Girls who broke your heart thread


<Bronze Donator>
Ronaan said:
No big deal, correct. I dated an 18 year old as well when I was 26. Not getting the point of people making it look like Aamina is a dirty old man hanging out at the kid"s playground.

(The girl in question and her story appear somewhere in this thread, it was the big breasted east german girl who was open toanything. We"re still facebook friends!)
Messing around with 18 year old girls really puts things into perspective and they are just so immature. After hooking up with a couple over summer it made me ask myself why would any older guy ever want to put up with their immature bs and games? It"s like living through the immature girl BS all over again.. they havent been through all the experience we have, and want to drag you through their journey again.. no thanks.

Sex was great though, they sure love to please, easy to play games with without ever having to be serious/commit.

Oh ya and for the trend in this thread, one was korean too. I could never stand to put up with their BS mind games, I mean damn I saw her two times in one week (first one I met her out, then saw her 2 days later) and she was asking me if I was her gf yet.. I"m like wow, don"t even know you.

Sure there are some that are 18 and hang around older guys (24+) on the regular causing them to see more mature, but the one I came into contact with had this whole idea that every guy just wanted to use her.. I wonder why, lol.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
21 year olds are bad enough.

I couldn"t even imagine hanging out with some 18yr old dumbshit.

Sometimes you need to stop being scared of women, and take the chance that one of them may be more manipulative than dumb.

You just have to hold your own and stick to your own game. When you start "living your life" or whatever you call it by a woman whom dictates your attitude, you start ruining your own goals.

It"s not just "don"t be ran by a woman" you shouldn"t have any individual be it man or woman direct your attitude, costing opportunity.

To expand, you should make yourself and be your own leader. You are a man, that"s what you have to do.


one I came into contact with had this whole idea that every guy just wanted to use her.. I wonder why, lol.
I explained this to a woman I"m having intercourse on the reg with. She hangs out with dudes, be that as it may she is going to get hit on. No big deal. Especially when it"s bar or club time.

1: I"ve went into detail with her, she has to accept those drinks.It"s your right as a woman to get free shit from desperate dudes at the bar.I ain"t jelly.

2: If you don"t know a dude is trying to be a majorcreeperandpound your box, and then you complain about dudes hitting on you and not knowing why, than you are not a good evaluator ofsocial situations. Ain"t upset, you just dumb, lol.

That"s the only two points I made and intend to stay to, because if a woman is stupid and doesn"t read into conversations past the face-value than their minds are juvenile. You have to evaluate that for yourself and continue to bag that fun box until whatever else happens.

There is no reason to get your attitude all out of wack with some juvenile mind when you could be out achieving goals & whatnot.


Just broke up with my girl. She was great except for the crazy. When we were together... it was good. more and more lately tho should would try to blame all her unhappiness on me. but only when we weren"t right next to each other. if i wasn"t with her i needed to be Miserable. woo fun times... =/


privileged excrementlord
Sounds like you"ve shed some shackles to me. Revel in it. Find someone that doesn"t make you feel like shit.


Molten Core Raider
Theme song for this thread.

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Lord Nagafen Raider
Dabamf said:
I know what token resistance is, and I know what real resistance is, the kind where you think, "ok this isn"t gonna go there tonight." The point of the story is the chick was clearly not going to go there at all, until the cultural thing came in.
Sorry, nothing at all to do with culture, I"m definitely no "pick-up artist", but I"ve certainly improved a lot in the past 3 years since I first started making the effort, to the point where last month I was feeling depressed because I hadn"t been on a date in like 3 weeks.

To use the "lingo"...
She was giving you LMR and you naturally did a freeze-out without even thinking about it. It works just as good for me when I do it intentionally as it did for you when you did it without the intent.

But from both how you describe it, and the end result, you handled that situation like a pro. Slow escalations followed by freeze-out whenever resistance is offered.

That you even use the term "frame" to describe your mindset and talk about bringing the girl "into your frame".... is exactly what works on western girls as well. The one date split into multiple mini-dates works on western girls to help them feel like they"ve known you longer than just one date.


