Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


They've been selling mounts in shop for years, why is this whale any different?

Who gives a shit how many it holds. No one carries around people on these mounts anyway, lol.

It's the same shop formula as has been forever now. It's not gonna become Pay to Win, lol.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Only reason I bought the lunar whale is because it plays a remix of the lunar whale theme from FF4 lol
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone complaining about p2w in this game is probably relatively new to it. By the time you are doing savage content or ultimate fights there is zero relevance of anything from the cash shop. PvP I have no idea but no one cares about pvp in this game


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Until they have a mount jukebox that lets me play any mount music I obtained, there's really no sense in collecting more than what you will ride normally.

FF15 crossover event will occur again and you can get the 4-seater car if you really want a multi.


<Silver Donator>
Man this company. Don't really ever see this kind of thing anywhere else.
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Man this company. Don't really ever see this kind of thing anywhere else.

This is why i've been with this game since Yoshi took over in 2.0. Team Yoshi and their level of dedication to the playerbase and making sure we are happy and satisfied is unparalleled in my 20+ years of MMO gaming.

They've never let me down. Not once.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I dont play ff14 at all anymore, but I have no doubt they are great people that run that game, and their dedication is an example for other gaming companies.

There's a good reason they have over 20 million players.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
YoshiP is also an old school MMO player. UO, EQ1, DAOC. He name drops those quite a bit. Plus he played WoW early and I presume he keeps up with their developments even if he doesn’t actually play WoW anymore.


Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
This is why i've been with this game since Yoshi took over in 2.0. Team Yoshi and their level of dedication to the playerbase and making sure we are happy and satisfied is unparalleled in my 20+ years of MMO gaming.

They've never let me down. Not once.

To be clear, it's not a perfect game.

Dungeons are linear.
The housing system needs a total rework, is subject to abuse, and basically forces you to stay subbed even if you want to take a gameplay break.
Healing was wholly unengaging until this patch cycle in everything but the extreme high-end content.
Gil has effectively no purpose beyond glam once you save up the 55 million for whatever large house you want.
The customer support is horrible.
The rules are incredibly vague, GMs are insanely uneven in terms of meting out discipline, the game has a huge, easily offended participation trophy/socjus contingent, and no one wants to talk outside of their own FC/RP bubble because they're afraid someone will report them over something petty and they'll get subjected to the stupid three-strike system.
The game is plagued by RMT and botting.

But in spite of this, it's always been clear that Yoshi, Soken, Koji, Foxclon, Ishikawa, and the other senior devs are basically like a family, this game is their baby, they care deeply about it, and they want to share it with us and for us to enjoy it despite its shortcomings. They try, and there is something deeply beautiful in it despite the imperfections.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Gil has effectively no purpose beyond glam once you save up the 55 million for whatever large house you want

The game is plagued by RMT and botting.

Gil has purpose, otherwise RMT/botters wouldn't exist. I do agree that when you get "fuck you" rich, gil doesn't mean a whole lot beyond having mansion money or buying stuff on a whim. However, considering all this, the economy is surprisingly not that fucked. Most items on MB are fairly affordable and the only super expensive stuff is usually the new, new rare items or the stuff that is just hard to get.


<Silver Donator>
Well gil has a few purposes, mostly leveling crafting which lets you get more gil back, and buying gear that is crafted, for glamour or for stats(returning/new players, the crafted stuff is really good). It's a somewhat self contained purpose in that you can kinda ignore it entirely and not suffer much. Even if you raid you can generally get the gil needed for food/pots easily just doing random shit, and you certainly don't need pentamelded crafted gear on the day of release unless you're going for world first levels, so the main use of gil is to get more gil, and then once you have "enough" it becomes pretty pointless. But for new players and people who only exclusively raid and don't want to engage with any other content it has uses which is why RMT bots exist.

I saw XenosysVex on his stream say he was buying gil so he could get all his raiding shit and never have to do anything(doesn't do expert roulettes, custom deliveries, maps and so on, just raiding, on like 3 or 4 characters too not just the one), which ironically didn't seem that got him suspended like when he was mocking a player for being complete trash which prompted every big streamer to blur people's names after that to prevent also getting suspended.

