Girls who broke your heart thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Rabkorik said:
You should have told the guy to buy a strap-on and do it himself.
Maybe she has high standards, "give me cock, or give me death"? "Cock or bust"? Hmm.


Malkav said:
Haha, funny you"re mentioning the BROCODE here. Fact of the matter, they started dating just a few week after we broke up, and I was not over it yet. I"d always considered him a very good friend, and someone i could trust. Well, when they started dating, I kinda took it like he broke the brocode, and didn"t talk to them for months.
This is in fact a violation of the brocode, an egregious one at that. It would end my friendship with someone for sure. Someone whose willing to get grimy over pussy will get grimy over anything.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
He didn"t mention how long they had been together.. or did I miss it? Definitely suspect, but it doesn"t seem like we have all the specifics.


Doesn"t matter, he dated her at the very least asking for permission is required. This is not a court of law quibbling of the details as if its pertinent is in itself an indication you are a horrible friend.


Trakanon Raider
I tend to agree. As a matter of policy it"s pretty much never a good idea to date a friend"s ex, unless he expressly tells you it"s cool. And even then, that"s putting him in a tough situation if he wasn"t the one who ended it.


Molten Core Raider
For your dude to start dating her weeks after you guys broke up it sounds like he was doing exactly what you were doing right now. Hell I wouldn"t be surprised if she cheated on you with him. You could be a total prick and take her back and then ditch dude. I certainly wouldn"t trust her for shit though.


You don"t date a friends ex, especially without asking said bro if it alright to move in. Malkav is probably a spineless dickwad who can"t stand up for himself.


French Madman
ToeMissile said:
He didn"t mention how long they had been together.. or did I miss it? Definitely suspect, but it doesn"t seem like we have all the specifics.
Dated her for like four months. Not that long, but well, I was really into her.

Eomer said:
I tend to agree. As a matter of policy it"s pretty much never a good idea to date a friend"s ex, unless he expressly tells you it"s cool. And even then, that"s putting him in a tough situation if he wasn"t the one who ended it.
PigBenis said:
For your dude to start dating her weeks after you guys broke up it sounds like he was doing exactly what you were doing right now. Hell I wouldn"t be surprised if she cheated on you with him. You could be a total prick and take her back and then ditch dude. I certainly wouldn"t trust her for shit though.
Well, like I said, I burned bridges with them and a lot of other people for months after that.

It wasn"t until it was water under the bridge and that I had a long good talk with them that I started seeing them again. They expressed enough regrets about it.
Matter of fact, he wanted to tell me when it happened, but I learned about it from someone else before he could, so it didn"t help.
They didn"t even know if it would last, because one week after they started seeing each others he was leaving one month for Japan.

Oh, and I ended it. We were becoming both uneasy about the relationship, getting into arguments about what we wanted out of it so I went all "that"s it then, let"s broke up". Still not an easy thing though.

Shanter said:
You don"t date a friends ex, especially without asking said bro if it alright to move in. Malkav is probably a spineless dickwad who can"t stand up for himself.
Oh, come on now. Angry much? Who was never uneasy and/or a bit nostalgic when seeing again exs that mattered?
I may be getting flustered, thinking that he if she wasn"t with a friend, I"d try my luck, but I"m taking the high road here, I have no intention to do anything over such a small feeling.
So you can drop the tough guy act where the sun doeos not shine, thanks.


French Madman
Shanter said:
Taking the high road leaves you single and mourning the relationship you had with her. Sounds like a great plan.
Good god, I"m far over that "mourning" shit right now.

I"ve chosen to be single lastly, far too much shit going on without having to handle one girl on the side.

Sure, being single is not always easy, and she just reminds me how nice it"d be to have a nice girl. It"s just not something I have time for right now.

When I"m done with all the shit happening lately, I"ll look for one. Until then, I"ll be fine.


