Girls who broke your heart thread

Presarc said:
Go fuck yourself. Aychamo has done more for Screenshots than you ever will. If you respond to this, you are a gigantic faggot with a chode.
Cool, so I"m a bundle of sticks with skin that connects my anus to my testicles. You rock.

Aychamo didn"t do shit. He started a thread where people can upload their porn to. OH THAT"S SO AWESOME AND UNIQUE IN THE HISTORY OF THE INTERNETS. The only reason Aychamo is "Legendary" around here is because you are unable to find these pictures yourself, or too lazy to try. The majority of threads Aychamo has started have been these self-agrandizing (or self-pitying) circle-jerks that end in nothing.

Hey, if he"s so awesome, why does he want to kill himself? Why does he flash his asshole? Why isn"t he banging a supermodel with a highlighter in his/her nose? Hint: Because he"s not.


Originally Posted by Mkopec1 View Post
First girl I ever had sex with, see other thread. From then on my heart had extra thick skin and it was never broken again.

Needless said:
Yep same boat here.


GrobbeeTrull said:
Hey, if he"s so awesome, why does he want to kill himself? Why does he flash his asshole? Why isn"t he banging a supermodel with a highlighter in his/her nose? Hint: Because he"s not.
For the record, we watched him fuck on cam, until he got banned, on yLive 3 consecutive days in a row, with a different girl everyday.

He even tried a surprise buttsex, when she stopped him, he winked to the hidden cam....

also...none of these girls fell into the "curvy" (fat) category....


Tyen said:
Maybe in a few days man. Breakup is still fresh and I feel like shit. Don"t need to be reminded again how fucking hot she is. Fucking depressed as all hell right now.


ResetEra Staff Member
We"ll call her names if it helps ease the pain. "That naked girl whom I"d most definitely put my penis in looks like such an evil bitch. You"re better than her man!"


Ortega said:
Very long story! I lost my virginity to this girl and fell way way too in love. She had just broken up with a man who she was with for four years who treated her like dirt and ended up cheating on her. She had an extremely traumatizing life that I don"t really feel comfortable posting for some reason. I thought if I treated her good we would be together forever, but she just took advantage of me and would fucking not get her ex all the way out of her life. She now lives with him in the apartment that was supposed to be ours O well I guess, probably for the best, but it still hurts.
Sup Ort! Not a bad girl to lose it to imo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lowk said:
For the record, we watched him fuck on cam, until he got banned, on yLive 3 consecutive days in a row, with a different girl everyday.

He even tried a surprise buttsex, when she stopped him, he winked to the hidden cam....

also...none of these girls fell into the "curvy" (fat) category....
Wait a sec ...

Aychamo fucked girls without them knowing he was filming? That"s fucking low. If two consenting adults want to put up videos I"d say no problem, but not telling her? Fucking pervert.


Boo-fucking-hoo Drtyrm.

So how did Aych go from fucking 3 different chicks in 3 consecutive nights less than a month ago to cutting the insides of his thighs and fagging up Screenshots over losing the love of his life? I won"t speak for other threads, but this one is definitely some serious bullshit. Unless Ortega posts nudes. Then it"s awesome.
Exactly. He"s fucking a girl a night and suddenly he"s heartbroken? I"d wager he wouldn"t know what love is if it shat on his chest and showed him the Y!Live footage.


Drtyrm said:
Wait a sec ...

Aychamo fucked girls without them knowing he was filming? That"s fucking low. If two consenting adults want to put up videos I"d say no problem, but not telling her? Fucking pervert.
Not only hiding the cam, but to a room of 30 or so viewers...

Elerion said:
Boo-fucking-hoo Drtyrm.

So how did Aych go from fucking 3 different chicks in 3 consecutive nights less than a month ago to cutting the insides of his thighs and fagging up Screenshots over losing the love of his life? I won"t speak for other threads, but this one is definitely some serious bullshit. Unless Ortega posts nudes. Then it"s awesome.
He moved from NYC to somewhere real shitty in the sth...(i"d like a bowl of sp)... i guess moving to a new city a thousand miles away or so and then breaking your leg and be confined to a bed can make you kinda emo...

