Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<WoW Guild Officer>
The guy has the title of "Meat Axe"? I'm intrigued...

How much more of the MSQ do I have left btw, I'm just getting to the Sea of Clouds (again) where what's his name was killed, and there's at least two other areas I've not accessed yet [because of the Aether Currents chart being empty].


Trakanon Raider
The guy has the title of "Meat Axe"? I'm intrigued...

How much more of the MSQ do I have left btw, I'm just getting to the Sea of Clouds (again) where what's his name was killed, and there's at least two other areas I've not accessed yet [because of the Aether Currents chart being empty].
Probably around 70% done. Hinterlands and Azys la go by pretty fast but you still have 2 Dungeons and 2 trials iirc. Depends on how far ahead or behind you are xp wise. Having to grind a level to continue the MSQ is what took the most time for me towards the end.

On the plus side there are no clickie Aether currents in the last area.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Probably around 70% done. Hinterlands and Azys la go by pretty fast but you still have 2 Dungeons and 2 trials iirc. Depends on how far ahead or behind you are xp wise. Having to grind a level to continue the MSQ is what took the most time for me towards the end.

On the plus side there are no clickie Aether currents in the last area.
Hrm k. I got stuck on the 56->57 jump and had to grind out a level. Hoping I don't have to do 58/59 as well. Just finished the vault.


<Silver Donator>
Hrm k. I got stuck on the 56->57 jump and had to grind out a level. Hoping I don't have to do 58/59 as well. Just finished the vault.
Have to do it for the last 3 levels. 59 goes fast because of new dungeon, but 58-59 is terrible.


Vyemm Raider
Our old DRG was doing 1050 on the dummy, our new one does just over 1200. In actual combat, our old DRG would drop to around 780, and the new one is just under 1k.


I don't think I will have to grind any levels.

I am 55.5 and barely into the 3.0 story. Zero side quests done at all and I have several days between play times so rested XP comes quickly.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I don't think I will have to grind any levels.

I am 55.5 and barely into the 3.0 story. Zero side quests done at all and I have several days between play times so rested XP comes quickly.
What level did you start the 3.0 story on? I thought the same thing until I got "done" with Churning mists and hit a wall.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Our old DRG was doing 1050 on the dummy, our new one does just over 1200. In actual combat, our old DRG would drop to around 780, and the new one is just under 1k.
Yeah sounds like the combat is a big diff. If you're maintaining 1k in combat thats nice, I can maintain 780 in my gear, so that's not very good. New drg is good.


Trakanon Raider
I picked this up recently and made a character on Gilgamesh. Started as lancer with the plan to go dragoon, but thinking about going ninja instead.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah sounds like the combat is a big diff. If you're maintaining 1k in combat thats nice, I can maintain 780 in my gear, so that's not very good. New drg is good.
There's a lot of tricks in Savage A1 for increasing DPS that weren't immediately apparent to me. The biggest one is when the adds pop. In Normie A1, you just pull the adds under the markers and kill them, but you can't do that in Savage, because a shot duration after adds spawn, Resin Bombs and column AoEs come out, and unless I blow my cooldowns on the add (which is inefficient), I can't kill it before I have to dodge those things.

So I would get my add down to about 25% and then I would just be holding it while I wait for AoEs to happen, and then I eventually thought, why not use this time to smack the boss around? As long as I didn't get my add stuck in any resin, I could easily keep doing damage during AoEs and then drag my add to the marker and execute it afterwards. This actually raised my parse by a significant amount, and now I'm parsing very close to 1k total in that fight, which seems to be very impressive among MNKs.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah sounds like the combat is a big diff. If you're maintaining 1k in combat thats nice, I can maintain 780 in my gear, so that's not very good. New drg is good.
If you have around i180, you should be doing around 900DPS, as melee, on a dummy(or on fractal bosses, which are more or less dummies, especially the first one) You said you have several i170 stuff still so might be a bit lower but you might be lower than you could be. I don't know shit about DRG rotation though. That said dummy parses and actual fight is very different in general, especially as certain classes there's A LOT of optimization(BLM, MNK and DRG seem to have the most stuff that can go wrong really badly, though DRG is easier to do from what I understand. And MCH probably, I don't really know).