I"m going through a similar situation with a recent ex trying to hook up and date my good friend(s) to get under my skin since we broke up about 2 weeks ago. It becomes shitty because the one she"s been trying to date hasn"t been with a woman in years and is desperate for any attention. The only redeeming part of the friendship right now is that he had the balls to tell me what was going on, but I already heard about it from another friend - which was a low blow in itself. So as much as I hate to say it, I might have to reevaluate my good friends since they are obviously too desperate to be close to a woman than a decades worth of friendship and being best buds.

edit: When my good friend told me about the situation my ex he asked me if it would have been awkward between us, which I instantly replied yes and that I would be more comfortable if he just dropped her. That"s when he confessed he was lonely. And I told him that if things persisted with him and my ex that we"d no longer see each other.


French Madman
sl4ck3r said:
I"m going through a similar situation with a recent ex trying to hook up and date my good friend(s) to get under my skin since we broke up about 2 weeks ago. It becomes shitty because the one she"s been trying to date hasn"t been with a woman in years and is desperate for any attention. The only redeeming part of the friendship right now is that he had the balls to tell me what was going on, but I already heard about it from another friend - which was a low blow in itself. So as much as I hate to say it, I might have to reevaluate my good friends since they are obviously too desperate to be close to a woman than a decades worth of friendship and being best buds.
I feel for you on that one. I really think the hardest part is learning about it from someone else. You just end up like "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?". I still remember hearing about them while I was in a half-depressed drunken stupor, and that was a heavy blow.

Best thing you can do I think, is not to put up with it. Time to do a little triage of your friends and stop seeing some of them. No need to make any drama though, just stop hanging out with them. Some may be intelligent enough to realize what they"re doing, feel bad about it, and be honest and show some regrets.

If they don"t care though, fuck "em, they were not worth it.


<Bronze Donator>
I had a good friend tell me to try and hook up with one of his ex"s, said it would be a good game to play and he bet I could do it.. banged her the first night, multiple times, and then kept banging her after.. was a shitty situation and he said he didnt care if we dated etc but he did.

As for the cheating, once a cheater always a cheater. My ex that left me after 3 years for that heroin addict, came back around 2 months later for sex, then 2 months later after that for sex, 2m onths later again to try again etc


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
While I generally support the brocode (I myself wouldn"t have done something like this without at least talking to a friend about it first), I"ve always been hesitant to throw out a friendship wholesale over a chick.ESPECIALLYif you broke up with her, fuck it, it wasn"t like she was cheating on you with your buddy and broke up with you because she was finally ready to make the swap over to your best friend or something. If you broke up with her, then you shouldn"t have some overwhelming amount of heartbreak over it, otherwise why would you have broken up with her in the first fucking place? If that"s the case, remember that sometimes you have to be a friend, you can"t just sit there and snipe at everyone around you for every little faux pas you can catch them on. Fucking go out with your friend, give him your blessing, warn him about her faults ("she likes to play schei?e games, watch out bro") and try to have a clear conscience about it.

It"s different when she breaks up with you and immediately jumps to a friend (you can sit there wondering if she was playing you and cheating on you behind your back before the breakup), but still, I wouldn"t go 86"ing friends on that alone unless they already had done some other sketchy shit. I don"t want to sound like a dick here and point the finger at people for being insecure about this kind of thing, but you can either get over it and give your friend a high-five and tell them to tear that shit up, or you can sit at home #foreveralone silently /raging over how one of your friends is tapping that ass.

And don"t get me wrong, I"ve been there before, it"s happened to me and I basically lashed out at everyone involved and sank friendships over it, but in the end it wasn"t even close to being worth it. Especially since the parties involved got together, dated for a while, and then broke up themselves. I"ve never had a situation where an ex ended up in a long-term relationship with a friend, but in that case, I"d think it would be better to man up, stop holding a grudge, and move the fuck on.

