Fires of Heaven - The good, the bad, and the whatever else.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Hey, I agree. It was the only reason I played EQ as much and as long as I did. It was definitely a far more active role than most any other class, especially on early raids.
Yeah, as an SK (with inferior FD), the tools of the trade were different, but pulling was the thing I loved most in the game, especially doing it in a zone I had never been in before.


Real men single pulled mobs from a pack out of agro/los through walls with a click of the Helm of Sol Ro. For the week I knew about it before it was patched ;_;. No idea how long but the helm from last stage of cleric epic was bugged to shit. Never got an OOR message. If you could target it you could single pull it from far enough away that social aggro simply didn't happen. Combined with not needing LoS it was the best week ever. The only example I can think of offhand was pulling the huge clockwerks from inside the castle in PoI to just outside the zone in since that's there target would drop due to range. The one and only exploit I found myself.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Remember the eye of Zom necklace shenanigans? Not only could you use that thing to pull from miles away (abused mine for most of Dozer hallway), but you could actually life tap the thing for healing. And the space ghost bracer from the cleric epic ragefire drop table was great for million mile pulls, too.


Toe Sucker
Shoutouts to the human paladin in FoH who corpse recovered my little gnome mage back in 99?who got port ganked into cazic thule instead of north ro or something back in the day.
Asshole wizard.


Vyemm Raider
Eye of zomm? Just showeq bro.

(we used the shit out of that eye of zom consumable until it was removed)

Also, the earliest trick you learn - panning around with 3rd person camera.

And I miss when some (all?) detrimental spells could ignore los. I caused the most epic train ever on day 2 crushbone by casting blind on dvinn.


Vyemm Raider
Eye of zomm? Just showeq bro.

(we used the shit out of that eye of zomm consumable to find flurry drakes in TOV until it was removed)

Also, the earliest trick you learn - panning around with 3rd person camera.

And I miss when some (all?) detrimental spells could ignore los. I caused the most epic train ever on day 2 crushbone by casting blind on Dvinn.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My best memory was when me and a friend were exploring Skyshrine while waiting for the rest of the guild to show up to kill Yelinak. Well, eventually something saw through invis, and then one or both of us got lost for a minute. End result was we trained pretty much all of Skyshrine to the zone. Onto our own guild that was forming up for aforementioned Yelinak kill.

In the chaos and confusion I don't think anyone figured out who did it.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Remember the eye of Zom necklace shenanigans? Not only could you use that thing to pull from miles away (abused mine for most of Dozer hallway), but you could actually life tap the thing for healing. And the space ghost bracer from the cleric epic ragefire drop table was great for million mile pulls, too.
I still have that necklace on my mage (lol dont ask), apparently its worth $$$.


Ssraeszha Raider
Man it's like jumping into a time machine.

Remember when other guilds got a fair chance at doing the content and WIPED HORRIBLY? I don't understand - they got there first, they had all the time they wanted to prepare. Just go tank and spank bro.

Do you have any idea how many times FoH killed a raid mob that was standing on top of mountains of corpses? Or how many people who openly hated our guts thanked us when we recovered their bodies?

We're talking about guilds that took months of failure to bring down Vindicator, who was only up because we didn't give a shit. He was right there for anyone to kill - what's your excuse now?

If Everquest is so easy, then why do so many people suck at it? - Kreugen from the 1999 wayback machine

I've asked myself the same question for going on 15 years now. It's true for any game out there, but it becomes exponential with the more players working together that you need to succeed. Look at uber k/d CODbros failing horribly at Destiny because coop is so foreign to them. Every time I play WoW I am slack-jawed in stupefied amazement at how badly people still suck at a 10 year old game with content that has been static for 14 goddamn months. I'm like you, BP - I can't fathom how there is ANY excuse for that. Hell, Everquest had progression servers where with all the modern knowledge and hacking tools and multiboxing assists and nerfed content you have experienced players who STILL wipe to shit.

Yes, with the knowledge we have now, EQ is laughably easy. But we had to LEARN those things first. And we (FoH, Afterlife, et al) learned much faster than anyone else.

There are mother fuckers out there who can beat every fighter in punch-out except Tyson WITH A BLINDFOLD ON. Do you think he accomplished that the first time he picked up the game? If he can do it, you should be able to duplicate it within a few minutes, right?

PS: The answer to the EQ question is mostlylogistic skills. For example, our final prep for a raid mob was to form a line that buffers would run down to ensure everyone was freshly buffed and ready, plus tricks like "shit buffing" so that dispels didn't wipe out the good buffs first. How many guilds do you think figured that out in the first year or three or Everquest?

But it doesn't explain everything - like how a max level player manages to suck even in a small-group environment. How does that fit into your "just turn on autoattack" mantra?
You didn't need anything resembling skill as long as you had a couple smart players to figure things like that out. That's what most people mean when they say a lot of the guilds main "skill" was time.

