Girls who broke your heart thread


Avatar of War Slayer
When did you guys "know" she was your girlfriend?

I have never been one for titles, not even my ex was my girlfriend at any point in time. We went from affectionate friends to fiance, so there was never a time I had a title.

I asked Diane if she would be my girlfriend. I felt silly. She did say yes. But nothing feels different, other than her being much more open.

I went and gambled last night and she had no problem sitting behind me the whole time playing on my phone while I lost 100 bucks. When we left, I could tell she was sleepy, but she stayed awake the whole trip back home so I would have company.

Anyways, how did you guys know? Was it something discussed or was it something that just happened?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Brad2770 said:
When did you guys "know" she was your girlfriend?

I have never been one for titles, not even my ex was my girlfriend at any point in time. We went from affectionate friends to fiance, so there was never a time I had a title.

I asked Diane if she would be my girlfriend. I felt silly. She did say yes. But nothing feels different, other than her being much more open.

I went and gambled last night and she had no problem sitting behind me the whole time playing on my phone while I lost 100 bucks. When we left, I could tell she was sleepy, but she stayed awake the whole trip back home so I would have company.

Anyways, how did you guys know? Was it something discussed or was it something that just happened?
Usually I just kind of know. With my current it felt a bit more gray than usual but I think once I invited her to goto Thanksgiving with me (and she invited me to hers which is the week preceding) it"s safe to say we"re dating. Also when I carved our initials in the park bench.

But seriously you straight up just said "Will you be my girlfriend?" Seriously? Are you guys now allowed to hold hands during third bell and eat lunch at the same table now?


As soon as the relationship becomes mutually monogamous or starts to veer that way.

Honestly, I know it sounds like I"m telling you to be a big pussy about this, but from EXTENSIVE experience I can tell you that freeze-outs (while grossly satisfying) don"t contribute anything in the long term.
Good fucking thing, all relationships should not extend to the long term by default. "freeze-outs" is the pussified method of leaving. Three months in and being deceived, bye! What she is hiding is irrelevant, that she is being dishonest is. What she is hiding is incidental to why this is a red flag.


<Prior Amod>
haha I LoL"ed at that last part Tenks.

With Michele and I...we aren"t "official"...we technically are not exclusive...but at the same time, we are exclusive. I know how she feels about me, she knows how I feel about her...we"ve both been fucked over so much in the past though that we"re content just being where we are at for now.

Last night I was at her place, after a few drinks we started talking about us. She commented how into me she was, how she"s never had a guy take her out for her birthday (will be doing so on the 21st....which oddly my ex"s birthday).
She"s usually pretty shut up and has a lot of walls built around her, which whatever, I"m the same so it"s alright. I mentioned it was nice to know because I was getting a bit worried maybe it was heading the opposite direction. She looked at me and smile and said she was pretty sure she was falling for me and to not mistake her distance and independence for indifference.

Things are going well, there have been a few bumps here and there but it keeps things interesting, I really like her. I begin the process of meeting family next week, we"re going to double date with her sister and her b/f for Michele"s birthday.

Wish I could see her more just schedules don"t allow it, which at the same time we look forward to seeing each other that much more when we do.


Word of advice: Don"t fuck around with someone you have every single class with every day of the week unless you really know what you"re getting into.

Chances are, if you"re in my situation and most of the people around you just moved to the new location, the people in your classes are your new friends and her new friends as well. Also, if you don"t live in a city too gigantic, there"s a possibility you live near this person as well.

Whether it goes wrong or goes right, you can"t get the fuck away from them.

I am in this unfortunate predicament right now. Stuck next to a heinous devilbitch who loves to gossip and pass notes about me to people in class. Who the fuck still writes notes in class in their 20"s?

When I go out to bars at night with friends or to school events, she"s there, unable to hold her liquor and actively impersonating Paris Hilton, her hero. When I drive to school in the morning, she"s there, right behind me because her apartment is a goddamn street down from mine, nearly wiping out whole sections of traffic as she texts while driving. When I leave school for the day, she"s there, holding up traffic leaving the campus as she texts again while driving. When I get check the goddamn facebook, she"s online, adding my friends from back home and posting gay quiz results that vaguely refer to me.

