Final Fantasy VII Remake


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, Blitzball after you get the airship is an entirely different experience from playing it as you level. If you try it prior the Al Behd team will just race by you and shoot free goals, and the ronso team will literally just run up to your goal and shoot past Keepa every damn time, breaking through every defender. The others are much more doable, with the Goers being annoying as shit simply because they have higher average stats I think than you do and it isn't nearly as obvious as the ronso or al behd, just are just literally better at every single position. Getting the Jecht shot evens the playing field immensely, as using Tidus and just orbiting the outside until you get on top of the goal with 1-2 defenders on you means you will almost always score. Then it is hoping that the other team passes a shitload and randomly gets intercepted on a low roll for them and high roll for you. Otherwise, see my bit about the Al Behd and Ronsos.

The Brother+Tidus w/ Jecht shot team is straight boring OPness, as Brother will simply steal the ball or break through every forward/defender until you can pass to Tidus, who just jecht shots for easy borderline unanswerable points. Not to mention that since Brother will be constantly winning every encounter, he'll outlevel everyone and his shooting stat will be high enough to literally shoot and score from like halfway between the midpoint and the other team's goal against many of the goalies. Makes the push to get Wakka's weapon incredibly mind-numbingly boring, if not making it one of the technically easiest weapons to get.

Dark Valefor is substantially harder than any normal mode boss, including bullshit Seymour. Your aeons, leveled normally throughout the game, won't hit 9999 damage each, and that's assuming that he doesn't do the wind/attack combo and start one-shotting people over and over. The only one that will do real damage is Bahamut, and he's going to get aced before he hits a second limit break. Even with keeping my entire party engaged in every possible battle in the game, and never running, you have to basically abuse the shit out of items to get past him. Not even Seymour requires that kind of stuff, and he's one of the bullshittiest fights in the game. He can totally be beaten by explicit strategy, whereas Dark Valefor rapes you unless you literally abuse every single mechanic in the game to get past him when you would naturally come across him.

Also, I think there's more than one chest in some of the temples, and Besaid being the very first one and literally putting two balls in different holders to beat makes it sort of unintuitive to get the destruction there without prior knowledge of the effects. Entirely possible through just being OCD about checking every option (and I 95% am definitely that with RPGs) but also incredibly easy to miss it being a key to unlocking the best two aeons in the game as well as the means for Yuna to rape mad faces.


Molten Core Raider
If anyone insists on pwning at Blitzball prior to the airship, you can rearrange your teams positions and pass back and forth between Defenders earning huge XP. Makes an easy game easier, but it's also good if you want the Original Besaid team and let the OP chars like Brother stay on another team.

(edit: this works great for building up your Keeper by getting him a lot of levels at back)


Registered Hodor
Is there a way to check if I did the destruction spheres or not?
Sorry for the thread necro, been out of town for the past 5 days with no internets. Go to Baaj Temple via your airship and go through the doors underwater. There's a room with 6 altars that you push in which will give access to Anima. It will give you a message if you try to push an altar that you haven't gotten the destruction sphere for.

First, you can't miss Bevelle's Destruction Sphere, you pick it up automatically.
Also, here's a better TL;DR on using Zanmato if you're cockblocked by dark aeons:
Pick up Yojimbo and pick the second option ("to defeat the most powerful of enemies"). Yojimbo's Zanmato is instant kill for Dark Valefor, but you won't get it very easily.
Train him a bit on low level monsters by paying 1024 gil. Hope to see as much Wakizashis as possible (that raises his affection for you). Once you start seeing Zanmatos, you're ready for Dark Valefor, who has a very high "Zanmato-resistance-level".

Save your game, commence the fight with Dark Valefor--start with First Strike for instant Summon. Make sure Yoji's OD bar is full. Pay him a reasonable amount (65536 or 131072 will do) and hope for Zanmato. If he does it, dance. If he doesn't, cry, and reset.


A Mod Real Quick

Killed seymour first shot when I went back. Only took two tries total so I guess he wasn't such a bitch as I thought.


A Mod Real Quick
About to beat this and I'm not sure if I should beat 13-3 (halfway through but would restart), 10-2 (played 30 minutes), or 9 (can't remember if I beat it or not, got far)

White people problems


Karazhan Raider
About to beat this and I'm not sure if I should beat 13-3 (halfway through but would restart), 10-2 (played 30 minutes), or 9 (can't remember if I beat it or not, got far)

White people problems
The only one that doesnt sound fucking awful is 9


Golden Knight of the Realm
9 so you're not hating spira, then 10-2, play suikoden 1 and 2, then Im sure others will mention something else to play from the past.


Vyemm Raider
X-2 and 13-2 are both tolerable, but 13-3 is definitely by far the worst final fantasy game in existence, at least until this abortion called World of Final Fantasy comes out next year. 13-3 is the only one I couldn't stand enough to even finish it, and that's coming from someone who has beaten all of the rest multiple times.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not even a question: FF9 is one of the better games in the franchise, and a replay is warranted.

X-2 and 13-2 are both great games, and mechanically superior to the main line game they follow. Haven't played 13-3 at all though, so not sure where that stands.


A Mod Real Quick
Well the last boss of X (Braskas Final Aeon) is fucking bullshit. Get to phase 2 and he hits my party with his sword doing 2500ish then instantly does it again and wipes my party out before I even get a turn. Fuck you.

Farming up some stuff for Trio of 9999, ain't got time for his horse shit moves.

I'd use Zanmato if it killed both phases, but I can't even get Yojimbo to do it once spending all my gil.


Trakanon Raider
That fight is actually really tough if you are level appropriate and haven't done any side quests. But if you have all of the Aeons he becomes stupidly easy. Anima alone can trivialize the fight since she is extremely overpowered.


A Mod Real Quick
Pretty sure I can't get Anima because I missed a treasure and a Dark Aeon will block my path. That's not even worth my time though. Just ready to end the game in the shortest path now lol. I'm only 33 hours in and the average on howlongtobeat is like 48 hours.


Life's a Dream
Anima is great. He looks really different, too. I remember getting him deep inside of that one dungeon (and that dungeon is a great place to grind experience).


Molten Core Raider
Anima is child's play. Bumblebee ass attack ftw.

Don't forget to upgrade your Aeons too. Definitely worth adding haste and other shit to them.