Fortnite - Epic Games - Team Survival/Strategy/Crafting/Combat


what Suineg set it to
So I watched a bunch of this on Twitch. It looks OK. Looks like your game experience is highly determined by available items. Also, it seemed like the maps encourage you to spread out and roam independently and the base building thing is kinda meh until the last minute or two of the match. Reminds me of Basketball.


Trakanon Raider
So you actually think it's fucking better to have to pay to get shit in a PVP game then in a co-op? Are you excusing paying for shit in a PVP game? Wtf exactly is your point or did you just mouth breath all over the keys?

What's the point of having a huge wallet if you can't take it out of your pants and slap peasants in the face with it ? ;p


Trakanon Raider
So I watched a bunch of this on Twitch. It looks OK. Looks like your game experience is highly determined by available items. Also, it seemed like the maps encourage you to spread out and roam independently and the base building thing is kinda meh until the last minute or two of the match. Reminds me of Basketball.

In fairness, the base building part becomes vastly more important as the difficulty increases, particularly for those people who don't cough up real cash. The walls and traps also become proportionally much stronger with the various skill tree upgrades.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still trying to grasp all the systems.. I've got an inventory full of shit I can't use and survivors/defenders I can't do anything with, and no clear idea how to make that change. Still, the moment to moment gameplay is fun for me, so I'm sticking with it.


Golden Knight of the Realm

accurate? i was looking forward to this but their microtransaction system seems absolutely abhorrent


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm still trying to grasp all the systems.. I've got an inventory full of shit I can't use and survivors/defenders I can't do anything with, and no clear idea how to make that change. Still, the moment to moment gameplay is fun for me, so I'm sticking with it.

Yea this is my main complaint. Way too many systems introduced from the beginning.

Haha, that video is hilarious.

Man, it's so sad watching that video.... complaining about the progression in the 1st half then says how easy the game is in 2nd half... dumb shit can't put the 2 together and realize "Hey, maybe you don't need to have top-tier everything to progress?!?"



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The more I think about it the more I think I understand the outrage by some thanks to Palum Palum and Adebisi Adebisi . With Card games it's pretty standard shit and TCG gonna TCG. With this type of game getting loot is fun and essential to the experience but now you have fucking inserted this bullshit where I have to pay to increase my fun so fuck you.

Looks fun but I have to agree that altering the loot system by paying for it is pretty fucking lame.
  • 1Worf
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
About to leave Stormwood, still haven't spent a dollar.

Left it last night and did 1st Plankerton Defense (solo) which was only level 15 mobs, so very easy still. I did all storm defense missions solo in Stormwood too.

Level 6 chest from launching the rocket.

I just realized you can craft Blasting Powder... my main guns are all busted up (playing as Soldier). Should be able to craft some good shit now that I know, was pretty sketchy doing everything with limited arsenal, had 1 gun I could craft because it didn't take Blasting Powder lol. Once I craft Assault Rifle it'll be soooooo easy.


Trakanon Raider
I'm rocking a Copper Terminator (Legendary LMG), and a Copper Breacher (Rare standard Assault). If it's a purple meany, the Terminator gets pulled out, everything else is Breacher fodder. PS: Should point out these are both level 10, because I'll need to finish Stormwood before I can evolve the schematics.


what Suineg set it to
I pulled an Utnayan because some friends showed interest. It's decent but a few weird things.

1) The left side character position is really weird camera perspective for us godly (right handed) folk. It's really unnatural and easier to lose sight picture because of it. There needs to be an option to have a right handed camera view in third person.

2) There are daily login rewards, similar to mobile games. I've actually wanted these for a while in PC gaming.

3) Schematics are God, however schematics also drop random loot rolls so just getting "a schematic" isn't necessarily the end, it's like D3 affixes unlocked as you level up the schematics with xp. You can get dupes too, I got some green with 3x 10% damage mods.

4) The gunplay is ok but a touch too arcade, however I have yet to skill up a lot or get ones with big accuracy boosts or things like that, so it may get better.

5) If anyone had any doubt, automatic combat shotguns are murder machines, accept no substitute.

6) The game has just enough Minecraft base building but a little too much gathering for some supplies imo.

7) Having non retard teammates greatly speeds up the maps. Most seem to have a quest/prep phase that you can "exploit" to PUBG loot everything in town. But after a while this gets tiring and some pugs just disappear forever.

8) The loot pinatas can be very powerful, but they are worse than Kadala. You will eventually get something shiny, it just won't be your set piece and it certainly won't be ancient.

TL;DR: this is a competent survival co-op shooter "thing" wrapped up in a mobile gacha game. You will either Korean grind or pay it out to be ahead of the difficulty curve, otherwise you gonna have a bad time.
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Trakanon Raider
accurate? i was looking forward to this but their microtransaction system seems absolutely abhorrent

The dude seems kind of cranky, but factually pretty much. There's more mission types beyond where he got to, so the limited variety is technically incorrect, but you need far more of them so it's kind of a wash.


Yeah... that video, even if it was on mute... has put the last nail in the coffin for my interest in the game. Maybe I will try it when it is free-to-play at some point in 2018, but not giving them money.


Avatar of War Slayer
alot of the complaints on pay, probably also come from the current box fee, to play EA. FREE entry, with some micro is one thing, like TCG as noted. but, 30$ box fee+mirco is fuck you.
I "NOPE"ed right the fuck out, when seeing the entry cost the other day.

but... then a friend passed along a free key.
So I played it last night.

menus suck. very hard to read and navigate. you get thrown alot of exp items, and shit, which you have no idea what any of it is.
Material collection in mission, and out of mission is a bit confusing.

Early missions. just killing shit with your hero is king. Little reason to build anything. getting materials to actually craft things also is a pita anyway. including guns/weapons.
RNG on schematics is a bit annoying early. I like sniper rifles and revolvers... got a shotgun and kukri schematic..
The proper way to do missions, and get the loot chests is not clear at all. new players def will be lost. exp players spread out, and find the prime mission objective with the timer I think? then find survivors? then throw up some walls only. start mission. collect loot?


<Prior Amod>
I don't get the complaint behind a $30 box plus micro transactions. We see this more often than not with games of this nature. Why get huffy about it now?

I'm digging the game, I don't get the complains about a "pay wall". I have friends who are really far in who haven't spent a dime. As far as it being easy and no point to build...I assume you're still in the 10 chapter beginners tutorial. It's a whole different ball game when you're outta there and progress further in.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I don't get the complaint behind a $30 box plus micro transactions. We see this more often than not with games of this nature. Why get huffy about it now?

I'm digging the game, I don't get the complains about a "pay wall". I have friends who are really far in who haven't spent a dime. As far as it being easy and no point to build...I assume you're still in the 10 chapter beginners tutorial. It's a whole different ball game when you're outta there and progress further in.
It was wrong then and it's wrong now


<Prior Amod>
You're right, games that require ongoing costs to maintain should never expect to make money to cover those costs.