Why do people keep telling me what happened in the circumstance where I was and they were not?

And Christ, if you wanna offer an alternative possibility, I"m all for it. But how about a little humility. "Hey maybe x,y,z happened?" That"s the proper way to offer a suggestion. "Sorry, you"re wrong" is pretty cunty. Cue NBC banner.

I know what LMR is. It wasn"t LMR. It was a complete shut-down (FMR first minute resistance?!?!). I didn"t freeze her out, either. I withdrew contact only when I was having my little mini-rant about not being a bad guy, but immediately put it back. I don"t ever do freeze outs on purpose, and I"m extra cautious about doing them inadvertently, because it"s incredibly manipulative. Yea I play games and whatnot but freeze outs are just really fucked up. It"s punishing a girl for not having sex with you before she"s ready.

And...sorry, you"re wrong. I haven"t been surprised about sex (ie that she would go for it) in like 5 years. I was surprised. I know what LMR is, I know the whole bedroom process down to why you should pull off panties at the same time as pants. I read those books. This wasn"t it. This was a switch that flipped after I had that talk.

I try to avoid the ethug "I get mad pussy yo" attitude but these "lol vagina noob" posts are obnoxious.

Moving on, I spent a lot of time with nice nerdy chick (#3) recently and I"m liking her A LOT. The feelings are mutual and, though its important to keep the pace in check, I have a feeling I"m not gonna be meeting other girls for a while. I do have to see #1 no-english-girl to kinda break it off. I was so drawn to that chick before, but now it"s almost nonexistent.


The Big Mod
Antarius said:
Sorry, nothing at all to do with culture, I"m definitely no "pick-up artist", but I"ve certainly improved a lot in the past 3 years since I first started making the effort, to the point where last month I was feeling depressed because I hadn"t been on a date in like 3 weeks.

To use the "lingo"...
She was giving you LMR and you naturally did a freeze-out without even thinking about it. It works just as good for me when I do it intentionally as it did for you when you did it without the intent.

But from both how you describe it, and the end result, you handled that situation like a pro. Slow escalations followed by freeze-out whenever resistance is offered.

That you even use the term "frame" to describe your mindset and talk about bringing the girl "into your frame".... is exactly what works on western girls as well. The one date split into multiple mini-dates works on western girls to help them feel like they"ve known you longer than just one date.
kill yourself


Antarius said:
but I"ve certainly improved
making the effort
She was giving you LMR
naturally did a freeze-out
you handled that situation like a pro
Slow escalations followed by freeze-out
resistance is offered.
bringing the girl "into your frame"
.... is exactly what works on western girls
one date split into multiple mini-dates
Someone get this man a book deal. It can be called ""Pussy Power Broker"" and have pie charts and graphs, and go in the business section.


It"s just stuff from those pick up artist books. Actually I lied, I don"t remember the exact reason, but it"s either that it puts 2 steps into 1 of undressing to make the process easier and faster, or it pairs taking off panties (a harder feat) with pants (much easier). Either way the goal is to prevent the girl from having to think and decide on each step in the sexual progression. It avoids the slutty feelings. It"s the same concept as not saying, "hey lets go to my place," but instead coming up with some purpose to go there like showing her the pictures from your vacation to the moon, so that she doesn"t decide to hook up with you, but rather just decides to see your pictures.

A freeze out is when you are progressing sexually and a girl stops you at a certain point. Your response is saying kindly andnotbitterly, "Ok, I understand." Then completely removing all physical contact, checking your email or turning the TV on. You frame it as, "I understand you"re not comfortable progressing more, so I agree, we should stop for now." But the girl still wants what you"ve been doing, what she"s comfortable with. But when you withdraw that, it"s kind of a punishment, and it feels really bad to be just left cold after you were so heated up in a moment just seconds before. You basically pretend you misunderstand her "no" as "stop completely," rather than, "let"s not progress more."

It"s incredibly manipulative and a really shitty thing to do, I think.