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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Oh my god that Detective Mommy picture reminds me, when binger asked the lady if she needed a tissue. I really wanted her to be ultra petty and be like "Not from you".

Honestly my only hope is that he is just over-worked and normally he isn't a cunty cunt, but then I realize...he chose this case...
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
seriously. should just sue MSM one after another
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Jive Turkey

"he shouldn't have been there" is the argument of someone who knows Rittenhouse is 100% innocent, but is ideologically tied to their side.
Was it illegal for him to be there? No? Then shut the fuck up
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<Prior Amod>
Could have stayed home, smoked weed, played Call of Duty and jerked off. He would not have made the news.

As a serious answer there are people that are never going to be alright with a seventeen year old kid walking around a city in the midst of a "protest." I don't know what a convincing argument would look like for people that don't even think that rifle should be in civilian hands at all. Likewise for people that think he shouldn't have been doing anything related to emergency services. He wasn't an EMT, he wasn't a firefighter, etc. I can make arguments but I can't think of any that would stick.

If you want to put my feet to the fire and really force me to backseat quarterback the day after he could have just stayed with his crew. That last patrol that put him back in contact with the insane manlet child rapist, we could skip out on that.

the town he worked in was just wrecked last night and he and others decide to clean it up, then his friends are like "yo shit is probably gonna go down again, you wanna protect the place"?

and you know, he WAS trying to meet up w/ his crew, he even said he was looking for his friend b/c it's safer in pairs

it's not like he just wanderlust'd his way into a situation, ppl were yelling here, ppl were being little trolls over there, fires were being set, extinquishers were being used, and now kyle is suddenly alone

and is faced with this 5ft troll in the night

shoulda/woulda/coulda is for faggots, the best possible outcome out of that whole entire chaos happened, all cuz kyle kept his cool cuz in an alternate universe this could have just easily have happened
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I really REALLY want him to be found not guilty so he can ultra rape, sandmann style, all these places.

Oh man, it's going to be a rampage of the highest magnitude.

...unless he's too nice to sue anybody. The damn kid might actually be so decent that he refrains from any sort of counterstrike. These "news" outlets better hope to God that Kyle isn't the devious venge-seeker they portray him as.

If Kyle decides to stand up to them, they're going to eat a few bags of dicks before this is over.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
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Ssraeszha Raider
Oh my god that Detective Mommy picture reminds me, when binger asked the lady if she needed a tissue. I really wanted her to be ultra petty and be like "Not from you".

Honestly my only hope is that he is just over-worked and normally he isn't a cunty cunt, but then I realize...he chose this case...

Am I correct in assuming she was there to testify that no unfired .223 rounds were found in order to debunk the theory that he re-racked the rifle?

Pretty ridiculous if that's true. Even if he did re-rack it, it's irrelevant and it's exactly the kind of thing you might not have any memory of.

All it does is signal to the jury that him pulling back the charging handle matters and is a real issue. It would be like the defense calling Kyle's friends to the stand to testify on his Call of Duty tendencies.
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Potato del Grande
When is the trial for Matthew Dolloff?

Mr. Pinkerton bodyguard for the Denver news crew who shot an unarmed man in the face.

There's a bit of 3D chess going on where the media know that the Rittenhouse case could go either way.

Found guilty and it's proof of a Trump supporter violently intervening in a peaceful protest.

Found innocent and it's proof of a corrupt and racist society sheilding a white man.

So they are hedging their bets. They won't cover the evidence as they don't want their viewers forming their own opinion, but they will cover the aftermath.

I don't know the case you linked but it probably doesn't have an upside both ways and had a clearer conclusion.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
It's amazing to me that all of this started because Kyle was putting out fires near a GAS STATION. One that had HOMES NEARBY. The kid is a straight-up hero.

If Kyle hadn't been armed, or hadn't fired, he'd be dead like the other however-many people died in the Floyd riots, and like the rest of them, nobody would have ever even heard his name.

30 people dead in the Floyd riots last I saw or close to it. Of course many of those are "protestor" on protestor. Media sweeps all that under the rug as peaceful.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
There's a bit of 3D chess going on where the media know that the Rittenhouse case could go either way.

Found guilty and it's proof of a Trump supporter violently intervening in a peaceful protest.

Found innocent and it's proof of a corrupt and racist society sheilding a white man.

So they are hedging their bets. They won't cover the evidence as they don't want their viewers forming their own opinion, but they will cover the aftermath.

I don't know the case you linked but it probably doesn't have an upside both ways and had a clearer conclusion.

White guy shoots another white guy who had been yelling racist remarks out loud only moments before. Obvious racist.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Perjured himself on stand saying his conceal carry permit was expired at the time. It was revoked because he was a felon, not expired. What are the odds the 3 people who were shot ALL had past legal issues and continued to have them. Just pure luck I guess. Umm no. Professional shit stirrers. Everyone wants to do be a badass, till it's time to do badass things.


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