Girls who broke your heart thread


Tragot said:
So small update:
It"s been three months since the break up. She kept the picture of us on her desk for 2.5months and just took it down.

Nothing has gotten better for her personally. Ex-Hub is still an ass to her and the kids. The two teenagers are proving to be a handful for sure. Work"s gotten better, but other crap comes up. She"s had car troubles 4 times this year now that required some $$. So money is still tight for her and what not.

There"s been very little contact between us if it wasn"t work related. When she did take our picture down i knee jerk reacted and sent her a text. Said I still wanted her in my life, but it didn"t seem like that was an option for her.

I got a somewhat lengthy email from her about how things have probably gotten more hectic since June and not less.

I was intending to try and talk to her this month about second chances, but given the volatility have decided not too.

For whatever godforsaken reason or whatever is broken in me I"m still in love with her. It breaks my heart to hear what she"s going through knowing I can" help at all.

I"ve talked to her daughter a couple of times, and was explicitly clear to make sure the conversations didn"t stray to Mom. She"d pretty much reinforced the craziness of their family life.

I am moving offices at work, so the daily temptation for a walk by will be gone.

I don"t know what to do. Her birthday is coming up, and I would like to do something like a card and a bottle of Baily"s something she always liked. I just don"t know if it"s appropriate anymore.

Trying to let her go, just not having a very good go of it.
No dont give gifts. Its ok to give up. You really want that crazy in your life?
Tragot said:
Trying to let her go, just not having a very good go of it.
The solution to your problem is having sex with as many other women as you can. This will get rid of all your worthless feelings towards crazy mother who hates her life.

And no, dont give her a fucking present.
Methinks extracurriculars might help..? Especially now that you"re moving offices. Maybe I"m alone in this, but I personally wouldn"t want to touch other women if I"m already in love with one...but hey, if that"s no trouble for him, by all means.


projectoffset said:
Methinks extracurriculars might help..? Especially now that you"re moving offices. Maybe I"m alone in this, but I personally wouldn"t want to touch other women if I"m already in love with one...but hey, if that"s no trouble for him, by all means.
Yeah, I"d love to "get back on the horse" as all of my friends want me to do, but meh, I"m still stuck on this one.

I"m hoping the notion of not being 75 ft from each other will either help rekindle since it"s not in our face and or let it fade away.


Avatar of War Slayer
I found out my exwife is pregnant today. I teared up a little bit because I now know that any chance of me having a family again is truly over (No way I could take her back with another man"s kid and I have no desire to start another family with another woman). After the initial shock and tears, I was ok and felt good. Almost like a mental reboot... A life reboot, like I wasnt waiting for her anymore. But now I am starting to feel the effects. Mainly because I am too fucking scared to try and fall in love with anyone else... I think its effecting my attitude.

I called Julie just now (I have been drinking and I was in a good mood). Her nephew is visiting, so I was trying to get her to come over while he watched her girls. She was doing laundry and I kept pushing and she said "Listen, dude, I have real adult shit I need to take care of first." I instantly told her "Fuck you" and hung up, my mood turning sour from her rejection. If I hadnt been drinking and I didnt learn what i did today, everything would be fine. Oh well. I will just wait and see if she calls me. In all honesty, I really just feel like being alone as of late.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Brad2770 said:
I found out my exwife is pregnant today. I teared up a little bit because I now know that any chance of me having a family again is truly over (No way I could take her back with another man"s kid and I have no desire to start another family with another woman). After the initial shock and tears, I was ok and felt good. Almost like a mental reboot... A life reboot, like I wasnt waiting for her anymore. But now I am starting to feel the effects. Mainly because I am too fucking scared to try and fall in love with anyone else... I think its effecting my attitude.

I called Julie just now (I have been drinking and I was in a good mood). Her nephew is visiting, so I was trying to get her to come over while he watched her girls. She was doing laundry and I kept pushing and she said "Listen, dude, I have real adult shit I need to take care of first." I instantly told her "Fuck you" and hung up, my mood turning sour from her rejection. If I hadnt been drinking and I didnt learn what i did today, everything would be fine. Oh well. I will just wait and see if she calls me. In all honesty, I really just feel like being alone as of late.
Nah fuck her, she sounds like a bitch and deserved that.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Brad2770 said:
I found out my exwife is pregnant today. I teared up a little bit because I now know that any chance of me having a family again is truly over (No way I could take her back with another man"s kid and I have no desire to start another family with another woman). After the initial shock and tears, I was ok and felt good. Almost like a mental reboot... A life reboot, like I wasnt waiting for her anymore. But now I am starting to feel the effects. Mainly because I am too fucking scared to try and fall in love with anyone else... I think its effecting my attitude.

I called Julie just now (I have been drinking and I was in a good mood). Her nephew is visiting, so I was trying to get her to come over while he watched her girls. She was doing laundry and I kept pushing and she said "Listen, dude, I have real adult shit I need to take care of first." I instantly told her "Fuck you" and hung up, my mood turning sour from her rejection. If I hadnt been drinking and I didnt learn what i did today, everything would be fine. Oh well. I will just wait and see if she calls me. In all honesty, I really just feel like being alone as of late.
Yes, you should be alone now. That was kind of a dick move with Julie, just saying, but it proves the point. Also, never say never... You may eat those words.

I have been anti-marriage and anti-kid all my life, I just met someone that made me reconsider both. Though we may be too old for the kid thing. I know it is pretty cliche, but fucking hell if it does not happen.
Tragot said:
Yeah, I"d love to "get back on the horse" as all of my friends want me to do, but meh, I"m still stuck on this one.
Just do it. It is like the bitter medicine you got as kid when you were ill, you didnt want it but it did still help you.


re: tragot

If you didn"t do anything wrong, asking for a second chance doesn"t really mean anything. If things are going great and you fuck it up by calling her mom a sleazy whore, then you can ask for a second chance by changing the problem. But if there isn"t a specific problem that is changeable, giving it another go doesn"t make sense.

