Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<WoW Guild Officer>
Is there a class / job whose primary role is tanking? If someone can point me in the right direction where to start that would be great.

A bit confused reading through the internet fodder, giving this a go Friday and never played any FF games.
Marauder and Gladiator are the dedicated tank classes. Marauder uses 2h weapons and is more geared to DPS tanking and Gladiator is sword and shield and takes less damage.


<WoW Guild Officer>
How long would it take to get to 20? I missed out on practically everything last weekend because of work, and I'll miss most of friday this week.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How long would it take to get to 20? I missed out on practically everything last weekend because of work, and I'll miss most of friday this week.
A day of good solid gaming. It's not the long honestly, though also depends if you just focus on leveling or do other stuff also.


<Silver Donator>
Pyros: They've said that SCH will be a main healer, so it would be a major failure in game design/balance if it turns out otherwise.
Really? All I've seen was how the fairy would provide "aoe healing" and that sounded to me like Scholars would be "raid healers" while WHM would be tank healer. It'd be nice if Scholar was basically 5 healing abilities but I don't know I'll wait to see it, and doesn't change the fact you'll have Arcanist as your main so you're probably not getting THAT much compared to WHM who get all the CNJ spells and all the traits, most of which are actually healing related. Hope they release some solid info or that they patch the client with the skills so they can be datamined.

On the other things discussed, Marauder is 2H axes only, not 2H weapons in general. 2H swords will come later with a specific job for it(potentially samurai even though that's gonna be 2H katanas or possibly dual wielding katanas, maybe Dark Knight but I forgot what weapon they used in FFXI, Scythes wasn't it?) and I don't think anyone will use 2H maces. Also MRDs are very oriented on aoe threat and doing quite a lot of damage(and as such threat) and not so much mitigating damage. Depending on balance, it's possible that MRDs won't be able to MT endgame content, and likely they'll be vastly inferior to Gladiators/Paladins for MTing, but at the same time they'll most likely be way superior as an offtank. Oh and leveling.

On the cutscenes, only cutscenes you can't skip is the first one that is at the game's opening with the giant crystal and the masked man and on the carriage shit, basically the intro. Everything else I believe you can skip, but it's not an obvious way to skip(not ESC/Space/Return, you have to press . on the numpad which is the Cancel function for keyboard only control, then a Skip appears and you press 0 on the numpad to confirm). You can't skip text stuff though, at least not instantly, have to spam the key to skip the text. Basically, it plays like a console FF in that regard. Unless you're rerolling I don't really see why you'd be skipping the cutscenes and text, that's basically one of the point of the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm esc was working for me, I just had to hit it twice to get the little window to pop up asking me if I wanted to skip and then just click yes with mouse.

There were some though that esc didn't work at all. Might try what you listed.

I really wish you could auto skip some things, like the airships, so retarded having to skip TWO cutscenes when using those things.


<Silver Donator>
Hmm esc was working for me, I just had to hit it twice to get the little window to pop up asking me if I wanted to skip and then just click yes with mouse.

There were some though that esc didn't work at all. Might try what you listed.

I really wish you could auto skip some things, like the airships, so retarded having to skip TWO cutscenes when using those things.
I guess that's the price you pay for saving 80g and not using Teleport instead ^^.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You could skip everything in phase 2, not sure why they took that out.
They patched it into phase 3 also. I could skip all the cutscenes. I was using my gamepad and just hit the 'B' button and it brings up the option to skip.


Golden Knight of the Realm
How long would it take to get to 20? I missed out on practically everything last weekend because of work, and I'll miss most of friday this week.
Around a full day

If you start playing Saturday morning you should get there around midnight. The server goes down 5 am EST on Sunday so that's about all you get.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Really? All I've seen was how the fairy would provide "aoe healing" and that sounded to me like Scholars would be "raid healers" while WHM would be tank healer. It'd be nice if Scholar was basically 5 healing abilities but I don't know I'll wait to see it, and doesn't change the fact you'll have Arcanist as your main so you're probably not getting THAT much compared to WHM who get all the CNJ spells and all the traits, most of which are actually healing related. Hope they release some solid info or that they patch the client with the skills so they can be datamined.
Yeah, that'll be about the best we'll get. Unless Phase 3 week 4 or whatever comes around and they turn it on prior to Phase 4 and we all pick our mains.