If you"re uncomfortable around an ex, then get your own and take that emotion out on your new fling (grudgefuck the bejeesus out of her, and you"ll feel a million times better). That"s 100 times better than stumping around bitter and jaded for months or years until all of your friends start thinking that you"ve got issues and start avoiding you wholesale. That, or simply tell your friend that you feel uncomfortable around your ex but tell him that it"s nothing personal.

Of course I"m saying this as if there was no cheating going on, that changes everything in my book and I don"t put up with that shit (and I"d never cheat on a buddy with his woman either). This is just my 2cents fwiw, I know others will absolutely disagree but /shrug.


French Madman
Erronius said:
While I generally support the brocode (I myself wouldn"t have done something like this without at least talking to a friend about it first), I"ve always been hesitant to throw out a friendship wholesale over a chick.ESPECIALLYif you broke up with her, fuck it, it wasn"t like she was cheating on you with your buddy and broke up with you because she was finally ready to make the swap over to your best friend or something. If you broke up with her, then you shouldn"t have some overwhelming amount of heartbreak over it, otherwise why would you have broken up with her in the first fucking place? If that"s the case, remember that sometimes you have to be a friend, you can"t just sit there and snipe at everyone around you for every little faux pas you can catch them on. Fucking go out with your friend, give him your blessing, warn him about her faults ("she likes to play schei?e games, watch out bro") and try to have a clear conscience about it.

It"s different when she breaks up with you and immediately jumps to a friend (you can sit there wondering if she was playing you and cheating on you behind your back before the breakup), but still, I wouldn"t go 86"ing friends on that alone unless they already had done some other sketchy shit. I don"t want to sound like a dick here and point the finger at people for being insecure about this kind of thing, but you can either get over it and give your friend a high-five and tell them to tear that shit up, or you can sit at home #foreveralone silently /raging over how one of your friends is tapping that ass.

And don"t get me wrong, I"ve been there before, it"s happened to me and I basically lashed out at everyone involved and sank friendships over it, but in the end it wasn"t even close to being worth it. Especially since the parties involved got together, dated for a while, and then broke up themselves. I"ve never had a situation where an ex ended up in a long-term relationship with a friend, but in that case, I"d think it would be better to man up, stop holding a grudge, and move the fuck on.

If you"re uncomfortable around an ex, then get your own and take that emotion out on your new fling (grudgefuck the bejeesus out of her, and you"ll feel a million times better). That"s 100 times better than stumping around bitter and jaded for months or years until all of your friends start thinking that you"ve got issues and start avoiding you wholesale. That, or simply tell your friend that you feel uncomfortable around your ex but tell him that it"s nothing personal.

Of course I"m saying this as if there was no cheating going on, that changes everything in my book and I don"t put up with that shit (and I"d never cheat on a buddy with his woman either). This is just my 2cents fwiw, I know others will absolutely disagree but /shrug.
I agree with you on that one Erronius.

In my case, I just needed a bit of time away to get over it. I can get pretty angry over things like this, but I wouldn"t hold a grudge for too long. There was no cheating around, so nothing horrible. In the end, I realized that I was more angry at myself than at them.

I was pretty happy to talk about it with them a few months down the road, and happy to hang with them again.
It"s been more than a year since I started seeing them again, and the little fling I have when I see her just started recently. I just attribute it to being single for too long, and well, she was one of my nicest catches. All in all, it"s nothing to worry about it. I was just drunk last week-end and wanted to get it out. I tend to think a bit too much about things when I"m drunk.

My advice to slacker wouldn"t necessarily be to throw his friends out of the window, but rather just to take a few steps back and cool it down. Think about it. Unless he really can"t get over his friends being all over his ex and forgetting him in the process.


The Big Mod
There art many worms posing as men within this thread. Relations between a man and woman are a sacred thing, yet many here choose to regard them as much as the mud on your stockings.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Ser Kegkilla said:
There art many worms posing as men within this thread. Relations between a man and woman are a sacred thing, yet many here choose to regard them as much as the mud on your stockings.
Wait, you wear stockings?