Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Knight of the Realm
So do tanks not have many aggro gaining abilities around level 20 or are the people I've met just terrible? In every dungeon I've done except for one the second I cast a single heal I get charged by nearly every single mob, even when waiting until the tank is on around 30% before casting the first heal.


So do tanks not have many aggro gaining abilities around level 20 or are the people I've met just terrible? In every dungeon I've done except for one the second I cast a single heal I get charged by nearly every single mob, even when waiting until the tank is on around 30% before casting the first heal.
It's part that they are just terrible, but most of the tanking classes need a few seconds to fire off their high enmity abilities; friend plays a marauder and with my bard I have to wait for the telltale "flame" effect to go off before unloading on anything. If your tank is taking damage and you need to heal, it's coming at you.

I also don't know how threat is calculated; there seems to be some odd occurrences that make me think other things might come into play. And on top of that, healing someone majorly seems to have a disproportionate amount of aggro attached to it. You can get gold about 10 seconds into any fate as a conj, especially if you heal, but if you target a low health player, well...I think I literally gained the attention of all the mobs in the fates doing that. Aggro versus amount healed seems really stupid terrible.

But mostly, the tanks suck. Friend ended up going tank because we were literally just blown away by how bad they are. Most tanks will attack one mob, and ignore others, meaning if they face pull and you heal, you're almost guaranteed to be tanking/kiting the rest of that pack. And the tank will never react to it.

There's a reason why I made sure to level conj super fast (even knowing I needed it at 15 for bard) - to always have raise on my hot bar for when the inevitable happens: Tank sucks and your healer gets destroyed.

It's also my understanding that there really aren't "taunt" abilities, it's all just using enmity abilities one on top of the other, that are generally TP based. Marauder 'o mine seems to bitch about lack of TP often.


<Bronze Donator>
Most tanks will attack one mob, and ignore others, meaning if they face pull and you heal, you're almost guaranteed to be tanking/kiting the rest of that pack.
I also experienced that, and started leveling a gladiator as a consequence, too. Which is a goddamn shame because the level 10 class quest for gladiator also gives you a healer NPC to protect through multiple waves of attackers. And that healer NPC gives you hints like "Use flash to keep them off me". But no one seems to read that chat anyways.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Easy way to avoid that, if WHM spam SToneskin on tank instead of healing or sleep the targets that charge you, if 2 targets charge, sleep one, fluid aura other, sleep.

Side note: Still can't play the game I bought.


Trakanon Raider
Error 90000 within 20 minutes of every time I log in for the past two days. Browsing some forums it seems like it's an error affecting a lot less people so I doubt it'll get fixed anytime soon.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
But mostly, the tanks suck. [...] It's also my understanding that there really aren't "taunt" abilities, it's all just using enmity abilities one on top of the other, that are generally TP based. Marauder 'o mine seems to bitch about lack of TP often.
First point... yes, absolutely. Most tanks suck. This is true in every MMO, but in this one, especially in the later dungeons, there is less forgiveness for a shitty tank, because most other classes can't absorb damage or park mobs for shit, and your healer has to really think on their toes to keep a group alive if (when) the tank doesn't pick up adds.

Second point, again, yes. There aren't "taunt" abilities as we're used to them from other games. There are enmity abilities, and we spam them as best we can. The problem with the Marauder specifically is this: Our main enmity ability is an AoE attack. This makes it hard to sleep things unless you're able to exclude the sleeping mobs from the cone area, which is doable if you (and the person sleeping mobs) have a brain and some room. Where you can't use the cone attack, you have Flash as a crossover skill, but it's limited in that we don't have much mana. It doesn't use TP. Mana regens slowly in combat. Also, people are stupid and pull mobs off the tank instead of focusing on one mob.

Oh, and TP runs out like *that* when using the cone attack, so you'd better pray your DPS are all on one mob or you're gonna have fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What's ironic to me is if there actually was an inactivity timer, I think everyone would be bitching here, because I don't think it would automatically solve their server issues and at the same time expose a whole lot more people to login problems.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
What's ironic to me is if there actually was an inactivity timer, I think everyone would be bitching here, because I don't think it would automatically solve their server issues and at the same time expose a whole lot more people to login problems.
Entirely likely as their login servers are the crux of the problem right now, but we'll see tomorrow, right?

