Girls who broke your heart thread


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Ham n Cheese said:
Yes - I have a few more but they"re all tease shots like this. Apparently I"m not getting nudes until I agree to bang
So she"s not only crazy but overly demanding. Poor you.


Ham n Cheese said:
Yes - I have a few more but they"re all tease shots like this. Apparently I"m not getting nudes until I agree to bang
I demand explanation why this is a decision at all.

Choice A: 2 positives, 0 negatives
Choice B: 0 positives, 2 negatives


Lord Nagafen Raider
I take it you guys haven"t banged a lot of crazies/demanding women in your time or something. Do it enough and you become overly cautious when one is offering up the goods. Anyway like I sort of stated, I have decided to hang out with her later this month either way. I just hope she doesn"t cut off my dick when she realizes I don"t want her at my house during summer.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ham n Cheese said:
I take it you guys haven"t banged a lot of crazies/demanding women in your time or something. Do it enough and you become overly cautious when one is offering up the goods. Anyway like I sort of stated, I have decided to hang out with her later this month either way. I just hope she doesn"t cut off my dick when she realizes I don"t want her at my house during summer.
WoW is like a crazy demanding woman in my life. Does this count for qualification?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
bros ur all ugly and not as smart as me etc etc but thats ok becasue im in the loop we we"re one big ugly retarded family here despite my best effors of leveling you out so make yourself at home-- and remember dont be like brad or grobbeetrull.


Blackwing Lair Raider



Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Inconsiderable said:
I take it you have your priorities in life wrong.
Yeah, thinking with your dick never gets you in trouble.

The only good that comes from it is the hilarity in this thread.


Trakanon Raider
Ham n Cheese said:
I take it you guys haven"t banged a lot of crazies/demanding women in your time or something. Do it enough and you become overly cautious when one is offering up the goods. Anyway like I sort of stated, I have decided to hang out with her later this month either way. I just hope she doesn"t cut off my dick when she realizes I don"t want her at my house during summer.
Totally know what you mean. Kind of in a bit of a similar place with Diane at the moment.

There"s parts of her that are awesome. But she has some pretty deep emotional flaws as well, in a lot of ways the stereotypical really hot girl who is inwardly incredibly insecure. I"d say daddy issues but I know her background and that"s not the case, she had a good upbringing.

I thought I had mentioned before in the thread but can"t find it, but a month or so ago I asked her if she"d like to be my date for a friend"s wedding. She said sure and asked about the details etc, and drove up for it. Of course it was Mother"s Day today so perhaps she was already planning on coming up to visit her mom anyways, not sure. Either way had a good time at the wedding despite still overcoming some food poisoning a couple days earlier (had to get up and crop dust fairly often, awesome), and of course hooked up after.

Still not really sure where it"s going, if anywhere. She frequently says shit like "I really like you" or "I"ve liked you for so long" and later in the evening things like "I"m not going to fuck you tonight because I"m not moving to Edmonton and you"re not moving to Calgary" and other variations, but then 30 seconds later would say shit like "I"m going to give you rug burn" and so on. Not really sure where I want it to go either really. I don"t have strong emotional feelings for her yet I think they could develop, I really respect her as a person as I"ve known her half my life but as I"ve said she"s got some pretty deep flaws to go with the great parts of her, and I"m not sure that I"m cut out to handle her or that I"d want to. Friends that know us both have remarked upon finding out we"ve been messing around a bit with pretty much the same comment: "wow, well good luck with that, you"re in the big leagues now."

It"s funny because in gaming terms, she"s likely the one girl who I"ve got a "routine" down pat with. Except it"s not a routine at all. It"s just who I am and who she is in the context of our friendship/interactions with each other. I know her well enough to know her outward appearance belies her inward personality, and she for some reason has always if not "looked up" to me at the very least also holds a lot of respect for who I am and what I do. I"m not sure why either.

