Girls who broke your heart thread


The pursuit of pussy will give you some keen insight into your friends. There is such a huge amount of vagina that anyone willing to cause the slightest bit of pain to one of their friends is in all likelihood a piece of shit.

If you are willing to get grimy over something as trivial as vagina means you will get shady for certain over anything. This rule also applies to those who cheat/lie to those they are in committed relationships with. You do not selectively act like a piece of shit, people just feel less inhibited about exposing their low character in certain circumstances.


French Madman
Woaw there, it"s not like I"m trying to get behind his back in order to get pussy.

I"m genuinely interested in the girl and I want to try to get a relationship running with her if at all possible, and not something like casual sex or whatever.

I"ve been frank with him about it, and I"ll be again if he doesn"t move. Because let"s be serious here : he had months to make a move and he didn"t.

At this point, it would be better for him to stop secretly liking her while he is in friend zone. He needs to be frank with her and more importantly with himself.

And I"m pretty sure he"d rather see me dating her than some random asshole she would find god knows where.


Malkav said:
Woaw there, it"s not like I"m trying to get behind his back in order to get pussy.

I"m genuinely interested in the girl and I want to try to get a relationship running with her if at all possible, and not something like casual sex or whatever.

I"ve been frank with him about it, and I"ll be again if he doesn"t move. Because let"s be serious here : he had months to make a move and he didn"t.

At this point, it would be better for him to stop secretly liking her while he is in friend zone. He needs to be frank with her and more importantly with himself.

And I"m pretty sure he"d rather see me dating her than some random asshole she would find god knows where.
You"ve pulled me out of lurking for this...

Women chose, as Eomer said. And she"s chosen. She"s talking to you about all kinds of geeky, "I"m relating to you" shit. She"s not talking to your friend about the same. She /has/ chosen. You just have to get with the program and show you"re interested and quick before she decides that "Nope, he"s just not interested" scratches you off the list and moves on.

Also... as someone said "Bros before Hoes", but where I sit they had it wrong.

Any Bro should be glad you are getting pussy. All he has to blame is himself. He can go home, look in the mirror and cry all he wants. If he"s had months, then there is no one for him to blame but himself. He instead should be hi-5"n you on the way out the door.

Sure, he can hate himself. He can be jealous. But no woman should come between "real bros" and he should be able to be happy you"ve gotten something worth grabbin. Its his own damn fault he hasn"t nutted up. And quite honestly, if she wanted him she"d a let him know before.

So seriously, you should be all over that like a fat kid on cake. Assault the objective, sweep and clear, any other euphemism you want. And you should do it soon before the opportunity passes you by. Learn from your friend"s mistake. Don"t vacillate and waste time. Trust me, I"ve learned that last bit from experience.

Edit: Don"t get me wrong. Don"t be a pushy asshole and drive her off. But its not your job to wait for him to make up his mind.


I don"t think bro-code really applies strongly in this case compared to a scenario where the friend called dibs. Women, for example, do something like this.

Hey, Amy, we"re going to San Shi Go for sushi on Saturday with a group of people. I"m sort of diggin" this guy Mike, so if you don"t mind, hit on his friend!"

He had to ASK if his friend was interested and at the same time, expressed his own interest. Now if this were ongoing and his friend has feelings beyond a crush, it"s different. I think you"re taking this a bit too seriously. As said, neither of them get to pick. She does. Regardless of who moves in first, last or fastest - she will decide. Keep hanging out and see how it goes. She seems like she may be the type who"d likely initiate making plans with whomever she "picks".


Was the cradle robbers age ever posted?


Bros before hoes really on lasts until you get older and start looking for marrige material. If your friend is trying to pick up a girl that you really click with anytime you around her then it is practically your duty to go after that booty. No seriously puns aside if she"s the one then you can"t throw the chance away because your fried might get upset. Remember if you marry her shes there forever and the bearer of your children. That"s more important then bros.


French Madman
Sharmai said:
Bros before hoes really on lasts until you get older and start looking for marrige material. If your friend is trying to pick up a girl that you really click with anytime you around her then it is practically your duty to go after that booty. No seriously puns aside if she"s the one then you can"t throw the chance away because your fried might get upset. Remember if you marry her shes there forever and the bearer of your children. That"s more important then bros.
We"re far from there yet to be honest.
I"m of course looking for serious relationship material, but let"s not get over our head and talk about marriage material so fast.

From my discussions with her, she"s also looking for something serious, so it"s already a good point. Yup, as we were the only 3 singles in the group, we ended up talking about relationships and I subtly asked about this kind of things.

