Girls who broke your heart thread

Aychamo BanBan

Zehn - Vhex said:
"Wait, are we talking about a guy that isn"t me? Hold on one sec. Choo choo...oh shit, gotta catch my train. I"ll be back when this conversation is interesting again."

Disagree. I went out with a decent looking brunette back in NYC who kept talking about some guy who had dumped her. I wasn"t interested in being her shoulder to cry on - it was our first date! I thought it was really rude of her. I got up to go "pee", I paid, and walked out.

It"s never cool to go on and on about an ex.


Blackwing Lair Raider
aychamo_aycono said:
Disagree. I went out with a decent looking brunette back in NYC who kept talking about some guy who had dumped her. I wasn"t interested in being her shoulder to cry on - it was our first date! I thought it was really rude of her. I got up to go "pee", I paid, and walked out.

It"s never cool to go on and on about an ex.
Did you cry on her shoulder whenever your other girlfriend died?

Aychamo BanBan

Sutekh said:
Did you cry on her shoulder whenever your other girlfriend died?
No. When I"m sad I put on a pair of scrub bottoms (super thin material) and go to the strip club and buy the 30 minute VIP dances and have some skank grind her twat along the shaft if my cock.


Got my first booty call.

Text reads: Lets just forget that we"re not dating or talking, why don"t you come over?
Me: And do what?
Her: I want you to come over and fuck me after work

Not really sure if this is me but I guess I"ll find out.


Guarding the guardians
Daelos said:
Ok. It"s been 4 weeks since that post, and 6 weeks since we broke up.

We"re both settled in new places
We"ve finished the financial settlement and child support
Kids are doing ok. For them it"s something new and unusual, but not something negative. They are both taking it like little champs
Excercise / diet has settled into something that is is sustainable and finally I"ve started getting rid of the excess fat I"ve accumulated over the past few years of marital life
Sleep is getting better. 3-4 hours at a time, then I will wake and go back to sleep fairly easily.

Emotions and thoughts: The past 3-4 days it feels like I"ve regained my balance. I"ve thought through most stuff as far as it"s useful, grieved about as much as is necessary and have reached a place where I am - if not outright happy - content with how things are.

I"m single. I"ve got the house all to myself. I"m redecorating and learning how to do flooring and putting up walls etc and the physical act of doing it is great therapy.
I"ve got no great interest in meeting someone new yet. I"m quite happy without companionship for the moment, I miss the sex but not so much as I expected. I"m looking forward to the thrill of meeting someone and starting something new again.

I"ve realized with time that I"m processing the shock more than grieving for the loss of my ex. I don"t particularly miss her as my lover/partner, but I do miss having someone to share experiences with and talk to at night. But that"s replaceable, whereas missing someone as a love interest is more difficult.
Not being able to see the kids grow up in an unbroken home hurts. But I"m cooperating nicely with the ex. We"re on speaking terms, and they"ll turn out just fine.

I know most people don"t care about this stuff. I"m writing for my own sake pretty much.
Right. About to hit the 3 month mark.
Kids still doing well. Looking at them, it seems as if they"ve hardly noticed a change.
The relationship with my ex has settled into an easygoing/comfortable one where we may chat for a bit when we meet to swap the children over, perhaps have a coffee, and then I will be on my way.
And I don"t miss her - I"ve come to realize the grief amplitude and frequency (yeah dorky terms) is unrelated to length of relationship. It"s still weird doing everything on my own, but that"s a habit thing.

On that note: I"ve got my first date in more than 12 years next Monday, and I"m not ashamed to admit I"m terrified. I"m 32, ffs, I meet and interact with new people professionally every single day with no problem.

Problem is that my motivation for meeting someone kind of goes up and down all the time. One day I really want to meet someone new, then the next day I"ve lost all interest and really just enjoy being single.

ah well. It will be, if nothing else, a learning experience..


Aamina said:
Got my first booty call.

