Game Streaming Services - Stadia, Geforce Now, xCloud, PS Now


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Enforces the idea you don't actually own games anymore unless it's physical.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I can't blame them. Putting a game on there without permission is a giant fuck up.
Why? You are renting a high-end PC rig to play your own games, why would you need the permission of anyone to play anything?

(except it's not your own games. We're in the era of tech feudalism, where you do not own anything, everything is a service rented from your tech lords who have the legal authority to tell you exactly how you use anything. And that should terrify you)
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Log Wizard
Why? You are renting a high-end PC rig to play your own games, why would you need the permission of anyone to play anything?

(except it's not your own games. We're in the era of tech feudalism, where you do not own anything, everything is a service rented from your tech lords who have the legal authority to tell you exactly how you use anything. And that should terrify you)

I was referring to Nvidia putting a game on their service that they didn't have permission to do so.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I was referring to Nvidia putting a game on their service that they didn't have permission to do so.
Nvidia hasn't put a game on their service. They've put Steam and a few other storefronts, and they let you play by logging in on those storefronts on your account and installing the game (or using a pre-installed version if there's one already). Nvidia is neither selling nor renting any game - they are explicitely renting you a PC rig to play remotely.

In a sane world, that's perfectly fine. I have purchased Whatevergame, I can play it in any conditions I want - it's my game.

In today's bizarro world, I have purchased nothing.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, these publishers pulling out of Nvidia look like a pure money grab while trying to jump on the streaming service hype train. I won't give anyone who does this a dime of my money, that's for sure. If I bought one of your games, its no business of yours if I play it for 1000 hours, never play it or out right delete it right after buying for some strange reason.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't understand why anyone would use these various services. What they are offering for a fee, Steam does for free.

If I leave my Home computer on and logged onto Steam, I can go to my work computer sign into Steam and stream-play any of the games I have installed on my home PC.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't understand why anyone would use these various services. What they are offering for a fee, Steam does for free.

If I leave my Home computer on and logged onto Steam, I can go to my work computer sign into Steam and stream-play any of the games I have installed on my home PC.
Well, believe it or not, there are other platforms besides Steam and nVidia Now works with those platforms. Also, many people don't have a phat gaming computer that would run games at higher graphics settings.

My own issue is that if I'm not around my home PC, I'm typically also not around a great internet connection to make this work. Namely hotels for work, where I've got 5 up/down and that's barely enough to play a game and be on Discord.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>

[Tim Sweeney] also said that he believes that GeForce NOW is the “most developer-friendly and publisher-friendly of the major streaming services, with zero tax on game revenue. Game companies who want to move the game industry towards a healthier state for everyone should be supporting this kind of service!”​
“Cloud streaming services will also be key players in ending the iOS and Google Play payment monopolies and their 30% taxes,” Sweeney continued. “Apple has decreed that these services aren’t allowed to exist on iOS, and therefore aren’t allowed to compete, which is megalomaniacal and won’t stand.”​
Sweeney finished his Tweet chain with “Just waiting till later this year when Google is lobbying against Apple for blocking Stadia from iOS, while Google blocks GeForce NOW, xCloud, and Fortnite from Google Play, and this whole rotten structure begins collapsing in on itself.”​
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I feel the problem is one of branding. Labeling GeoForce Now as a game streaming service where you can play any game you own or get was just asking publishers to put the proverbial kibosh on it. The whole idea for publishers is that they get new and duplicate sales on new platforms and get paid for exclusivity deals. The whole idea of streaming services is that they compete for quality in infrastructures and quality in catalog. If you show up and say "yeah we have all the games and we pay nothing to the publishers for them" shit is going to hit the fan.

They really should have branded themselves as a virtual machine service and let gamers put 1 and 1 together.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I'm fairly sure Nvidia won't do it but they should tell them to fuck right off and if I own it let me use it on there service.


Nvidia has close working relationships with most studios and has a vested interest in staying on the whole industry's good side.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Good 'ole fashioned capitalism will solve this whole streaming service shit with games, just like it will with movies/TV. 9,000 different studios can attempt to fracture off and create their own little "spaces" all they want. Consumers will ultimately reject needing to have 20 different streaming subscriptions and consolidate into just a few. This is going to end up costing companies a lot of money.
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Trakanon Raider
The issue is still not fixed though, maybe after all this corona shit clears out ISPs will finally remove data caps.

It's still an issue and until that problem is fixed, cloud gaming is gonna be a niche market.