There were people who really knew what their shit making those guilds run, but there's way more people who's job was to just get behind the mob and press autoattack


There were people who really knew what their shit making those guilds run, but there's way more people who's job was to just get behind the mob and press autoattack
Started to write a post along those lines the other day but got distracted. Leadership and logistics made the world go round in EQ/WoW up until I quit. The behind the scenes shit most people never see or have to deal with. A couple examples that made huge differences.

Lori had chinese farmers on retainer for certain herbs during Naxx without which our supply of consumables would have been so much harder to maintain. She didn't hire them but somehow set up an agreement with the ones who were already there to send us their Dreamfoil(maybe others) for an agreed price. Hell consumables in general are the best example I can think of during that era. Ours were almost entirely provided for us with people donating whatever they could to help but not being required to do so. If I had needed to provide my own for Naxx every raid I simply couldn't have raided as a resto shaman. I leveled a hunter 1-60 during Naxx for the sole purpose of helping to gather herbalism mats and farming repair gold when the Mage who let me use his account to herb quit. Lori and others would quite literately have to sit in Org for 3-4 hours at a time some nights doing nothing but making pots for us.

Cross server recruitment was another one. It mostly applies during Naxx but FoH as a guild only had a single TF and I'm pretty sure we only finished the damn thing after Nax was released. Combined with the number of tanks required for 4H cross server was the only way possible to recruit the people we needed. Even with cats catching on fire(not a Mr. Bigglesworth joke) and the exodus over Sean's BP factored in the vetting and organization of that shit is what made it possible to get as far as we did. I can't imagine how hard that shit must have been for guilds who didn't have the name recognition we did.

Officer awarded loot that was as fair as I have ever seen. DKP would have been so much simpler and way less effort for the officers but instead they awarded loot and it was much better for the guilds health and progression. Tracking attendance, loot received, non raid participation, overall gear level v item being replaced, other factors, and consistently making decisions that were damn near always regarded as fair and correct was a ton of work. Except for when I got End of Dreams. Some priests and Druids were salty as hell over that but fuck them I was raiding Naxx with an Aurastone Hammer from god damn Garr. Then I ended up salty too because it got nerfed the fucking week after I got it because it's stats were overbudget. Cocksuckers.

The patience it took to herd 45 some odd people in the same direction while keeping them happy and motivated is something that's truly impressive. Factor in the behind the scenes stuff and it blows my mind. Hell the first night as we cleared to Maexna Lori talked me down from logging out due to my severe arachnophobia over /tell. I literally had goosebumps and hyperventilated for the duration of that fight for about a month. Powering through that was actually a huge deal and I'm way less likely to scream and lose my shit when I see a spider now. Unless it's on me. Then I'm still going to completely lose my shit. I honest to god screamed, knocked my chair over, and ran away with my headphones on yanking my pc out from under the desk when I was like level 8 and wandered into W Commonlands and turned around to find A_Giant_spider attacking me from behind when I was fourteen years old. Ah to be young again.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's funny someone mentioned elite LoL players attempting old EQ. The Skills required are so hilariously different.

Recently, Destiny a big time SC2 player decided to join EVE (A game with very simple mechanics like EQ). He created an instantly huge corp with his fans. Despite conquering a much more "complex" game hes been a joke at eve. Failing around and sucking at logistics, leading nerds, situational awareness ect.... He's apparently such a bad FCbrave newbiesjunior FCs often take over for him because he can not keep up at target calling, or seemingly comprehend the situation and react in fleet fights.

It's also a bit like comparing sports players of today to those of 80 or 100 years ago. Its not a valid comparison as everything as so different back then and players today have so many more advantages.


For all the time I put into it, and for as much as it meant to me back then, I'm amazed I can't remember more about EQ. It's been nice seeing some of the names and stories in this thread. Thanks for the nostalgia.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was never in Fires of Heaven, but when I was military, I had a commander who was, 2001-2 timeframe. As EQ was still relatively niche then, and being in a smaller RP guild the raid game was generally something I read about on fohguild and not actually participated in until much later in the game's life, I was in awe of that dude. I mean shit, he was my commander - and someone who happened to graduate from the same small high school as me, which was also cool - so there already was a measure of respect, but when I found out he was no shit in FoH, that really cemented it, even to this day if he called me up out of the blue and said he needed a hill taken I would charge that fucker without thinking.

He never told me his in game name, only that he played a monk, but still, he had some fun stories about shit that I only dreamed about doing at that time. It is funny how FoH really defined the pinnacle of MMO awesomeness for me (generic nub_03) for so long; no other guild in any other game has even come close, in my opinion.


The greatness of Daahoud, master tailor.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Man, the original UI is hilarious to look at these days. Even back then, though, I ran with the 'full screen'. F10 or whatever it was.


Toe Sucker
Yeah, finding that you can switch from that awful view was a godsend.
It's hard to believe that a UI like that was ever acceptable... Poor hardware limitations

70%+ of the screen is cluttered with nothing useful lol


Millie's Staff Member
the only thing more useless than that screen was having the only useful part filled up with your spellbook while you regenned mana. might as well have made the screen blank during that time. many a night i sat at the KFC in South Karanas in my 20s trying to med and have a lv 2 leopard come from like miles away just to fuck with me and my regen.