If it"s any consolation, he did mention a girl he wasn"t ever gonna put on cam, because she more than someone he fucks from time to time...

Aychamo BanBan

Lowk said:
For the record, we watched him fuck on cam, until he got banned, on yLive 3 consecutive days in a row, with a different girl everyday.

He even tried a surprise buttsex, when she stopped him, he winked to the hidden cam....

also...none of these girls fell into the "curvy" (fat) category....
They weren"t fat, but one was damn annoying ("oh my god is that from ikea?")

Aychamo BanBan

Elerion said:
So how did Aych go from fucking 3 different chicks in 3 consecutive nights less than a month ago to cutting the insides of his thighs and fagging up Screenshots over losing the love of his life? I won"t speak for other threads, but this one is definitely some serious bullshit. Unless Ortega posts nudes. Then it"s awesome.
Yeah I know I"ve been gaying it up, sorry man. To be answer your question, it"s just sex. I really like sex, and I"ve had a lot of it. But just because I have sex with a girl doesn"t mean anything about how I feel about a girl. You can have sex without love, and you can have love without sex, and I"ve had handshakes that were more intimate than some sex that I"ve had.

The girl in this thread, I"ve liked for a really long time. But it was a slow courtship, and when I was fucking these other girls, I still hadn"t even done anything physical with her. To be honest, and this will sound like a gay cliche, but I wasn"t even thinking about fucking her, I was too busy falling in love with every little aspect of her.


Aych remember, most of the people have had sex with less people than the amount of fingers on their right hand. I would go as far as to say, most of them got married to one of the first three to actually let sex occur. ( if you fall into that stereotype, i am willing to bet you would consider your girlfriend/fiancee/wife curvy)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lowk said:
If it"s any consolation, he did mention a girl he wasn"t ever gonna put on cam, because she more than someone he fucks from time to time...
Whew, at least he has standards!

aychamo_aycono said:
The girl in this thread, I"ve liked for a really long time. But it was a slow courtship, and when I was fucking these other girls, I still hadn"t even done anything physical with her. To be honest, and this will sound like a gay cliche, but I wasn"t even thinking about fucking her, I was too busy falling in love with every little aspect of her.
Aychamo, I know you are a bright guy. Medical student etc. Since this is a thread you started about having a broken heart, can you please explain a little how you can profess falling in love with this great girl and running hidden camera games on chicks at the same time?

Aychamo BanBan

Drtyrm said:
Aychamo, I know you are a bright guy. Medical student etc. Since this is a thread you started about having a broken heart, can you please explain a little how you can profess falling in love with this great girl and running hidden camera games on chicks at the same time?
It"s because the sex I was having with other people was meaningless, nothing more meaningful than a handshake or a good conversation with a friend (of the opposite sex.)

I"ve never been one to see things as cut and dry as other people. It"s the same way a whore or a porn-star can be in love with someone and be fucking other people at the same time. Besides, that was almost six weeks ago.

Love is weird. The last time I was in love I didn"t even know it. I didn"t give a shit about the girl, and all of a sudden she dropped the words and I realized I was too. Blew my mind that I did such a 180. This time, I knew I was almost immediately.


Aychamo BanBan

Lowk said:
Aych remember, most of the people have had sex with less people than the amount of fingers on their right hand. I would go as far as to say, most of them got married to one of the first three to actually let sex occur.
I hear you. Most of my friends are like that, but I just can"t do it. I think I just mentally see it as a challenge to get sex from new girls so I can"t help it.

Honestly if I could meet the right girl I"d be totally happy having sex with only her. Before anyone calls me out for fucking around while with this girl I"m emo-ing over, she and I weren"t having sex at that time, and really weren"t together or official or anything, but I still loved her even then. (I know that sounds horrible too, to say I loved her but was still fucking other girls, it"s just that the casual sex in no way influences how I feel about the girl - and to make it even further beneath criticism, if a girl claimed the same thing I"d probably kill her.)