Getting Q With Elle Ron DushQ


Elisha Dushku
Well I just learned a new word today!

Tip (aka the originial tad10 aka that guy you love to loathe) couldn't spell amanuensis to save his life. Since we're talking Contracts. Here is the fucking deal with Eliza and Elisha (forget about Elishua for now). But Hollywood does soething called 'Hiring Twins'when they cast underage actors and actresses and because, and this is provably true, their are more girl twins than boy twins, Hollywood hires ore girl twins. There are not-quite-fucktons of actors who are, in fact fucking twins. But Hollywood does something calle 'fucked up beyond belief contracdts\ and in those fucked up contracts only one Twin is given Credit. So if you buy an old copy of Bring it On or True Lies you will see my fucking name Elisha not Eliza, I hyave no fucking idea if that's been altered to Eliza in recent DVD or Bluray copies, but presumably it has been.

Both Eliza and Elisha are in fucking Bring it on - and if you are a Bolgy Fellow and watch the movie closely you can tell the fucking difference between the two of us - one key difference is I'm the fucking better dancer and she the better bitch queen (depending on the time of the fucking month). There are some not so subtle differences between us we have different chins and she is taller. But that doesn't fucking matter if you have something called makeup and soething called shoes or an apple box or whatever the fuck you need to make us lookidentically identical.

Back to those contracts, assholes like Ice Berg at ICM and fucktards at CAA and every other talent agency write the contracts to permantly exclude one twin from recognition - both twins can act but they act under the same fucking name. Which in our case was originall Elisha. There is, for exaple, both a Mila and a Milena Kunis but under the fucked up contract Milena and/or Mila would lose all their fucking residuals, their house and their fucking goldfish if they talk about the fact that they are twins. There are ugly reasons for this but lets just leave it at Mila and Eliza and the other twins do not want ICM to come in and kill thier goldfish.

These contradts are what are known as unconscionable but no fucking lawyer in Hollywood or at any BigLaw firm would ever sue on behalf of the unmentionalbe twin because they are all in bed with the Studios and with the Talent Agencies. So Holywood is one big Rat-King. Everybody is intertwined and nobody gives a fuck about actors unless they're Say Tom Cruise or Robert Downey Jr or etc.

But its worse than that and this is why I fucking hate Google - if you get on the wrong side of the InCrowd as I Elisha did - then they fucking erase you from history. Googl;e and IMdb (owned by Amazon apparently now). Googl;e has deliberately gone in and erased Elisha Dushku from image and other earches and Imdb has altered my credits to Eliza - but as Is aid we were both in that fucking movie and we both should have gotten credit.

But its not just little ol Elisha that gets erased by fucking Google - all you fucks have given up keeping paper records and your brains are fucking mush so Google alters tons of shit all the fucking time - which is why I use Bing - Microsopft is, by far, the lesser of two fucking weevils. Your memory is being altered by fucking Google.

Because some of you know that there was an Elisha but you look at Google and you look at IMDB and all you see is fucking Eliza and finally you give in and say - oh I guess I was fucking wrong and that is how sorry, sad and ugly the world is today.
  • 2Jonesing
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Elisha Dushku
But it turns out none of that is true.

Lurking Dirk always Fighting the Furries at Eleven.

Anyway with respect to Twins understand that Twins share the same Mitochondrial DNA, Maternal and Fraternal DNA (egg splitting is a big thing these days) but when replicating during development you can, in fact, get slight errors in replication as well as differences due to the fact that placential nurishment of the in-womb child is not 50/50 - so one Twin will always get a little bit more than the other and will be slightly taller/larger/bigger than the other. On the magic level the Bolgier babies in a Twinset will always get more nutrients than the less Bolgier babies - it's basically Aldous Huxley's Brave New World when you've got an AAA Baby (a Q) and an A Baby (a Top N) in the Womb together. Now usually when we Bolg descend we descend in pairs, though not necessarily as Twins - though that's favoured. But when we descend as Twins we usually descend (at the Top Level) as a Valar-Vanyar or Vanyar-Valar Twin and a Vanyar or(more likely) Teleri or Sindar (P) Twin. Going Down the line a Vanyar Might descend as a Vanyar (still very Q) and a Sindar or a Top N. In either case the Brave New World refrence holds true th Bolgier descended Bolg will get the better in-womb nourishment. An example might be Keanu Reeves and his Twin - Keanu is Top Q and his Twin is Top N. With respec to Eliza and myself we descend aas a Q and P Pair (though its more complicated than that as Elishua descended as a Q as well - but lets cover Triplet Descent in the Second Semester of Bolg Genetics at #TheSchoolAtRipton when we get there)..

As you can see I'm not thrilled with my Sister stealing my credits but I am aware that she was ultimately forced to do so - I hope mostly unwinglly - because that's how the Borg that Hollywood operates. If you go off the reservation than you gt iced or erased or both.