Also, when I"m stressed, I gravitate towards people who make me less stressed, and naturally shy away from people who make me more stressed. Sometimes I don"t know which person is which until I"m stressed out and suddenly feel like seeing more of person x and less of person y. I"m pretty sure everyone does that. If she is stressed out, and her reaction is wanting to see less of you, then that"s a huge tell that somehow you aren"t working for her. And there"s no reason that would change.

The situation sucks, but it"s out of your control. Focus on what you can control, like finding a new hobby to occupy your time and meeting other women.


Trakanon Raider
Yup. All love, all the time.

Never got around to calling the paddle boat girl, however this was her FB status update the other day: " some people just never ever change....too bad for u. happy thanksgiving!"

Rebound. Ah yeah....


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Never date people who can"t spell "you."

Just a personal rule I made up after I got married. Seems to be working fine for me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Lmao yeah I"m sure too bad for him. The dude probably screwed her over for the 100th time and she"s "over" him. And by "over" him I mean she is now even more deeply in love.


Trakanon Raider
Tenks said:
Lmao yeah I"m sure too bad for him. The dude probably screwed her over for the 100th time and she"s "over" him. And by "over" him I mean she is now even more deeply in love.
Yeah probably. I would imagine its the same dude she was "figuring things out" with back when I met her in August. Whatever though, I will quite happily be her revenge lay if that"s all it turns out to be.




Molten Core Raider
Eomer said:
Yeah probably. I would imagine its the same dude she was "figuring things out" with back when I met her in August. Whatever though, I will quite happily be her revenge lay if that"s all it turns out to be.

Which one is she again?
I"m looking forward to your ski trip reports btw, and I mean it

Seths said:
They were never about the same thing. They would start by one of us snapping at the other for anything because we were in a bad mood at the time and devolve into the other snapping back and getting mad. Usually the actual fight lasted a few minutes before we"d stop talking and just be mad for a while. Not healthy, but we never called each other names, there was no screaming, just a few snapped words in raised voices followed by silence.
Well that"s different then. There was definitely screaming, namecalling, and days of silence when Marion menopaused onto my feelings. And the reason was always some petty shit that doesn"t matter in the grand scheme of things.
Stupid cunt.

I"ve been with Annie for over 14 months now, and we never had a fight so far. Sure we have discussed things where our opinions differed, but I have never heard a loud word out of her mouth... (except during sex of course,

I will buy a ring this year (sold my apartment and have some money to blow on ring + wedding). And I will have a t-shirt printed that reads "She said YES!"

ok, probably no t-shirt.

Her mother said she would be "so happy". I"m really comfortable when we"re with her family.


Trakanon Raider
Which one is she again?
Chick being spanked. Called her last night, left message, she called back 30 min later, we agreed on lunch Saturday since she"s working nights this week. Kept the conversation brief, asked her what time to call on Saturday so I don"t wake her up, she said after 10am, I said great talk to her then.

Also chatted about the Chuck situation with my good bud, and one thing I have to watch out for is that she"s completely oblivious to when she"s flirting with guys or when they flirt with her, hence the billion guys coming up at the bar to talk with her (literally at least 6-8 in the 2 hours we were there), so I could well be one of those puppy dogs she talked about. Who knows? Bitches need to come with instruction manuals!


Molten Core Raider
Apologies for the blurriness. Picture honestly does not do it justice. turned out really, really well. Getting a Droid soon and this is taken with my phones current shitty camera. This is the product of being stupidly in love with a girl and having free time on your hands.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

Now I have no clue what to do with it. I spent far too much time and effort on it to destroy it. It doesn"t "hurt" to look at. My mind plays at the thought of people seeing it, going, "What"s this about then?" and then I"d get a wistful, distant look in my eyes as I recall the story of the girl who broke my heart.

Maybe I"ll date a girl and send this to her as my own "The Package." Herp durrrr.

Ah well. Live and learn as they say.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You"re a handsome young man
I would save the frame if you like it and use the mirror for target practice.



Eomer said:
Chick being spanked. Called her last night, left message, she called back 30 min later, we agreed on lunch Saturday since she"s working nights this week. Kept the conversation brief, asked her what time to call on Saturday so I don"t wake her up, she said after 10am, I said great talk to her then.

Also chatted about the Chuck situation with my good bud, and one thing I have to watch out for is that she"s completely oblivious to when she"s flirting with guys or when they flirt with her, hence the billion guys coming up at the bar to talk with her (literally at least 6-8 in the 2 hours we were there), so I could well be one of those puppy dogs she talked about. Who knows? Bitches need to come with instruction manuals!
You certainly WERE one of those puppy dogs she talked about. No question. The way you"re talking again sounds like the same thing is gonna happen.

Why not experiment? And by experiment I mean make plans with her and cancel them later. Have a lot of fun with her then respond to her texts with one word (e.g. "I had a lot of fun tonight!" "Good"). Txt back and forth with her, then when she tries to make a joke, ignore her for 3 days. You have nothing to lose, and if anything it will prove to be educational. This girl sounds like she has guys throwing themselves at her and never gets rejected. Fuck with her head and see what happens. I"m wagering she"ll be all over you.

Anyway, despite how much fun she is, you don"t find the "every guy wants me" personality annoying? Girls aren"t THAT oblivious. She probably knows why but she plays dumb because she doesn"t wanna change her behavior and/or stop the attention. It"s actually pretty rude to be with one person then engage a bunch of strangers to that person in conversation constantly throughout the night. It"s like chatting on your cell phone repeatedly.