Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Guess what, even if 99.99999999% of divorced fathers are deadbeats, that has exactly nothing to do with fathers that WANT to be parents.

"Hey, all these other dads don"t want to be fathers, so your case to ask for more time with your child is denied."

The whole argument is entirely pointless and makes no sense.
I never said it did. But to claim that it doesn"t happen is ridiculous. Dipshit"s premise is that men are being unfairly treated, when a good chunk of men put themselves in the situation to be unfairly treated. See Brad for example. Even though he"s been told what the right course of action is, he believes he can somehow negotiate a better deal without the aid of the courts, and doing so will end up fucking him in the ass later on down the road. It"s happening RIGHT in front of you assholes, and you deny my point. Whatever. I should know better than to be discussing the finer points of human behavior with a bunch of clowns who need a group discussion in order to get laid.

And just because I"m willing to admit that my dad"s a shitty father doesn"t make my argument invalid. You"re saying that every single one of you has a dad that was in your life 100%? Bullshit. And you know it too. Just because I"m honest about the situation doesn"t make the point wrong. See Heylel"s thread in General about contempt of court and get back to me on what standup citizens all fathers are.

Maybe you all have fathers that are still married to your mothers, and took you to T-Ball and bought you a car and were very important in your life. Realize that there"s a significant percentage of the population for whom that is not the case and fucking move on. That"s been the entire point from the start, but as usual, you retards dissect every little word and twist it into something completely different.


Riddle me this...
I was going to be a smart ass but for some reason this touches a nerve.
I"m lucky, my parents have been married around 25 years, been together something like 30. I"ve worked with guys who have had divorces and are good guys. Every single one that has had a divorce has been raped by the court system.

Family court is fucked for men. All it takes is for a judge to see enough shitty dads and they start thinking they are the fucking champion of light keeping kids with their moms. Doesnt matter of the bitch is a coke snorting whore, sucking dick in the back alley of sheetz. That bitch will get alimony and child support. Don"t get me started on the fucking equation to determine how much a dude has to pay a month. Go from running a printing press making 60k a year to working at a grocery store barely cranking out 20k? Good luck trying to get your child support payment reduced.


Blackwing Lair Raider
TheCutlery said:
I never said it did. But to claim that it doesn"t happen is ridiculous. Dipshit"s premise is that men are being unfairly treated, when a good chunk of men put themselves in the situation to be unfairly treated. See Brad for example. Even though he"s been told what the right course of action is, he believes he can somehow negotiate a better deal without the aid of the courts, and doing so will end up fucking him in the ass later on down the road. It"s happening RIGHT in front of you assholes, and you deny my point. Whatever. I should know better than to be discussing the finer points of human behavior with a bunch of clowns who need a group discussion in order to get laid.

And just because I"m willing to admit that my dad"s a shitty father doesn"t make my argument invalid. You"re saying that every single one of you has a dad that was in your life 100%? Bullshit. And you know it too. Just because I"m honest about the situation doesn"t make the point wrong. See Heylel"s thread in General about contempt of court and get back to me on what standup citizens all fathers are.

Maybe you all have fathers that are still married to your mothers, and took you to T-Ball and bought you a car and were very important in your life. Realize that there"s a significant percentage of the population for whom that is not the case and fucking move on. That"s been the entire point from the start, but as usual, you retards dissect every little word and twist it into something completely different.
Oh no one said your point was invalid or wrong, however, I think we found the reason you"re incapable of having a normal conversation without flying off the handle and attempting to make people seem inferior to you.

Now if only I could find out why I love attention so much.


<Prior Amod>
Sutekh said:
Oh no one said your point was invalid or wrong, however, I think we found the reason you"re incapable of having a normal conversation without flying off the handle and attempting to make people seem inferior to you.

Now if only I could find out why I love attention so much.
Thread"re dangerously close to getting a +netz from me.


Avatar of War Slayer
This is what I think about the whole Good/Bad father (and mother) thing.