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
If you have around i180, you should be doing around 900DPS, as melee, on a dummy(or on fractal bosses, which are more or less dummies, especially the first one) You said you have several i170 stuff still so might be a bit lower but you might be lower than you could be. I don't know shit about DRG rotation though. That said dummy parses and actual fight is very different in general, especially as certain classes there's A LOT of optimization(BLM, MNK and DRG seem to have the most stuff that can go wrong really badly, though DRG is easier to do from what I understand. And MCH probably, I don't really know).
I'm actually i168 in total. But yeah, the way I look at it, I don't care much about omg mush optimize rotation to the absolute maximum dps, as long as I'm in an acceptable range - and if a group cares that much honestly they can just find another drg lol. Unfortunately, for DRG, BotD really fucks up your rotation depending on when things happen, it can really screw over your dps (eg: botd drops because you had to dodge some ae at a bad time). I've been managing that trying to do better, but still working on handling things. I would imagine once I get the i200 weapon (tomorrow) and finish up the i180 set, 1100dps on a dummy is not an issue.I saw a drg videothat was parsing 1216dps on a dummy with nothing more than i180. I don't see how that's possible, but there's a video of it. Then again, it's probably the food that I should probably start eating (lol) and the potion that was snuck in there at the start of the rotation. It's also interesting too that in this video that drg is able to apply buffs way way faster than I can - the animation delay always makes mine take longer so I have to do them in the middle of other rotations during the GCD.


<Silver Donator>
Not if you want to get into Savage. With i190 weapon and full i180, you should be doing at least 1050 on a dummy.
i180 as full 180, not 190weapon. you're gonna do 900 to 950 with a i180 weapon, 1000 to 1050 with i190 and I have no idea with a i200 cause I don't have one. You wouldn't do savage in i180 anyway, most likely, by now you should have most of i190 alexander shit and an i200 weapon if you were serious about savage, and if you're behind you still should have the i200weap.

On the video, it's a video with food+group bonus(anytime you're in a group, you do more dmg, chocobo counting as a group member gives you that bonus) and uses a potion. It's like raiding conditions but without any raiding mechanics, so you're gonna do a lot more. Also 3mins is kinda short.


Vyemm Raider
i180 as full 180, not 190weapon. you're gonna do 900 to 950 with a i180 weapon, 1000 to 1050 with i190 and I have no idea with a i200 cause I don't have one. You wouldn't do savage in i180 anyway, most likely, by now you should have most of i190 alexander shit and an i200 weapon if you were serious about savage, and if you're behind you still should have the i200weap.

On the video, it's a video with food+group bonus(anytime you're in a group, you do more dmg, chocobo counting as a group member gives you that bonus) and uses a potion. It's like raiding conditions but without any raiding mechanics, so you're gonna do a lot more. Also 3mins is kinda short.
I'm doing about 1250 on a dummy as MNK in i189 with my i200 weapon, no food or pots. I really need to do a food + pots parse, though.

And melee classes can't really parse longer than 3 minutes because we run out of TP. NIN and MNK both get TP starved at almost exactly 3 minutes.


<Silver Donator>
I can do 4:30 on my monk, get 2 invigorates in before running dry. I don't have that much skillspeed though. Dragoons have the better invigorate too so they shouldn't be out of TP too quick, guy has 500+TP at the end of the video.

The chocobo makes a decent difference too for parsing, if you do all these tbh you'd probably be around 1400. Doesn't mean you're gonna do 1400 on most bosses though, other than A2S due to non stop aoeing from elixir and shit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Hit 60 and took the week off. Won't be able to play much once this month ends.

Trying to decide what to do. I know I need to level THM up to 26 to get swiftcast. I haven't levelled any crafting classes as of yet.

I also need to complete all the level 60 story line as far as I can.

Any advice from people who've been 60 awhile what route to take?

Gearing up for progress raiding is not in the cards currently, since I have classes this fall and spring semester again and won't have time to play much, especially with my schedule and the fact that Fallout 4 and MGS V are hitting soon, along with several other games I won't have time to touch till Christmas probably.

My account remains active even when I barely play, which has been the norm and why its taken me so long to bother hitting level cap before, I always seem to come back to this game when my schedule opens up. Guess I'm just a sucker for FF fan service.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Just log on, do ex roulette (neverreap and fractal continuum unlock it) and log out (~30 min or so). If you can do every day, you'll gear up without issue to tackle most content.


Trakanon Raider
Zero parties on PF for the past hour at 1pm on a Saturday..... Fucking Jenova....

Screw it, ponied up the cash and transferred to Gilg. Gonna try and hit you up later Krip.

IGN Jackus Deep