Girls who broke your heart thread


Okay, I"ll elaborate. Have you ever had ten or twelve or fifteen orgasms in a row? Have you ever enjoyed it so much that you scream out uncontrollably? I sure haven"t and don"t know any man who has (much less had thatregularly), yet that"s pretty commonplace for women. Men seem more consistent in their enjoyment of sex; men don"t seem to have the wild variations in their enjoyment that women do. However, I firmly believe that women ultimately like it better. If you disagree, well, then you disagree.

To answer a question you asked earlier, I think pretty much all girls between the ages of about fourteen and the upper twenties are some degree of crazy. It"s par for the course. Your reaction to it seems about standard to me. Most women calm down and start to act normal eventually.



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Danth said:
Okay, I"ll elaborate. Have you ever had ten or twelve or fifteen orgasms in a row? Have you ever enjoyed it so much that you scream out uncontrollably? I sure haven"t and don"t know any man who has (much less had thatregularly), yet that"s pretty commonplace for women. Men seem more consistent in their enjoyment of sex; men don"t seem to have the wild variations in their enjoyment that women do. However, I firmly believe that women ultimately like it better. If you disagree, well, then you disagree.

To answer a question you asked earlier, I think pretty much all girls between the ages of about fourteen and the upper twenties are some degree of crazy. It"s par for the course. Your reaction to it seems about standard to me. Most women calm down and start to act normal eventually.

that"s bullshit. explain lesbians.

Seriously confused about my sexuality. | The Lesbian Question

his might be going in too much detail but I think that the male genitalia is gross.


Danth said:
Okay, I"ll elaborate. Have you ever had ten or twelve or fifteen orgasms in a row? Have you ever enjoyed it so much that you scream out uncontrollably? I sure haven"t and don"t know any man who has (much less had thatregularly), yet that"s pretty commonplace for women.

Welp, it usually takes more than one post for me to realize someone"s completely talking out of their ass.

You don"t live in the world you see on YouPorn, champ.


"that"s bullshit. explain lesbians."

Explain them? What is there to explain? Perhaps you weren"t specific enough with your request as I"m not sure what you"re getting at. Some men happen to like men more than women, some women happen to like women more than men. That happens in nature. Seems obvious enough to me. Besides, the male body isn"t particularly attractive on its own merits and every woman I"ve gotten to know at a fairly personal level confesses to feeling attraction to other women. That"s so commonplace that I"ve long since decided that it"s normal and many women simply suppress/don"t pursue it due to pressure from society.

Gaz: I don"t "talk out of my ass." I"m quite straightforward in my posts and am not a forum warrior / internet tough guy and I sure as heck am not worried about trying to be popular around here, so if you disagree with something I write, by all means offer your own experience up. I"m not so obtuse as to fail to realize that my own life experiences may not be the same as someone else"s.



Then it sounds like you had a drama student for a girlfriend at some point. You want to hang your hat on the idea that a dozen+ consecutive orgasms is ""commonplace"" with a woman? Expect to be called out for being a prat.


It"s common within my experience, meaning my own marriage as well as women I talk to (taking into account what I noted about women"s inconsistency with their enjoyment of sex). Since I don"t believe my life to be in any way exceptional, logically I conclude that therefore such is ordinary. I didn"t mean to suggest that women like it that much every single time, but rather that many women will like it that much on occasion (the frequency of which varies from one woman to the next). Considering that no man I have ever known has liked sex that much even once and don"t seem to be physically capable of it, I thus conclude that women like sex better than men do. It could also be worded differently, instead saying that women have the potential to like it more than men. Pick whatever wording you prefer.



Molten Core Raider
Danth said:
It"s common within my experience, meaning my own marriage as well as women I talk to (taking into account what I noted about women"s inconsistency with their enjoyment of sex). Since I don"t believe my life to be in any way exceptional, logically I conclude that therefore such is ordinary. I didn"t mean to suggest that women like it that much every single time, but rather that many women will like it that much on occasion (the frequency of which varies from one woman to the next). Considering that no man I have ever known has liked sex that much even once and don"t seem to be physically capable of it, I thus conclude that women like sex better than men do. It could also be worded differently, instead saying that women have the potential to like it more than men. Pick whatever wording you prefer.

I find your posts shallow and pedantic.



I applaud your using the word "pedantic". I really do--I like seeing folks with a good vocabulary, and it"s a fair description of my style too. My posts are shallow or deep as the subjects require, and ultimately we"re on a fairly shallow subject at the moment, so I actually agree with you on both counts.



Molten Core Raider
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Danth said:

For the record I have no clue what pedantic means and used Google to spell check it.


Hah, now that"s funny stuff. Joke"s on me, but thanks for the laugh. Livens up a boring Friday night. Obviously I don"t watch that TV show since I didn"t see the reference, but that makes it funnier.



Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Haha this thread rules!

I"m pretty sure several of you are just failing on the simple point of knowing wtf people are talking about in here. The ability to have multiple orgasms and sex drive are two completely different subjects. I could elaborate but I"m tired and want to pass out. Good night, awesome thread of awesome.

Aychamo BanBan

I"m interested in knowing what you married guys do about your sexual cravings? We have a nice sex life, but I fear that I"m a fiend. I want some young pussy. My sex life has always been on the taboo side. I enjoyed meeting new women (strangers) and having sex while knowing almost nothing about them. I"ve been a good boy since being married, but I still crave having sex with other women.

I dont want an emotional relationship with other women, but I do want some "extra-curricular" sex with other women.


Well then cheat. You have a whole selection of people to screw. Strippers, escorts, "friends", ex-girlfriends, co-workers, random women you meet at bars, parties, and company events. That or establish a nice healthy porn addiction and then pretend your significant other is someone else when you sleep with her, maybe even talk to her about what a dirty little slut she is and ask her how many giant black cocks she"d like to take. Do that until your sex drive decreases and she"s left sexually deprived/frustrated...

