Good Anime Movies


Watched Tekkon Kinkreet. Very good, wonder why I've never heard about it? It's focused on two kids but it has adults and they act like adults. The art is stylized a bit but I like it, characters look more Japanese than European.

Maybe it had licensing issues?

Also the director has a European name. I wonder how he got the job, did he fund the project?


Toe Sucker
He's an american, i think the Japanese director just found interest in him through his previous software/cgi work he did. It also probably gave them a nice appeal to EU/NA by having somebody like him on the directorial team.
Great movie though, it's definitely up there on my favorites.

Spirited Away
The girl who leapt through time
FF7: Advent Children (i'd still classify it as anime)

are all super good, but Spirited Away is by far my favorite.

Casshern the live action film is also one of my favorites, although it's a live action movie based on an anime.


Also the director has a European name. I wonder how he got the job, did he fund the project?
He was not supposed to be the director initially (EDIT: Or maybe he was? Read further). It was supposed to be directed by K?ji Morimoto (director of the Magnetic Rose segment in Memories), a famous animator (Akira) who made waves in the '90s by being one of the first if not the first to blend 2D and 3D (the breakthrough example being:the video clip for Ken Ishii's Extra- the first person scenes, that aged pretty well, were jaw dropping stuff at the time).

Anyway, the american guy (Michael Arias) was very high in the food chain when the movie was in production. I went and dug up for you a catalog from the 1999 Annecy animation film festival because I saw both Arias and Morimoto there as they were part of a panel on new tech in animation in Japan. In it, Morimoto presents Arias as 'the director Michael Arias who is responsible for computer graphics.' So maybe Arias was the director all along? Anyway, there was a funny anecdote they shared during the conference, they were working on a shot of one of the character facing wind and I am not sure if it was the hair or a piece of cloth, but they tinkered again and again with their 3D plugin to make it look good and then they said 'fuck it' and Morimoto drew it by hand in 5 minutes!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Can one of you please satiate my desire to find a movie that is similar to Phantasy Star. Magic, Medieval, Hidden futuristic Tech, monsters. +nets!!!


Vyemm Raider
Can one of you please satiate my desire to find a movie that is similar to Phantasy Star. Magic, Medieval, Hidden futuristic Tech, monsters. +nets!!!
Can't think of any movies. You described Attack on Titan perfectly. Last Exile would also satisfy that itch. Berserk qualifies but the tone is way off.


Vyemm Raider
Can one of you please satiate my desire to find a movie that is similar to Phantasy Star. Magic, Medieval, Hidden futuristic Tech, monsters. +nets!!!
No anime movies, but Guin Saga, and Lodoss War may scratch the itch for anime.


Life's a Dream
Last Exile was awesome, but it's an Anime (26 episdooes?) as opposed to a Movie.

I don't really know what would work for you. Maybe if you wanted to do some old shit, Robotech would be up your alley. They had a few movies and a few anime series as well.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I really had never heard of Guin Saga. Dont ask me why, cause it sounds like I should have. Like the longest fucking book series in the world or some crazy shit. Author couldnt even finish the series cause they got sick.

Record of Lodoss War is about the closest out of the recommendations from you guys, but thanks for trying. I tried a couple random chat rooms where you can watch anime series for free, but they were just as stumped.

I have no idea why Im craving it > Phantasy Star was just like.. my thing when I was kid with my trusty Sega Genesis. Never got into PSO though. Star Ocean was the last game that really reminded me of Phantasy Star. But then again, I dont play games that much anymore.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Vampire Hunter D had a couple of good movies. Sort of medieval/magic/tech I suppose.

As for a series, maybe Scrapped Princess? Its decent.


I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
The place promised in our early days (Kumo no Muko, Yakusoku no Basho) was decent movie as far as anime sci-fi goes. really well animated and drawn. princess mononoke and grave of the fireflies are also pretty good.


Murder Apologist
The Place that was Promised is actually a fairly bloated big-budget reward project for its director Makoto Shinkai after he turned everyone's heads for his infinitely superior first OVA: Voices of a Distant Star.

Unbelievably, Shinkai created Voices of a Distant Star by himself (his girlfriend voiced the female) with his PC and a copy of Lightwave. It's a hard sci-fi space opera with the usual Japanese highschool romance epic. But it builds on some classic sci-fi tropes like time dilation and some old-school space battles.

Looks like you can watch the first ep online:Crunchyroll - Watch Voices of a Distant Star Episode 1 - Voices of a Distant Star


It's a short film. It's probably called episode 1 because of the way things are stored on crunchyroll. Also I think there are two versions: The 'made at home' one with his wife and him doing the voices and a remastered one using a voice actors.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I dont know why, but Ive loved Vampire Hunter D for ages it seems like. Some of the other stuff Ive seen so far has been ok. Watched a couple episodes of each suggestion. Iria isnt exactly what Im looking for but it definitely gets pretty close - Ive been watching the hell out of it. Never realized you could find all this anime for free without actively pirating any of it.


Life's a Dream
My daughter and I finished watching A Letter to Momo today. It was a really good movie, and she enjoyed seeing the 3 "creatures", whatever you want to call them.

Great suggestion.


<WoW Guild Officer>
You might want to check out "Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki - Wolf Children", pretty good light-hearted movie in that area.


Light-hearted is not the word I would use to describe a movie about the struggles of a single mother and the difficulties of finding your place when you grow up different than other kids!