Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Squire
One observation here - With no penalty for leaving matchmade instances, there's absolutely zero reason a CNJ should ever group with a THM (besides not wanting to be a dick). When you queue instantly, why choose the queue with a guy who'll share all your loot? You can drop the group (sending that THM to another 10+ minute queue), and instantly get into another that might not have a THM in it.

The matchmaker definitely needs a desertion penalty to prevent shit like that.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
And before I forget...Is there a way to increase the hotbar size? i cant stand the tiny thing.


One observation here - With no penalty for leaving matchmade instances, there's absolutely zero reason a CNJ should ever group with a THM (besides not wanting to be a dick). When you queue instantly, why choose the queue with a guy who'll share all your loot? You can drop the group (sending that THM to another 10+ minute queue), and instantly get into another that might not have a THM in it.

The matchmaker definitely needs a desertion penalty to prevent shit like that.
The matchmaker works well, but is primitive feature wise right now. There are no solutions to dealing with bad pugs besides leaving. There's no reason as a tank or healer to stick with a dungeon that is slow or limits their loot options.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
did uldahs most wanted on my glad. wow it was tough, took like 7 tries. Googled it to see if I was missing something and thought it was funny how people thought it was impossible. A little challenge in a mmo omg crazy


Hrmm, don't attribute points kind of futz with the whole ability to play multiple classes thing? Probably not an earth shattering difference, but it seems to reduce the flexibility a bit.


Or two weekends, given the current amount of available content.
Even with the amount of gated zones you can see in the world, it doesn't seem like there's nearly enough created world space. There's a lot of promise for "it'll be in at launch" that I'm very skeptical about.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You would think given that they have a large population of people with multiple level 50s that they won't go to release with no end game content but I've seen very little to lead me to believe that isn't exactly what will happen.


<Bronze Donator>
So I didn't have a ton of time to invest in the beta so didn't really do much outside of settle on a character appearance and get used to the general feel of the game.

For group makeup, are BRDs as a support class going to be a requirement or is it pretty much tank/healer and fill with whatever? And then, regardless of the answer to that question, are a lot of people rolling BRD straight out the gate? I know no one has seen max level content yet, but just looking for opinions from the people with more game exposure.

I'm having trouble choosing between PUG and ARC (so I guess eventually MNK and BRD). If BRD is going to be in demand, I would like to go that route. If it isn't, I think I'd rather roll PUG. Now obviously I know this can all be changed later with the multi class/one character system. Just easier to have an idea of what I'm doing straight out the gate.

Any opinions?


Lord Nagafen Raider
A mod posted yesterday that there is, in fact, a week 5.

"Please be assured yes, because there is a fifth test.
It will be announced as soon as dates are determined."

I'm not sure how I feel about it, but whatever.

Update: It's back to being unclear again.


Golden Squire
A choice selection of quotes from:

Mother of god.

"Not playing the class correctly" is not the same as "Not playing the class your way".

Did you die? No? Then theyre doing their job fine enough.
CNJ (later WHM) was the first job I got to 50, consider it my main job. I admit to taking a little pride in keeping people alive, even when the crap hits the fan and everyone is taking heavy dmg. It actually hurts me when someone, especially the tank, dies. It's what got me into the job. I make no apologies if I play on the safe side and keep my MP and GCD available for healing, even if it prolongs the fights by a degree. You want extra DPS? Choose someone else. I just make sure we all get out the other side without unnecessary deaths. But I won't be told I'm a bad CNJ/WHM for playing in that style.
Did you die? If no, SHUT UP. Concentrate on your own roll. We have a deal, I keep you alive and you keep your mouth shut. Ill heal when i want and attack when i want. Dont like it? TOO BAD. Equip a staff yourself and que as a CNJ. Remember, I choose whether you live or die.
Go paly xi join those beta forums and tell all the newbies how crap they are you should be right at home with that community.

Yes you sir are the type of tool i wish never to meet in any game. Bet you can't wait to rock off over the spread sheets all those cookie cutter builds ooooh the awesomeness of every one playing a class all with the same armour (they better have the right materia slotted in as we know that extra 1 mnd/int/str/dex makes all the difference) all with the same slotted cross skills all eating the same food using the same rotations i can't wait for that. People like you killed MMO's made every mmo's community toxic as hell and only ever seem to be happy when talking down to people go take a long hard look in the mirror and realize there are billions of people out there much better than you you are nothing important to 99.999999999999999999999% of the world and your kind of rude comments do nothing to better those around you.
As a healer, I'd love for people like you to tell me I'm not doing my job properly because I'm not DDing in a dungeon. I'll happily stop healing you, or leave. Considering with the duty finder I get into dungeons in about 3 seconds, it's no problem for me to go to a group that appreciates just being healed, and doesn't think I need to do their job too.
You're the reason I like the "Block Player" features in games. Seriously, just let people play the way they want. The game isn't even out yet and you're telling people they can't play their classes...
Conjurer's have to do 1 thing. Keep health bars full. That is all. Extra damage is appreciated but not necessary.


Trump's Staff
So... Wait...

Combat in this game is so boring that the main healing class has abundant excess mana to dd?



Golden Squire
So... Wait...

Combat in this game is so boring that the main healing class has abundant excess mana to dd?

The combat is actually pretty fun. It's just that healing isn't super intense, at least not in the early dungeons. Stance dancing to maximize damage and healing is a neat mechanic honestly.

Also, new #1 quote in that thread:

On a related note, I hope 3rd party tools that give us information WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE BY DESIGN (like damage meters) get you banned. This topic is proof that it leads to a volatile gaming environment.
Guy really hates accountability.