I hate my life and want to die.


Seriously, I"m tired of all this "oh this girl is a slut for leaving me, I can"t believe she would fuck me like that, etc.". We all know damn well that at some point or another we"ve done something kinda fucked up to a girl, and if you haven"t just wait a while. I don"t believe there is anything inherently different between a man and a woman in the context of a relationship and how likely either one is to fuck the other one somehow. Both sexes do it and if anything I would say men do it more. Everyone has their secrets, everyone has their dark corners and it"s just a fact of life that some are going to be less willing than others to share those parts of themselves, at least not without having established some serious trust with that other person.

My point is that things aren"t so cut and dried that you can just say "oh I think my girlfriend is lying to me, it"s time to dump her." Patience and understanding is required, and if you"re not willing to extend these simple courtesies to your partner then maybe you"re not ready to be in a relationship.
Whyme said:
Seriously, I"m tired of all this "oh this girl is a slut for leaving me, I can"t believe she would fuck me like that, etc.". We all know damn well that at some point or another we"ve done something kinda fucked up to a girl, and if you haven"t just wait a while. I don"t believe there is anything inherently different between a man and a woman in the context of a relationship and how likely either one is to fuck the other one somehow. Both sexes do it and if anything I would say men do it more. Everyone has their secrets, everyone has their dark corners and it"s just a fact of life that some are going to be less willing than others to share those parts of themselves, at least not without having established some serious trust with that other person.

My point is that things aren"t so cut and dried that you can just say "oh I think my girlfriend is lying to me, it"s time to dump her." Patience and understanding is required, and if you"re not willing to extend these simple courtesies to your partner then maybe you"re not ready to be in a relationship.
Dude don"t bring maturity and rationality into this shit.

1 - It doesn"t work.

2 - It distracts from the trainwrecks.


Molten Core Raider
Whyme said:
Seriously, I"m tired of all this "oh this girl is a slut for leaving me, I can"t believe she would fuck me like that, etc.". We all know damn well that at some point or another we"ve done something kinda fucked up to a girl, and if you haven"t just wait a while. I don"t believe there is anything inherently different between a man and a woman in the context of a relationship and how likely either one is to fuck the other one somehow. Both sexes do it and if anything I would say men do it more. Everyone has their secrets, everyone has their dark corners and it"s just a fact of life that some are going to be less willing than others to share those parts of themselves, at least not without having established some serious trust with that other person.

My point is that things aren"t so cut and dried that you can just say "oh I think my girlfriend is lying to me, it"s time to dump her." Patience and understanding is required, and if you"re not willing to extend these simple courtesies to your partner then maybe you"re not ready to be in a relationship.
yes please get your sensible shit out of here! This is screenshots if you don"t like it you can leave!


Whyme is absolutely right. In addition to having great advice, the point about things not being cut and dry that when there"s an issue at all its time to say "ok you"re in column B of lying bitches and we"re breaking up" is right on. Coming out with "it"s time to dump her" is a pretty good sign you have no idea how to handle not only women, but people in general, and your experiences are extremely limited.

I had to reread my original post to make sure I said it accurately because the response here is honestly really confusing. I expected a mixture of "yea that"s a little strange," and "why are you picking a fight about something you said you don"t even care about that much?" The post is quite strongly my side of the story, but it is all truth so I"m still confused at the response.

Anyway...she came over last night and we talked about it. I would say everyone is fucking insane in this thread and it turns out there is no issue or secret, but since I haven"t actually seen the apartment and the Mexican family hiding inside, I"m just blind and hopelessly dumb. Which is ironic since if you"ve read this thread for a while it"s quite obvious I know what the fuck I"m talkin about and anyone who actually knows me knows I"m one of the last guys on theplanetthat would ever be told "dude she"s lying to you and you are hopelessly oblivious."