The guy who is my real dad was raised with parents that were not divorced. He grew up with his family completely intact. He, personally, doesnt know the damage brought on upon divorce. Because of this, when he got my mom pregnant in High School, he ran. In his current personal life, he has 2 or 3 more kids (I have never met the man, but my mom still talks to his family) and is divorced.

You look at my Current step dad. He is an only child with a mom and dad that stayed married. He is divorced with a child with his ex-wife. Same goes for my mom. Parents not divorced, but she has 3 kids with 3 different dads that she has all divorced. My ex-wife"s parents still married... same result.

Now you look at my step brother. He got a woman pregnant and did everything he could to keep his family together (and eventually married her). He wants his child to grow up in a stable home. His wife, also from a divorced home and wants the same for their child.

My sister that lives in Houston. She has been married to the guy she has dated since she was 17 and he was 19. They are both in their early thirties now. I seriously doubt they will divorce.

Same with myself. I never wanted my son to have the life I had. I never want him to feel how I felt, unfortunately I cant completely protect him from that because of what my ex has already done.

I really think personal experience determines if youre going to be an outstanding parent. It sucks that you would think the one raised in the stable household would be the one to want to provide the same type of environment, but in my examples given, that doesnt seem to be the case. Maybe this type of behavior extends to more people than I know personally.
There are a lot of good and bad points being made.

At the end of the day, its not a ridiculous generalization to say that when it comes to the sex most likely to ditch out on a kid and be an absentee parent is the guy.

Maury Povich wouldn"t have a career if this wasn"t the case. Like except for that crazy bitch on tv - you dont see women out there a lot of times with 10+ kids. This isn"t the case for men.

Dont get me wrong there are women out there that aren"t great moms that shouldn"t have custody of their kids as well.

The courts *should* give women the benefit of the doubt where its close given the evidence of guys being far more likely to have kids that they don"t see support.

The courts *should not* let those trends/statistics be the reason why women aren"t held to the same standards as men. The fact that men, in general, tend to be deadbeats more often than women, should only factor in where the situation isn"t one where things like drugs/abuse/alcohol etc isn"t a problem.

Ideally you should never let statistics influence a decision where you have two unique parties involved and ergo your situation is wholly unique - but the reason you have to is because generally speaking neither one of those parties is being objective in their approach and therefore isn"t entirely reliable in their interpretation of the facts.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Etoille said:
There are a lot of good and bad points being made.

At the end of the day, its not a ridiculous generalization to say that when it comes to the sex most likely to ditch out on a kid and be an absentee parent is the guy.

Maury Povich wouldn"t have a career if this wasn"t the case. Like except for that crazy bitch on tv - you dont see women out there a lot of times with 10+ kids. This isn"t the case for men.
Speaking of Maury. How is it the father of this child"s fault if he"s an absentee dad when this girl has had 11 guys tested if they are the father and all 11 were NOT the father?

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Honestly, I"d say any man here, including myself, could be an absentee father. Condoms aren"t 100% effective. Think about that fellows, 18 years from your last 1 night stand you can be hit with 18 years worth of back child support for a kid you didn"t even know existed.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
TheCutlery said:
I never said it did. But to claim that it doesn"t happen is ridiculous. Dipshit"s premise is that men are being unfairly treated, when a good chunk of men put themselves in the situation to be unfairly treated. See Brad for example. Even though he"s been told what the right course of action is, he believes he can somehow negotiate a better deal without the aid of the courts, and doing so will end up fucking him in the ass later on down the road. It"s happening RIGHT in front of you assholes, and you deny my point. Whatever. I should know better than to be discussing the finer points of human behavior with a bunch of clowns who need a group discussion in order to get laid.

And just because I"m willing to admit that my dad"s a shitty father doesn"t make my argument invalid. You"re saying that every single one of you has a dad that was in your life 100%? Bullshit. And you know it too. Just because I"m honest about the situation doesn"t make the point wrong. See Heylel"s thread in General about contempt of court and get back to me on what standup citizens all fathers are.

