Girls Season 2


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This episode... I thought it was going to end with Hannah standing in front of the guys door and everything that happened was her imagination.


This episode... I thought it was going to end with Hannah standing in front of the guys door and everything that happened was her imagination.
Well, this episode was pretty much Lena Dunham portraying her fantasies in the form of an HBO show. Worst episode of the series, imo.


I appreciate that it was unconventional and unexpected. It was not the same old episode following the standard formula. That said, it was just weird. It was a little too much contrived, abnormal drama and not enough comedy/entertainment. Hannah's outburst came off less a deep revelation that appeared organic given the circumstances and more like a writers attempt to portray mental illness or maladaptive interpersonal behavior. That said, I'll watch next week it hopes for a train wreck.


Molten Core Raider
Well, this episode was pretty much a 20 something slightly overweight, insecure, self centered bitch portraying her fantasies in the form of an HBO show. Worst episode of the series, imo.
Fixed that for you. 99% of the woman I know act like Hannah once you get to know them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
a bit fantasy for sure, they probably should've hired an uglier actor for the role of the divorced 42 year old, but the concept doesn't seem too much of a stretch I guess. Had she been slightly more attractive or him more ugly then it's something I could see happening, they just happen to meet over a trash dispute instead of a bar

Hannah looks like the women from old paintings, just fatter


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Criminy there was a lot of nudity in that episode. There are Cinemax porn shows that don't have naked people on screen that much.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Criminy there was a lot of nudity in that episode. There are Cinemax porn shows that don't have naked people on screen that much.
It's like an hbo episode of Real Sex, tons of nudity but you really don't want to see any of it.


<Bronze Donator>
How much satire am I supposed to be taking from this show? There are a lot of times with Hannah's friends that are over the top NYC hipster moments that I do chuckle at quite a bit. Two episodes ago with Marni and that absurd artist was one of them. Also, anything having to do with the Ray character and his interaction with Jessa. I laugh at that stuff.

I don't really know how to feel about Hannah's character though. Is Lena Dunham some down to earth person that really 'gets it' and has produced a funny, satirical comedy? Or is she starved for attention and just writing herself? The nudity plastered all over this season makes me think it's the latter, but who knows. Would she laugh atmefor not 'getting it' after posing these questions?


Trakanon Raider
She's writing herself. That's been the point all along. It's self-absorption so strong that it's cycled straight through self-awareness and back into self-absorption.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still not sure which one it is. I was certain it was just self awareness after seeing tiny furniture and most of season 1, but season 2 does bring it more into question. she's clearly a pretty smart girl though, self absorbed or not, and there's a lot of [exaggerated] truths to this show that still make it worthwhile


I'm still not sure which one it is. I was certain it was just self awareness after seeing tiny furniture and most of season 1, but season 2 does bring it more into question. she's clearly a pretty smart girl though, self absorbed or not, and there's a lot of [exaggerated] truths to this show that still make it worthwhile
Season 1 started off realistic and relatable. My parents cut me off, I have nothing of my own, what the fuck do I do with my life.

Season 2 starts off with her being pissed at the guy she wanted to be with at the end of last season? (Show needs more Adam to redeem this season) How the fuck is she affording rent in NYC working at a coffee shop for some guy who can't afford his own place?


That episode was so fucking stupid. Why the fuck would a good looking wealthy doctor want to spend time with some dumpy self-absorbed girl? And were we supposed to find her description of dumping trash compelling? Awful.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I'll pay HBO an extra subscription if they'll air versions of the show where she keeps her close on.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Favorite episode of the season and it had a heavy dose of Adam and Ray. No coincidence.


<Gold Donor>
Finally a decent episode. The show goes as the guys go - more guys, better show. Last weeks episode was so WTF it was over the top stupid.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Favorite episode of the season and it had a heavy dose of Adam and Ray. No coincidence.
Episode was titled "Boys". I'd watch a Ray and Adam spin off. With Ray being a broke ass and them seeming to get along mostly maybe he'll end up moving in with Adam.

Loved on the ferry when Ray is talking about how similar they are an Adam's answer is "Maybe it's because we're both sort of weird looking."


Lord Nagafen Raider
She writes them well, so kudos to Dunham again I guess, but she needs to bring them back into the loop with the "Girls". The foreign chic has nothing to offer us, ever, in terms of entertainment and the peppy girl is still only good in small doses. It's like as a character gains potential she writes them out of the clique, even the gay guy is virtually gone now it seems.

p.s. I think we all saw that girlfriend/boyfriend/hostess situation coming a mile away


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
p.s. I think we all saw that girlfriend/boyfriend/hostess situation coming a mile away
I've hated that artfag guy from the start. Just...awful character. Then at the end he's going off about how much he hates all his pretentious douchebag friends that are just like him and I suddenly start to like him a little bit. And now he's gone.

On the subject of writing the best characters out of the clique, it sort of makes sense. The Girls are all pretty repellant to one degree or another. Foreign chick is just fucking terrible in every way, narcissistic faux-hippie imitation free-spirit moneyhungry cockteasing homewrecking cunt. Hannah is a self-sabotaging pseudo-intellectual narcissistic naive pear-shaped shitty friend. Marnie is a narcissistic pretentious wishy-washy yes-woman. Shoshanna actually comes off as a good person and is just a little grating in her doe-eyes idealism.

So, it kind of makes sense that non-awful people would eventually get alienated one way or another. Not that it helps the show mind you, but within the world of the show it makes sense. I would not be surprised if it was a conscious decision to help drive home just home repellant these people can be.

Also, Staten Island chick screaming on Ray was awesome. Great way to show what a sheltered little bubble the characters are really living in.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shoshanna is hilarious and if anyone needs to be shown more, it's her.

I think they are setting Ray up to be successful but who knows... this show is really good and destroying everyone's lives and relationships so I don't have any hope that it will end well for him.