Aaannyyway, we talked about it and resolved it. I didn"t give her an ultimatum because I"m not a 12 year old and if someone gave me an ultimatum about anything I"d likely give them the middle finger instead. She started off with the whole "no reason" line again. But, and here is where actually being there holds water over speculating from 2nd hand info, it was quite obvious she was wholly convinced there was no reason for it. As opposed to trying to hide something, I can easilly tell a different between the two especially when it"s talked about twice now. (And that"s not some special power I"m claiming to have by the way. When you get that uneasy dreadful feeling, that"s your lie detection going off. That"s when self-delusions usually kick in). So, I decided I"d have to find a roundabout way to convince her that she had a reason even if she didn"t know it, without jamming it down her throat. I explained, if the situations were reversed, if it ended up causing a fight like it did I would have gaven in and agreed to see my apartment if I truly had no special reason for denying her, regardless of my desire. I used a few other subtle techniques to make herwantto discover the reason and explain it to me and finally she did.

What I gathered was, and again there"s a language barrier, is her apartment is sorta her only private area. She said she has a hard time letting anyone into her apartment, and especially so since it"s packed to the gills with supplies from her work. I took that, and restated what I thought she was trying to say (again her English comprehension > my Korean comprehension) and she said that was it exactly.

The resistance on Saturday I"m guessing was a couple things. One, me being kinda pushy and demanding with her about it as if I had a right to go to her apartment whenever I please was probably a bad way to go about it. But also I think that since she wasn"t aware of the actual reasons she was apprehensive about taking me there, she couldn"t logically override them. Like, if all you know is you don"t want something, no amount of reason can probably pursuade you. But if you know the reason, you can be rationally convinced if it turns out that reason isn"t that important.

Anyway that is my conclusion. She gave me a lot of shit for frustratingly joking about her having a kid or another boyfriend on Saturday. Now you can say that after 3 months we should be completely open or something is wrong, but the language barrier makes our intimacy level probably not much beyond 1 month. She has been apprehensive about me seeing her apartment...well on the other hand I told her "I played a few video games and just hung out" when she asked me about my weekend (since I had to stay in and nurse my knee that is potentially seriously injured), when in fact I played EQ project 1999 literally ALL day Fri-Sun. So, I can understand wanting to keep something private and having a difficult time sharing absolutely everything.

And...she said after the conversation that I can come over any time I want.


People who try to rationalize dishonesty in a relationship is amusing. Dont worry bro, im sure its different than all those other retards being blatantly lied to and taking it.

Accepting dishonesty and sheistyness is not a "courtesy" extended for the sake of a healthy relationship, its being a pussy. Pussing out at three months means you are DOOMED in the future.


<Bronze Donator>
Dabamf said:
..well on the other hand I told her "I played a few video games and just hung out" when she asked me about my weekend (since I had to stay in and nurse my knee that is potentially seriously injured), when in fact I played EQ project 1999 literally ALL day Fri-Sun. So, I can understand wanting to keep something private and having a difficult time sharing absolutely everything.
Damn, I think everyone can relate to that


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Anyway...she came over last night and we talked about it. I would say everyone is fucking insane in this thread and it turns out there is no issue or secret, but since I haven"t actually seen the apartment and the Mexican family hiding inside, I"m just blind and hopelessly dumb. Which is ironic since if you"ve read this thread for a while it"s quite obvious I know what the fuck I"m talkin about and anyone who actually knows me knows I"m one of the last guys on theplanetthat would ever be told "dude she"s lying to you and you are hopelessly oblivious."
You can know what you"re talking about all you fucking want, but when you"re IN the relationship, you absolutely cannot have the same objectivity if it was your friend. If Eomer posted the same shit you have over the last few weeks, you"d be riding him hard, and don"t even say you wouldn"t.

The very nature of relationships require you to give her the benefit of the doubt, especially if she"s also doing naughty things to you. You don"t think that skews your viewpoint? Maybe you don"t know as much as you think you do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dabamf, your advice to people, although extremely long winded, is usually very good.

Your credibility is plummeting


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The culture gap in Dabamf"s situation makes a shit-ton of difference in the way things need to be addressed and pursued. The majority of you commenting are looking at it from a western perspective.