Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Eomer uses his confidence and wealth as a business owner to get asked by about 8 different women if he"ll watch the superbowl with them. He chooses instead to watch it with Xerxes. He claims this is because hey, free pot. We all know better. He gets laid that night, but not by Xerxes. He dies a little inside.
Wait, what? Who did I get laid with? That sounds wildly inaccurate.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Thecutlery has been happily not watching the superbowl until she gets home since they were 8 years old. It is boring and uneventful. He gets laid that night but nobody cares because it"s about as exciting as brushing your teeth in the morning.
To be fair, nothing of the sort has been going on around here for a couple months now, but it"s not anything close to what you guys would wish on me.

Week after the kid was born, wife passed a pretty giant clot, which equals emergency room trip. Uterus not cooperating, piece of placenta left over...whatever, they know not the reason, but I"m glad she"s there instead of what happened to my buddy, who"s wife did the same fucking thing 6 months earlier and he came home to find her in a fucking crime scene in the bathroom. 100 years ago, we"d have both been widowers with a 10 day old baby to something I"ve never even heard of happening before.

She"s been bleeding for 8 weeks now. It is not awesome in the slightest.

I apologize for the buzzkill and return you to your regularly scheduled tomfoolery.


I am so clueless, that I"ve realized I can achieve anything I want with women. If I wanted a girlfriend, I can do that. Easily. If I want to sleep with a girl who says "I"m not in to one night stands or hookups," I can do that. If I want to timestamp or FoHSS tits, I can do that. I have 2 pairs on my HDD right now. I could get another within 2 weeks. If I wanted to fall in love with someone, I could easily let myself.

If being clueless means I get to choose between having a girlfriend, having cuddletiemz, sex, blowjobs, and taking pictures of nude women after I have taken their clothes off, orany combination of these, then yes, I am clueless.

The whole approach that several have used in this thread for online dating "I see you"re looking for a good man. Well I"m a bad man I take candy..." or whatever, is, to me, a giant red flag of cocksure jackassery. But no one can argue against its effectiveness.

I guess the whole point of this thread has become odd to me. This is TGWBYHT. I got my heart broken, at times I feel irreparable. Now I do what I want, when I want to, and I don"t even have to feel lonely if I put my A-game on and act like a jerk. Several people come into the thread just to troll, a few more to drop "insights."

Sure, you could argue that how I act is a replacement for confidence, but it wouldn"t be true. The old me, when a girl is upset, is to ask what I can do to help, look into her eyes, maybe hold her hand.. The new me asks what"s wrong, and when I get the normal horseshit "nothing is wrong" response, I say "okay." And that works better. I get more callbacks.

I just think about what my normal response would be and do almost the exact opposite, and as I have said, the results have surprised me, and I can only conclude that many, many women enjoy being treated poorly, like they aren"t worth my time. That excites them. That makesthemwant to contactme. Meet a new girl, ask her out, want to ask her out again? The old me would just ask her out again saying that I had a wonderful time, and would like to do it again soon.This does not work.New me wants to do that, but instead just makes casual remarks, and I treat it like I don"t care if I ever see them again. Third dates and sex abound.

Now if Keg wants to come fag this up, fine, and someone else I"m sure wants to tell me I"m immature, okay, and if then someone further says "tits or it didn"t happen" I will happily respond "banbet?" But this is where I am at. This is post heartbreak, from having my soul ripped and torn, from feeling like there is something inside me screaming in pain for a year or more. I"ve hit my stride. I have a job, lost weight, going back to school again. I have a car, and a nice computer, and a gaming console for when I am bored. If there is a night I don"t want to be alone, I can date someone. If I choose to date them repeatedly, I can. If I choose to have sex with someone I am attracted to, that is something I know I can do.

Aychamo BanBan

Aamina said:
That"s been in this thread like 25 times.
Lol. I love that you think you have some magical Pokemon power that allows you to control women. I hereby officially call you out on your FOHSS titty pics. You said you have two pair. Post them.

(I bet they are fat girl gross titties)


The Big Mod
aychamo_aycono said:
Lol. I love that you think you have some magical Pokemon power that allows you to control women. I hereby officially call you out on your FOHSS titty pics. You said you have two pair. Post them.

(I bet they are fat girl gross titties)
he posted a pair a while back (after threatening that he wouldn"t post them unless i stop picking on him) and big surprise they were fat girl gross titties.

Aychamo BanBan

Ser Kegkilla said:
he posted a pair a while back (after threatening that he wouldn"t post them unless i stop picking on him) and big surprise they were fat girl gross titties.
As expected! Our mind controlling Animea got a fat girl to show her nasty tits. What a stud!!!!!

Aimena: Getting a fat disgusting girl to show her tits is not an accomplishment. It"s a failure. If I even talked to a girl that fat outside of a work setting I"d hang my head in shame.


No one said I have control over women. I said I could get what I wanted. There is a difference.

Also, "officially calling me out" is void if you can"t spell my name right and you have to do more than that. Would you like to bet?

Aychamo BanBan

Aamina said:
No one said I have control over women. I said I could get what I wanted. There is a difference.
Yeah, but talking a fat girl into showing tits or having sex is as easy as tricking a retard into thinking your dick is a lollipop. You"re gaming fatties and you think you"re some superhero now.


No one I"ve had sex with is "fatty." But you can continue to think that and not actually bet me if you"d like.

They aren"t synonymous and you"re too much of a cuntnugget to understand I guess.

Getting what you want doesn"t mean you can control someone. Controlling someone implies you can get someone to do something theydon"twant to do, because you have control. I don"t get anyone to do things theydon"twant to do. You"re saying every guy in a relationship who is "getting" what he wants is, in fact "controlling" his significant other? Holy shit, you are retarded.