If she was some girl I saw at the bar I"d never have the balls to approach her, and even if I did I"d have little if any chance of projecting confidence or anything other than sheer intimidation.
Eomer said:
She frequently says shit like "I really like you" or "I"ve liked you for so long" and later in the evening things like "I"m not going to fuck you tonight because I"m not moving to Edmonton and you"re not moving to Calgary" and other variations, but then 30 seconds later would say shit like "I"m going to give you rug burn" and so on.
I don"t think those are "emotional flaws". Thats pretty common behaviour. She is really into you, but wants commitment and is afraid of not getting it because of the distance. There are no emotional issues beside her being a women.

I am prolly the worst person ever to give advise on relationship stuff, but in theory I guess you should try to keep her mind busy with the here and now. Even tell her that, stuff like "I hate looking back and wondering what could have been, living in the here and now, etc" worked always pretty well to overcome insecurities in the beginning for me. Just make sure she knows that you are a loyal person and not just trying to have some fun.
If it gets worse, you can simply tell her a truth she likes to hear like that you really love spending time with her and really want to know where this is going, but that it is just too early for making bigger steps like finding a place to live closer to each other. Even if that is obvious, she prolly wants to hear it. Just dont let her talk about it, respond to it or text it. Most important lesson I learned is women want to talk about stuff, but its the worst thing you can do. Talking means reasoning, they dont give a fuck about reasons. Its loss/loss in every way. Tell her what she needs to know then change topic and instantly distract her with something else.
As long as she heard it, you got the message across and the important part of her mind with process it. Even though she might not even be fully aware of what you said, because you instantly went on with something else.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with her.


Trakanon Raider
^To be clear I didn"t mean that her being back and forth like that were her "flaws." I mentioned those specific quotes because they told me the same thing they told you.

There"s a bunch of other stuff I haven"t and won"t bother mentioning about her and her history. Deciding whether or not it would be a good idea to pursue anything with her isn"t going to be something this thread is going to be able to help me with. I know her very well and it"s more a matter of weighing the pros and cons and/or discussing with RL friends who know her as well...


Eomer said:
I don"t have strong emotional feelings for her yet I think they could develop
They won"t. For all of your description about how beautiful she is, it doesn"t sound like you"re really all that into her. Women pick up on that shit, which might be why she"s acting insecure. Sounds to me like, for you, she would make a better friend than lover.


Molten Core Raider
Well, I guess it"s time to give back to this thread. Yeah, I was in love once. Head over heels actually. And she crushed my heart.

I"ve been holding off because I still haven"t gotten over it. I mean, this one...I honest to god cried when it ended. I have never and probably will never find the love like this again.

I met her when I was young, my parents actually introduced us. We"ll call her...Melissa. She was glorious. Every day with her was a blessing. In fact pretty much every day all I could think about was the next time I"d get to see her. I was always busy with school or later in life work but I would always make time for her in the afternoon even if it meant putting off work or having to stay up later to study for an exam.

I remember one summer, I went up to an island on Lake Michigan with her and some friends, it was the first time my friends met her. They thought I was crazy, I was too good for her. I didn"t care how she looked. She hadn"t really grown much since we had met. She was the same natural beauty though. Dirty blonde, thin, freckles.

We had so many good times together. One time we were out of milk and I was too lazy to go get a gallon so we had to make do with the can of mountain dew I had left. Let me tell you, chicken and dew, not a good combo.

I thought we would be together forever. I mean, we grew up together. Some of my favorite moments in childhood were when my dad would bring her over and we"d just enjoy passing the time together. We never needed words either. She just...god the way she smelled. Even now I can remember her smell and it makes me crazy.

A few summers ago though she started drifting away. I didn"t know what was going on. I asked and asked but never got an answer. Then one day she just wasn"t there anymore. I looked, called, but couldn"t find anything out. At first I was concerned. I wanted to see her again but everywhere I looked, everything I did resulted in silence.

I still don"t know what happened. My mom said she saw her at a grocery store a few weeks ago but she hasn"t seen her since. I tried calling her parents but they haven"t returned my call either.