The funny thing thing was that most of those talks happened while we were out of the bar smoking to get away of the two couples with us and I didn"t have a single moment alone with her because my best friend was always kinda tagging along (well, if I was him I wouldn"t like to be left alone with the dating crowd either), but me and her did most of the talking with him saying some things here and there but not much.

Well, they"ve known each other for months, so maybe they don"t have much to talk about, but it was funny to see that for this one time being a kind of a bookworn helped me talking with hot girl.
To be honest, my friend is way more good looking than me. He"s not a dumb jock, but he is a bit of a tech geek that is not that much into reading. So I compensate my lack of really good looks with my smarts.

Oh, and for the reference, I"ll give our ages. I"m 26, my friend is 23 and the girl is 20 (and I assure you she doesn"t sound like it, I was surprised). I have way more relationship experience than him (he was a late bloomer, it was practily me who pushed him into dating a few years back when I met him), which is a thing she seems to be looking for from what I heard from her.


Trakanon Raider
Gryeyes said:
The pursuit of pussy will give you some keen insight into your friends. There is such a huge amount of vagina that anyone willing to cause the slightest bit of pain to one of their friends is in all likelihood a piece of shit.

If you are willing to get grimy over something as trivial as vagina means you will get shady for certain over anything. This rule also applies to those who cheat/lie to those they are in committed relationships with. You do not selectively act like a piece of shit, people just feel less inhibited about exposing their low character in certain circumstances.
So who"s the low character asshole in your opinion? The guy who apparently can"t even get with the girl to save his life and who will make a big deal of his friend legitimately beating him to the punch, or the guy who gives his friend an opportunity to make a move before he does himself?

In my opinion, if the Malkav"s friend does make a move and gets shut down (or doesn"t make a move at all) and then Malkav steps in and sweeps her off her feet and they live happily every after while the friend stews and makes a big deal of it, it"s the friend being a piece of shit and putting pussy before his friendship. Not the other way around.

What, bros are supposed to back off of genuinely interested girls because their fence sitting friend can"t make a move or won"t accept that she"s just not interested? That"s bullshit. Sure there"s a ton of girls out there, but for most people they don"t meet one they genuinely connect with or like all that often. It might be months or years before another good opportunity presents itself, depending on the circumstances. A true friend would realize that it"s just not gonna happen and wave their bro through.

If there was ANY actual real history between the chick and the friend, then that"s another story. If they"d dated in the past, hooked up a couple times, whatever, then yes Malkav would be crossing a line by going after her if his buddy didn"t tag him in. But that"s not the case at all. He has virtually zero claim to the girl, and a true bro wouldn"t cock block his bro just because he can"t get the pussy for himself.

Again, in situations where there"s no prior romantic history, the girl chooses. All the bros can do is play fair and not shit on the other guy behind his back.

If the friend does make a move and then dates her for a couple weeks before she shuts him down completely, then we"ve got a different situation because now there"s legitimate history, albeit extremely brief. In that case I wouldn"t hold as much ill opinion of the friend if he insists on Malkav not making a move, although I"d still think he should stop being such a bitch.


To be honest, my friend is way more good looking than me. He"s not a dumb jock, but he is a bit of a tech geek that is not that much into reading. So I compensate my lack of really good looks with my smarts.
Never say this. In fact don"t even think it even if it might be true. Have you ever seen a really hot women who is with a guy who is fat, ugly, disabled or other wise hampered and yet she is still totally happy? I"m sure you have.

Women don"t think like men. A women can and will find herself more attracted to an average guy who wears cologne, has a happy personality, and takes regular showers then a highly attractive guy who doesn"t. A guy who had to make the same decision between a bombshell with no personality and indecent clothing vs an average weight girl with tons of personality would be in bed with the bombshell so fast you wouldn"t be able to finish asking the question. They would make a great friend out of the average girl, however.?

The thing is you have make yourself believe you are exactly what she wants so you unknowingly act like it when she"s around. ?The problem is win you do this other guys can tell. Partly because she will pick up on it and respond much more favorably to you and partly because you will on some level be stepping in and replacing your friend and any chance he might have had.?


A nice asshole.
Since when do the French fight for anything, just surrender your love and be done. Joking aside sounds like your mind is already made up, if you do end up together any good friend will call you a fucking asshole, get over it, and buy the next round all in the same sentence.

Never was one that believed in bros before hos, took my best friend a good year to discover pussy after I did, he blew me off like a mother fucker for some ass and it was all good because she was awesome. If the ho be trifflen though that is when you call him out.


Inconsiderable said:
No, it isnt. Your friends will always be there for you; yet you never know when bitches turn crazy. Bro > Pussy.
This is true. And thats why the guy who hasn"t bothered to do anything in a month should get over it and let his friend have a go.