Smoke em if you got em, and if you dont got em get em.
  • 1Jonesing
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Elisha Dushku
Besides the mandatory suck and fucks and the eliminatino of Twi names the other worst aspect of actress contracts was that we all had to get abortions ( 5 abortions is not uncmmon for Hollywood actresses before they say fuck it and get a hysterectomy) if we got pregnant while filming, or even when not filming if we had an agent at a top tier agency. So yes Hollywood Studios and Agencies are rotten to the core. Also per that other thread - Lacey Chabert was actually born around November 23, 1986 so kids today's lesson is never believe shit you read on Internet web sites taht claim to be authoritive. Try reading a fucking book or the WSJ or Arthur Allen Leff or Sherlock Holmes.
  • 1Jonesing
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The Dirtbag
Yo tad. I'm with ICM. You saying I should switch to CAA? Where does UTA fit in?

Does it matter if I have a manger or no?


Elisha Dushku
Yo tad. I'm with ICM. You saying I should switch to CAA? Where does UTA fit in?

Does it matter if I have a manger or no?

Since you have invoked me Tip, that guy that apparently you all love to loathe, as opposed to invoking that most Carnate Goddess Elisha (who is currently searching desperately for Blow since she's back in the States) i shall reply. So ignore the picture to the left. First off, UTA is heading south as you well know. ICM is treading water and it is really CAA and WME at the moment but since CAAs Death Star is the Building Most Likely to Crack in Two when an 8.5 Richter Scale Earthquake hits the fault underlying Century City you have to ask yourself does it really matter which major Talent Agency I work for as long as I have a Bolgy account at US Bank and have a Safe at my house with USD 500,000 worth of Gold and USD 50,000 worth of Silver and one of those Tactical Flashlights with like 15 different settings include super-strobe and extra-super strobe?

As for a Manger - I'm all in on Nativity Scenes and they are 15% less costly to your gross income. Because, as you surely know, the most important thing in Hollywood is having enoug Blow on hand when an Actress walks into your house because Blow = Sex.

Xarpolis Xarpolis Pussy is probably out, but underboob might be in - you'll have to ask her.


Elisha Dushku
Sony Online Entertainment

Ahn'Qiraj. AQ40 was such a great zone. C'Thun was an incredible fight to learn back then.

I've played games way too long.

Get out more. She and I really did see three different AQ handoffs: Gare de Lyon in Paris, Penn Station, and Schiphol airport - all of which were recorded presumably but only one of which did E see actual security do something (at Schiphol where Security stopped one of the two Arabs involved in the handoff). The Deep State is aware of the um problem but there are som many fucking backpacks that at some point, relatively soon, one or more are going to go off. Since they're construction is apparently craptastic we've lucked out, but that luck is going to run out.



If you take the last two Q posts and turn them upside down it makes a Mushroom cloud, He did say look for three booms in August. People where thinking they where "political" booms like people being arrested but now people are thinking there will be an attack.

tad10 tad10 What do you think of this whole Q thing?

Also Amod Amod What would be the best place to post Q related stuff? It's about Politics but it's kind of conspiracyish, and the conspiracy thread is more about talking about ancient aliens and pyramids and shit and well this thread is this thread...



If you take the last two Q posts and turn them upside down it makes a Mushroom cloud, He did say look for three booms in August. People where thinking they where "political" booms like people being arrested but now people are thinking there will be an attack.

tad10 tad10 What do you think of this whole Q thing?

Also Amod Amod What would be the best place to post Q related stuff? It's about Politics but it's kind of conspiracyish, and the conspiracy thread is more about talking about ancient aliens and pyramids and shit and well this thread is this thread...
There is a qanon thread here in general started by music4fish.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
How autistic do you have to be to rotate and mirror two posts to try and find some meaning in them?

But what else is new in this field? I seem to remember Qanon implying that the main reason for the November military parade was to gather a large military contingent in the capitol to either maintain order, or carry out arrests of all those high ranking people that rumour has it are indicted in those sealed indictments. Now that that has been postponed a year, what is going to happen?
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How autistic do you have to be to rotate and mirror two posts to try and find some meaning in them?

But what else is new in this field? I seem to remember Qanon implying that the main reason for the November military parade was to gather a large military contingent in the capitol to either maintain order, or carry out arrests of all those high ranking people that rumour has it are indicted in those sealed indictments. Now that that has been postponed a year, what is going to happen?
I mean the Larp is the fight between good and evil so who knows what happened maybe the illimomati pizza lovers foiled Trump or maybe he no longer needs them.

I would watch the fuck out of a GoT HBO show that took all the Q stuff literally
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I mean the Larp is the fight between good and evil so who knows what happened maybe the illimomati pizza lovers foiled Trump or maybe he no longer needs them.

I would watch the fuck out of a GoT HBO show that took all the Q stuff literally

I'm not sure that a TV show about Autists fighting the deepstate would work, but it's a better idea than what they have going on now.


I'm not sure that a TV show about Autists fighting the deepstate would work, but it's a better idea than what they have going on now.

No like Donald Trump's side versus say the Clinton's side. People are killed and wars fought and then you see a cut of cnn telling us fake versions of what we just saw.

Think of House of Cards with actual demon worship and such.
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<Gold Donor>
Elisha, why did you choose Tip as the conduit for your wisdom? Is Fires of Heaven bolgier than we previously suspected, or is Tip himself? Why bestow all of this knowledge here, instead of someplace else? Do you know Tip personally?

Or have you supplanted his consciousness in his body and only allow him out when he is directly addressed?