Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
GuardianX said:
LoL you see the shit from gizmodo? funny shit, quoting because they don"t need more page hits. attached is the chick.

I am convinced that none of this happened and she is likely friends with the guy and its all a setup..but yeah, just a fun read.
I"m confused. Is that article saying the fine-looking horse pictured is the world MtG champion?


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Haast said:
I"m confused. Is that article saying the fine-looking horse pictured is the world MtG champion?
Naah, the MTG guy is actually fairly good looking and as far as I read plays MTG, Poker and is a hedge fund manager. Attached a pic he posted to twitter of him and his cat after the article hit..

So in terms of desirability I would honestly say that the MTG guy has more appeal than Mrs. Ed.

I don"t mind plugging his twitter:Twitter

The whole thing sounds like a scam IMHO for pageviews on gizmodos end.


bofa, I have a comment unrelated to your question. You should never, never, never ask or imply another guy to back off from a girl unless he is your really close friend. Almost all guys will (1)not back off, and (2)tell her what you said to sabotage you and help him. Almost always. Actually, the only guys I saw not do that consistently are players that other dudes are threatened by, while the "nice guys" are talking shit about other dudes at every corner. It"s kind of ironic. I worked at a restaurant years ago, and this new guy comes in and by the end of the day asks, "Is anyone going after any of these girls here? I don"t wanna step on any toes." Then proceeds to slay like half the unclaimed female staff while ignoring any that another guy was even beginning to get involved with.

Anyway, it"s hard to read the situation. She could just be hedging her bets because you haven"t asked her to be exclusive. She could also just want to be free to do what she wants. She could be trying out a "what if" thought w/ that guy before deciding on you. Or she could just be a mega slut. It"s hard to know.

But, the fact that she told you she has other plans & didn"t try to hide it is a good sign. Almost every god damn girl on the planet will try to hide the truth in that situation. So I"d definitely say to NOT tell her to fuck off. You can either try a jealousy plot, or the (probably better) other option of just saying you want to date her regularly.

The Ancient_sl

GuardianX said:
Naah, the MTG guy is actually fairly good looking and as far as I read plays MTG, Poker and is a hedge fund manager. Attached a pic he posted to twitter of him and his cat after the article hit..

So in terms of desirability I would honestly say that the MTG guy has more appeal than Mrs. Ed.

I don"t mind plugging his twitter:Twitter

The whole thing sounds like a scam IMHO for pageviews on gizmodos end.
Yeah I don"t trust it. Her reaction just doesn"t seem genuine.


Thanks for all the advice fellas, appreciate it. Think I"m just going to give it a few days without initiating contact and see what happens from there. Give her some time to weigh the pro"s / con"s of each and maybe she"ll draw her own conclusions. The only thing that I"m really pissed at I suppose is the fact she texted my buddy over the weekend (same one who told me about the date, one which she met through me), invited them over before the hurricane for drinks, he brought that dude Chris, thus leading to the date.

It"s one thing if she"s going on dates with random dudes, I could care less about. It"s the fact that she sorta went behind my back and ended up with a date with someone she met through me.

I"ll keep ya posted on what transpires, thanks again.


Trakanon Raider
Eomer said:

Challenge accepted!
Xerxes as I"ve mentioned has a couple times asked to hang out but I"ve been busy, said I"d have to take a rain check etc., after about the third time I said I couldn"t make it she said something along the lines of "fine last time I"m asking, it"s up to you next time!" and something about if we do hang out it better be something great.

As it turns out a friend of mine has a couple spare tickets to Ray Lamontagne at the local opera hall tonight that he couldn"t use. I"d never heard of the guy up until he"d asked me if I wanted tickets a couple months ago, to which I said no at the time. Xerxes is most pleased to be attending. Let"s hope an hour and a half of sappy music does the trick!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I"m confused. Do you want to date Xerxes or just hit it? Because if you want to just hit it it seems like you put in way too much thought, time and effort.


Trakanon Raider
Don"t want to date, no, but I wouldn"t mind hitting it. I fail to see how putting her off for two months and then finally taking her to a concert with tickets I"m getting for free is much effort, though. She"ll probably even pay for dinner!


Still a Music Elitist
Hey guys, Eomer posted. It"s time to hold him down and jump on his nuts until someone else posts a tribulation of lust and love.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Mine was a genuine question I haven"t been following Eomer"s stories very closely. It just seems like her name is brought up everytime I cursory read his stuff. I had no idea he hasn"t been trying to get with her for months.