Edit: I wouldn't bitch if there was an inactivity timer, but I don't care one way or the other anyway. If I leave the game on for longer than a day or so, it becomes unstable when zoning, it seems. I've had it crash to desktop several times over the last week after having been active for extended periods of time.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It can happen anywhere. It happened in Hard Mode Garuda last night while I was main tanking. Everyone disappeared, including the effects of the whirlwinds, and I kept dragging Garuda around in a circle between the pauses. People said I was still moving to them and complimented me on my tanking, which I'm not sure is a good thing or a bad thing!


<WoW Guild Officer>
First point... yes, absolutely. Most tanks suck. This is true in every MMO, but in this one, especially in the later dungeons, there is less forgiveness for a shitty tank, because most other classes can't absorb damage or park mobs for shit, and your healer has to really think on their toes to keep a group alive if (when) the tank doesn't pick up adds.

Second point, again, yes. There aren't "taunt" abilities as we're used to them from other games. There are enmity abilities, and we spam them as best we can. The problem with the Marauder specifically is this: Our main enmity ability is an AoE attack. This makes it hard to sleep things unless you're able to exclude the sleeping mobs from the cone area, which is doable if you (and the person sleeping mobs) have a brain and some room. Where you can't use the cone attack, you have Flash as a crossover skill, but it's limited in that we don't have much mana. It doesn't use TP. Mana regens slowly in combat. Also, people are stupid and pull mobs off the tank instead of focusing on one mob.

Oh, and TP runs out like *that* when using the cone attack, so you'd better pray your DPS are all on one mob or you're gonna have fun.
Tanking top level shit, I rarely use overpower anymore. I use flash, and hit one target with a 1-2, the other with a 3. Only on packs of 3 or more will I use overpower and it's only 1-2 before going back to 1-2-3 combo on the main kill target.

Tanks also do get a taunt - it just works a similar same way as Vanilla WoW Warrior taunt - it puts you at threat+1, so you need to start hitting it immediately or it will wander off again. Requires gladiator level 22 - Called Provoke


Tranny Chaser
It is fun to see people get shocked when I Sleep all the adds in an encounter except the one that is being Focus Fired down. They have gotten so used to the WoW-ified pussy notion of crowd control only ever effecting one mob at a time that the whole concept snaps their little minds.


Not that said crowd controls last longer than 2 seconds due to someone AEing, or trying to aggro them (hi retarded tank on PS3). It's really great because a 30 second sleep turns into 10 seconds after that... boohooo. It's like people learning MMO all over again.

Such a painful ride.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Not that said crowd controls last longer than 2 seconds due to someone AEing, or trying to aggro them (hi retarded tank on PS3). It's really great because a 30 second sleep turns into 10 seconds after that... boohooo. It's like people learning MMO all over again.

Such a painful ride.
As a warrior I go out of my way to break CC, I'm an AoE tank, hit everything, I don't care!


Molten Core Raider
So DoT damage, does it snapshot when you first apply the dot or do buffs increase dots that are already applied? Does refreshing the dot keep a snapshot rollin? It's a pain to try to guess this stuff when damage is only in the double digits.


So what's you high level folks opinions on the two tank classes ? After I get a scholar up I want to do a tank on a different server and race just for the heck of it , and wondered if there seems to be any preference between paladin and warrior ?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Paladin is alright so far, but I'm a bit concerned with how many boring cooldown abilities they are giving me. Tanking/holding aggro so far is easy mode with flash, just spam that until low on mp, riot blade a few times to rebuild, then just spam your threat combo until the pack/boss/whatever is dead. Haven't had too many problems thus far aside from brayflox. The mobs there seem to just do assloads of magic/elemental damage which makes my shield and high armor useless, so I tank a shit ton more damage than I'm used to.

Speaking of shields, is there any info available on block chance vs block amount or how block frequency is calculated?


As a Paladin I rarely ever have issues holding threat outside of the first 4 seconds. Shield Throw first mob -> Flash other 2, Start Combo on first mob -> switch to 2nd -> hit 2nd ability combo -> flash -> hit 3rd mob with 3rd combo -> flash -> back to first mob and beat down. Flash every now and again and tab to other mobs and check threat meters / hit accordingly.

Something I learned last night. That little ass bar below your icon in the group menu is the threat bar of the mob your targeting. Healers get screwed since they can't see it unless they target the mob.

We do get a single target taunt, but like it was said it's on a 120 (or 90?) I forget CD and it's threat +1. So if you heal or nuke the mob after I hit it, it's coming right back to you.