Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Silence said:
Explain how they aren"t? Not trying to be confrontational here, just looking for some illumination.
Pretty much any demographic information would show you"re out to lunch man. Average age of marriage in Canada is 31 for men and 29 for women. It"s probably similar in the US, no more than a year or two difference (on average, I"m sure in some of your shithole states it"s much different). And it"s higher for college educated people as well. That means that most women of a higher social standing/desirability (which may or may not say anything about their craziness quotient, natch), are not likely to be having children until well in their 30"s.

I"m 30, as are the majority of my close social circle. Of the 20-30 people that includes, only a couple have gotten hitched and the first couple is expecting their child in April, when the husband will be 30.5 and the wife nearly 31. Anecdotal, sure, but that"s extremely typical at least round these parts. A lot of us are friends with another group we call the "grade 12s" because they were in grade 12 when we were in grade 10, and lo and behold most of them have only had their first kids in the past year or two, at 31-32. Bro and sis had their first kids at 35 and 31, respectively, with partners of the same age.

And talking about demographics of marriage/divorce, things like a decent income, college education, marrying 25+, having a kid a year or more after marriage and so on rapidly decrease the rate of divorce down to less then 20-30%. The ones getting divorced by 30 probably ARE crazy, along with poor, uneducated, and saddled with 3 poorly raised kids soon to be horrific teenagers. No thanks!
Not to detract too much from the conversation at hand, but...

I just turned 21 on the 20th. I"m meeting someone who is 23 this weekend, and she has never been in love or in a relationship. This has prompted me to ask a somewhat general question: What is the rule in these kinds of situations? Is there one? Is she likely to be fucked up/crazy or is something else wrong with her? Is this normal?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Uhh unless she has actually said anything to make you really pause and think, meet her and see who she is before you make any assumptions.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Camerous Valde Unus said:
damn again you deliver more great advice Sutekh! You are a proverbial sage, my friend! Keep up the good work!

Oh wait....

Ah damn! Nope you"re still a dumb fuck. Good try though! Better luck next time!
I"m a dumbfuck because you fail at arousing women? You"d figure with all that practice on former miss americas you"d be good at it.
Phoenix said:
Uhh unless she has actually said anything to make you really pause and think, meet her and see who she is before you make any assumptions.
My assumptions on her are well reserved.

It"s just as I said, noticing prompted me to ask the question in general. This wasn"t actually concerning her directly. When I said "she," I meant someone who is that age and in that situation, not the girl I"m meeting.

It just struck me as a little strange. It"s the first person I"ve come across in my life that hasn"t had a relationship of some sort by that age. (That I know of)


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just turned 23 and haven"t been in a serious relationship. Longest one was about 6 months on and off, seeing each other a few times one week and not at all some weeks. I don"t see it as a big red flag, maybe she has different priorities than a serious relationship. See how it goes, if there is some red flags they will probably jump right out at you.


Camerous Valde Unus said:
damn again you deliver more great advice Sutekh! You are a proverbial sage, my friend! Keep up the good work!

Oh wait....

Ah damn! Nope you"re still a dumb fuck. Good try though! Better luck next time!
i"m going to try to force myself into this conversation and say that you"re a dumbass for trying to penetrate her when she clearly wasn"t warmed up. If after 30 minutes of foreplay she"s not turned on, then she"s not going to enjoy the sex. Her not enjoying the sex=less sex for you in the future. Remember how she said that she"s not one to have sex twice in a row? should have paid attention to her.


Molten Core Raider
Well for all the dumb fucks here who are just clueless I"ll post why she wasn"t wet.. didn"t think I needed to because I figured most of you would know there are many reasons why a woman doesn"t get wet or only gets a little wet... of course this is FoH so no idea why I thought most of you had a fucking clue...

She has a condition where she doesn"t produce enough estrogen and as we all know, or should know any way, estrogen is what causes a woman to get wet and get off. Since her"s is low she takes a supplement but it still doesn"t raise it enough to let her get wet more than once.

As for the people saying she isn"t interested in sex.. SHE is the one who wanted to have sex the first times... it"s just I like to get off more than once because it"s what makes me feel good... 1 times just seems too.. quick? Nah that"s not it... um.. unfulfilled.. yeap that"s it... I feel like I haven"t done my "job" with only 1 trip cause the first time is always fast for me... around 15 minutes... and that just isn"t enough for me to feel like I have done enough. yes I know this is my issue not hers but it"s how I am. Unlike how I act on here I am a very considerate person in RL and my partners needs and wants are always above my own and I feel like if I haven"t gone long enough I am disappointing them.

The Ancient_sl

She doesn"t want to go again because she hasn"t had time to forget how small and pathetic your pecker is. You got to space it out dawg, give her time to forget that and hope that maybe this time will be better.


projectoffset said:
I"m meeting someone who is 23 this weekend, and she has never been in love or in a relationship.
Never been in love by 23 is not that unusual. 23 and never been in a relationship is kind of strange and unusual though. You"re never going to know if she"s crazy until you test the waters, but just go into it knowing that even if she"s normal the odds of a serious relationship lasting with someone who has never been in one before (especially at that age) is probably close to 0.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Well for all the dumb fucks here who are just clueless I"ll post why she wasn"t wet.. didn"t think I needed to because I figured most of you would know there are many reasons why a woman doesn"t get wet or only gets a little wet... of course this is FoH so no idea why I thought most of you had a fucking clue...

She has a condition where she doesn"t produce enough estrogen and as we all know, or should know any way, estrogen is what causes a woman to get wet and get off. Since her"s is low she takes a supplement but it still doesn"t raise it enough to let her get wet more than once.

