Girls who broke your heart thread


JhexHex said:
I have to listen to two uneducated fucks (Both of her parents barely finished High School)...

I had to argue with these people about whether the word "Y"all" is okay to use in a college writing assignment...

These mongoloid fucking retard hicks...
Location: Oklahoma

Good on you for ending that shit though, clingy + morons for parents = perpetual headache. I don"t know how you could have dealt with that on top of clinical hours and what not.


JhexHex said:
TL;DR- GF was clingy, parents were retarded. Sam Adams is my new best friend.
Good call man. I had a similar experience and waited around long enough to be the one receiving the shitty news. Better to look before you leap than the building fall out from underneath you.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
AlexTheDictator said:
You don"t make it that hard to figure that you"re married and have kids. You kind of mention it often.
Nor do I give a shit about that. I do however, find it amusing that all he"s doing is providing a shitload of ammunition for when his balls actually drop and decides to have kids and then realizes that his children actually ARE the most important thing in the world instead of mocking me for it every post. I realize this entire thread is full of single guys who have trouble getting chicks to tolerate them for more than a few months at a time, but it isn"t exactly news that parents give a shit about their offspring.

Comments like "He doesn"t understand the concept of friends because he has kids," mean that yeah, there"s a basic misunderstanding of priorities in life when your dipshit buddies want to go out drinking and your boy has a T-Ball game that night. Anyone who says differently is just a shitty father, so it"s pretty impressive that he advocates being a terrible parent and tries to somehow pin it on me like it"s a badge of honor that I should be ignoring my kids and doing shit that I want to do.

Go ahead...ask Brad, ask Aamina, and ask that entire New Daddy thread how much their kids mean to them. The answer you get is going to be a pretty universal "More than you single guys can possibly understand," which was my original statement that started all his bullshit.

On topic --

TL;DR- GF was clingy, parents were retarded. Sam Adams is my new best friend.
Might I recommend moving north, sir? We have this season we call "Winter" here, but all in all, it"s a nice place, with far more people that finished high school.

Your main task now is going to be to handle the probable stalking from your clingy ex. A new phone number may be in order if things take a turn for the worse.


Dryst said:

Any advice from anyone who has been in this situation?
Without having that much time invested, you should probably go ahead and end things and save yourself a lot of pain down the road.

Oh, quick question! Are there any cultural differences thrown into the mix here or are they just religious whiteys?


If ever I thought that women, in general, weren"t bat shit insane...I was horribly, horribly wrong.

So I"ve been dating this girl for about seven months, going pretty good, we live together (don"t worry, no leases or anything like that) and things are rolling along smoothly.

About a week ago I started to really put together some inconsistencies with her stories about friends and goings on. No blatant lies, nothing that I could pin down, just little things that didn"t add up.

Fast forward a couple days...she leaves her email open (she always logs out of everything, clears the history, etc) and I see an email to some other dude. Now what she"s saying to him is consistant...sorta...with a story she"s been telling me about a friend she"s been helping through some relationship issues....except in the email she"s talking about herself (not her friend). The gist is, she"s telling the guy that she"s falling for for him.....which you can imagine was a shock given the quality of our relationship.

So that brings me to two days ago where I put a keylogger on my computer to see just how far the whackiness goes and boy did I get an eye full. Apparantly my girlfriend has four different Facebook accounts that she cross posts between. Status updates, check ins, the works. make it even appears that she"s goes through obituaries from 3 - 4 years ago and then makes new identities for Facebook. I was expecting to find some level of cheating...I did not expect the train wreck of sociopathic shenanigans that I found.

So what I need to know is....stick in there and watch the train wreck; delete all the pages and get out; or run for the hills?


Guarding the guardians
If you can detach yourself emotionally, you can troll her pretty epically in that situation.


avgeek said:
So what I need to know is....stick in there and watch the train wreck; delete all the pages and get out; or run for the hills?
Come in her mouth without giving her any warning, then break up with her the next morning.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah one could argue that if youcouldeasily detach yourself emotionally long enough to troll her, you yourself could be described as sociopathic. If you cared about this girl at all, you"re probably hurting somewhere in there. Might as well just get out and move on.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
and in the fucked-up mind of a woman you"ll be the bad guy for putting a keylogger on the computer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
avgeek said:
If ever I thought that women, in general, weren"t bat shit insane...I was horribly, horribly wrong.

So I"ve been dating this girl for about seven months, going pretty good, we live together (don"t worry, no leases or anything like that) and things are rolling along smoothly.

About a week ago I started to really put together some inconsistencies with her stories about friends and goings on. No blatant lies, nothing that I could pin down, just little things that didn"t add up.

Fast forward a couple days...she leaves her email open (she always logs out of everything, clears the history, etc) and I see an email to some other dude. Now what she"s saying to him is consistant...sorta...with a story she"s been telling me about a friend she"s been helping through some relationship issues....except in the email she"s talking about herself (not her friend). The gist is, she"s telling the guy that she"s falling for for him.....which you can imagine was a shock given the quality of our relationship.

So that brings me to two days ago where I put a keylogger on my computer to see just how far the whackiness goes and boy did I get an eye full. Apparantly my girlfriend has four different Facebook accounts that she cross posts between. Status updates, check ins, the works. make it even appears that she"s goes through obituaries from 3 - 4 years ago and then makes new identities for Facebook. I was expecting to find some level of cheating...I did not expect the train wreck of sociopathic shenanigans that I found.

So what I need to know is....stick in there and watch the train wreck; delete all the pages and get out; or run for the hills?
Pretty sure that by posting the tease, you are obligated to play it out and tell the story. Blueballing isn"t cool.

I vote for laying back until the right opportunity, then when you know she"s really overextended, sending a friend invite to every fake account you know of. Then post fireworks.


Riddle me this...
Whats Smart: run for the fucking hills
Whats Awesome: Troll like you"ve never trolled before and then post the shenanigans.


Avatar of War Slayer
avgeek said:
If ever I thought that women, in general, weren"t bat shit insane...I was horribly, horribly wrong.
She is a keeper man! Marry her quick before someone else does!


Brad2770 said:
She is a keeper man! Marry her quick before someone else does!
Hahaha, what"s scary is the way she acts around me, at work, and work friends...she seems like the most sane, reasonable, rational, normal person ever.

After doing some more super sleuthing I have the total number of bogus accounts up to six. I also found some chat logs that really tie the whole thing together nicely. Apparently, this guy she is after (we"ll call him....Bob) is the target of HER trolling. She was posing as some dude chatting with Bob about how he needs to get together with her. What"s really messed up is she references a mutual friend of theirs that died earlier this year and how she would approve of them getting together. In the middle of all this is another girl that Bob is interested in...BUT...they are both the same girl!

I don"t know how she keeps all of it straight, it"s pretty damn complicated and I"m just reading it. It seems that the primary point of all of it is to troll Bob and make her life seem really fun by posting about all her goings on with her other persona"s. Unfortunately I hate facebook (and she knows this) so it would be really suspicious if I started trying to friend some of her friends.

And don"t worry about being blueballed...this is to crazy not to share!


Trakanon Raider
Jesus titty fuck, I"m glad that for the most part I"ve avoided crazy bitches. That"s fucking unreal.