Maybe you all have fathers that are still married to your mothers, and took you to T-Ball and bought you a car and were very important in your life. Realize that there"s a significant percentage of the population for whom that is not the case and fucking move on. That"s been the entire point from the start, but as usual, you retards dissect every little word and twist it into something completely different.
Point to us on the doll where he touched you;



<Prior Amod>
OhSeven said:
Think about that fellows, 18 years from your last 1 night stand you can be hit with 18 years worth of back child support for a kid you didn"t even know existed.
In the case of MN and MI at least you can"t get nailed for back child support if you were never court ordered to pay it to begin with...not sure why that would be different anywhere else.

The rest of your point though stands.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Tarrant220 said:
In the case of MN and MI at least you can"t get nailed for back child support if you were never court ordered to pay it to begin with...not sure why that would be different anywhere else.

The rest of your point though stands.
I find it"s different from state to state. Some states, last time I checked which has honestly been a little while, can order you to pay back child support if they can prove that you would of been ordered to pay it back then.


<Prior Amod>
I dunno that just seems odd because just because you have a kid doesn"t always mean you pay child support, I know pleanty of dads (Brad is even on this list) who pay no official child support and as far as the court is concerened, that"s all that matters is court ordered.

So what"s to stop ANY mother from saying they don"t want to file for it then 12 years later filing for it and demanding 12 years back support out of no where? There"s to much room for abuse with it and as fucked as family court is, that wouldn"t fly I think.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Tarrant220 said:
I dunno that just seems odd because just because you have a kid doesn"t always mean you pay child support, I know pleanty of dads (Brad is even on this list) who pay no official child support and as far as the court is concerened, that"s all that matters is court ordered.

So what"s to stop ANY mother from saying they don"t want to file for it then 12 years later filing for it and demanding 12 years back support out of no where? There"s to much room for abuse with it and as fucked as family court is, that wouldn"t fly I think.
In a perfect world no, it wouldn"t. But they are loads of programs ripe with people abusing them, this just happens to be another one in some states.
So i have been seeing this girl for around 2 months now.

As funny as it sounds i met her off a free weekend deal on one of those dating sites in which she was doing the same thing as i was.

I talked to her on the phone for about a week or so before we decided to hang out just to make sure it wasnt a guy and/or i dont get raped and murdered.

Anyways, so we have been hanging out for a while but she wont introduce me to any of her friends. She goes out and does all this fun shit but wont invite me. Funny thing is, every time she goes out she sends me a text that says "wish you were here"

So i asked her about this and told her its pretty fuckin gay. She tells me "i dont like to introduce new guys im dating to my friends just incase we break up and they remain friends with my friends and things get all awkward."

Yeah, that sounds like some garbage. What makes that even shittier is before we even met and were just talking on the phone she invites me to not only meet her friends, but to spend the weekend camping with them. She had me take the days off and everything. then after we met the trip was cancelled ofcourse.

So today i ask her whats up with me and here. She froze up like a fucking deer in the headlights. Kind of got angry at me saying she hates putting labels on things and this is why she hates dating. WTF?

As long as i keep my mouth shut and dont bring up anything pertaining to our "relationship" or her friends, things are fine. God forbid i bring that shit up though.

Anyone else ever go through this? what the fuck is deal?


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Jack Lemmons Balls said:
So i have been seeing this girl for around 2 months now.

As funny as it sounds i met her off a free weekend deal on one of those dating sites in which she was doing the same thing as i was.

I talked to her on the phone for about a week or so before we decided to hang out just to make sure it wasnt a guy and/or i dont get raped and murdered.

