Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Ravvenn said:
How the heck did this turn into a discussion about cold sores anyway? I think I missed the original post for that one.

Amusingly enough, I got a text from the boyfriend of the girl"s friend, and he said she was apparently "upset" that I didn"t kiss her in the car. She"s texted me a couple times since but I"ve taken awhile to respond and kept them short, so I think she"s gotten the message. From a female"s perspective, would you rather be straight up told "hey I"m not interested" or just imply it through lack of response/interest?

Herpes wise, I"m in the same boat with Brekk, it may well be that I have it but my immune system is boss because I certainly haven"t been careful in terms of sharing joints over the years, although I"m not sure how effectively that can spread it. I thought I was getting them a couple years ago after a couple ski trips, because my upper lip cracked and really hurt for a couple days on two or three occasions. But I think it was just a combination of wind and sun burn, with a bit of frost bite tossed in for good measure.


Ravvenn said:
I have, however, cracked the corner of my mouth three times total and it was really awful. So if cold sores are like that, I feel bad for the people who get them. My doctor said it"s because I was dehydrated. There"s plenty of water in my coffee, so that seems impossible!
I"d rather have a cold sore than a crack in my lip any day of the week. Crack occurring at the corner of the mouth, fuck no. Shit takes forever to get rid of, forever and a week on the corners.


herp free dawgs. I don"t know how I managed that, just luck I guess (or.. It helps to make up all your stories and never actually kiss a girl)

Scary thing is a few of the kc girls reported getting chlamydia fairly recently before I met them. Koreans don"t really use condoms all that much so that and the clap spread like aminas ex"s legs at the sight of black dick. Future yellow fever sufferers beware


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, chlamydia is pretty common. Easily treatable as well. I"ve had three scares, once because of symptoms (turned out to just be a minor non-std urinary tract infection) and the other two times because girls I had dated got calls from the local health authority because one of their previous partners had been tested positive for it. If you test positive or seek treatment for an STD the local health authority asks you to list recent partners so it can contact them and test/treat them, to prevent outbreaks.

Luckily all my tests came back negatory.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I"m prett sure the previous two posts are repeats, word for word, and in order from like six months ago. Hmmm.


Molten Core Raider
A little update for your laughing pleasure

So I got rid of the last girl I posted about and started going out with this new chick. We were going to move in together this Sun into one of my parents rental houses that is coming open. I sent her a message last night and all of a sudden I start getting these texts where she is describing me and how she wants to be honest with this person and let them know what is going on...LOL Here is one of the texts I got.

"And he has money. He is chunky but I am so ready to get out of my mother"s house and he has a place for us to move into Sunday. I want to be honest and let you know what is going on."


Crazy bitches... fuck them all.


How long did you date before you asked her to move it? Wait it doesn"t matter because it"s definitely less than a year (right?) and therefore absurdly too early.

But please post the rest of the texts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dabamf said:
How long did you date before you asked her to move it? Wait it doesn"t matter because it"s definitely less than a year (right?) and therefore absurdly too early.

But please post the rest of the texts.
His post about the chick who was jerking him off as her 12 year old watched was in late November.

Let"s hear some more texts, Cam!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Crazy bitches... fuck them all.
You need to set some new rules for yourself.

1) Get a vasectomy.

2) Do not move in with a chick until at least 2 years of dating without any GWBYH-post-worthy drama.


Molten Core Raider
Well actually she asked to rent a room from me before we started dating so that part really doesn"t play into it.