Text reads: Lets just forget that we"re not dating or talking, why don"t you come over?
Me: And do what?
Her: I want you to come over and fuck me after work

Not really sure if this is me but I guess I"ll find out.
Even if it"s not you, it"s got to feel nice having someone to ASK you to come fuck them rather than hoping they"ll hug you, right? Good going dude, glad to hear you"re doing better. How are your kids btw?

Daelos said:
Right. About to hit the 3 month mark.
Kids still doing well. Looking at them, it seems as if they"ve hardly noticed a change.
The relationship with my ex has settled into an easygoing/comfortable one where we may chat for a bit when we meet to swap the children over, perhaps have a coffee, and then I will be on my way.
And I don"t miss her - I"ve come to realize the grief amplitude and frequency (yeah dorky terms) is unrelated to length of relationship. It"s still weird doing everything on my own, but that"s a habit thing.

On that note: I"ve got my first date in more than 12 years next Monday, and I"m not ashamed to admit I"m terrified. I"m 32, ffs, I meet and interact with new people professionally every single day with no problem.

Problem is that my motivation for meeting someone kind of goes up and down all the time. One day I really want to meet someone new, then the next day I"ve lost all interest and really just enjoy being single.

ah well. It will be, if nothing else, a learning experience..
Glad to hear it"s working out for you too man. Especially that your kids are taking it well. And you got the house? That"s awesome! Sounds like a big checkmark in the win column for you as well. As far as motivation goes, I"d say just take it slow, maybe focus on a few that genuinely interest you, but not try and force something with someone just so you"re not single anymore.

Honestly, after reading the mess that was the Married Guy Thread I"d been pretty fucking depressed for a while myself just thinking all the shit Aamina and others were going through. Then, ironically, my relationship ended not more than 2 weeks after I read it all. Not that it was anywhere near the level of pain some endured with divorce, kids, etc. but I"ve got to admit my mood"s brightened hearing about how well you guys are doing.


Wrathcaster said:
but I"ve got to admit my mood"s brightened hearing about how well you guys are doing.
is this thread finding its bro-roots and turning into a source of support? I"m proud. maybe we can get tarrant to consistently post again so the manga can continue.


I seriously have no idea how the fuck you guys can stand the dating scene (especially dating websites). Then again, I don"t know how you can tolerate women. It"s hard enough knowing men with emotions and/or who act like women, it"s even harder being friends with women/bitches.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
The "dating scene" is nothing more than the line of boys and girls at opposite sides of the room at a middle school dance. Ideally you pair up and get the fuck out on your own asap. The shitty part is spending too much time sifting through the garbage before you find one worth dating more than once.


Ravvenn said:
I seriously have no idea how the fuck you guys can stand the dating scene (especially dating websites). Then again, I don"t know how you can tolerate women. It"s hard enough knowing men with emotions and/or who act like women, it"s even harder being friends with women/bitches.
Men have an advantage in that women love guys who don"t put up with their bullshit. Women can"t do that to other women because they"ll think you"re a bitch. Men have to go through that for years while they learn that the best answer is mixing in a little asshole behavior from time to time, but once they figure it out, it"s much much easier.

For example, I"m studying korean full time now and we have a group interview test coming up. My partner, a girl, and I have to make a bunch of dialogs. She did hers really fast, and her friend, who isn"t involved, kept hassling me about doing mine. I wasn"t late, I just didn"t do it quite as fast, so it was pretty obnoxious to get involved. So the other day I ask her, "why do you care when I do my dialog? Are you her mom?" She stopped hassling me then, but doesn"t like me any less for it. But imagine if I was a girl and said that. I"d be "that bitch from my language class" to her for the rest of her life.

Not really a great example, but basically guys can get away with being a dick when it"s somewhat warranted, but girls can"t.


