pull on it. 1/11, Selphie's BSB. The relic itself seems alright, but it really messes with team comp.


<WoW Guild Officer>
4/11, pretty excited about that.

Krile's Whip (Sheepsong), Arc's medica, Josef's glove (Self KO for boostga), and Jecht's Boostga sword (dupe, made into 6*)


<Bronze Donator>
i figured it was SSB+ when i pulled, whoops haha. guess i got lucky tho, 25-mythril for Celes' BSB is a very fair price to me.


Golden Squire
Not sure if anyone is following jp version on Reddit, but they released "legendary" RM unlocked using 5* motes which I believe let's you equip it and another RM with the person who unlocks it. They've got pretty awesome ones like "trance" zidane which triggers on low hp and gives instant cast thief abilities or "pissed off" shanttoto mode that gives her short charge and mag+ on low hp.

Games got a long life ahead.