Girls who broke your heart thread

Ser Kegkilla said:
didn"t you post like a month ago about banging some hot red head? was your relationship with this girl that short or did you just bang the girl behind her back? not that I"m judging, you do what you gotta do.
I did.

But no, it wasn"t behind her back. We started dating Oct2010, dated for about a year, i ended it due to some issues we had been having. Stayed split up for about a month or so, red head happened. Ex and I talked about our problems, we tentatively start seeing each other again, agree to see nobody else, etc. This happens. I say fuck it, we can"t keep doing this to each other, we"re done. Moving on now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Vatoreus said:
I did.

But no, it wasn"t behind her back. We started dating Oct2010, dated for about a year, i ended it due to some issues we had been having. Stayed split up for about a month or so, red head happened. Ex and I talked about our problems, we tentatively start seeing each other again, agree to see nobody else, etc. This happens. I say fuck it, we can"t keep doing this to each other, we"re done. Moving on now.
I was wondering the same thing as Keg. It sucks, but it"s good you are doing the right thing and not looking back.

Short update on my situation...the local girl I was seeing saw her ex at the same time I saw my ex. A few people here gave me grief for hooking up with my ex while "dating" a different girl early on in the dating situation. We both see dating as just that, dating, until it becomes something else etc and we both knew we were talking to our exes who were both far away. My ex who lives 6 hours away just decided to not move back here and the new girl just got a job 5 hours away so I"m back at square one. I hooked up with 3 other chicks since new years as well, but I wouldn"t date any of them. I just made plans with an ex for this weekend so we"ll see where this goes.

As hesitant as I was about getting back with my ex, I was looking forward to her moving back here and was going to give it a shot long term until she changed her mind. The double whammy is the local girl leaving in a week as well. The timing was going to work out pretty good, oh well. The local girl just told me that she is done talking to her ex and seems to want to start dating more official but I"m not going to do it with her moving so far away and getting a job that gives her little time off.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
A few people here gave me grief for hooking up with my ex while "dating" a different girl early on in the dating situation. We both see dating as just that, dating, until it becomes something else etc and we both knew we were talking to our exes who were both far away. My ex who lives 6 hours away just decided to not move back here and the new girl just got a job 5 hours away so I"m back at square one. I hooked up with 3 other chicks since new years as well, but I wouldn"t date any of them. I just made plans with an ex for this weekend so we"ll see where this goes.
You see gentlemen, this is the type of philosophy which gives us our entertainment.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Kenadul said:
I just made plans with an ex for this weekend so we"ll see where this goes.
You poor, poor bastard. I hope you realize this is only going to end poorly.


Kirun said:
You poor, poor bastard. I hope you realize this is only going to end poorly.
That"s just defeatist thinking right there. Don"t worry dude! There"s still a chance, you don"t want to give up on her knowing you could have won her back this one last time! She still loves you or else she wouldn"t have agreed to go out with you! If you treat her great and are a true gentleman, she"ll see how stupid she was to allow your relationship to flounder, and you two can be happy and together again forever!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Wrathcaster said:
That"s just defeatist thinking right there. Don"t worry dude! There"s still a chance, you don"t want to give up on her knowing you could have won her back this one last time! She still loves you or else she wouldn"t have agreed to go out with you! If you treat her great and are a true gentleman, she"ll see how stupid she was to allow your relationship to flounder, and you two can be happy and together again forever!
Pic related (drawn by The Oatmeal -Comics, Quizzes, and Stories - The Oatmeal-- just in case you weren"t aware)


<Bronze Donator>
I dated this chick for a couple months in fall, ended up breaking up prior to new years (she spent all of December an hour away at her family"s home, claimed no time to see me yet I came up to see her she had time then - never came to exchange Christmas gifts and bailed on NYE plans to be with family)

Anyway I decided to buy some avicii tickets, prior to this I invited her to go. She asked if we were going as friends, I said you"re my ex I don"t do friends with ex"s so no. I said we"d be rolling anyway so no way. She thought about it for the night and said okay.

Fast forward a week, she has twisted it to "you said not as friends but that doesn"t mean I can"t push you away from me" and she now plans on meeting a group of guy friends there so she wouldn"t be dancing with me "now and then" somehow she also believes her ticket is a gift.

Women. Since when does a guy buying your ticket, supplying goods and driving translate into just friends and go mingle with another group of guy friends? Told her forget it and invited a more reliable fuck buddy.

I mean really I can just not invite her and it would appear to be the same result lol. Logic! That"s my rant for the week.


privileged excrementlord
Maybe I"m the one that can"t read here, but it doesn"t sound like he actually gave her the ticket. Hence the "I decided to invite a more reliable fuck buddy."


<Bronze Donator>
I never gave her the ticket, I have both still. C"mon now! If I made it thoroughly clear what I wanted in the beginning and the end, you can expect I would hold onto my tickets until the event.

She"s not going, she can"t afford to and they"re sold out, $100 to scalpers if you wanted.

Im just glad I decided to clarify the situation before it was too late.

I have a diff chick going but not my first pick, how easy are techno concerts to pick up chicks? Never been myself, got floor tickets so it"s one big crowd


The Big Mod
not gonna lie, you sound pretty creepy and desperate.

sure you can still come to the concert..... if you have sex with me.

should have just let it be after the break up


Molten Core Raider
lost said:
I have a diff chick going but not my first pick, how easy are techno concerts to pick up chicks? Never been myself, got floor tickets so it"s one big crowd
uhhh I dunno if it gets much easier man. Take drugs with you and you"ll be battling the hoes off.