The Big Mod
bofa said:
Thanks for all the advice fellas, appreciate it. Think I"m just going to give it a few days without initiating contact and see what happens from there. Give her some time to weigh the pro"s / con"s of each and maybe she"ll draw her own conclusions. The only thing that I"m really pissed at I suppose is the fact she texted my buddy over the weekend (same one who told me about the date, one which she met through me), invited them over before the hurricane for drinks, he brought that dude Chris, thus leading to the date.

It"s one thing if she"s going on dates with random dudes, I could care less about. It"s the fact that she sorta went behind my back and ended up with a date with someone she met through me.

I"ll keep ya posted on what transpires, thanks again.
its done man, time to be movin on... That cunt done fucked someone inside ur social network after u took her on a fucking hot air balloon ride... Time to cut your losses.
Haast said:
Here is the important part of your post that is dead wrong. THAT IS YOUR JOB, NOT HERS. She opened numerous opportunities for you (by your own admission) and you pulled away. Instant friend zone.

It"s my personal opinion you are still moronic for trying to settle in for a long-termer on the rebound with a "hot 18 yr old", because that shit will never work. But you can figure that part out on your own.

The important part: it is your job to make the first move when a woman is giving you the opportunity. You are not being a "gentleman" by backing away, you are rejecting her affection and making her think you want to be friends. Nice recovery, though. Credit where credit is due.

EDIT: fix grammar fail. OCD inc!
you know, it never occurred to me that we could have brad 2.0 on our hands here til just now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Aamina said:
My 18-year-old chick tried to friend zone me and I said "I"m not your friend," to her face and she called me a selfish bastard. I left and didn"t even feel too sad about it. She texted me on the way home saying she wasn"t ready to date, and that she was happy I hadn"t kissed her because she wasn"t ready for that and so on. I continued to talk with her as I drove home because, well, why not, and as I pulled into my driveway the conclusion was that she really liked me and it scared her. And that I should continue to cuddle her and she"ll kiss me when she"s ready.

And you know what, I"m okay with that now, and I was okay with that then. Unlike most of you, I"m not in it to get my rocks off, I like the feeling of touching someone while falling asleep with Futurama on.So anyway I was expecting to just be that guy for a few weeks or whatever, and then she just leaned in and kissed me the next time we were together. And she looked at me and said, I feel so, so much better. Do you? And it did feel better. And then, more kissing.

You know what, if you don"t like this, and it"s gay to want to snuggle the hell out of someone and feel connected and wanted for 2 hours at the end of the day, and wait a few days to get kissed after you first meet someone, fuck you. I"m having a good time and if it doesn"t work out, whatever, I felt good in the meantime.
Was this line pulled straight from your book?

I"m starting to think that book was written from real life experiences.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Haast said:
it is your job to make the first move when a woman is giving you the opportunity.

The important part: it is your job to make the first move when a woman is giving you the opportunity

You are not being a "gentleman" by backing away

you are rejecting her affection and making her think you want to be friends
True story.
Dabamf said:
I think that"s the 2nd story I read here where a guy got friended, rejected the friendship, and it turned into something physical.
First one was me.

She was teasing me and trying to friend-zone me. I told her that if I ever get in her FZ I"ll stop spending time with her. Some time later I told her that I want more and got it. Happy relationship for around 1 1/2 years now.

Basically got together with my best friend and its very different and alot better than my previous relationships.


Trakanon Raider
Hung out with a friend last night, and was told something that really shocked me. Everyone"s group of friends has that couple that has dated each other since highschool and have the perfect life, home, and so on. I just found out that that couple in my group of friends is getting separated. They have dated since grade 10, never taken a break, got married at 25 (now 32), had a kid a couple years ago, appeared to be the perfect loving couple who just about never got mad with each other and so on. I don"t know many details, apparently they"d been going to counseling for a while and the poor dude is now looking for a place to live.

But apparently the wife has said that she"s not in love with him anymore, and that she thinks that maybe she never was to begin with. She let this slip out at a stagette for one of her friends while drunk, and all her friends are married to the dude"s friends, so he was walking around for a month pretending everything was all cool while most of his friends were like "ooooh, poor guy."

What. The. Fuck.

On the upside, I"ll be getting a drinking buddy back in a couple months, once he"s not an emotional fucking wreck.