Godzilla (2014)


I'm With HER ♀

- all the things that sucked in PacRim are unfortunately here too.
And here I was hoping they're be no shit Australian accents and japanese bitches yelling 'FOR MY FAMIRY.'


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No spoilers, but I wasn't that impressed. The monsters were awesome but unfortunately they have about 10 minutes of screen time, almost all at the end. Most of the movie is pointless human shit, done by shitty actors.
Well, that's what I was saying early on, but recent trailers had me more hopeful. There have been reviews that consider it ok amounts of monster:story ratio, but I was worried it would be as you said. Although, really that's how I remember Godzilla movies as a kid. Lots of shitty human buildup to the climactic monster fight scenes at the end.


Saw it with the Toronto Star's movie critic at the critics screening IMAX 3D etc. Perfect remake of a classic Godzilla movie. You like the old ones you will ADORE and i mean ADORE this movie. The tension build up was fantastic, atmosphere of dread was palatable, and the use / non use of music hit the spot. CGI was fantastic, Big G and his opponent (fuck you spoilers) looked amazing, and for being as big as they made Godzilla for this movie, he carried his size like you would expect something so ridiculous to.

Acting was a weak point as everyone expected it to be, but Cranston and Wantabee were actually good. The guy from Kick Ass could have been a different actor who wasn't so one dimensional, he felt like Keaneau Reeves actually, where even though he can't act he didn't ruin the Matrix in spite of it, same deal here.

Again you have to set your expectations properly for this movie. THIS IS NOT PACIFIC RIM. It didn't try to be, it didn't want to be, it wanted to be an updated classic and in that respect it fucking nailed it. I really don't think 3D was necessary but a big ass screen with big ass sound sure was. The threate actually shook from Godzilla, I was really damn impressed. As for the guy above who didn't recommend this in a threate, I am actually speechless. I debated typing something out rebutting it, but he is entitled to his opinion, even if its wrong.

edit. Chuk going for the sound design on this movie alone is worth seeing it in the theatre with Dolby Atmos

edit 2. 9 out of 10


FPS noob
I will concede that if you are a huge Godzilla fan then this movie is probably pretty goddamn awesome, I guess it really captures those early Godzilla movies essence. I never really grew up watching them, I saw the mst3k versions (mostly Gamera) in college so the entire human element in this movie was goofy and boring as fuck to me. I didn't like the main Kickass actor at all, so him being the main focus of 50% or so of the movie really sucked (for me). The group I went with were all Godzilla newbies though and nobody thought it was that good, except for the last 15 minutes.

only reason I said to see it at home instead of the theater is that the best fight scenes are in the dark and shot at human angles, so it'd be nice to go back and replay some of it. I enjoyed Pacific Rim or Transformers much more at home where I could replay some of the fights and see what was going on, I feel like I wanna do that with the ending of this movie too. Of course if you are a big Godzilla fan its worth watching in theaters, I'd recommend IMAX though for the screen size and extra audio oomph. I'd skip 3D however if you can, I think the glasses and dark colors are an issue.


Molten Core Raider
Heh, what I'm hearing from Spronk is different from what I'm hearing from others. Great things, even if Kickass is a little underwhelming. I guess it depends on what you were expecting, though.

We'll see. I think I'll be seeing it Thursday night.


Buzzfeed Editor
Uhh even the shitty 1998 godzilla movie had the abomb/radiation backstory.
Yeah, but it's not just about back story--Godzilla is literally a metaphor for atomic power. The opening scene in the original Godzilla movie has him rising out of the water to destroy a fishing boat. That's in reference to thisincident; in which a Japanese fishing (Daigo Fukuryu Maru) boat was caught in our testing of the H-Bomb and the crew all eventually died from cancer. That scene was made to commemerate them, and cement Godzilla as the metaphor for uncontrollable Nuclear Power that could easily destroy us.

Anyway, sorry if you meant this Big-P--but it's always been something fascinating for me; and most people in the U.S. don't realize there is actually an symbolic link between atomic energy and Godzilla (And not just an origin story component.)

Also, 1998 honest trailer just came out and it's hilarious.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, but it's not just about back story--Godzilla is literally a metaphor for atomic power. The opening scene in the original Godzilla movie has him rising out of the water to destroy a fishing boat. That's in reference to thisincident; in which a Japanese fishing (Daigo Fukuryu Maru) boat was caught in our testing of the H-Bomb and the crew all eventually died from cancer. That scene was made to commemerate them, and cement Godzilla as the metaphor for uncontrollable Nuclear Power that could easily destroy us.

Anyway, sorry if you meant this Big-P--but it's always been something fascinating for me; and most people in the U.S. don't realize there is actually an symbolic link between atomic energy and Godzilla (And not just an origin story component.)

Also, 1998 honest trailer just came out and it's hilarious.

Did the Japanese release really put in the real Godzilla and have it kick the T-Rex version's ass? If so, AMAZING. Tip of the hat to Japan.


Millie's Staff Member
if spronk saw final wars in the theater with his buddies, they would all probably shit themselves with delight.