Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Ronaan said:
My crazy ex was like that. Her ex husband had been cheating on her a lot and she never developed any trust.

In the end, I said "fuck this shit" and quit. (way late, if I may say so).

You can"t win.
Yeah, this man speaks the truth. With women like that who are damaged goods, there"s no positive outcome to any of that. They"re not going to change. If they"re obsessed over it, they"re not going to give it up, and they"ll view every nice guy they meet the same way. Unfortunately, they won"t view the douchebags that way, and end up with them, and they"ll cheat on the chick again, perpetuating the cycle. It"s kinda what they do.

Here, little story of my life recently. I"m 30, I"ve got a female friend who"s 23. We both can admit that if the situations were different, we"d be hitting it pretty hard. Her fiance is my age, and they"ve been dating for 7 years. Just so that sinks in, yes, she was 16 and he was 23. Not cool imo, but I can kinda look past that. Hell, i got married at 19, what the fuck can I say? Not much. She then informs me that he used to be on meth when they started dating, and has since dropped it. I"m skeptical, since meth isn"t something where you just put the pack up on the mantle and don"t ever do it again. He seems to have borderline workaholic tendencies, so I"m reasonably satisfied that"s where he"s moved his addiction in order to be with her. Later, she informs me that he was only on meth because he was dealing it. Oh, well, that makes it a whole lot better then. As long as he was dealing it, that makes it fine and dandy. Again, when I ask her about this, her argument is "Well, he"s not doing it now, I can tell." I"d agree with that, if you live with someone, you can tell when they"re on meth. And her continuation is "Are people not allowed to change?" Okay, fine, I"ve gotta concede that point as well. Not ever having met the dude, I"m pretty sure he"s scum of the fucking earth, but she seems happy with him, so really, what can I say?

So she talks to me the other week about her boyfriend being paranoid about her cheating on him. Says he came up with some bullshit excuse about his friend getting cheated on, so now he"s worried that because she spends a pretty decent chunk of time with me (and various other male friends, none of which have a romantic interest), that she must be doing us all. She seems to downplay this as it"s not a big deal, and makes a bunch of excuses for his behavior, and I tell her "Uhh, no, he called you a fucking whore in your own house."

"No, not exactly"

"Uhh, yes, he fucking did. And you need to stop that shit immediately, because this is not the guy you want to be married to. If he"s going to be paranoid every time you leave the house, it"s not going to get any better in a year, or 5, or 10. It"s just going to build."

She pretty much ignores my advice, near as I can tell, and has since stopped talking to me as much because she"s concerned that if her boyfriend finds out how much we really hang out and chat and text that he"ll get the wrong idea. So? Fuck em. There"s nothing going on, and if he"s got a problem with that, then he"s hopeless.

Last week she asks me for advice about one of her friends. She"s 17, and in an abusive relationship. Asks me what kind of girl gets involved with a guy who beats her and then keeps going back to him. I ask her what kind of girl gets involved with a 23 year old meth dealer at 16 and decides to marry him. I say the only difference between her and her friend is a black eye. They"re both being manipulated by douchebags, but refuse to admit it to themselves. Everyone else can see it, but women will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid facing that reality themselves.

I"d say half of me doesn"t care. It"s none of my business, and whatever makes you happy, fine. Probably 45% of me wants to break them up to give her a better chance at finding someone who"s not a complete shitball. But the last 5% of me realizes that even if they do break up, she"s just gonna find another douchebag to latch on to because he treats her like shit and she loves it. This is reinforced by the fact that I have zero qualms telling her exactly what I said in this post, point blank, to her face. Her boyfriend is a meth dealing, statutory rapist slimeball, and she"s too weak to know the difference between him and an actual good guy. She hasn"t stopped talking to me at all (like most normal people would). She still keeps coming back for more. The more I do things like that, the more she attaches herself to me. That"s the sign of no hope. They"re gluttons for punishment and will take whatever they have just to avoid being alone.

I don"t think I could ever be with a girl like that, even if we were both single in the future. Who wants to put up with that constant need for reassuring that they"re good enough, and always wondering whether they"re doing things for themselves, or because they know it"s what you want them to do? It"d drive me insane. I like having a wife with an opinion on things somtimes, even if she prefers I take charge and decide where we"re going out to eat, or what movie we watch.

What does this have to do with anything? Needless -- don"t be the bitch with the black eye. Tell her to knock her shit off, get some help for her mental issues, or you"re outta there. And then follow thru on it.

Eomer said:
Well, I"m going to use another expression: "getting your foot in the door." I fully agree that if you try to be something that you"re not, you"re bound for failure. But most of the advice in this thread hasn"t been about that at all. Like it or not first impressions last, and there"s nothing inherently wrong or flawed with a relationship that"s started with some "games" on both sides. Girls play them just as much as guys, if not far more and far better.

