Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
I got sick of buying new socks every few months. It has extended the life of them quite considerably.


Pren said:
Dude, do you have problems with the seams of the socks on your little toes? I fucking hate that. Does the toe method fix it?
I"ve removed my shoes discreetly when I"m out somewhere to re-situate my sock seam. >_<


Blackwing Lair Raider
I"m a sock freak. If I don"t like the feel of them I throw them away instantly so they can"t hide in the drawer to be taken one day when I"m in a rush.

The Ancient_sl

Zehn - Vhex said:
I bet you don"t even wedge your socks back up into the toe groove before putting your shoes on
Wait I can"t visualize what the fuck you are talking about here, but this sounds like some info I need to know. Toe grooves? Are we talking about shoving sock between toes, because that doesn"t sound comfortable.


Snugglebear said:
This shit doesn"t compute, I thought being an asshole was how you got chicks. Aren"t you supposed to not care and she"ll break a nice guy"s heart then come running back to you? Just work on your tan brah.
There"s a big difference between being an asshole and being confident. I agree with the tan bit though. Or better yet, if you don"t have time for a tan, just rub yourself all over (lightly... you"re not painting a fence brah) with Hershey"s chocolates. No woman can resist a man who"s both tan AND delicious.


Molten Core Raider
The Ancient said:
Wait I can"t visualize what the fuck you are talking about here, but this sounds like some info I need to know. Toe grooves? Are we talking about shoving sock between toes, because that doesn"t sound comfortable.
Pretty straight forward. Let"s say you have a sock with a hole in it.

Want to still wear the sock? Put it on, stretch it past the toe, pinch it off.

Then wedge it up into the toe grove. Bam, it"s like a brand new sock. Done properly you can even wear sandals if you"re the kind of fag who wears socks with sandals.



Zehn - Vhex said:
Pretty straight forward. Let"s say you have a sock with a hole in it.

Want to still wear the sock? Put it on, stretch it past the toe, pinch it off.

Then wedge it up into the toe grove. Bam, it"s like a brand new sock. Done properly you can even wear sandals if you"re the kind of fag who wears socks with sandals.
You should never stop doing this. Ever.


^ Can I paypal you $5 to go to walmart and buy new socks?

Recently I met an american friend I hadn"t seen in a long time. We used to sleep together but not anymore. Well I just intended to get dinner and a few beers then go home, but I"m nearly certain that she was scheming the whole night to sleep together. It was sorta interesting being on the other end of that. But, seeing as I"m a guy, I didn"t care and went along with it.

New material for the fan club: I"m pretty sure the subway girl gave me a fake number. Over the course of a week I sent 2 unanswered texts and finally a phone call last attempt and got some korean error message. It could have been a phone issue or something but I"ll stick with fake number because that"s both more likely and much funnier. That"s what I get for doing 0 qualifying.

On the upside, I go to PT twice a week following a surgery I had a few months ago, and there"s an assload of college students interning there for the summer. There is one I"ve been wanting to talk to but haven"t had the opportunity. Well one week she was gone and I asked the physical therapist where she was, just out of curiosity, and the next thing I know she is right in front of me. He fucking went and found her, interrupted her work, and brought her to me saying "is this the right one? Here take her phone and put in your number." It was so hilarious that I couldn"t hold in my laughter even in front of her. It was less awkward than one would think just because of the PT"s jovial personality, but still kinda awkward. Anyway she had a good attitude about it. We texted back and forth a bunch last night and I"ll try to set something up for this weekend.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Pretty straight forward. Let"s say you have a sock with a hole in it.
Why would you do this when you could just put the sock on the other foot and wear it as-is?

