Gavinrad's Mass Effect 3+ Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'd rather take power transfer over squad command for max shields/hps and the 50% shield restore boost. Really helps when you're tanking 2+ monsters on gold.
You can still tank 4 mobs np with the added recovery during heavy melee.


Molten Core Raider
Btw, the light melee pulse will also stun the big mobs if you time it right. I'll even break off a heavy melee early if I'm at/near max shields to toss out a pulse.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I noticed too if you break your heavy melee and reset it right after you get hit, you won't get staggered. Kinda lets you keep the zapping going with a little less risk of stagger. Pretty much any break in the heavy chain is bad, bad news


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I unlocked the Cerberus Harrier. JFC this thing is the N7 Valiant of Assault Rifles. PEWPEW


Golden Knight of the Realm
So I unlocked the Cerberus Harrier. JFC this thing is the N7 Valiant of Assault Rifles. PEWPEW
How'd you spec your pally btw? I unlocked it a while ago, but I haven't played it a single time yet.

I'm starting to think we should just smash out golds from now on. Like 5-10 min longer and over double the pay out. It's not even fun playing a jugg on silver anymore, you're always like 10ft. from the fun.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, the main thing is to take extended range and +100% tech explosion damage on snap freeze, cause you can spam that shit through walls. Incinerate is radius, burning damage, freeze combo. Up to you whether you want energy drain or not, I went with a 6/6/6/5/3 build this time around.

Paladin is ok by himself cause he can set off tech combos pretty fast by himself, but if you pair him with a detonator, shit absolutely melts cause he can just spam snap freeze and watch the cryo blasts pop endlessly. Siege pulse works remarkably well in that regard. After a juggernaut, i'd say n7 shadow spamming electric slash would be my favorite detonator. One of the two classes I'm still missing of course.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The N7 Inf. Is so squishy. Shadow Strike makes you eat any bullets during your travel, same with going over dead ravager goo. The slash is OP though.


Tranny Chaser
There is apparently a Mass Effect 3 writing panel discussion at PAX East this weekend. Sadly they frown on bringing weapons to such things.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Btw, the light melee pulse will also stun the big mobs if you time it right. I'll even break off a heavy melee early if I'm at/near max shields to toss out a pulse.
You were right about the max shield/health lvl 6 ascension. You can tank for days.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is the platinum difficulty something you guys regularly schedule premades for?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Is the platinum difficulty something you guys regularly schedule premades for?
Not really, I wouldn't do any mob set other than Reapers though, they are by far the easiest (in order of difficulty: Reapers > Cerb/Geth > Collectors). Gav and I do them pretty regularly with 2 random DPS. Late nights I PUG them out fine. The only bad part is the new PUG 'thing' is to do Firebase Rio and camp in this little box:

You can basically sit in this stupid box and the bigger mobs can't come in (i.e.: Banshees, Brutes, Primes, Scions, Praetorians). You usually have 1 person playing a volus for the shield heals or the N7 engineer with supply depot that also heals shields. There's also an ammo box inside that box. The only downside is Phantoms/Geth Hunters can sneak in and gank someone on occasion. These runs usually take ~40min a run.

Personally I hate that spot and prefer to do Firebase Giant (Hazard or Regular) and camp the spawn point. A Geth Jugg can basically hold a choke point and tank every wave with DPS just blowing stuff up and not really taking damage, save for 1 or 2 spawns that will go through the bunker and flank you. When Gav and I do these they usually take 29-31min a run and are way easier to tank for me.

Keep in mind too, Silver = 30-33k credits, Gold = 80k and Plat = 150k. They all take about the same amount of time too.

Spectre Packs are the best packs as well, especially for trying to max Ultra Rares. After a Plat run I usually buy 2x Spectre's and 1x Jumbo Equipment pack (trying to get more elusive shield boosts).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Firebase Rio and the box of shame. I've never successfully extracted from Rio on platinum, if your group can't handle a camp without using the box of shame, there's no way you are going to get the objective waves done. I've done platinum extractions on FBW roaming with 2 Juggs and I've done the fb corner camp with a mix of group comps.

Also I think Cerberus is the same difficulty as Reapers or even easier when you're camping the spawn point in FB Giant. You are much less likely to get sync killed by phantoms than banshees because they'll typically shoot you before they close to melee range. I play the talon merc engineer instead of the phoenix adept because cain trip mines one shot dragoons. Also, once their barriers are down phantoms can be CCed. Geth are definitely way harder than Reapers or Cerberus on platinum if you're camping because bombers disrupt your camp too much and geth are basically immune to CC. Collectors can suck my fucking dick.

Ideal group comp for platinums is generally 1 juggernaut and 1 ghost/sexbot, and then two heavy aoe dps. Phoenix adept paired with another biotic is pretty sick, I almost scored 200k in that round where we had a dude playing the awakened collector.

Probably gonna start working on soloing platinum either today or tomorrow.


Golden Knight of the Realm
As a Jugg the smoke from Cerb mobs is incredibly annoying, because you can't heavy melee without an actual target, even if an atlas is right in front of you.


Tranny Chaser
Played the Citadel DLC so I can have experienced it all before the panel discussions this weekend. Pretty amazing love letter to the whole trilogy. Was great having all the characters back and doing stuff and the whole apartment and party, while a bit corny, was nevertheless really fun. Shame that this was the final sendoff to that whole cadre of characters, but it was a good sendoff nonetheless.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I thought the Citadel DLC was great, I was cracking up at the party. For the most part I'd say the ME3 DLC has been better than the ME2 DLC, aside from Shadow Broker of course.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Played the Citadel DLC so I can have experienced it all before the panel discussions this weekend. Pretty amazing love letter to the whole trilogy. Was great having all the characters back and doing stuff and the whole apartment and party, while a bit corny, was nevertheless really fun. Shame that this was the final sendoff to that whole cadre of characters, but it was a good sendoff nonetheless.
It would have saved them so much grief if that was in the game from the outset. I agree it was well worth it.


Golden Squire
The Mass Effect Retrospective panel at PAX East is starting in a few minutes. It will be interesting to see whether or not they ban questions about the ending. Unfortunately I don't think it is being streamed.


Golden Squire
Panel barely touched the issue of the ending and sadly stuck to preselected questions from the internet. As for what they said about the ending they "had their heads down and didn't realize how attached people would be to their characters, which they think they fixed in the Extended Cut and Citadel DLC." (Warning: That was paraphrased) So at least pubicly they are still clueless as to why the ending to their game generated so much hate.