And in the great words of Jerry Seinfeld, if you don"t play games, how do you know who"s winning?
Okay, so you"ve got your foot in the door, how did that end up working out for you? Do you deny that your relationships start off pretty well and then the girl just loses interest in you after a few months? I will freely admit I don"t know your entire dating history as well as you do, but that"s the perception I get. Have you ever had a long term relationship? Like, say, a year or 2? If not, I"d say that speaks volumes about the man you are, not the man you pretend to be. You can keep up with some good appearances for a little while, but eventually you let your guard down around someone and the real you is going to rise to the surface. If you can"t be yourself from day 1, what good does getting your foot in the door do? It"s just time wasted on a girl who"s not interested in you.

And I"ve always felt Seinfeld was dumb. The show might be popular, but I can"t see any connection between that and real life. At least not the life I live. Who"s winning? What the fuck? Relationships aren"t about winning. If you"re going in with that mentality, then there obviously needs to be a loser. And the loser either flipped over the gameboard and walked out on you, or you"re the loser and don"t know it yet. Completely wrong mindset to be using imo.

I talk about the above female with my wife quite often, which raised the question from my wife if she ever played games with me while we were dating. I thought about it and had to say she didn"t. None that I can recall, and she doesn"t think she did either. I hate to keep turning this into a "Hey, my girl is awesome, too bad yours all suck!" kinda thing, but I just don"t see why games need to be played at all. My wife and I hung out at my place with my roommate quite a bit before we started dating. My roommate and I had opposite days off, so there were only 2 days a week we actually both worked. My wife would just hang out with Rick until I got home, and then hang out with me. I figured she was interested in him, so I never made a move. Turns out she was just waiting for me to, and when I never did, she had to sit me down and tell me "Hey, dumbshit, you wanna start dating or what?" That"s about as direct as it gets. Women just want you to be the man. Have an opinion, ask them to do stuff, make plans. If they don"t want to, they"re not interested. If they are, they jump at the chance. It"s pretty simple, really. You"ve just gotta get used to hearing "No" from the population that doesn"t want to do anything with you.


Dabamf said:
... Attraction can be managed, but romantic interest is guaranteed to end badly 100% of the time....
Wow. I"ve never understood "the acceptable line" for male/female friendship -- excellent insight.

PS: I"ve never been friends with a female I didn"t find attractive (aka would fuck). Interesting line of thought though -- how many dudes befriend chicks they wouldn"t fuck?


Dabamf said:
Goin away for a weekend with her + "we shouldn"t date" conversation sounds like an awesome combo for ruining both your times.
Thats what I"m sort of worried about, albeit it isn"t the "we shouldn"t date" talk it "s more along the lines of "We both like each other, let"s slow it down a bit and just have fun for the next three months" which essentially is the same thing I guess, just different wording.

How I vision me saying it in readers digest form is:

"Look I have a great time with you, I like spending time with you, you"re a cool chick and we obviously have feelings for each other. That said; the bottom line is you"re moving away in three months and I can"t see myself turning this into something serious when it will just come to an end soon, I wouldn"t want to do that to you either. Long story short, let"s slow it down a bit and just have fun for the time you have left"



Molten Core Raider
Don"t do it unless you"re really 100% sure she feels the same way.

May backfire horribly and you"re single within 3 days instead of 3 months.

Alternatively ask her about how she envisions things after she moves back...


She does. Her best friend said she likes me a lot, she just wants to "slow it down". At first I thought she was referring to not having sex which I"m fine with and then yesterday it hit me that we"re acting like bf/gf after one week and I came to that realization as well, think thats what she was talking about in terms of "slowing it down"


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Eomer said:
Refresh my memory, what happened with that anyway? Didn"t Brad have some quick move in awhile back?
His other 20 year old with a messload of offspring moved in (sans offspring iirc) and everyone said it was a bad idea. In similar fashion to how this threadalwaysgoes we were ignorant and his "situation was different." Naturally things got fucked up in less than two months.


Avatar of War Slayer
Things didnt get "fucked up"... But whatever. She wanted to move home. I didnt want to make the drive anymore. Things ended.

Anyways, went out with that 20 year old last night. It was fun times, but I didnt have fun.

Friend sent me an email last night asking how things went. This is exactly how I replied:

Well, going out didnt make me feel any better. I dont feel worse, but its just a confirmation that i dont need to be trying to find a woman...

Oh well, thought it could be fun.
I"m ok with that, though. I used to try and force things, but just going to let it die off.

I really need to get back in the gym. I havent been going and I have gained 10 lbs. Sold my P90X. Kind of wishing I hadnt done that now.