I find the RMT super ignorable though, they only spam in say in capital cities and usually can be blacklisted efficiently(it isn't nearly as bad as the days you were getting spammed with friend invites and tells), and they only use starter edition levels so you only see them in ARR and presumably in HW(I haven't really seen them there but I assume they are), after which you never see the bots ingame, unlike wow where you see the bot fiesta shit in current zones sometimes, and up to the previous expansion all the time.

But yeah the game has many issues, a perfect game doesn't exist(well maybe Tetris and shit but a perfect complex game doesn't). I think it's perfectly enjoyable in small spurts over time though, resub, clear content, unsub, that's the perfect cycle, it doesn't require your time like wow does, it's content just grabbing subs every now and then and that's why I also don't mind cash shop stuff, I don't buy it but some people do and that helps with their sales and keeping with their philosophy that the most important thing is having happy players, rather than the wow thing where they use all sort of tricks to try to keep you playing as long as possible even though you hate most of it, like mobile games and F2P "log in everyday for at least x or else" systems.


To be clear, it's not a perfect game.

Though I probably shouldn't, allow me to at least partially debate this to maybe clarify for anyone who is still thinking about playing this game.

Linear is nothing more than a flavor, and it's clearly not yours. Why for one people try to make the word "linear" itself sound like a negative connotation is beyond me. You know what I find open world non-linear games to be? Annoying and overwhelming. I don't need to be able to climb to the top of any hill I see in the distance. And half the time, when you do, what do you find? Jack shit, because the designer intended it as nothing more than an illusion to make you feel like "you can go anywhere". My imagination is already suspended enough when i'm running around as a magical cat girl in a dungeon with rainbow lava shooting out of mountains in the distance; not being able to run and climb that mountain isn't exactly ruining my immersion.

Housing, granted needs some work with it's permissions, expirations of properties, and just adding more housing instances in general.

Healing is for women and we've plenty of them in this game. Play a man's job. :p

Gil has the exact same purpose that you find in any other MMO out there, especially when there are billions of it in the economy. I'd like to hear suggestions as to what we should get to do with our gil other than the current system, as I can't really think of any alternative? Should we be forced to spend it more? I don't get the complaint here.

I can't speak on customer support problems. I've had to call them maybe 3 times in the last 8 years? And my issue was worked out with expedience and excellent customer service. I've heard some stories of some bad times, but not enough that are true or unexaggerated to make me write off the entire customer support team.

What rules? Who needs rules and discipline in this game? Like what the shit are you doing where these types of things come into effect? I have to ask because i've been actively playing this game almost every day for 8 years, both casual and raiding/ultimate endgame and i've yet to encounter a situation where a GM needed to even be called to "mete out discipline". Give me some examples here because right now i'm assuming this is probably some retarded in-game role-playing jazz.

I was worried at first when they implemented that whole 3 strike system bullshit, but in essence it's actually not that bad. What do we get from it? Well, people have to at least pretend to be decent folk most of the time. Oh damn, I don't get to tell someone they suck a big donkey dick at their job and should kill themselves. It's almost like I have to behave in game like I do outside of the game with the general public. Wild concept.

There is still plenty of social activity going on though; it's hardly limited to FC/RP bubbles. Go join some linkshells, some fellowships. They have one for about every social group under the sun. Live a little, make some friends.

RMT - I don't know what to say here, I mean yeah they exist but I haven't gotten an RMT spam /tell in 4+ years. The only time I see anything is if I swing into Limsa/Uldah and there is probably one by the aetheryte spamming the /say channel. That's about it. How often are you running into bots exactly? I see them standing around town rarely, maybe out in the lower level zones doing some automated gathering but hardly enough to even warrant much of my attention. Plagued seems like a gross overexaggeration.