On the other things discussed, Glad is 2H axes only, not 2H weapons in general. 2H swords will come later with a specific job for it(potentially samurai even though that's gonna be 2H katanas or possibly dual wielding katanas, maybe Dark Knight but I forgot what weapon they used in FFXI, Scythes wasn't it?) and I don't think anyone will use 2H maces. Also Glads are very oriented on aoe threat and doing quite a lot of damage(and as such threat) and not so much mitigating damage. Depending on balance, it's possible that Glads won't be able to MT endgame content, and likely they'll be vastly inferior to Gladiators/Paladins for MTing, but at the same time they'll most likely be way superior as an offtank. Oh and leveling.
Did you mean Marauder in this whole paragraph where you used Glad (sans last sentence part)?


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, that'll be about the best we'll get. Unless Phase 3 week 4 or whatever comes around and they turn it on prior to Phase 4 and we all pick our mains.

Did you mean Marauder in this whole paragraph where you used Glad (sans last sentence part)?
I believe he did.


Can anyone provide clarity / thoughts on the benefits of having alts vs just doing all jobs on one character? The only thing I can clearly see at the moment are the extra attribute points you can spend to boost stats a minor amount.


Potato del Grande
Can anyone provide clarity / thoughts on the benefits of having alts vs just doing all jobs on one character? The only thing I can clearly see at the moment are the extra attribute points you can spend to boost stats a minor amount.
Every job has its own attribute point selection so if you pump Vit into your Gladiator, and switch to a Marauder or whatever, that Vit goes back down to base and your attribute bonuses for the next job kicks in.

Some of the really nice things with only having 1 char with multiple jobs, is things like only having to level tradeskills once, being able to save gear and use it for your other jobs, being able to switch jobs to help your group out, and say your doing a flagging mission, or after a certain item for a certain class, if you say switch to healer to help the group, if its guildlies maybe you can still get your tank item you are after, or still get flagged for access to something, etc. Same deal with raiding, and a lot less rotting gear, etc. Basically you can work on all of your achievements and unlocks on one character, and still have the option to change classes without having to start at ground zero. The other nice thing I like, is if you have 1 character per player generally, name *might* mean a little more, it did in FFXI at least. You can't just switch to an alt to hide your name if the community hates you. Although who knows how much community FFXIV will have.

Edit: Oh and then of course the obvious, with the system they use, you can use abilities from your other classes you've leveled, on your main class. So if you've got a few levels into Conjurer, you can use a few of it's spells in addition to your main classes abilities, etc.


<Silver Donator>
Did you mean Marauder in this whole paragraph where you used Glad (sans last sentence part)?
Right, I still have trouble getting used to the fact that a gladiator is the shield user, feels more like a 2H user name to me, but eh. Obviously yeah meant MRD for all of that.

On alts, the main advantage I feel is having quests again and accumulating leves on 2 different chars. I think for example having one discipline of war character and one discipline of magic character wouldn't be too bad. Main issue comes from doing pugs as you wouldn't be able to switch between all the roles, caster would limit you to damage and heal while the physical char would limit you to damage and tank, so you'd never be able to switch between a tank and a healer. You could eventually just lvl that shit though and it'd be a lot less annoying early on I feel.

Also on the leves accumulation, making a 2nd char to stockpile leves so you can level crafting or gathering only would also be a good idea. Granted leves seem to be gated by combat leves single quests, but I think you could group with a friend and he can kill the shit for you, so there's that aspect too, making a crafting mule to "abuse" the shitty leve daily limit.

I need to check next beta if you accumulate leves at any lvl or if you need to reach 10 first and unlock them though, not sure about that.


2 Minutes Hate
With everyone getting amped up, I might have to log on this weekend to try this thing again. I haven't played since P2 I think?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm what's the difference between Linkshells and free companies? I know you can be in multiple of the former but only one of the latter. Are the free companies pretty much "guilds/clans" and the linkshells something else?