Needless, I"m going to be 100% honest with you (and the rest of you can take notes). Do NOT even acknowledge her insecurity/paranoia except one time which is to say what I"m about to tell you to. It is not your job to clean up the mess someone made. The best thing any man ever did for me (on this topic, that is) was tell me how ugly insecurity, jealousy, lack of trust, etc. is. The best advice I can give any man who is with a woman with "Daddy Issues" (or some variety of issues), is to tell her you do not put up with that shit, she"s a grown woman and responsible for her own actions and feelings, and that her behavior is ugly. Tell her (and mean it) you may put up with it for a while, but it will eventually destroy your relationship and you can move on to someone more emotionally "developed" because really, you don"t "need this shit". I know it sounds cruel and that"s because it is, but it"s the best thing you can do.

I think women are all bi-polar to an extent, once they reach a certain age (27ish) they either learn to control the crazy or the embrace it. It"s your job to test them, give them the chance to put it in check or run with it (and without you). Almost all women (that I know at least) go through what I like to call "The Stupid Phase"; where we date retards, act like psychos, get too clingy, are jealous, insecure, etc. Some women never exit that phase because they"ve grown so used to behaving that way, they have no idea how repulsive it is to the person stuck with them.

Really, point out her emotional flaws and tell her you WILL leave her should she not get over it (AND MEAN IT).


Having that said, men with "Mommy Issues" (fuck bitches because 2 cheated on me), the same applies to you. It"s unattractive, ugly if you will, to whine about your ex, expect your new partner to clean up the mess she made, etc. You"re just as crazy as we are, you are responsible for controlling your own crazy, too. Insecurity is much less attractive on a man than it is a woman (because guys can use an insecure womans low self esteem to his benefit if she"s out of his league, of course). You"re the one who acts as the strong, secure person in the relationship, being a pussy removes that security from the equation in a relationship. It doesn"t go to say you"re never allowed to be weak or vulnerable, quite the contrary, but those are different than being insecure and clingy. Clingy men are scary.


I"ll agree with people mocking The Method. This is a man who dresses like a drag queen and pimps lovechild. If this man approached me in a bar, I"d probably start pitching my gay friend to him. The best thing he does is give nerds makeovers, and honestly, I bet I can do a better job than him whether it"s a male or female (I"ve done it for my guild members!).

Of course "acting" confident until you establish your own is a good idea, but if you never reach a solid level of confidence, you"re acting and when the woman finds out you"re "faking it" she"ll feel much like you guys do when you see tits shrink and drop 4" after a push-up bra comes off.

I"d gladly unload a shitton of information, but it"s time for coffee, sirs.

Work on confidence, get a mini-makeover if you need it (you should know if you need one) and go find a lady. You don"t need some instructional book, you need common sense.

-Dr. Chuck


TheCutlery said:
And I"ve always felt Seinfeld was dumb. The show might be popular, but I can"t see any connection between that and real life. At least not the life I live. Who"s winning? What the fuck? Relationships aren"t about winning. If you"re going in with that mentality, then there obviously needs to be a loser. And the loser either flipped over the gameboard and walked out on you, or you"re the loser and don"t know it yet. Completely wrong mindset to be using imo.
I have to say that Jerry played a guy, who had a new girlfriend in almost every episode (a little bit exaggerated) of the show. Just saying...


bofa said:
let"s slow it down a bit and just have fun for the time you have left"
I strongly advise avoiding the term "fun." anything that suggests that she is just fun/entertainment to you can be seen as incredibly insensitive. I don"t think any girl, no matter how mutual the feeling is, wants to hear that.

it"s just a feeling in my gut. it"s probably an overreaction on my part, but I would never put into words that a relationship is "fun" rather than meaningful, even if it really was just spontaneous short-term passion, from both of our perspectives. I"m not talking about misleading a girl (you seem to like her, you just know it"s not realistic).

I"m really failing to get across my meaning. sorry. good luck!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Stratos said:
I strongly advise avoiding the term "fun." anything that suggests that she is just fun/entertainment to you can be seen as incredibly insensitive. I don"t think any girl, no matter how mutual the feeling is, wants to hear that.
My wife got me this card for valentines day --

Am I only a playtoy to you?
An accessory you just keep around to satisfy your lustful needs?
A mere supporting player in the theater of your perversions?!

Okay. No problem.


Toe Sucker
Ravvenn said:
Needless, I"m going to be 100% honest with you (and the rest of you can take notes). Do NOT even acknowledge her insecurity/paranoia except one time which is to say what I"m about to tell you to. It is not your job to clean up the mess someone made. The best thing any man ever did for me (on this topic, that is) was tell me how ugly insecurity, jealousy, lack of trust, etc. is. The best advice I can give any man who is with a woman with "Daddy Issues" (or some variety of issues), is to tell her you do not put up with that shit, she"s a grown woman and responsible for her own actions and feelings, and that her behavior is ugly. Tell her (and mean it) you may put up with it for a while, but it will eventually destroy your relationship and you can move on to someone more emotionally "developed" because really, you don"t "need this shit". I know it sounds cruel and that"s because it is, but it"s the best thing you can do.