When you"re done, treat her like shit until she leaves you (so you don"t look like the bad guy) andthenmarry someone you"ll care about and want to have sex with.

You"re not with the right person if you want to fuck other people, btw.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Ravvenn said:
You"re not with the right person if you would hurt them by fucking other people btw.
Fixed for you, men can be happily married and still want to fuck other women, how can women still not get this?


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Ravvenn said:
You"re not with the right person if you want to fuck other people, btw.
Sarcastic preamble aside, it has already been discussed in this thread about people who have "healthy" marriages that engage in swinging. While it isn"t for me, I think going around behind the person you married would be a shit way to go. At least be upfront about it as much as you can..


I still find it funny that my wife knows my every sexual thought but she is still a little nervous about sharing all of hers even though I know her every kink.

Also, fuck the pill and it"s lower sex drive. Went from sex every day / 2 days with condoms to sex every week / 2 weeks. Granted the sex is really good, I find myself fapping more married than when we were dating. I remember every story that friends told me before we got married that sex slows down and for some points it does but man you can certainly tell when the drive hits LOL.

You know you are sex deprived when you are debating the "pull out" method over the pill just because you hate condoms and you hate the lowered sex drive ROFL...


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
She only said "want" to fuck ther people. Wanting to do something and going ahead and doing it are very different things.

Totally agree on the pill, wife was on pill for about 10 yrs we had sex 2-3 times a week (and i had to push for it) now off the pill for about year and a half and we have sex every day except heaviest period days, but it took me getting snipped, which i think a fair number of guys here are too young to be doing.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
I have a question for married people or guys in long-term relationships. Whenever a girl acts crazy as Zhen described, I always tell them they"re being insane, then explain, briefly, why. Do you just give up at some point and begin tolerating it? I always feel the need to kind of put my foot down immediately to any insanity so the girl doesn"t think it"s cool to go thinking her absurd twists of logic will be taken seriously.
I know I"m in the minority and everyone"s just gonna rail on me for it, but hey, you asked, I"ll answer.

No, I don"t put up with crazy, but I have an advantage of not marrying a crazy chick to begin with. My wife has been very reasonable from day 1, it"s the reason I married her so quick...I knew she was different and didn"t want to let that one slip away. 12 and a half years later I"m still happy I did and wouldn"t have changed a thing. Yeah, absolutely, she does get hormonal and weird from time to time (and by that I mean seriously, no more than once every 2-3 months), but usually all it takes from me to correct the problem is saying "You"re being ridiculous and I"m not going to continue this conversation with you right now," and then I go downstairs and play some games. She comes down 15-60 minutes later and we talk about things like an adult, and she realizes that logic wins over emotion. Done and done. I know not all of you have the benefit of not being with a crazy woman, but go above and beyond and don"t let them drag you into the crazy and you"ll get a lot more respect about it. That doesn"t mean you need to be violent or be a dick, it means you be the better man and say "Honey, we"ll discuss this when you realize that you"re being ridiculous" and then ignore her until she calms the fuck down.

I know I"ve told this here before, but my wife is awesome because of reasons like this - After the birth of our first child, she got really bad postpartum depression and one day just handed me the kid and said "I"ve gotta go get help" and checked herself into the psych hospital. I had no fucking idea what to do...I was 22, with a 4 week old kid, this couldda been really, really bad. She called me 2 days later and said "Okay, come get me. I"m not crazy...these people in here are crazy." Her ability to pull herself out of her hormone induced bullshit and rationalize situations is the reason I"m with her. Yeah, she"s got flaws....but none of them even come close to making me put up with anywhere near the bullshit that you guys have to with crazy chicks that you tolerate simply to get your dick wet.

aychamo_aycono said:
I"m interested in knowing what you married guys do about your sexual cravings? We have a nice sex life, but I fear that I"m a fiend. I want some young pussy. My sex life has always been on the taboo side. I enjoyed meeting new women (strangers) and having sex while knowing almost nothing about them. I"ve been a good boy since being married, but I still crave having sex with other women.

I dont want an emotional relationship with other women, but I do want some "extra-curricular" sex with other women.
Honestly, you just make choices about what"s important to you. My relationship is more important to me than random pussy. It has nothing to do with being a "good boy" and everything to do with priorities. My life right now is on the track I want it to be on. I have a woman I love that I can live with every day of my life and not get annoyed by her to the point where we argue consistently, we have 2 daughters to raise and we want to do the best for them that we can. Those goals aren"t met by me chasing random skirt just for the sake of doing it. On top of that, I kinda like my dick NOT ribbed for her pleasure, so we"ll just stay away from the STD"s that condoms don"t protect against and can show no visible signs.

I"d be lying if I said that my wife met 100% of my sexual needs (she comes pretty close however...she"s pretty fucking good about the blowjobs when she"s not in the mood), but on the other hand, I think that most guys, even if they"re getting sex every day, would still watch porn and would still jerk off. If that"s gonna be the case, then how can you blame that on the chick? You just are what you are, and the woman"s not gonna change it.

And if you think it only goes one way, that"s definitely wrong. The wife"s got a friend she works with that"s a solid 9, no fucking doubt. Barbie doll figure, fake DD"s, works out almost excessively, needs sex every day and makes 70k a year. She"s settling for a guy who can"t even get it up half the time, and is pretty much just a douchebag in all other regards. I have no idea why, but I find it hilarious, and strangely comforting that even the people that you"d expect to be able to pick and choose their partners still get stuck with Limpy Jones or whatever the fuck his name is.