Ravvenn said:
I seriously have no idea how the fuck you guys can stand the dating scene (especially dating websites). Then again, I don"t know how you can tolerate women. It"s hard enough knowing men with emotions and/or who act like women, it"s even harder being friends with women/bitches.
I just don"t participate. Typically, anyone I get involved with is either a.) random drunken hookup or b.) someone I"ve already known for a month or more through an unrelated activity... normally school or school events. I can"t remember the last time I went on a date BEFORE I banged someone.

As far as tolerating women? Not much of a choice. It"s always a lesser of evils type thing. It"s not a question of who"s the best for me, more who"s not the worst at any given time.


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
I seriously have no idea how the fuck you guys can stand the dating scene (especially dating websites). Then again, I don"t know how you can tolerate women. It"s hard enough knowing men with emotions and/or who act like women, it"s even harder being friends with women/bitches.
What other choice do we have exactly? Turn gay? No thanks I have never seen a guy I thought was attractive. Stay alone? I guess that"s what I am gonna be doing. Sick and fucking tired of all the games. I just want to be fucking happy. Is that so much to ask of a person? I guess it is. I have been alone most of my life... don"t see why I ever thought it should be otherwise.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Men have an advantage in that women love guys who don"t put up with their bullshit. Women can"t do that to other women because they"ll think you"re a bitch. Men have to go through that for years while they learn that the best answer is mixing in a little asshole behavior from time to time, but once they figure it out, it"s much much easier.

For example, I"m studying korean full time now and we have a group interview test coming up. My partner, a girl, and I have to make a bunch of dialogs. She did hers really fast, and her friend, who isn"t involved, kept hassling me about doing mine. I wasn"t late, I just didn"t do it quite as fast, so it was pretty obnoxious to get involved. So the other day I ask her, "why do you care when I do my dialog? Are you her mom?" She stopped hassling me then, but doesn"t like me any less for it. But imagine if I was a girl and said that. I"d be "that bitch from my language class" to her for the rest of her life.

Not really a great example, but basically guys can get away with being a dick when it"s somewhat warranted, but girls can"t.
That makes no sense.


I assume it"s a trick/trap when the dating website emails you to say you"re so attractive they adjusted your matches to show more attractive people? Not sneaky enough! I stopped logging on, so I guess this is how these dingbats butter people up. Tacky.

I kind of want to start a "Best Of" list of messages I"ve gotten but know doing anything here (specifically) will undoubtedly backfire one way or another.

On the topic of the thread, though, I experiences craziness first hand. I"ve never had a "friend" as an adult (and mother) do some fucked up shit over a dude/money. It ended up hurting me and a dude. It also left me wondering how many women are closet whores/lunatics.

On the bright side, I already posted her tits!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ravvenn said:
I seriously have no idea how the fuck you guys can stand the dating scene (especially dating websites). Then again, I don"t know how you can tolerate women. It"s hard enough knowing men with emotions and/or who act like women, it"s even harder being friends with women/bitches.
Women literally have zero clue what it is like to have a male sex drive. We will literally tolerate absolutely anything from a chick if we haven"t gotten a nut off in like half a week.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Dabamf said:
Men have an advantage in that women love guys who don"t put up with their bullshit. Women can"t do that to other women because they"ll think you"re a bitch. Men have to go through that for years while they learn that the best answer is mixing in a little asshole behavior from time to time, but once they figure it out, it"s much much easier.

For example, I"m studying korean full time now and we have a group interview test coming up. My partner, a girl, and I have to make a bunch of dialogs. She did hers really fast, and her friend, who isn"t involved, kept hassling me about doing mine. I wasn"t late, I just didn"t do it quite as fast, so it was pretty obnoxious to get involved. So the other day I ask her, "why do you care when I do my dialog? Are you her mom?" She stopped hassling me then, but doesn"t like me any less for it. But imagine if I was a girl and said that. I"d be "that bitch from my language class" to her for the rest of her life.

Not really a great example, but basically guys can get away with being a dick when it"s somewhat warranted, but girls can"t.
Fuck, my mind isn"t blown. More vagina, less obsecure theories.