Look, it's clear you still appreciate the game and it's beauty, and i'm not trying to say this game is without flaws or problems by any means, but I had to at least paint the picture here that there is another point of view from the way you pointed things out to be. I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything here, but as someone who's spent a lot of time in this game for almost the last decade, I have to voice my experiences when I see some misinformation like this.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
YoshiP is also an old school MMO player. UO, EQ1, DAOC. He name drops those quite a bit. Plus he played WoW early and I presume he keeps up with their developments even if he doesn’t actually play WoW anymore.

I do remember YoshiP saying early on he had the whole FF14 dev team play WoW for a time before making ARR so they could see what good controls feel like.

Reminder that the only MMO controls in a square game up to that point was FF11 and FF14 original both of which have horrendous control schemes.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, part of 1.0’s failure is they basically said “let’s make ffxi but with better graphics” and didn’t implement any MMO improvements in the genre since ffxi came out


<Silver Donator>
They also completely fucked up on what made XI nice, so that didn't help. I don't think it was "let's make FFXI again" as much as "let's make a better FFXI" and it failed at that, and apparently they hadn't paid attention to what the best game in the market was doing at the time(or for several years before) either, which is pretty mindboggling. Probably one of these japanese market first thing so they only checked out Phantasy Star and what not.

They got pretty lucky with ARR too though, if you look at the long list of mmos that copied WoW over the years, most of them are dead or on life support. XIV is basically the only successful wow clone(and the success is compared to other mmos, not compared to wow, which was still way way more successful).

They managed to somehow find their own niche with the story heavy focus, good art and the fast content pace(comparatively). Especially ARR content pace was fucking stupid, like the first patch was a bit slow to come iirc but after that god were they churning out content. Remember back then it was 3 fucking dungeons EVERY PATCH. They released a fucking class in the middle of ARR. Motherfuckers probably were on crunch time the entire time since they were also making HW at the same time. I think it was definitely a big factor, because when you're competing against an older game like wow that has tons of content, you need to get tons of content to get people hooked up. A lot of mmos launch with kinda mediocre amount of content(can't blame them mmos are a bitch to make), and then they spend several months fixing bugs and balancing and whatever and content is slow and when it comes it's like one pitiful dungeon and half a raid or whatever and people just quit and never come back.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Welp, the 510 DOH/DOL relics are out, and I have moved back to my original toon, so I am playing catch up there. Spent 5M gil getting full 490 crafting/gathering gear and getting it pentamelded. This is one area of the game that melding makes a huge difference in.


Trakanon Raider
Welp, the 510 DOH/DOL relics are out, and I have moved back to my original toon, so I am playing catch up there. Spent 5M gil getting full 490 crafting/gathering gear and getting it pentamelded. This is one area of the game that melding makes a huge difference in.
I was really hoping that we would get off-handed resplendent tools along with the normal ones >.< would be nice too have a 500 ilvl offhand for crafter/gatherer.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
*looks at last couple pages*

People use mounts other than the Company Chocobo?
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Potato del Grande
To be clear, it's not a perfect game.

Dungeons are linear.
The housing system needs a total rework, is subject to abuse, and basically forces you to stay subbed even if you want to take a gameplay break.
Healing was wholly unengaging until this patch cycle in everything but the extreme high-end content.
Gil has effectively no purpose beyond glam once you save up the 55 million for whatever large house you want.
The customer support is horrible.
The rules are incredibly vague, GMs are insanely uneven in terms of meting out discipline, the game has a huge, easily offended participation trophy/socjus contingent, and no one wants to talk outside of their own FC/RP bubble because they're afraid someone will report them over something petty and they'll get subjected to the stupid three-strike system.
The game is plagued by RMT and botting.

But in spite of this, it's always been clear that Yoshi, Soken, Koji, Foxclon, Ishikawa, and the other senior devs are basically like a family, this game is their baby, they care deeply about it, and they want to share it with us and for us to enjoy it despite its shortcomings. They try, and there is something deeply beautiful in it despite the imperfections.
I really enjoy White Mage healing, I liked it so much I had to plug a controller into WoW to replicate it.
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