Final Fantasy VII Remake


Karazhan Raider
Don’t forget the dumb little moogle mini game that nobody played more than once
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<Bronze Donator>
Don’t ever post in this thread again.
Why play the snowboarding game when you could pop in 1080° on the N64? Why play that lame submarine minigame at all? Those mini games in FF7 were all just lame distractions from the good parts of the game.

I suppose I did spend a long time playing the roller coaster shooter game, but that was mainly for the missable item. Never touched it after.

The only good part of Gold Saucer was the Battle Square.
  • 1Salty
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Potato del Grande
I think one of the other reasons 7 gets so much love is the final boss of the game is the big bad throughout the ENTIRE game. None of the other 3D era games have been like that (caveat - I never played the 13 series). 8 was mentioned before the final showdown but it wasn't until what, disc 3? 9 it's some random enemy. 10 is also talked about before it happens but not til way later in the game. 12 I don't even remember wtf the final boss was, only beat the game once even though I enjoy the game itself. 15 I never finished but I don't remember a big bad ever being a thing.
In FFX you literally have people saying "Praise be to Yevon" the entire game. I guess it's a twist that the secondary antagonist organisation ends up being the final boss, its like if you ended up fighting Rufus Shinra at the end of FF7.

You also can't fail the battle so it's equivalent to the shirtless Sephrioth fight but longer, really Jecht is the final boss.

Its not in the same league of shit as Necron in FF9. I didn't mind Ultimecia in FF8 since she was puppetmistress the entire time and had an entire epic dungeon to build her up.

But yeah FF6 and FF7 had the best endbosses when it's a character you've encountered throughout the game who attained godhood.
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That guy
For 10 I was referring to Braska's aeon as the final boss. I don't count Yu Yevon since as you said, it's a fight you can't lose.


FF9's card game sucked compared to FF8's

FF7 had dumb shit like the snow boarding mini game.

I spent a dozen hours on that snow boarding game trying to perfect it or something. That was the great thing about 7: There was so much side shit to do that it had a ridiculous amount of content for its time.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Submarine game in the saucer was where it was at. F your snowboarding.
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1WTF
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Trump's Staff
All I know is I am gonna wait until I hear reviews to buy and won’t pull the trigger unless you have to run into/out of the golden saucer to reset the zone over and over again until you get brain tumours.
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  • 1Solidarity
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Trump's Staff
Probably just me but the way the director spoke when dropping this trailer makes me think the game is a lot further along than we're assuming and we are going to see a lot more soon.


<Bronze Donator>
Probably just me but the way the director spoke when dropping this trailer makes me think the game is a lot further along than we're assuming and we are going to see a lot more soon.
Ah sweet summer child
  • 2Worf
  • 1Truth!
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
FF mini games are always better than the main game.

Change my mind.
FF6 didn't need a mini game to be good.


Not sure where to rate 5.

Didn't play 9, 11, 13, 14 or 15.
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  • 2Faggotry
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Tifa was a coal burner and Aerith was Zack's sloppy seconds. Cloud should've taken Jessie and left Midgar behind them.


Potato del Grande
For 10 I was referring to Braska's aeon as the final boss. I don't count Yu Yevon since as you said, it's a fight you can't lose.
Huh? You are told that Jecht is Sin by Auron as soon as he joins the party in Luca. That's very early in the game.

How that happened is the entire mystery plot of the game.
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That guy
Yeah but they don't talk about the sacrifice turning into the final aeon until way later. I see what you're saying but Sin itself isn't the final boss either way. Yes I'm being petty and arguing semantics here.


Karazhan Raider
I tuned out of the plot of 10 after this abomination. From that point on its mash the next button whenever dialogue came up.

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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Tifa was a coal burner and Aerith was Zack's sloppy seconds. Cloud should've taken Jessie and left Midgar behind them.

Don't worry, Aeris was pure, the English translation fucked up.
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