Raves are one of the last places on earth where chicks can still openly be sluts and not be all judgmental towards each other.


lost said:
I have a diff chick going but not my first pick, how easy are techno concerts to pick up chicks? Never been myself, got floor tickets so it"s one big crowd
1. Acquire Molly, Acid, Ecstasy, or Coke (or all of the above)
2. Post up and look sketch
3. Look for extremely scantily clad ladies dressed like fucking rainbow bright
4. Ask them if they need anything?
5. ??????
6. Profit (aka get laid or get paid, or both)

Or you could just go in the middle of the crowd and play the odds dancing with/humping random chicks wearing next to nothing. If it"s a big enough show (300+) you"re bound to eventually find a decent looking chick looking to bang one out after the show. Unless you don"t like banging people on drugs, in which case I would recommend you not try and get laid at a techno show/rave.

I"ve got a buddy who was an Ambassador for Bassnectar (stupid job title, I know), and his job is pretty much to help out people in the crowd with water and such, as well as do whatever other miscellaneous bullshit that doesn"t involve stage tech, mostly selling t-shirts and cd"s. This guy has no job (ambassador gig doesn"t pay, you just get in shows for free) and honestly he"s not that great looking, but he pulls in an outrageous amount of ass at every single show. He pretty much is doing nothing else with his life other than going to free rave shows and banging rave chicks.

EDIT: Almost forgot, don"t show up to the show dressed up like you"re going to a date, wearing nice clothes, or generally anything else that makes you look mature (no collared shirts, no button-ups, no nice shoes). The older and more professional you look, the more people will think you"re an undercover cop and treat you like a leper. If you"re older (26+ or especially past 30), you"re going to stand out so dress extremely casual: tennis shoes, t-shirt, shorts/jeans w/e. Raves are one of the few places where you can dress like an immature faggot and it"s completely acceptable, and in fact, encouraged.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Two nights ago was hanging out with some guys smoking. One of them told us the story of banging a chick in the middle of the crowd while dancing at Camp Bisco a few years ago.


brekk said:
Two nights ago was hanging out with some guys smoking. One of them told us the story of banging a chick in the middle of the crowd while dancing at Camp Bisco a few years ago.
You"d be surprised how ridiculously common this type of shit is. I went to Ultra in Miami the past two years, which is just a gigantic weekend long all-day rave and saw multiple people in the same crowd, at the same show having sex out in the open. Blew my mind that not only would someone be fucking in the middle of a gigantic crowd, but that there"d be multiple couples doing it at once at the same time.

Raves are easy pickins


<Bronze Donator>
Wrathcaster said:
1. Acquire Molly, Acid, Ecstasy, or Coke (or all of the above)
2. Post up and look sketch
3. Look for extremely scantily clad ladies dressed like fucking rainbow bright
4. Ask them if they need anything?
5. ??????
6. Profit (aka get laid or get paid, or both)

Or you could just go in the middle of the crowd and play the odds dancing with/humping random chicks wearing next to nothing. If it"s a big enough show (300+) you"re bound to eventually find a decent looking chick looking to bang one out after the show. Unless you don"t like banging people on drugs, in which case I would recommend you not try and get laid at a techno show/rave.

I"ve got a buddy who was an Ambassador for Bassnectar (stupid job title, I know), and his job is pretty much to help out people in the crowd with water and such, as well as do whatever other miscellaneous bullshit that doesn"t involve stage tech, mostly selling t-shirts and cd"s. This guy has no job (ambassador gig doesn"t pay, you just get in shows for free) and honestly he"s not that great looking, but he pulls in an outrageous amount of ass at every single show. He pretty much is doing nothing else with his life other than going to free rave shows and banging rave chicks.

EDIT: Almost forgot, don"t show up to the show dressed up like you"re going to a date, wearing nice clothes, or generally anything else that makes you look mature (no collared shirts, no button-ups, no nice shoes). The older and more professional you look, the more people will think you"re an undercover cop and treat you like a leper. If you"re older (26+ or especially past 30), you"re going to stand out so dress extremely casual: tennis shoes, t-shirt, shorts/jeans w/e. Raves are one of the few places where you can dress like an immature faggot and it"s completely acceptable, and in fact, encouraged.
Haha, good tips. I was going to dress a bit nice but I"ll go with some shoes, shorts and a vneck I suppose. Glad I asked!

I don"t know about posting up somewhere since its on campus and UCF has its own cops.. but I"ll def have a few things on that list. Although it"s inside so not sure where you"re going to be bumping shit

I was thinking yeah, just start rollin and go up in the crowd, see who lookin and hit it up. I"m just going to sell my extra ticket, floor is sold out so should be easy to get rid of.

Keg if you want to go blow $100 to take a girl that isnt interested in you go for it, I"m not going to. To me its not about desperation, as I uninvited her without a problem, it"s about not living in regret and if I take a chick that"s gonna not meet my expectations then it"s regret. Even then, I"m not going to pay the way for an ex to go meet up with other guys and bail on me, pssh.

edit: got a pregame/after party setup, should be easy pickings then