I miss her so much. That smell, that aroma, that taste.

I"m not going to share the naughtier pictures. Even though she just fell out of my life there are too many memories to tread all over them just yet. She wore this -all- the time though, it was her favorite outfit.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:



Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Zehn - Vhex said:
She wore this -all- the time though, it was her favorite outfit.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
I"m confused.

edit: lol

Zehn - Vhex said:
Well, I guess it"s time to give back to this thread. Yeah, I was in love once. Head over heels actually. And she crushed my heart.

I"ve been holding off because I still haven"t gotten over it. I mean, this one...I honest to god cried when it ended. I have never and probably will never find the love like this again.

I met her when I was young, my parents actually introduced us. We"ll call her...Melissa. She was glorious. Every day with her was a blessing. In fact pretty much every day all I could think about was the next time I"d get to see her. I was always busy with school or later in life work but I would always make time for her in the afternoon even if it meant putting off work or having to stay up later to study for an exam.

I remember one summer, I went up to an island on Lake Michigan with her and some friends, it was the first time my friends met her. They thought I was crazy, I was too good for her. I didn"t care how she looked. She hadn"t really grown much since we had met. She was the same natural beauty though. Dirty blonde, thin, freckles.

We had so many good times together. One time we were out of milk and I was too lazy to go get a gallon so we had to make do with the can of mountain dew I had left. Let me tell you, chicken and dew, not a good combo.

I thought we would be together forever. I mean, we grew up together. Some of my favorite moments in childhood were when my dad would bring her over and we"d just enjoy passing the time together. We never needed words either. She just...god the way she smelled. Even now I can remember her smell and it makes me crazy.

A few summers ago though she started drifting away. I didn"t know what was going on. I asked and asked but never got an answer. Then one day she just wasn"t there anymore. I looked, called, but couldn"t find anything out. At first I was concerned. I wanted to see her again but everywhere I looked, everything I did resulted in silence.

I still don"t know what happened. My mom said she saw her at a grocery store a few weeks ago but she hasn"t seen her since. I tried calling her parents but they haven"t returned my call either.

I miss her so much. That smell, that aroma, that taste.

I"m not going to share the naughtier pictures. Even though she just fell out of my life there are too many memories to tread all over them just yet. She wore this -all- the time though, it was her favorite outfit.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
A+ sir. Wow im rolling here.



Avatar of War Slayer
Well, before I went out of town for that contract job, I ran into an old tenant of mine. She rented from me from 2004-2006. We talked briefly, then exhanged emails. I talked to her in email for almost 2 weeks. She told me she had a crush on me the 2 years she rented from me (which baffles me because it was when I was big and fat). She is pretty cute. She is 5"2", about 100 lbs, mexican and has some big D cup fake tits.

Anyways, during the 2 weeks we were emailing, I asked her out 3 times and she turned me down saying she was busy with school and her kids. I finally gave her my number and said she could call me when and if she actually had time and wanted to do something.

3 weeks passed and nothing. I went out of town, did my thing and about 3 or 4 days after I got back, she calls me. We talk for a bit, I get other contact info from her and she tells me she is finishing finals this week and we can hang out afterwards. I say its ok. 2 days ago, she asks me if I wanted to meet today. I agree. The day went nice. We met this morning for breakfast before one of her tests, then she called me and we met for lunch. I was actually nervous, which was strange because I didnt pay her any attention at all when she was my tenant. She called me 2 more times tonight just to chat.

I have nothing negative to say. She is fun. She is close to my age. She is mexican... because I love mexican chicks. She has a great taste in cars and music. The only negative thing I really have to say is that she doesnt like Cheesecake.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Brad2770 said:
The only negative thing I really have to say is that she doesnt like Cheesecake.
This one sounds like a fucking whack job. I wouldn"t even touch her with a 10 foot pole. BUT THEN AGAIN THIS IS TYPICAL BRAD LOL.