Your big toe is the only toe that ever sticks out a hole, so just move the hole to the outside of your foot and you"re golden.

dy fey_foh

Finally get a girlfriend. Girl ive been crushing on for years. Shorter than me, adorable in every way. We have sex regularly. Be together for many years.
Trust her unconditionally

One day, she sits me down for a talk. Has a sad look on her face.
She tells me she was raped a few weeks back.
She went to get an STD test and found out she was HIV positive. We"ve had sex at least 4 times after. She just tells me now because she was scared of telling me. Suddenly build up with uncontrollable rage. Punch her in the face as hard as I can. She falls down. Still pissed off, cant even see straight. Keep punching her as hard as I can. Gets to a point where her face is a pool of blood. Blood splashes onto my shirt when I punch. Keep punching. Leave, her parents come home after.

Fast forward a few weeks

She"s in a face bandage, stitches everywhere. She told her parents a robber came in and did this. Suddenly feel terrible inside. Go to apologize three weeks later. Ask her sister where she is. Her sis has tears in her eyes, says she fell into a coma. Run to the hospital to say sorry before its too late.
Get to her room
Open the door
Get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur


Confirmed Male
Zehn - Vhex said:
Pretty straight forward. Let"s say you have a sock with a hole in it.

Want to still wear the sock? Put it on, stretch it past the toe, pinch it off.

Then wedge it up into the toe grove. Bam, it"s like a brand new sock. Done properly you can even wear sandals if you"re the kind of fag who wears socks with sandals.
Zhen, PM me your address, I am sending you a 20 pack of tube socks, for realz


Molten Core Raider
Jorren said:
Clipping the big toenail will help save socks. Just saying.
I normally keep my toes pretty clipped. I tend to rub my toes against my ankles when I sleep and if I have sharp toenails it wakes me up plus I had someone else complain about it recently too so I"ve been more diligent.

It"s not the seams that break for me but the base gets rubbed through. I don"t walk toe-heel that often so I imagine science is telling me to get thicker socks. Maybe instead of socks/shoes I"ll start wearing sandals, polo shirts and plaid shorts and subsequently kill myself.


Confirmed Male
ToeMissile said:
Or don"t wear socks to bed.
I think I read an article about how people who wear socks orgasm 50% faster than people who dont. I am not saying that is the reason he does, but you never know. Zhen seems to be the informed type.


Trakanon Raider
Zehn said:
Maybe instead of socks/shoes I"ll start wearing sandals, polo shirts and plaid shorts and subsequently kill myself.
Fuck. What am I supposed to wear to Folk Fest this weekend then?

Speaking of which (high five on the segue!), I believe in a past posting I made mention that I"d likely be here bringing the drama around this time because I"d likely run in to Anne. As it turned out, and trying the brevity thing here, we had exchanged texts a couple months back about something else random, and I said I"d see her at Folk Fest when the short conversation was done. She texted back and told me she was leaving for Guatemala for a month in July and would miss it. I told her that she was a poor planner (Folk Fest is awesome), but to have fun regardless and that was it.

Text received today: "Came back early from my trip for the Fest. Didn"t want to startle you if we run into each other."

I dunno, I find that kind of funny for some reason. "Startle" me? Ghosts of relationships past?


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Eomer said:
I dunno, I find that kind of funny for some reason. "Startle" me? Ghosts of relationships past?
She canceled an international trip to be home early, for a festival she knew you would be at, and from the text you were clearly on her mind related to the festival.

The kids still got a shot ladies and gents!


Trakanon Raider
hah, probably not. Let"s not forget how she used me as an emotional/attention crutch for 6+ months.

edit - She sure likes to flirt though:

Me: lol, "startle"? Were you gonna sneak up behind me, maybe wear a balaclava?

Her: Yup. With sunglasses. (reference to us both seeing each other last year and hiding behind sunglasses to avoid each other)

Me: Just cause, I am going to sneak up and scare the shit out of you.

Her: I dare ya!

Me: You just made a big mistake!

Her: Maybe...maybe not! Haha.

Smilies. Bitches love smilies.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
hah, probably not. Let"s not forget how she used me as an emotional/attention crutch for 6+ months.
Sounds like it"s time to bust out the crutches again, then.