As for the people saying she isn"t interested in sex.. SHE is the one who wanted to have sex the first times... it"s just I like to get off more than once because it"s what makes me feel good... 1 times just seems too.. quick? Nah that"s not it... um.. unfulfilled.. yeap that"s it... I feel like I haven"t done my "job" with only 1 trip cause the first time is always fast for me... around 15 minutes... and that just isn"t enough for me to feel like I have done enough. yes I know this is my issue not hers but it"s how I am. Unlike how I act on here I am a very considerate person in RL and my partners needs and wants are always above my own and I feel like if I haven"t gone long enough I am disappointing them.
Just stop posting.


<Bronze Donator>
Camerous Valde Unus said:
She tries once again to persuade me not to but this time I am not going to take no for an answer unless she has a really good reason. She doesn"t so we proceed.
Dry pussy, nature"s anti-rape.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Well for all the dumb fucks here who are just clueless I"ll post why she wasn"t wet.. didn"t think I needed to because I figured most of you would know there are many reasons why a woman doesn"t get wet or only gets a little wet... of course this is FoH so no idea why I thought most of you had a fucking clue...

She has a condition where she doesn"t produce enough estrogen and as we all know, or should know any way, estrogen is what causes a woman to get wet and get off. Since her"s is low she takes a supplement but it still doesn"t raise it enough to let her get wet more than once.

As for the people saying she isn"t interested in sex.. SHE is the one who wanted to have sex the first times... it"s just I like to get off more than once because it"s what makes me feel good... 1 times just seems too.. quick? Nah that"s not it... um.. unfulfilled.. yeap that"s it... I feel like I haven"t done my "job" with only 1 trip cause the first time is always fast for me... around 15 minutes... and that just isn"t enough for me to feel like I have done enough. yes I know this is my issue not hers but it"s how I am. Unlike how I act on here I am a very considerate person in RL and my partners needs and wants are always above my own and I feel like if I haven"t gone long enough I am disappointing them.
Yeah that top part is bullshit. My girlfriend is the same way and she has no trouble. Then again, I"m not a massively overweight balding guy.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Well for all the dumb fucks here who are just clueless I"ll post why she wasn"t wet.. didn"t think I needed to because I figured most of you would know there are many reasons why a woman doesn"t get wet or only gets a little wet... of course this is FoH so no idea why I thought most of you had a fucking clue...

She has a condition where she doesn"t produce enough estrogen and as we all know, or should know any way, estrogen is what causes a woman to get wet and get off. Since her"s is low she takes a supplement but it still doesn"t raise it enough to let her get wet more than once.

As for the people saying she isn"t interested in sex.. SHE is the one who wanted to have sex the first times... it"s just I like to get off more than once because it"s what makes me feel good... 1 times just seems too.. quick? Nah that"s not it... um.. unfulfilled.. yeap that"s it... I feel like I haven"t done my "job" with only 1 trip cause the first time is always fast for me... around 15 minutes... and that just isn"t enough for me to feel like I have done enough. yes I know this is my issue not hers but it"s how I am. Unlike how I act on here I am a very considerate person in RL and my partners needs and wants are always above my own and I feel like if I haven"t gone long enough I am disappointing them.
What does this have to do with why you would just try to ram it in dry?


Cad said:
What does this have to do with why you would just try to ram it in dry?
Part of being a good lover is doing it twice, I don"t know why you don"t know this guys. It"s common knowledge, stop being idiots.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Awlbiste said:
Part of being a good lover is doing it twice, I don"t know why you don"t know this guys. It"s common knowledge, stop being idiots.
I definitely need to get ram horns tattooed on either side of my cock somewhere, that way chicks know what they"re in for.


So... the lack of posts asking "Have to do it twice?" is prompting an epic battle in my head... "Is everyone wondering why anyone would need to get off twice, but not asking? ...Or am I the only guy here who gets off and is finished?" Seriously, I haven"t really heard of guys who need to get off a second time. I think I only pulled that off once in my life, and it was a damn rare thing. It was definitely amazing though... just not sure if it was amazing enough for me to say "I WON"T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER."

Seriously, the way you talk about it is creepy. You want to get off again cause it feels like you haven"t "done your job" ... but it certainly sounds like you"ve done your job if the girl is feeling like she"s done.


Trakanon Raider
I thought that was the usual routine, honestly. You finish up, chit chat a minute, maybe grab a glass of water or a snack, and then pretend like you"re both gonna go to bed for a couple of minutes before one person rolls over and starts fooling around a second time. You go at it again, clean up and fall asleep.

That"s pretty much standard operating procedure until a relationship is a few months old, when it"s all the same anyway.

Yes, I"m very jaded.


Saladus said:
So... the lack of posts asking "Have to do it twice?" is prompting an epic battle in my head... "Is everyone wondering why anyone would need to get off twice, but not asking? ...Or am I the only guy here who gets off and is finished?" Seriously, I haven"t really heard of guys who need to get off a second time. I think I only pulled that off once in my life, and it was a damn rare thing. It was definitely amazing though... just not sure if it was amazing enough for me to say "I WON"T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER."

Seriously, the way you talk about it is creepy. You want to get off again cause it feels like you haven"t "done your job" ... but it certainly sounds like you"ve done your job if the girl is feeling like she"s done.
I"m still stuck on the whole "I"m a sensitive lover, but unless she had a really good excuse I wasn"t taking no for an answer to fucking her" borderline creep / rape-like line of thought he had going on..