I can understand a straight up cock block is wrong. Where you are talking to her, and she"s having a good time and your friend straight cuts in. Thats bad form. But... if she"s just kinda not throwing you the signals but takes an interest in your friend its your job to step back and support him in any play he makes.

In return, I"d expect the same from him. Thats the "Bro Code" I know of that my friends and I try and live by.

Basically, its assumed your friend isn"t getting laid. He should know enough to support you if you have a chance instead. Why screw both of you over?


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Inconsiderable said:
No, it isnt. Your friends will always be there for you; yet you never know when bitches turn crazy. Bro > Pussy.
Not necessarily.

I may have told this story before, but my best friend from childhood lived down the block from me. We went through all 13 years of school together, had a pretty good bond. Shortly after my wife and I started dating he made a move on her and said she should be with him instead of me. Thankfully she thought it was fucking weird, like I set up some kind of "test" or something and told me about it immediately. I kicked him to the curb pretty quickly after that, he threw away a lifelong friendship over my fucking girlfriend.

Last I heard he was still dating teenagers, and considering he"s 31 now, I guess that also helps explain his character pretty well. I find as I age the criteria for being friends with males is harder and harder to reach for people. Not sure what it is, but all of my childhood friends are all pieces of shit and I just have no time for dealing with that anymore. I"ve got one male friend left in the state that I would answer the phone for at 3am, everyone else can go to voicemail. Guys get fucking weird over stupid shit just like chicks do. In this case it was a woman he had no claim to and was already attached to me. I have zero idea why he made that call, it"s bizarre to this day.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well it depends on the shadiness of the act. The truth is the formula isn"t as simple as bros > hos. In TC"s case he was in the right. Asshole dude made a pass on his girlfriend. He broke bro code, he got punted.

In the above case (I haven"t even read the actual OP of the discussion) it sounds more like he"s trying to make a move on a chick that his buddy has called dibs on. Respect it. There are tens of thousands of chicks you can fall in love with but honestly trying to find a good, honest, reliable guy friend is a needle in a haystack.


French Madman
Tenks said:
Well it depends on the shadiness of the act. The truth is the formula isn"t as simple as bros > hos. In TC"s case he was in the right. Asshole dude made a pass on his girlfriend. He broke bro code, he got punted.

In the above case (I haven"t even read the actual OP of the discussion) it sounds more like he"s trying to make a move on a chick that his buddy has called dibs on. Respect it. There are tens of thousands of chicks you can fall in love with but honestly trying to find a good, honest, reliable guy friend is a needle in a haystack.
Like it was said, I don"t think dibs still apply when the guy hasn"t been able to make a move on the girl for months. Even more when it"s obvious for everyone except him that he has been friend-zoned.


Inconsiderable said:
No, it isnt. Your friends will always be there for you; yet you never know when bitches turn crazy. Bro > Pussy.
Then you haven"t had wife material yet. Yea your average fling, bitch, or ho is lower then your bro your future wife material isn"t. As you get older and switch from dating to finding a wife your bro takes a backseat.

Even a long lasting childhood friendship is nothing compared to the emotional and physical bond you share with your wife. I"m not talking about a fling kind of bond either. I"m talking about the kind of bond where your wife is sick, has shit on herself and your wiping her ass, where she gained 50 lbs, where you will still fight to the death to keep her.

Friends are extremely important but they are only third or fourth on the importance scale that goes children-wife-family-friends-others


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Malkav said:
Like it was said, I don"t think dibs still apply when the guy hasn"t been able to make a move on the girl for months. Even more when it"s obvious for everyone except him that he has been friend-zoned.
It"s not your place to tell him he has no chance so you"re moving in


French Madman
Tenks said:
It"s not your place to tell him he has no chance so you"re moving in
Like I said, I don"t intend to make a move without previous notice.
He now knows that I"m also interested, and I told him he should make a move. But I don"t intend to wait ad vitam eternam for him to make one.


Trakanon Raider
Tenks said:
It"s not your place to tell him he has no chance so you"re moving in
Again, if the guy hasn"t made a move for months or the girl has been rebuffing them, then what exactly is he "moving in" on? We just had several pages of discussion about how shitty it is to be friend zoned and Malkav if anything is saving a bro from it, in a way.

Go back and read the OP if it helps.

He"s basically told his buddy "you have the first shot, but you"ve waited months to take it. Take it or step out of the way." I think that"s completely fine.

OP said:
Turns out, he is interested,but can"t find the way to make a move of his own.I made clear to him that I was also interested, but that he was first, bro-code yatta yatta and so on, but that he should make a move quick before she finds herself dating some random asshole instead of one of the two of us.
What the fuck does the bolded part even mean? "Can"t find a way?" You ask her out on a date, make a move while you"re both drunk, you flirt outrageously obviously, take your pick. Sack up.