I think women are all bi-polar to an extent, once they reach a certain age (27ish) they either learn to control the crazy or the embrace it. It"s your job to test them, give them the chance to put it in check or run with it (and without you). Almost all women (that I know at least) go through what I like to call "The Stupid Phase"; where we date retards, act like psychos, get too clingy, are jealous, insecure, etc. Some women never exit that phase because they"ve grown so used to behaving that way, they have no idea how repulsive it is to the person stuck with them.

Really, point out her emotional flaws and tell her you WILL leave her should she not get over it (AND MEAN IT).


Having that said, men with "Mommy Issues" (fuck bitches because 2 cheated on me), the same applies to you. It"s unattractive, ugly if you will, to whine about your ex, expect your new partner to clean up the mess she made, etc. You"re just as crazy as we are, you are responsible for controlling your own crazy, too. Insecurity is much less attractive on a man than it is a woman (because guys can use an insecure womans low self esteem to his benefit if she"s out of his league, of course). You"re the one who acts as the strong, secure person in the relationship, being a pussy removes that security from the equation in a relationship. It doesn"t go to say you"re never allowed to be weak or vulnerable, quite the contrary, but those are different than being insecure and clingy. Clingy men are scary.


I"ll agree with people mocking The Method. This is a man who dresses like a drag queen and pimps lovechild. If this man approached me in a bar, I"d probably start pitching my gay friend to him. The best thing he does is give nerds makeovers, and honestly, I bet I can do a better job than him whether it"s a male or female (I"ve done it for my guild members!).

Of course "acting" confident until you establish your own is a good idea, but if you never reach a solid level of confidence, you"re acting and when the woman finds out you"re "faking it" she"ll feel much like you guys do when you see tits shrink and drop 4" after a push-up bra comes off.

I"d gladly unload a shitton of information, but it"s time for coffee, sirs.

Work on confidence, get a mini-makeover if you need it (you should know if you need one) and go find a lady. You don"t need some instructional book, you need common sense.

-Dr. Chuck
B...but it sounds so mean ;__;


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
The Ancient said:
Wait, did she write that or was it part of the card?
That was the card. She got it at Target. I was rather impressed they"d have something that racy there.

Either way, it"s fucking awesome.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For two Valentine"s in a row I"ve basically gotten the same card but from different girls. Pretty much says on the front "I thought you"d like to do something fun on Valentine"s Day" / (inside) "Me."


Silver Knight of the Realm
Needless said:
B...but it sounds so mean ;__;
TheCutlery and Ravvenn are completely right. As blunt as it seems, you need to have voice now or you are going to have a miserable relationship. Communication, dude, it"s how relationships strive.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Tenks said:
For two Valentine"s in a row I"ve basically gotten the same card but from different girls. Pretty much says on the front "I thought you"d like to do something fun on Valentine"s Day" / (inside) "Me."
Yeah, that"s kinda the relationship my wife and I have. We don"t do sappy shit, we do goofball cards like that.

What was really disturbing was getting the card from her mom that had a redneck guy in a big truck stopped by a female police officer telling him "Anything you say can and will be held against you" and him replying "Boobs." Then on the inside it said "Hope you get everything you want for your birthday." Little odd.


Toe Sucker
Hathe said:
TheCutlery and Ravvenn are completely right. As blunt as it seems, you need to have voice now or you are going to have a miserable relationship. Communication, dude, it"s how relationships strive.
Touche, Its not like she nags on me 24/7 its only been once. However I suppose you naggers are right.


Avatar of War Slayer
= D

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Seriously though, my dad came to my job and hung out with me today. We talked for a little bit and finally asked me "You still have a beating heart in your chest?"


"Youre not dead yet."

I love my dad.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TheCutlery said:
Yeah, that"s kinda the relationship my wife and I have. We don"t do sappy shit, we do goofball cards like that.

What was really disturbing was getting the card from her mom that had a redneck guy in a big truck stopped by a female police officer telling him "Anything you say can and will be held against you" and him replying "Boobs." Then on the inside it said "Hope you get everything you want for your birthday." Little odd.
Yeah I"m not a sappy romantic, either, so the cards fit my personality. I"m sure it"s more a reflection of how I treat my relationships and girls I date that I"ve gotten virtually the same card for two years in a row now.

I think people always put too much meaning into cards similar to your story. I"m sure they just thought it was funny so gave it to you. Honestly reading it made me chuckle a bit.