Anyways, so we have been hanging out for a while but she wont introduce me to any of her friends. She goes out and does all this fun shit but wont invite me. Funny thing is, every time she goes out she sends me a text that says "wish you were here"

So i asked her about this and told her its pretty fuckin gay. She tells me "i dont like to introduce new guys im dating to my friends just incase we break up and they remain friends with my friends and things get all awkward."

Yeah, that sounds like some garbage. What makes that even shittier is before we even met and were just talking on the phone she invites me to not only meet her friends, but to spend the weekend camping with them. She had me take the days off and everything. then after we met the trip was cancelled ofcourse.

So today i ask her whats up with me and here. She froze up like a fucking deer in the headlights. Kind of got angry at me saying she hates putting labels on things and this is why she hates dating. WTF?

As long as i keep my mouth shut and dont bring up anything pertaining to our "relationship" or her friends, things are fine. God forbid i bring that shit up though.

Anyone else ever go through this? what the fuck is deal?

Alright, first off, how old is this girl? if she"s under say 24-25 then the whole putting a label on things are a big no no early on. Let things go, let it flow freely and do what you do instead of trying to rush and be like "Oh I got a girlfriend now". Don"t fuck up what could be a good thing by forcing it into something that it might not be.

That"s more than likely why she wants you to not be there with her friends. Either that or she"s a huge whore and doesn"t want to lessen her fun by having someone there who"d disapprove of her whore behavior. One or the other.
Tarrant220 said:
Keep banging her till something better comes along. -shrugs-

OhSeven said:

Alright, first off, how old is this girl? if she"s under say 24-25 then the whole putting a label on things are a big no no early on. Let things go, let it flow freely and do what you do instead of trying to rush and be like "Oh I got a girlfriend now". Don"t fuck up what could be a good thing by forcing it into something that it might not be.

That"s more than likely why she wants you to not be there with her friends. Either that or she"s a huge whore and doesn"t want to lessen her fun by having someone there who"d disapprove of her whore behavior. One or the other.
Shes 26. I understand not rushing into things, thats fine with me. Just the way she reacted to my question was odd.

The whole not meeting her friends thing doesnt bother me, just the fact that she had once invited to me hang with them and then came up with this whole story once we met. oh, and the fact that she always says "wish you were here" as if i was invited but was unable to make it



Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Jack Lemmons Balls said:
So i have been seeing this girl for around 2 months now.

As funny as it sounds i met her off a free weekend deal on one of those dating sites in which she was doing the same thing as i was.

I talked to her on the phone for about a week or so before we decided to hang out just to make sure it wasnt a guy and/or i dont get raped and murdered.

Anyways, so we have been hanging out for a while but she wont introduce me to any of her friends. She goes out and does all this fun shit but wont invite me. Funny thing is, every time she goes out she sends me a text that says "wish you were here"

So i asked her about this and told her its pretty fuckin gay. She tells me "i dont like to introduce new guys im dating to my friends just incase we break up and they remain friends with my friends and things get all awkward."

Yeah, that sounds like some garbage. What makes that even shittier is before we even met and were just talking on the phone she invites me to not only meet her friends, but to spend the weekend camping with them. She had me take the days off and everything. then after we met the trip was cancelled ofcourse.

So today i ask her whats up with me and here. She froze up like a fucking deer in the headlights. Kind of got angry at me saying she hates putting labels on things and this is why she hates dating. WTF?

As long as i keep my mouth shut and dont bring up anything pertaining to our "relationship" or her friends, things are fine. God forbid i bring that shit up though.

Anyone else ever go through this? what the fuck is deal?

Sounds like she"s actually telling the truth. It might be gay, but if you like her you just have to deal with it. But you"ll probably prove her right by getting all melodramatic about it.


JLB, have you been to her place? Sounds like a woman I "dated" years ago, she didn"t introduce me to anyone, would cancel last minute and was touchy about normal shit. Turns out she was married and I was too young and clueless to even guess. At any rate, she sounds like she"s hiding something, people don"t normally overreact to simple questions. Don"t get too attached.